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Red Eclipse

Page 6

by McKayla Schutt

  Memories of his cousins, his sister, and himself played in his mind as he remembered them all sitting around, listening to his aunt tell old stories about the packs. A few stories mentioned witches, but for the life of him, he couldn’t remember the details. They were the reason he headed to Wyoming instead of hiding in a cabin for a month.

  After driving so long, his only regret was not calling Aidan to join them. Olsen trusted the seasoned fighter. My cousin will help us though. The thought helped keep him going. Alia didn’t wake up when he stopped for fuel, but finally started to wake ten minutes outside of Laramie.

  “How much further?” She stretched her arms above her head.

  “Almost there, darling.”

  She yawned, making him yawn too. She stiffened her legs and her back went rigid.

  “What’s wrong?” Olsen watched her for a moment.

  Shaking her head, she relaxed into the seat. “The water is making a reappearance.” She gave him a half smile.

  “Two more minutes and we will be there.” Olsen’s mind wandered to what it had felt like to have no control of his body when Dean had cast him under the spell. Just thinking about it made him tense and angry. He wanted the bastard, Dean, dead for a few reasons.

  “Good.” Her eyes darted to the scenery outside. They reached the dirt road to his cousin’s house. The local alpha waited, as Olsen had sent a text message to him when Alia had been asleep. Olsen saw Alia change from relaxed to a stiff board like she was nervous. He parked the truck up front, resisting the urge to grind his teeth. The door swung open and a little girl and boy ran out toward the pickup. Their mother followed, calling after the children. Olsen and Alia climbed out of the truck. He was excited to see his cousin.

  “Welcome!” Judden’s voice boomed.

  “Thank you for having us,” Alia said.

  “Any friend of Olsen’s is a friend of mine. My name is Judden, this is my mate, Kindra, and my two kids, Chloe and Avery. Maybe a Jackson or Emma will join us soon.” He placed his hand on his mate’s swollen belly.

  Olsen guessed she was eight or nine months pregnant from the size of her belly.

  “Nice to meet you all.” Alia shook their hands.

  “Let’s get inside so we can talk,” Kindra said, before waddling back inside. “Back yard you two.” She glared at her children and they ran into the house. I hope she will be safe here. Olsen’s determination to protect Alia kept him moving, and now everything hinged on Judden having the right story about Alia’s coven so she could get answers.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “WHAT BRINGS YOU HERE?” Judden spoke first after Alia ran to the restroom. They all rested on the two large couches. Alia looked over at Olsen, she wondered the same thing. They had been in the car for hours, yet he hadn’t mentioned why they had come here. He had been determined to come here instead of going off into the mountains to hide. She turned to take in Judden, she saw the family resemblance of the strong jaw line and linebacker body style. Judden had a bit more muscle than Olsen, but still attractive. Alia’s eyes wandered to Kindra with her long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Alia felt awkward compared to the strong alpha female. Alia’s hand moved to her hair to give herself a task to focus on.

  “We’re in need of some help. Alia and I need to lie low for a few weeks.”

  “I see. Is everything okay?” Judden scratched his jaw. His eyes continued to study Alia, making her even more nervous. Olsen’s hand rubbed her leg, giving her a bit of strength.

  “Just some family problems. Hey, your father was in charge of the legend, right? Did he happen to pass them down to you?” A moment of silence filled the room before Judden stood and disappeared. He came back holding a large binder full of pages separated with clear folders. He opened it, then looked up at Olsen.

  “What are we searching for?” Judden’s fingers poised to move. Alia glanced at her mate, a light grew bright in his eyes. She liked the way his face brightened up. You should leave before it’s too late. The thought frightened her. She pushed back some of her hair and took a deep breath. I want to stop running. I want to be with Olsen. With the thought firmly in place, she focused on the conversation.

  “Witch werewolves.”

  Judden raised his eyebrow.

  “That’s an odd request.” Judden slowly flipped pages and packets. After a few moments of listening to the pages turn, Judden stopped, tapping a page. Alia readjusted in her seat as nervous tension made her back hurt. I really hope this story helps us.

  “What does it say?” Alia asked before she could stop herself. Judden was different than Olsen in many ways. There were some similarities between him and Derrick when it came to their scents. Their bodies radiated power, yet both alphas had a calming effect to them. She never wanted to be on their bad side for sure.

  “You read it.” He handed the folder to Kindra, who rested the binder on her belly. “She is better at reading out loud. I tend to mush words together.” He shrugged, then kissed his mate.

  “True. Ask the kids.” She smiled. “All right, the legend of the wolf-witch clan. A witch named Margaret Lyco fell in love with a werewolf named Luke.”

  “Wait, did you say Lyco?” Alia nibbled on her lip.

  Kindra moved her hand and hovered on the page. “That’s what it says here.”

  “Sorry,” Alia fidgeted with her hair.

  “It’s okay. All right.” She found her spot to continue. “The moment they touched, the imprint bound them together. Margret, being the leader of the coven, seemed worried; but Luke convinced her it would be okay. Five children later, Margret and her mate passed away. All five children retained the ability to shift and use magic. Two mated with wolves, and their children lost the magical side. Two mated with witches, and the wolf didn’t appear in their children. The last and youngest female mated with a wolf, but their child took only the witch side.”

  “Jina told me Margret died before she had children.” Alia clenched her fist at the memory of the story.

  “Who is Jina?” Judden asked as he adjusted in his seat.

  “Jina is my aunt. I have never heard any of this. Margret was the first coven leader when we moved to the states with only half of the coven from Greece. Jina said she had died with a wolf helping her defend the coven.” Bile filled Alia’s mouth as she recounted the story. Alia felt like her whole childhood had been nothing but a lie. Her aunt had kept some major parts of their coven’s history a secret and it must have been approved by Cherish. Jina was in charge of teaching the history of the coven to children.

  “It says here, rumors in the coven spread. Each generation, a witch would imprint with a werewolf. After Margret had imprinted is when they took the wolf as their guide for the coven. Hence, the wolf-witch clan.” Alia let the news sink in.

  “Because my family has the wolf genes in them is why I changed? Hell! I’m a freaking direct-descendant.” Alia shook her head, before her eyes moved over to Olsen. Her heart had been pounding, making it hard to hear what Kindra said. She wanted to read the story herself, but resisted the urge to yank the binder from Kindra’s hands.

  “So you’re a wolf who can practice magic?” Kindra asked.

  “Yes,” Alia said, then whispered, “Lux,” with her palm up. A small ball of light hovered above her hand. Kindra gasped and Alia closed her hand.

  “What about—” Olsen voice rose, but Alia placed her hand on his leg. His shoulders turned rigid.

  “It’s too small and too short to track.” Alia gripped his leg in a reassuring manner. Olsen relaxed a bit.

  “Who’s following you?” Judden leaned forward as he asked.

  “They’re called seekers. They follow magical signatures unique to each witch.” Alia moved some of her hair back.

  “Why are they after you?” Judden’s eyebrow raised as he asked.

  Alia’s body straightened up. She hated explaining it to Olsen, and felt even weirder explaining that night to Derrick, but to tell the dreadful
story for the third time in less than forty-eight hours would be harder. Every time she closed her eyes during the drive to Judden’s home, images of the night before would flash into her dreams. She was on edge and didn’t like it.

  “She killed a seeker in self-defense.”

  “Damn,” Judden said after a few moments of silence.

  Alia stood and walked to the backyard where the little kids played in their wolf-forms. She needed fresh air to help calm her body. Her hands were sweaty, and her head pounded with all the stress. If she wasn’t careful, she would do stronger magic before she could control it. Even as a kid, she learned control fast. Most of the coven children were free to do magic, but her Aunt Jina had a different philosophy. Only use magic when you're instructed to, or in danger.

  The little boy, Avery, shifted into his human-form and grabbed a piece of fruit from the table. His shaggy brown hair almost covered his bright blue eyes. Those eyes twinkled as he grabbed his snack. He swallowed it whole, then shifted and ran from his sister. Almost every few seconds, one of the kids returned for food. Chloe was older, and she shifted midair, knocking him down. Chloe looked more like her father with her hair dark brown and a darker shade of blue for her eyes. For a little girl who never stopped eating, she was damn skinny. Must be a werewolf thing. They played, tackling each other for a few minutes, and Chloe ate more than half the time.

  Alia’s body relaxed on the wall next to the glass door as she watched the kids. Her eyes wandered to the little hill on the edge of a valley behind the house. Maybe I should run now. Leave Olsen so he can be safe. Just thinking about it made her chest hurt. Her blood ran cold as the thought of never seeing him again filled her mind. Am I really strong enough to leave him? She didn’t know the answer to the question.

  Alia lifted her body away from the wall and walked toward the valley. The kids continued to play, not paying Alia any attention. She pushed her body to keep moving. I will keep Olsen safe this way. Her stomach clenched, her feet were heavy. A large rock tripped her, making her go down. Her hand burned as a small jagged rock cut her palm.

  “Shit!” Alia hissed. Her knees were scraped, but not horribly.

  “Where are you going?” Olsen’s voice called out a few yards away from her. She couldn’t meet his gaze. Nothing would make her admit to leaving him. To keep him safe.

  Olsen helped her stand and looked over her small cuts.

  “Did you need some fresh air?” Olsen asked.

  Alia nodded, still not meeting his gaze. Instead, she focused on his shoes. He made it hard to think clearly with his warm hands on her.

  “We can stay here for a few days until we have a plan.”

  “A plan for what? If we kill Dean, I’m sure more will come.” Her whole body wanted to run and hide so no one could find her.

  “What if you go home?”

  Alia’s eyes widened and her breath caught in her throat. Home. She had mixed emotions when it came to going back there. Back to the coven that never tried to get her back, and the only place that had given her joy. Olsen makes me happy.

  “If I go home, they’ll most likely kill me.” Alia’s hand moved up to her hair. She liked playing with the strands when she was nervous. It started when Alia’s mother had left, and she couldn’t break the habit.

  “Not if you have backup and protection. We go back to your coven and confess to the crime, but make them see it was self-defense. If they can’t see the difference, then I will get you out of there as fast as I can.” Olsen’s eyes lit up as he hatched a plan. Slowly, they moved back to the yard.

  I really hope his plan works, I would love to be free again. Images of growing old with Olsen filled Alia’s mind, and she prayed to the goddess it would come true.

  Chapter Fourteen


  OLSEN THOUGHT ABOUT wolves he trusted to back his mate up. His number one choice would have been Aiden, but leaving Derrick without a second would be irresponsible. Aiden was the strongest beta, with the exclusion of Olsen, and he wouldn’t be able to leave his alpha unprotected.

  The kids played in their wolf-form while Alia tapped her foot. Chloe and Avery reminded Olsen of Paden and himself, and how they played the same way when they were pups. I hope those seekers don’t come after Paden. He made a mental note to call Derrick later tonight to check on them.

  “Are you sure you want to put your friends at risk for me? I don’t want anyone hurt,” Alia finally said after a while. Worry filled her eyes.

  “Anyone who joins will not be forced to protect you.” He wrapped his hands around her hips, bringing her flush with his body.


  Olsen placed his finger on her lips. Every fiber of his being wanted to protect his mate. “Even if I’m the only one going, I will keep you safe.” She leaned her head onto his chest. Fear mixed with Alia’s scent, Olsen had vowed to make her safe, so she didn’t have to fear anything.

  “What-cha doing?” Avery tapped on Olsen’s leg.

  “I’m giving Alia a hug.” Olsen looked down at the small boy.

  “Want to play with us?” Avery’s eyes filled with hope.

  “Sure.” He let go of his mate and kicked off his shoes. “What are we playing?”

  “Tag,” Chloe said, then took a drink of water.

  “Who is first?” The little ones stared at each other, then Avery tapped Alia.

  “She is.” He bolted away.

  “Hey...” Alia smiled, giving chase after the little ones. Alia managed to tap Chloe, then ran away. Only the table separated them. Giggles erupted from all three of them as Chloe tried to tag the others. Neither of them went after Olsen as he stood and observed Alia play. Avery was not as fast as Chloe, who closed in on him.

  “You're it, little bro.” She tapped his head and his shoulders fell. Olsen enjoyed watching Alia relax and play with the kids. Her face lit up, and the smile on her face warmed his heart.

  “What's wrong?” Alia stopped running. Concern filling her tired eyes.

  “I’m too slow to catch you guys.” Avery’s lower lip popped out a bit.

  “Time out,” Alia called. She leaned down, whispered into his ear, and he grinned. Alia stepped back, then Avery moved over to Olsen.

  “Un-pause!” Alia yelled. Avery tapped Olsen, then ran for Alia, giggling all the way. Olsen chased after the pups and his mate. After playing tag for an hour, Kindra waddled outside.

  “Time for a short nap, kids.”

  “But, Mom...” Avery’s smile disappeared and his shoulders dropped. Kindra placed her hands on her hips.

  “Don’t argue with me. Chloe, it’s your turn to pick a movie.” The pups slowly moved inside and Kindra followed close behind.

  “I want to show you something. Do you want to shift or ride on my back?” Alia pulled on one of her ears and shifted her weight. “I’ll ride on your back.”

  Olsen slid down his jeans and took off his shirt. The scent of arousal filled his nose.

  “Step back, love.” Alia did, and he shifted into his wolf-form. She carefully climbed onto his back, grabbing his fur. He ran to the valley behind Judden’s house and into the trees. Alia ducked down, gripping his fur tightly. Some bits of hair detached from his body. Olsen ignored the twinge of pain, and pushed forward. Her head rested on his neck and she squealed when he jumped over a rock.

  He slowed down, and entered an opening with wild flowers growing everywhere. Wyoming was slightly chillier than Nevada, but the green grass sprouted around the wild flowers, making it a gorgeous sight. Olsen turned his head to study his mate. Alia looked around the opening, then caught Olsen watching her.

  “Oh,” she said, before fumbling off his back. Olsen shifted and the arousal scent grew stronger. She licked her lips, scanning his body.

  “Why are we here again?” Her eyes darted to his, hunger took over her beautiful blue gaze. He moved closer, pulling the zipper on her dress down. The fabric slid off her skin and fell in a pool at her feet.

  “I wanted
you alone for a bit.” Olsen quickly kissed her. Her lips curved up. She pushed down her panties and tossed her clothes to the side.

  “I like the sound of that.” She winked. Her hand reached around, grabbing his ass. His cock bounced up to attention. She kissed his chest while one of her hands grazed down his abdomen, trailing down with the light hair leading to his member. A shiver slid down his body under the tips of her fingers. She lightly brushed against the head of his cock, sending a wave of pleasure through his body. A small bead of moisture appeared at the tip. She bent down, licking it up, and sending a quiver up his body. His eyes met hers as she wrapped her hot mouth around his cock.

  Damn, it feels good!

  Alia bobbed her head while her eyes stayed locked with Olsen’s. Her tongue swirled around, his eyes closed for a second. His balls tightened, signaling he would finish soon. Fuck, not there. A growl tore through his body. A twinge of guilt filled Olsen when Alia stopped moving. Olsen pulled her off his head with a pop. He bent down and grabbed her ass, lifting her up. She wrapped her legs around his hips while he plunged his hard cock into her hot body. Olsen forced himself to breathe so he wouldn’t come right away. He buried his head into her neck, taking in her aroma. He noticed a change in her scent. Fuck, she’s in heat. He leaned back and kissed her. The scent change made his balls tighten. A sudden deep need to finish inside her filled his body. He wasn’t quite sure why her scent shifted so quickly, but there was no doubt she was fertile now. Maybe because she is a witch, dumb ass.

  “You’re in heat,” he growled against her lips. He pulled his cock from her body with great restraint. A light haze slowly took over his body with her heady scent change.

  “So?” She pulled him into another kiss.


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