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Page 18

by Leah Holt

  On the outside I looked calm and relaxed, but inside I was a mess. My nerves were running wild, my heart was racing, and my stomach was doing so many flips I thought I was going to throw up.

  Taking in a deep breath, I let it out slowly as I stared at my feet. It was a strange feeling, to be standing on the beach, about to give myself to a woman who had become my world. I never thought I'd be here, not a chance in hell.

  I expected my life to end, I never thought it would just be beginning.

  Closing my eyes for a second, I touched the small locket in my chest pocket. My mother had given it to me a few days before I had gone to court to testify against Marcos. She told me it was a symbol of strength and love, filled with my brother's ashes. I've kept it with me ever since, refusing to put it down.

  He was here with us today, standing by my side as my best man, silently smiling down on us from above. I had to believe that, because I could feel him.

  Opening my eyes, I started to lift my head, and I had to hold my breath. Emery was coming down the flower-covered aisle, barefoot and glowing. The biggest smile I had ever seen was on her face as she held her bouquet at her waist.

  The orchids cascaded down over the back of her palms, flowing like water to her wrist. Her dress moved like silk against her skin, cradling the bump emerging from her belly. I tried to breathe, but I couldn't, she was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.

  Passing the flowers to my mother, Emery smiled up at me as a single tear trickled down her cheek. Lifting my thumb to her face, I swept it away.

  I knew it was a happy tear, a tear built off of something special, made from the purest form of love anyone could wish for. But she didn't need to cry, not for this. This was all about us, about our life together.

  Taking her hands, I braided our fingers together and stared into her eyes. I wanted to live in this moment, to hold onto it forever.

  Because this was a new birth for me. I was no longer held back by the pain I had felt, or the anger that worked me from the inside. All of that was gone. I had finally found happiness.

  The minster opened his book as he started to speak. “Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous, it's not angry, or arrogant. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful. Love does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.”

  His words coated my body, bleeding into me as our eyes held each other, and the world around us faded away.

  “You may speak from you heart,” he said, as his gaze settled on my face.

  Stroking her fingers, I smiled. “Before you I was no one. I was a lost boy, a man without a purpose. But when I found you, you changed me instantly. All I wanted was to protect you, to love you, to give you the world in the palm of your hand.” Dropping to one knee, I cupped my hands around her belly and kissed our unborn child. Standing back up, I scooped her face in my hands as I spoke. “I love you, I'll always love you. I can feel you in every piece of my body, it's like you're a shade of me, and without you I'd be half of a person. You're in my heart forever, you're the love of my life.”

  Emery's eyes were glossy as she sniffled and wiped her cheeks. Her smile was endless as it reached from ear to ear. Glancing up at the sky, she lowered her gaze to mine. “I can't imagine what my life was like before you, and I don't want to. You're a part of me, you belong to me. I'm yours and you're mine. And this child, this child is a creation of us. I want to grow old with you, I want to share laughs and tears. All I want is forever with you. I love you.”

  Lifting her hands to cover mine, I leaned in and brushed the tip of my nose against hers. Emery bit her lower lip, and that was it, I kissed her. I kissed her with all the emotions I had finally freed.

  I kissed my wife, the mother of my child, the love of my life.

  We weren't just two people getting married, we were a family binding our lives together as one.

  One heart.

  One love.

  One life.

  Three months later


  Shit, it's so hot in here.

  Pushing up on my elbow, I draped my legs off the side of the bed, and adjusted the fan so it was pointing directly at me. The air felt good, even though it was still as hot as fuck.

  We really need to fix the air conditioning.

  My eyes drifted to the window unit, and I wished it was alive so I could tell it to fuck off. The hormones were driving me insane. I'm hot all the time, I could cry over absolutely nothing. Literally nothing.

  I had a major melt down a few days ago because Porter brought me a burger, and had forgotten to put pickles on it. It's not his fault, I apologized right after, blabbering through the tears that just kept coming.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I watched him as he slept. His face was scrunching up as he his lips moved like he was talking in his dreams. There was no sound, but he was animated with thought.

  Grunting softly, he rolled to his side, curling around his pillow. Smiling, I rubbed his back up and down with the tips of my fingers. He stirred a little, his back arching as I tickled over his ribs.

  Climbing out of bed, I shuffled my feet across the floor and into the kitchen. Grabbing a glass out of the cupboard, I filled it with cold water. My throat felt dry, like I was swallowing sand.

  I was wide awake, the sun wasn't even a glimmer on the horizon. Peering into the darkness, all I could see was my reflection looking back.

  God, I look like shit.

  Spinning against the counter, I down the rest of the glass. I knew I'dnever get back to sleep. Heading back to bed, my husband had rolled onto his back, and was now taking up the center of the mattress.

  His body was glistening as he laid in his boxers, arms out to his sides, sheet partially tangled around his thick legs. I could feel my body start to tingle as my eyes ran up his body. Softly, I brought my fingers to my lips, debating if he'd enjoy being woken up right then.

  Leaning against the doorway, my fingers moved from my lips down the center of my chest, and circled one nipple to the other. I was so tender lately, the slightest touch gave me chills, and my pussy was always wet.

  Pregnancy didn't turn me away from sex, it made me want it more.

  Rubbing my nipple, I plucked it gently, then slid my fingers down my huge belly, until I reached my pussy. Massaging my clit, I used a single finger to draw firm strokes over the swollen bead.

  Biting on my bottom lip, tingles raged through my body, so close to the cusp of a full orgasm. But I quickly pulled my hand away. I wanted my husband to give me that pleasure.

  Quietly, I moved to the bed, and knelt beside him. Placing kisses across his chest, I ran the tips of my fingers down his abs, slipping them into his boxers, until I reached his cock.

  Gripping his dick, I started to stroke him up and down. His cock thickened in my hand, all while my husband was still deep in his dreams. Stroking up and down, his stayed closed, but he licked his lips and rocked his hips, forcing his dick deeper into my palm.

  Up and down, I stroked him until he was so hard, his tip was engorged and his shaft was rock hard. His cock speared through the hole in his boxers, the tip glistening in pre-cum.

  Straddling his waist, I pulled up my nightgown, and guided his cock to my entrance. I was soaked, my pussy throbbing and swollen, begging for a release.

  Rubbing his tip through my folds, I spread my juice all over his cock, then slowly lowered my body until I hit his furry base. My knees lift, driving my body back down as I fuck my sleeping beast.

  His hands captured my hips by surprise as he opened his eyes with a grin on his face. “Now this is something to wake up to,” he said, digging his fingers in hard as he drove his cock up deeper into my heat.

  “Mm,” I moaned, tipping my head back as I rode him slow.

  He was so damn hard I could feel him in my belly as my clit pulsed with need. The sleepy haze in his eyes was gone and he wa
s just as awake as I was. My arousal dripped over his shaft as I rocked my body faster and faster.

  Porter released my hip, and shimmied my nightgown over my head. “Fuck, you're so beautiful, just look at you,” he said, his eyes licking my body as he bit his bottom lip.

  Sweat began to trickle down my back, my skin was flushed and turning red. I could feel the heat as it spread from my cheeks to my neck.

  Placing a firm hand on my back, he pulled down so he could suck my tit into his mouth. His tongue flicked back and forth over my tender skin, and his cheeks hollowed as he let my tit release with a pop.

  Goosebumps shot down my arms as my hips worked faster and faster to ease this ache in my clit. My belly clenched as the orgasm bubbled, finally exploding through my muscles in one quick blast.

  Screaming in pleasure, Porter drove himself as far inside me as he could go. His cock stilled, pulsing like a heart beat as warm cum filled my pussy.

  Sitting up straight, I ran my hands through my hair and smiled. “Wow.”

  “Wow is right,” he said, helping me off of him. “I could wake up like that everyday.” Smirking, he sat up in bed. “Couldn't sleep, huh?”

  “It's too damn hot,” I said, moving to stand in front of the fan. He peered at me, his eyes still holding a little twinkle. “What?” I asked.

  “Nothing, you're just gorgeous. I love the way that bump looks on you.”

  “Stop it, I'm a house.” Laughing, I turned so the fan was hitting my back.

  “I'm serious.” Standing, he walked to my side, his dick still slightly stiff. “That's our baby in there, you're carrying my child, there's nothing more beautiful than that.”

  Bashfully, I drop my eyes and smile. “Well, tha—” I started to say, but was quickly cut off by a sharp pain in my stomach. “Ah. . .” Gripping my stomach, I hunched over.

  “What? What is it? Are you alright?”

  “Yeah, I'm fine. It's just a cramp. It's gone now, probably one of those braxton hicks contractions.” Grabbing a few tissues, I wiped myself clean, and dropped them into the trash.

  “Uh, Emery. . .” His words trailed off as his eyes set on the floor.

  “What?” I asked as I followed his gaze. There was a small puddle pooling at my feet. Taking a surprised step back, my eyes shot back up to his. “What is that?” I asked.

  Porter shrugged, quickly coming to my side. “Do you think your water broke?”

  “No, it can't be. I still have two weeks left before I'm due.” But as I looked down, the liquid was still trickling down my legs, making the puddle larger.

  A second cramp caused my entire stomach to tense up, crippling me as I stood. Bending over, I grabbed the edge of the nightstand. It was intense, as if something on the inside was trying to bore its way through my belly.

  “Okay, it's time, let's go.” He ran to his dresser and grabbed some clothes, quickly tugging them on. “Here,” he said, throwing me my nightgown. “I'm taking you to the hospital.”

  The cramp faded, so I stood back up. “Porter, I'm sure it's nothing. The doctor said last time I was there that my cervix hasn't even thinned yet.”

  “You're what?” he asked as he took our hospital bag from the closet and dropped it on the floor. Pulling a sweatshirt over his head, his eyes firmly plant on mine. “I don't know what that is, but the pool you're standing in is telling a different story. Come on, we're going.”

  “Fine, but I'm telling you, this is a false alarm.” Holding up defeated hands, I slipped my pajamas over my head and slid my feet into the sandals by the door.

  Porter helped me into his small car, forcing the bag past my face and into the back seat. He climbed into the front seat, and looked over with a glare in his eyes.

  “What?” I asked, arching a brow.

  “Seat belt?” he said, bouncing his eyes over my shoulder and then back to me.

  Reaching back, I grabbed the strap and pulled it over my giant belly. “You know you're going to have to get a new car, right? This one isn't going to cut it.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Porter, it's a two door sport car. How are we going to pack everything and a baby in here. I mean the bag itself takes up most of the back seat.”

  “We'll just have to get a mini van then.” He glanced over at me and winked as he started the car and pulled out of the driveway.

  “Nope, not a mini—” A sweeping lightening bolt shot through my core, causing me to lurch forward and grab the dashboard with two hands.

  Porter throws a hand out and cups my belly, massaging it as his eyes stay on the road and he drives us to the hospital.

  This man was a miracle. He wasn't panicking. He wasn't all over the place, with his foot to the floor, swerving around cars. He was controlled, determined, but he wasn't going to do something that would risk the safety of his family.

  Or so I thought. . .

  As the hospital came into view, Porter hit the gas hard. The car jerked forward, throwing me back in the seat as he yanked the wheel and the tires screeched as we flew through the parking lot.

  He whips the wheel and we tear through the ambulance port. Slamming on the brakes, Porter throws the car into park, and jumps out of the front seat. Wiping the hair out of my face, I expect to see him at my side, opening the door.

  Instead, Porter is running through the double doors, his arms in the air, yelling like he had a bee in his pants.

  Oh my god. . . Pressing my palm to my forehead, I closed my eyes and shook my head to myself.

  A nurse ran to his side, and I watched as she tried to calm him down. She was trying to figure out what he was saying, searching him for injuries and listening intently.

  Porter drops his palms to his knees, finally pointing to the door. He looked back over his shoulder, and I could see him mouth the words, 'baby'.

  The nurse called out something to others in the room, and she instantly started to move towards the doors. Another nurse darted up behind her with a wheelchair, and they quickly came out the door.

  Pushing my door open, I started to twist in the seat. The first nurse out the door dipped down and grabbed me at the elbow.

  “Hey, I hear we're having a baby tonight?” She helped me out of the car, and into the wheelchair. “How's ya feeling right now, Mom?”

  “I'm alright, I'm sorry for my husband, he was calm right until we got—” Another contraction locks my muscles and tightens around my core. “Ah!” I yell out, hissing through my teeth.

  “Alright, relax, remember, breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth. Don't worry, we'll take good care of you.”

  “Emery, you alright? Is it another one?” Porter asked. I didn't even see him come up, I was too focused on the pain that was taking me hostage.

  Nodding, I'm did my best to slow my breathing. “What the hell happened? You were doing so good. What made you freak suddenly?” I asked as I reached up and took his hand.

  “I don't know, I just lost it.”

  “Alright, let's get you to upstairs to the maternity ward.” The nurse pushed the chair into the hospital, and called out to my husband. “I just need you to move your car, then come on up to the third floor.”

  Porter nodded yes, climbing into the front seat and pulling away. The nurse leaned into my ear, and whispered. “Don't worry, we'll keep him under control.” She giggled, giving my shoulder a rub.

  She pushed me through the halls, and into a dimly lit room. Helping me out of the chair and into the bed, she hooked me up to all the monitors. The room was quiet, calm, and I instantly had a sense of relief.

  I was trying to deny the reality of what was happening. The baby was coming, I couldn't ignore it anymore. It's a fearful thought. Everything was about to change in the blink of an eye.

  For nine months I've held this small being in my body, feeling it move. The small feet as they would kick me, the tiny hands that would stretch out, hiccups. And now I was about to meet this life we created.

  “Where? Which one?” I hea
rd Porter's voice in the hall, frantic and crazed.

  Suddenly, he bolted through the door, sweat pouring down his face, eyes wild and panicked. He stopped short, his feet skidding across the smooth tiles.

  “Emery, are you alright? You didn't have the baby yet, did you?” His eyes scanned the room.

  “No, Porter, it takes a bit longer than thirty seconds.” I felt a pinch in my arm as the nurse slipped the needle under my skin. “What's that?” I asked.

  “This is for fluids, or medicine if you need it.” She smiled, and glanced between us. “I'm going to grab the doctor, I'll be right back.”

  For three hours Porter paced the room. He would come to my side and rub my head or stroke my arms during each contraction. The pain was getting more and more intense. It felt like my insides were being carved out, it's like no pain I had ever felt before.

  “You're ready, you're fully dilated,” the doctor said, popping up from the edge of the hospital bed. “You ready to have this baby?”

  I smiled, and I'm pretty sure Porter just began to sweat even harder. He was dripping, the collar of his shirt was darkened and his chest was soaked.

  Taking his hand, I ran my thumb over the nub on his wrist, and forced him to look at me. “You ready?” I asked, giving him a tender smile.

  He squeezed my hand back, and smiled weakly. “No, but I don't think it's up to me.” He chuckled nervously, and kissed my forehead.

  “Time to push,” the doctor said, dropping back down so all I could see was the top of his head.

  Grabbing the side rails, I gave a heavy push. Over and over I pushed, bearing down hard, using every ounce of strength I had. Porter had moved to the end of the bed, his eyes eager to see our child.

  “I can see the head, it's right there. Come on, one more push!” The doctor called out loudly.

  Grunting, I closed my eyes, and pushed as hard as possible. I was tired, I was so so tired. I had nothing left in me to give, but somehow I found the strength to give one more push.

  I felt my body release as the baby slipped free. Everything had gone silent around me. Opening my eyes, I glanced up at Porter, his face white as a ghost.


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