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Recipe for Love: A Sweet Collection

Page 14

by K. C. Lynn

  “Oh sorry,” she says, glancing up at me sheepishly. “Can I sit by the window or do you want to?”

  “Go ahead, I prefer the aisle anyway.”

  After flashing another one of her bright smiles, she crawls over to her seat, giving me a great view of her ass in those damn yoga pants. My control is thin, bordering on the edge of destruction. Now that I’ve got to touch and taste her, it’s all I can think about. I need more, I need her. This weekend I plan to do exactly that, I will take her in ways she’s never imagined, by the time I am done with her, there will be no questions about who she belongs to.

  Once she’s situated, I take my seat and send my mom a quick text to let her know what time we will be arriving. She was shocked as hell when I asked if I could bring Grace with me but also elated. I’ve never brought a girl home and even though I explained Grace’s situation to her, she knew that me bringing her was more than that.

  Pocketing my phone, I shift my attention over to Grace and find her checking everything out. From playing with her TV to rummaging in the seat pocket in front of her and even looking out the window at the wing next to us. I’ve never seen someone so fucking intrigued by an airplane before. You’d think she was on a rocket ship. It amuses the hell out of me.

  The flight attendant comes on, telling us to buckle our seat belts and watch the safety video. Grace follows the instructions, staring transfixed at the video that no one ever pays attention to. Her excitement quickly transforms to fear when they talk about what to do in case of an emergency.

  “You okay, Cupcake?” I ask.

  She nods but I don’t miss the hard swallow she takes.

  I reach for her hand, curling my fingers around hers. “Don’t worry. It’s the safest form of transportation. Everything will be fine.” Resting my head back, I shift in my seat, trying to get comfortable but it’s impossible to do when you have no fucking leg room.

  The plane rolls forward, starting down the runway. Once it’s in position the pilot punches the gas, picking up speed for takeoff. The nose of the plane lifts, transitioning from ground to air. There’s minor turbulence and it sends Grace over the edge.

  Gasping, her hand darts out, slamming into my chest.

  “It’s okay. This is normal,” I tell her.

  She doesn’t acknowledge me, her face ashen and eyes wide with fear as she stares straight ahead. I shift to move closer but her fingers tighten on my chest, nails clawing into me.

  “Don’t move, Sawyer. I’m serious, you’re big and your weight might mess somethin’ up.”

  I pull her hand away, and lean in to nuzzle her throat. Her body is still stiff but she angles her head, allowing me to have more. I taste her skin, my lips soothing and coaxing and it isn’t long before I feel her relax.

  “You good?” I ask, lips brushing the shell of her ear.

  “I will be if you keep doing that.”

  Little does she know, I never plan to stop.


  Nerves begin to override my excitement as we leave the airport in our rental and head for Sawyer’s parents’ house. My attention is riveted out the window on the Rocky Mountains as I find myself completely in awe of their beauty.

  “How far is the drive?” I ask.

  “About an hour. I grew up in a small town just outside of Denver, on an acreage.”

  “You’re a country boy, Evans?” I ask, my brow lifting in surprise as I look over at him. “I would have never guessed. Do you own a cowboy hat, too?” I snicker.

  He grunts. “Not that kind of country, baby. You’ll see.”

  My curiosity piques at the vague response. “Tell me more about your family.”

  “What else do you want to know?”

  “How long have your parents been married? What do your sisters do for a living?”

  “It’s going on thirty years for my parents. My youngest sister, Sam, graduates this year from high school, with honors,” he adds proudly. “And my middle sister, Jesse, is your age—she’s in the fashion industry and makes clothes. She’s even thinking about opening her own store.”

  “Wow,” I say, impressed. “They sound like wonderful people. I sure hope they like me.” My gaze reverts out the window again, my anxiety kicking up another notch. I value Sawyer’s friendship and the thought of his family’s disapproval absolutely terrifies me.

  He takes my hand in his, the warmth of his touch bringing my attention back to him. “They’re going to love you, Grace, just like everyone does. And if they don’t, I’ll kick their asses.”

  I roll my eyes but a smile cracks my lips. “You can’t kick someone’s ass for not liking me, Sawyer.”

  “The hell I can’t. I’ll kick anyone’s ass who hurts my Cupcake’s feelings.”

  Laughter tumbles from me at the ridiculous statement, but I can’t deny the flip my tummy does. I really like it when he says things like that. I haven’t had someone care about my feelings in a long time.

  Resting my head back on the seat, I keep my eyes on him, admiring the way his body fills the massive SUV. Where my seat is pushed forward, his is all the way back to accommodate his long legs. His dirty blond hair wisps out the side of his black hat and makes my fingers itch to touch it again.

  Unable to stop myself, I reach over and rip it off his head.

  “Hey! What the hell are you doing, woman?”

  Giggling, I push to my knees and lean over to wrap my arms around his neck, making sure not to obstruct his vision of the road, and give him a big loud smooch on the cheek. “Thank you for bringin’ me here, Sexy Sawyer.”

  “You’re welcome.” His voice is gruff, thick with need, one I feel all the way to my core.

  Feeling bold, I rest my forehead on the side of his and dance my lips across his stubbly jaw, bringing them to his ear. I take a sharp nip like he always does to me, hoping it elicits the same reaction that I get.

  It does.

  His low growl fills the truck, the sound of it hitting me right between the legs. “Grace, you need to get back in your seat or I’m going to pull over and fuck you right here. I don’t give a shit who drives by.”

  I can hear the strain in his voice; hear how close he is to snapping. As much as I’d love to see just how far he can be pushed I don’t want my first time with him on the side of the road. So I’m smart enough to listen but not before giving him one more kiss, right below the ear.

  The sound he makes in his throat has me giggling as I take my seat again.

  “There’s nothing funny about how hard you make my dick, Cupcake.”

  “Calm down, I was just teasin’, ya grump.”

  He reaches over and laces his fingers with mine. “Tease away, baby, because I have big plans for you this weekend.”

  Anticipation has my heart skipping a beat. I’d be lyin’ if I said I wasn’t curious what those plans are. More make out sessions? Or will we both cross that line of no going back? In my opinion, I think we already have but I’m ready to take that next step with him. I’ve come to care very deeply for Sawyer, more than I’ve ever cared about another before. It’s a little scary, especially for my heart, but I refuse to let fear ruin something that could potentially be everything I’ve been searching for.

  The rest of the drive is mainly quiet with our thoughts, the silence saying more than we could. Eventually, we pull up to a wrought iron gate in the middle of nowhere. Sawyer lowers his window and enters a bunch of numbers into the keypad that has the gate opening.

  I frown, wondering where the heck we are. Until we drive down the long paved road that leads to one of the biggest houses I’ve ever seen. “You’re rich!” I shriek, looking over at him incredulously.

  “No. My parents are.”

  “Why wouldn’t you tell me this?”

  His eyes narrow. “Because I knew you would make a big fucking deal about it.”

  “Because I don’t fit in here, Sawyer.”

  “Fuck that! You belong wherever I do.”

  I shake my head, betra
yal thickening my throat. “I can’t believe you kept this from me, that you would let me find out this way.”

  “It’s not a big deal, Grace. It’s just money.”

  Easy for him to say, he fits in anywhere, I do not. Feeling close to tears, I turn my face away, fearing for the impending disaster when his family meets me and realize I’m far from fitting in.

  Once the SUV comes to a stop, he reaches for me. “Come on, baby, don’t be upset.” He pulls on my arm until I’m straddling him, remorse shining in his eyes. “This doesn’t change anything. Yes, my parents have money, but my dad worked his ass off to have all of this. They’re good people, which you will soon see, and they’re going to love you, I promise.”

  “You should have told me. I shouldn’t have found out like this.”

  “You’re right, I’m sorry. I really wanted you to come with me, and I didn’t think you would if you knew.”

  I probably wouldn’t have.

  His hand lifts, fingers grazing the side of my cheek. “Forgive me?”

  I nod. “Just don’t keep things from me, it ain’t right.”

  “I promise, Cupcake, never again. Now let’s kiss and make up.”

  Smiling, I wrap my arms around his neck and seal my mouth over his for a toe-curling kiss but that’s where my control ends. His hand fists my hair, angling my head so he can devour me.

  I shift on top of him, his erection nudging me where I crave him most. A growl erupts from his throat as he cups my bottom. My breath races, hips rocking faster as I drown in all the feelings this man evokes in me. I’m so caught up in them that I forget where we are. Until a loud bang on the window yanks me back into reality.

  Gasping, I fly off Sawyer, landing back in my seat.

  A girl, whom I’m assuming is one of his sisters, has her face plastered against his window. “What are you doing in there, big brother?”

  Even though I’m incredibly embarrassed at the moment, I can’t help but laugh at the way her nose is squished against the glass.

  Sawyer glowers at her, not finding her as funny as I do. She gives him a sweet smile and waves, her fingers dancing in the air.

  It elicits another giggle from me but it fades quickly when I look out my window and see Sawyer’s entire family standing outside waiting to greet us. My stomach plummets, knowing they all witnessed us making out.

  Oh god. They probably think I’m such a whore.

  Sawyer blows out a frustrated breath, oblivious to my torment. “Come on, let’s get this over with so I can get you alone.” He climbs out and is attacked by his sister. She throws her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek. Sawyer hugs her back, lifting her off her feet as he rounds the truck.

  “You can do this, Grace. Pull yourself together,” I mumble. By the time I work up enough courage to open my door, Sawyer is there, offering me his hand.

  I accept it, thankful to have something to hold onto.

  “Grace, this annoying pest is my youngest sister, Sam,” he says, introducing the girl who clings to him. She’s stunning, just like her brother. With long blonde hair and big green eyes, but a shade lighter than Sawyer’s.

  She gives me a radiant smile, then surprises me by wrapping me in a hug. “Nice to meet you, Grace. Sorry for interrupting, but I’ve been awaiting my brother’s arrival impatiently.”

  “That’s all right. Sorry you had to interrupt anythin’,” I whisper, still feeling mortified.

  “I love your accent,” she says.


  Before I can ponder that, a loud squeal comes from the front steps, and another beautiful girl comes bounding down the stairs. She launches herself at Sawyer but rather than hug and kiss him like Sam just did, she hooks him in a headlock. At least she tries to, but Sawyer ends up flipping her upside down.

  “Put me down, you brute!”

  He ignores the demand and turns to me. “And this one here is Jesse. She thinks she’s tough, so I’m constantly having to prove her wrong.”

  She extends her hand to me as she hangs upside down. “Hi, Grace, nice to meet you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, too.”

  She drops her hand and squints up at Sawyer, a mischievous smile curling her lips. “She’s pretty. How did you land someone like her with your ugly mug?”

  I cover my mouth as a snicker escapes me, but Sawyer grunts, unamused.

  “All right, let me up now, all the blood is rushing to my head,” she says, slapping his arm.

  “Nah, I think I’ll keep you like this for a little while longer.”

  Her eyes narrow. “If you don’t let me up, I’ll tell Grace about the time you were ten and cried because—”

  Sawyer rights her quickly, cupping a hand over her mouth.

  I raise a questioning brow at him.

  “She’s fuckin’ lying.”

  “Sawyer Evans, watch your language!”

  My attention pulls left, taking in the beautiful blonde woman who descends the steps gracefully. Her warm smile contradicts her scolding tone, love dancing in her eyes as she approaches her son.

  “My boy is finally home.” Rising up on her tiptoes, she cups his face between her hands, forcing him to bend down, then rains a million kisses all over his face. “I” smooch “have” smooch “missed” smooch “you” smooch “so” smooch “much” smooch.

  Jesse rolls her eyes in my direction. “He is such a momma’s boy.”

  “Hey, Mom,” Sawyer grumbles, clearly embarrassed by the affection but he’s kind enough not to push her away.

  After she finishes showering him with love, she turns her kind smile on me. “And you must be Grace.”

  Returning her smile, I extend my hand, trying to hide my nerves. “Yes, ma’am. It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Evans.”

  Instead of taking my hand, she wraps me in a gentle hug. “Please, call me Catherine. I am so happy you’re joining us this weekend.”

  “Thank you for having me.”

  My eyes meet Sawyer’s over her shoulder and he gives me a knowin’ smirk. Guilt and shame strike me as I realize just how judgmental I was of these nice people only minutes ago, all because of their money. I expected them to be stuck-up and materialistic. Catherine Evans might have money to flaunt herself, but she doesn’t. Her designer jeans and a soft pink, thin cashmere sweater, is simple yet stunning on her.

  She steps back, her hands remaining on my shoulders. “You are so pretty. Isn’t she pretty, John?” she says, turning to the attractive man behind her who only now begins descending the steps.

  “She sure is.” He’s almost as tall as Sawyer, with the same lean, muscular build and a headful of dirty blond hair. With dark green eyes and a charming smile, there is no doubt that Sawyer is the spittin’ image of his father. “Nice to meet you, Grace. I’m John, Sawyer’s father,” he says, his large hand engulfing my small one.

  “Nice to meet you, John. Thank you for having me.”

  “Like Catherine said, we’re glad you could join us.” His attention shifts to Sawyer and that’s when all easiness vanishes. The love that was in the air since we’ve been here is now replaced with tension. “Sawyer,” he acknowledges him.


  Catherine’s eyes dim, and the girls shift uncomfortably. Sawyer told me he and his father didn’t see eye-to-eye but I didn’t realize it was this bad.

  Catherine flashes me the best smile she can muster. “Why don’t we go inside? We can have a drink and visit before I start supper.”

  “We’ll be there in a minute,” Sawyer says. “I’m going to take our stuff to the guesthouse first.”

  “You aren’t staying here with us?” Catherine asks, seeming disappointed.

  “I offered Sawyer the guest house, Mom,” Jesse says. “To give them more privacy.

  Guilt rears inside of me to hear she’s giving up her home for us. “Don’t leave on our account,” I tell her. “I’m fine to sleep anywhere. Honest.”

  “No. Jesse will sleep at the main house,” Sawye
r says, his tone brooking no further argument.

  I turn on him, unbelieving how rude he’s being. “Why on earth would you kick your sister out of her house? It’s unnecessary. Like I said, I’m fine to sleep anywhere.”

  “We’re taking the guesthouse!” he fires back.

  My eyes narrow and I open my mouth to argue back but the sound of muffled chuckles keeps me from my tirade. His family watches on, looking more than amused by our bickerin’.

  Jesse slings her arm around my shoulders, starting us up the stairs. “Oh, Grace, I have a feeling you and I are going to be great friends.”


  The visit with Sawyer’s family was really nice. I had a great time getting to know them all. They are some of the nicest and funniest people I’ve ever met, which shouldn’t surprise me since they are a part of Sawyer.

  It’s obvious his sisters are thrilled to have him back, even if it’s for a few days. They might tease and banter with one another, but they look at him as if he’s their hero. As beautiful as this family’s interaction is to see, it also makes me miss my mama. Our family may have been small, but our bond was strong.

  The tension between Sawyer and his father was present for most of the hour and you can tell it upset the rest of the family. The more I get to know John, the more I have no doubt that looks are not the only similarities between he and Sawyer. They have the same personality, which makes me wonder if that’s why they butt heads so much.

  When things became a bit too tense to ignore anymore Sawyer took our luggage to the guesthouse while I joined Catherine in the kitchen. It’s a dream kitchen if I ever did see one—wide-open with lots of counter space and more than enough cupboards. The triple wall ovens are what do it for me though. The amount of pies I could bake up in this kitchen has my fingers twitching and ingredients emerging.

  “Here, honey, take this and have a seat,” Catherine says, handing me a glass of wine.

  “Are you sure I can’t help with somethin’?”

  “I just want your company, nothing else.”


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