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Champagne Romance (Romance Novel)

Page 9

by Suellen Smith

  Slater grabbed Swan‘s hand and yanked her to her feet, “Come on, let’s go walk the beach.”

  The rolling ocean had a calming effect on both of them as they began to stroll along the wet sand. They had each taken the time to remove their sandals, which they carried in each hand. They walked in companionable silence both wondering where to begin.

  Slater’s hawk eyes soon spotted dolphins that were wave jumping as they skimmed along the dark blue ocean. They seemed to be following the many surfers that tried to catch a breaker or two as the tide rolled in and out. They appeared to be having so much fun that Swan was sure she could see a smile on their faces.

  Swan and Quinn often came down to the beach to watch the dolphins and sailboats. He loved to play in the sand. Together they would build sand castles, draw pictures, and pick up shells. She cocked her head to one side and wondered if Slater would enjoy building castles with their son as well. Would he tickle him, read to him, love him? She needed to tell him soon that he was a father---just not today.

  A sand dollar washed up on the ocean beach. It was unusual not to be broken. Swan picked it up and put it in her pocket. She jumped over a dead jellyfish and continued to look for seashells to take home to Quinn. She soon became absorbed in her task and concentrated on finding the perfect shells for their collection.

  As Slater observed this unusual complex woman, he contemplated her life since the plane accident and their fateful time together. He wondered about her lover and if she had married or loved him. He wondered what she had looked like pregnant and surprised himself by fantasizing that it had been his child. Had the father been there for the delivery? He didn’t like the thought of her going through something like that on her own. If it had been his child, nothing would have stood in the way of being there with her and seeing the life that they had made together for the first time. It might not be any of his business, but he intended to get some answers to his questions.

  The fragile truce kept each of them from firing away with unanswered questions and the morning soon passed quickly with only a little light tension left after a couple of hours. It was as though they had made a silent pact to wait for a more appropriate time when they were perhaps both in a more congenial mood. Right now, they seemed like oil and water, totally unmixable. Funny, how different circumstances have a way of making a near death situation so totally affable and a familiar routine situation completely volatile. Their relationship had not begun easily, and yet they had pulled together. Now, there seemed to be a deep crevice between them---only time would tell whether they would be able to bridge the gap of the chasm that had rapidly appeared between them and seemed to be looming over them like the dark clouds on the mountain top.

  Slater just had to ask, “Are you free this evening?”

  Swan pondered the question for a second and replied, “No.”

  Just like that she was turning him down, no explanation, nothing!!

  Swan had promised to take Quinn to a pizza parlor with kiddy rides and entertainment this evening. It was her quality time with her son. She wasn’t ready to share him with his father. Although she knew that time was coming, she needed to totally evaluate the entire situation for what would be best for their son. Would Slater make a power play for custody? The very thought made her shiver with terror. Somehow she did not believe that he would sit back and not be an active parental participant or take him from his mother. Nevertheless, he might decide to kidnap him and disappear to another world. He certainly had the capabilities, contacts, money, and power. The very thought of such a nightmare gave her a migraine headache as her imagination began running completely rampart. The doctor had told her to avoid any stress. Well, good luck with that one was her next thought.

  Slater began to analyze the situation and his imagination also began to run awry. Just because she wasn’t married didn’t mean that she didn’t have a live-in lover. The very thought made him see blood red. He could just imagine her with someone else, those long silky legs wrapped around him, stroking him, pleasing him. That visual almost “flipped him out”!

  Slater didn’t take any time to evaluate his feelings. Swan was his once and he intended to make her his again! He was the first one to have her and he would be the last! That was the plan and no way was he going to make a detour from that thought. He had led dangerous missions all over the world and had never failed. If this little powder puff of a delicious woman thought that she could out maneuver him, she would soon find out that she didn’t have a chance against his charm and tactics!

  “I already know your address if that’s your concern,” he tossed the words at her as though they were a gantlet. She said nothing. “Do you have a lover?” he snapped.

  “That is none of your business!” she quipped.

  Slater grabbed Swan’s arm and whipped her around so that they stood toe to toe. “Well, I’ve got news for you, lady, I’m making it my business!”

  Swan was not up for another disagreeable argument as her head was already throbbing. It was just easier to give in, “No, I don’t have a lover,” was her quiet reply.

  Slater tried not to grin in triumph. She was an easy crack. He knew he could get the information from her that he wanted. After all, he was an experienced interrogator and even the most harden criminals would tell him their life story if asked properly.

  Swan on the other hand, knew she needed to get home and take her medicine as her head was beginning to spin. It had been a long time since she had seen double, she thought. But, just before she fainted, she saw two, too many Slaters and then total heavenly darkness.

  Slater was more than a little chagrined and alarmed over his callous grilling as Swan collapsed into his arms. He should have known that Swan’s health could remain somewhat fragile. As he had watched her rub her temples, he should have realized that it was a clue. He was trained to observe and evaluate all situations setting emotions aside. He only prayed that he had not endangered Swan’s health in any way as he knew that it would be his ultimate sin forever.


  A quick cell phone call to 911 soon had an ambulance arriving and then blaring its way through the coastal traffic onto the nearby hospital emergency entrance. Swan woke to the bright lights of a hospital room just as she had after the birth of Quinn. Relief at clear vision suddenly turned to anxiety as concern of her son’s welfare intruded. She needed to contact Maria and let her know what had happened. She needed to get home to Quinn. She weakly sat up and swung her lanky legs over the side of the bed trying to keep her head from swirling. She felt like she was going to pass out and quickly laid right back down.

  Swan could hear Ace’s voice as he took complete charge and conversed with the doctor outside the room. It sounded like a familiar routine. The door was slightly ajar. Weakly, she called his name. She didn’t think that he could hear her, but he suddenly appeared at her side. She was visibly upset. She needed to talk to Maria, reassure Quinn, and go home and take her medicine. Slater informed her that he had taken care of everything. He had used her cell phone to call home and contact her housekeeper. Maria had informed him of her medication and assured him that she would take care of Quinn until Swan returned home from the hospital. Right now, she was to rest and remain in the hospital overnight for observation. She did not argue with him. The pass twenty-four hours with very little sleep and the demanding Ace was catching up. She had been given a relaxant and she soon resorted to dreamland.

  The next morning, Swan awoke to the smell of yucky hospital food as a tray of it was being placed next to her bed. Slater was standing nearby silently mouthing, “I’ve got bagels,” as he held up the Einstein sack.

  Slater was delighted at the way Swan’s eyes lit up when they zeroed in on her favorite food. After the nurse left, they drank coffee and ate in companionable silence. It wasn’t long before a gray-haired doctor appeared in the doorway. After the nurse had taken her vital signs, he declared her fit as a fiddle and signed off on her release.

As the doctor sailed out the door, he said, “Just make sure you take it easy, MRS. Slater. We don’t want to see you in here again for anything else except babies.”

  You could have heard a pin drop with the silence that followed as Swan’s eyebrows rose questionably at Slater. He shrugged his shoulder, “I’ve learned from the past that I have a lot more authority if I’m a husband.”

  There wasn’t time to dwell on that comment as the dismissal staff along with the nurse entered the room. They shuffled Slater out into the hall while they helped Swan get dressed and stuff her in a wheel chair that Slater rolled to the exit ramp.

  Waiting at the entrance was Slater’s sleek black jaguar with the silver cat at the end of the hood eyeing their departure patiently and observing Slater gently lifting Swan into the passenger seat. He slid under the wheel and started the ignition as the glossy jag purred to life. It pulled away from the stately hospital and headed towards Swan’s condominium.

  Pulling to the entrance of Swan’s condo, Slater clipped off orders to the doorman and helped Swan from the car seat. Taking her by the arm, he guided her into the posh entryway. There were five elevators for five condominiums. They each had their own separate private entry. It was a relative quiet place. Two people lived there year-around as did Swan. The others were phantom tenants that only occasionally visited their swanky summer homes.

  The elevator swiftly took them directly to the top floor. It opened onto a marble foyer that faced double French doors. Off to the side was a private stairwell for safety that was kept locked from the outside at all times. Slater made a mental note to check that part of the building’s security.

  Using the keypad next to the door, Swan unlocked the entrance to her home. As the doors swung open, a little body ran towards her with open arms. “Mommmmy,” screamed the delighted small child. Swan automatically squatted down to greet her only child with the same enthusiasm as he had shown her.

  Watching the love between mother and son, made Slater have a slight pang of jealously at the connection between the two. His mother had certainly never been happy to see him and vice versa. Swan and her son seemed to have that special relationship that all children should experience, but all children are not quite so fortunate. Judging from the toys that were scattered around, he didn’t seem to lack for material things as well.

  Hovering close by, was an elderly Spanish lady that seemed genuinely concerned about Swan. Assured that all was well now that his mother was home, Quinn soon began squirming in his mother’s arms. He wiggled to the cherry floor and zoomed off to ride his tiny tot toy car. Swan then walked over to Maria to give her a hug and thank her for taking care of Quinn. After introductions were made and Slater was not extended an invitation to stay any longer, he pulled Swan aside.

  “If you are feeling up to it, I expect to see you on Monday morning in my office; also, if you have plans for next Saturday night, cancel them!” With those two demands, Slater left the condo shutting and securing the double French doors behind him.


  Monday morning came and Swan walked into Slater’s office. She was dressed in a plum pantsuit that made her hair take on the hue of a deep red sunset. It was parted in the middle and pulled back in a schoolteacher knot as though she were trying to look as unattractive as possible. It didn’t work. The suit matched the pale purple sunglasses that she had not bothered to remove. Jade earrings dangled from her earlobes. A jade bangle bracelet encircled her wrist. Plum shoes of a red and jade swirling design wrapped her trim ankles with a thin leather strap. With a Prada bag to match slung over her shoulder, she looked ready for business? War? Discussion? It was difficult to judge her mood with those damn sunglasses perched on the end of her nose.

  Slater assumed a relaxed position and leaned back in his leather chair. He put his hands behind his head and asked. “How do you feel?”

  “Fine,” was her reply.

  “Take off your glasses.”

  Slater’s sudden demand made Swan jump as she felt like he had just asked her to undress and wondered what he would demand that she take off next! When she didn’t respond, he came around the desk, and removed the glasses himself. Putting his hand on her chin, he tilted her head up to him. He then scrutinized her eyes until he appeared satisfied.

  Sitting on the edge of the desk and peering down at her, he pierced her with a direct a stare. She felt a little like a small mouse and that an eagle watching trying to decide her fate. She did not doubt that Slater had the capabilities to do with her whatever he chose and that was more than a little unnerving. When she was blind, she missed some of the power that he eluded. She thought about closing her eyes and cutting him off from her sight, but she knew that that would be cowardly. So, unflinchingly, she returned an unweaving gaze.

  To Slater, she appeared poised and self-confidant. So much so, that he had the urge to rattle her cage a bit. He stuck her sunglasses in his pocket. There was no way that he was going to let her hide behind those purple lenses. Besides, the eyes are the windows to the soul and he intended to reach all the way to her center without any interference. So, let the courting begin.

  Grabbing Swan’s hand, Slater pulled her to her feet. Not letting go of her soft extremity, he yanked her along behind him with her tugging all the way. To let go would have assumed that she would follow and he wasn’t taking any chances.

  In an agitated voice she asked, “Where are we going?”

  “Out!” was all the information that he divulged.

  Slater told his office manager to cancel all calls for the day and continued walking briskly toward the front entrance pulling a reluctant Swan behind him. To her credit, she didn’t bat an eyelash as though dragging beautiful women through his office was a common day occurrence.

  Throwing open the massive glass doors of his business firm he pulled Swan out into the bright sunlight. A slight sob behind him got his attention. Whipping his head around, he could see that Swan was stiff as a soldier with one hand covering her closed eyes. Slater immediately assessed the problem and guided her into a shady area.

  “Oh hell, Babe--- I am so sorry,” he whisper softly into her ear as he drew her to him and tried to shield her body from the sunlight as he reached for those damn purple glasses.

  A few minutes later, Slater had maneuvered Swan into a small French restaurant with soft lighting. Having ordered a trendy French wine and placed an order for both of them, Slater asked, “Have you taken your meds today?”

  He was so demanding that it was on the tip of her tongue to clip back that she had not. But, at the risk of antagonizing him farther and causing another massive headache for her, she replied in the affirmative. At the same time, she thought that next time she would order her own damn lunch!

  Searching her face, he appeared satisfied. Never one to beat around the bush, Slater did not mince words with his next question. “So, when did you get your sight back?”

  “When” had been bugging Slater for some time. In his mind, it was settled. He expected her to say, “In the hospital at Breckenridge.” Why else would she have taken off without a word left behind for him? In his mind she owed him an explanation. What she did reply rather surprise him.

  With an unwavering look, she answered his question, “During the birth of my son.” She could have said “our” son, but she chose not to do so.

  “Was the father there?” he continued to grill.

  “No,” was the only answer forthcoming.

  Slater’s emotions were churning. When he found out who the son of a bitch was that left this blind woman to work things out on her own, he was going to have a confrontation that would not be pretty. Swan was given a reprieve from elaborating as the waiter delivered their pasta at just that moment. She felt so relieved that she could have blown the waiter a kiss.

  Just as Swan was feeling a little mellow from the French wine, Slater asked a rather personal question in spite of the fact that they once made love and made a child together. “What do
you have on under that plum thing?”

  Swan should have known that Slater would continue to keep her unbalanced with his method of questions. She suddenly had the urge to pull the lapels of her suit closer together, but resisted and only managed to squeak out, “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.”

  “Underwear, what do you think women wear under their clothing. What do YOU have on under that black thing?”

  Amused at her come back, he answered with, “Nothing.” He knew that that would shut her up as he watched her clamp her jaws closed.

  Having paid the bill he stated, “You need to rest and relax this afternoon.”

  Dragging Swan to a nearby swimsuit shop, Slater began snapping orders at the little young clerk. Swan stood stoically near the door wondering if she could make a mad dash from the store and disappear among the natives and tourists. He told her to stay put and she was just spunky enough not to do so. Sighing, she discarded the idea of fleeing knowing full well that he would find her and probably yank her all the way to his car. He knew exactly what he wanted in the swimsuit department and they were soon heading for the beach.

  They walked along the boardwalk to the boat alcove behind the restaurant. The yachts, sailboats, and cigar speedboats were all lined up and parked in their individual slots. Slater headed for his medium sized sailboat. His sharp eyes flickered over what was probably a drug boat parked in the slip four docks down. The double motors on the back were a dead give away for quick departures when needed. He made a mental note to alert the Coast Guard to get an ID, but their cargo had probably long ago been dispose of in the smarmy underworld of Los Angeles.

  Slater’s sailboat was small enough that a crew was not needed and he could sail it by himself. It was his relaxation and recreation. He enjoyed the soft wind and quiet solitude when he needed to regroup. Sometimes he would take a date, but mostly he enjoyed the isolated sport by himself. Today, he needed to regroup and get away. The boat was a perfect place for Swan to spend the afternoon relaxing in the hazy sun of overcast clouds while he sailed out to sea.


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