Lusty Historical Erotica Stories

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Lusty Historical Erotica Stories Page 7

by Tabitha Jonestown

  Chapter Four

  I walked around in a daze for the next few days with him keeping his distance. I was tempted to go knocking on his door, but I wasn’t sure that I was ready to hear what he had to say. Tomorrow was the fateful day and I was trying to decide whether I was going to go through with it or make a break for the border.

  “I would ask what was on your mind, but I think I already know. I’ve been giving this a lot of thought and I’m ashamed by how far I let things go. I can’t change what already happened. I don’t envy your position of servitude. I want to know what you want.” He had me a little frazzled and I wasn’t expecting him to make this kind of overture.

  “I thought it went without saying that I want to stay with you. I’m not pregnant with your child, but god damn, I’m willing to put in the work. I just need to know if we are on the same page.” He walked away with his back straight and his two hands clasped behind his back.

  I came upon him in a clearing where the tree he was standing before showed signs of wear and tear. He was carrying a burlap sack over his shoulder and the sound of the chains slapping against the ground was anything but subtle.

  “We’ve come full circle, little one, and I believe you know what the chains are for. I would like for you to wrap your hands around the tree like you are hugging it.” I didn’t even hesitate. I didn’t even bother to take off my clothes before taking my place. I heard the chains being wrapped around me.

  “I didn’t know how much I was going to love being dominated. It’s quite a surprise and one I hope will remain between the two of us.” I felt my dress being pulled up and then his cock was slapping heavily against my cheeks. He ran it underneath me using his shaft to excite me with the kind of friction to get my attention.

  Shivering in place, I felt the sensation of warmth running through my limbs and converging in between my legs. He slapped my ass hard enough to make me jump from the impact.

  “You’ve come a long way over these last few days and I could certainly see having a steady diet of you.” He was spreading my legs and my lower half was the only part of me not bound to the tree.

  “I could say the same thing about you, Stephen. Nothing is quite like your firm hand to get me in the mood. I know what you want and what you are already doing is certainly giving me food for thought.” The only thought I had was how fast he could deliver me to the kind of pleasure I was accustomed to.

  “Your father will fight me, but I’m sure we can come to a reasonable arrangement without coming to blows. I can make him an offer he can’t refuse. I’ve thought about this and I believe the sacrifice is worth keeping you in my life. I’ve been running from my feelings for too long. You have given me a reason to open up my eyes in the morning.” He had found my heart and I was powerless to resist everything about him.

  The cooling breeze billowing through the trees did nothing to quell the temperature between my legs. I was burning up inside with fever and he had the instrument to cure me of my ailment.

  I glanced over my shoulder to see that he was bending his knees readying himself for penetration.

  Impaling me on his love stick was met with an enthusiastic scream loud enough to bring those worried about my safety.

  My fingernails were scratching the bark off the tree as I grunted every time he powered forward.

  “I can never go back to the way that things were in my sex life. Fucking you like this where you are at my mercy is how I need it. It gives me a shot of adrenaline and makes me a force onto myself. You know I’m telling the truth and no other man will be able to match you in stamina. You are insatiable and I find myself worried that I’m not going to be able to keep up with the demand.” Our bodies were colliding in a cacophony of animalistic sounds.

  “You may have found the only woman who likes it this way.” I had already had a mini climax. It was enough to grease the pathway to my G spot.

  In this position, he was able to find a different angle which had me at a loss for words. The smell of him was only made that much more pleasant by the erotic dreams.

  The subject was always the same with me in a compromising position. It helped to give me the courage to admit my desire for his one track mind of submission.

  I couldn’t deny the intense feeling radiating through my body. I was no longer a virgin like the Madonna. I didn’t want to miss a single thing he was doing to me. Passing out and losing time was not something I was willing to do.

  “There’s nothing better than seeing your lips kissing every inch of me. The feeling of fucking you deep and your juices scalding my balls are more than any man can withstand.” It was inspiring to know that my body was giving him the kind of pleasure that no other woman could even come close to.

  “I smile seeing how fucking me washes the stern look off your face.” He broke from the kiss he had on the back of my neck. His hand moved around to my flat stomach and my legs spread for his questing fingers.

  “Your pussy is soaking wet.” He produced a moan of pleasure and it inspired me to squeeze down on his cock. “The cum is rising in my balls. My cock is swollen and I’m sure that you can feel it for yourself. This is going to take the edge off.” There was a new sensation of his thumb touching the forbidden entrance of my asshole.

  It was a momentous occasion when he quickened and finally came to the finish line. He left me vacant as he blew off all over my pussy lips. I could feel the heat of his deposit and the way that a lot of it was making its way down my long legs.

  “I didn’t… I didn’t…fuck it… I am now… YESSSSS.” He was on his knees, sticking his tongue inside me and how he avoided tasting himself was something only he could answer.

  The added stimulation of his tongue brought me to the edge and over it. It was a very strong gripping moment which was testified by how my fingers were bleeding. Some of the nails actually broke off and I didn’t care.

  The aftermath entailed lying in each other’s arms and making promises we hoped to follow through on. He told me in no uncertain terms that my father was going to have to drag me away over his dead body. He did claim to have a proposal that would prevent any unnecessary bloodshed.

  My father and Stephen were talking and I could tell that they had come to a tenuous peace. They shook hands and my father didn’t even give me the respect of coming over to congratulate me. We had already made arrangements for a commitment ceremony. The baby was going to be born months later, but this was not the reason why he wanted a quickie ceremony.

  “I hope she’s worth it. I can’t live with her, but maybe you can handle her better than anyone else. I didn’t think you would let the property go until it was out of your cold dead hands. Love can make you blind and stupid. Her mother had the ability to make me think marrying her was a good idea. It would appear Laurie has that same power.” He didn’t know the dynamics of our relationship. I was not one to dispel his notion that I was the one in charge.

  “I know exactly what I’m getting myself into and I couldn’t be happier. The land was my family’s legacy, but I’ve found something more important.” Stephen stood beside me waving with one hand and touching my backside where the pain was making me grit my teeth.

  I couldn’t wait to have those feelings charging through me with a particular game of hide and seek. I was looking forward to when he caught me all over again.

  Story Four

  “It’s 1899, father.” Lauren Crabtree was loud enough for everyone seated at the table to hear. “In another year, this century will be over and we will step into the twentieth century. It is about time we traded our old horse drawn carriage for one of these new automobiles.”

  “That’s a marvelous idea.” Her lovely cousin Melinda beamed brightly around at everyone. “It is in fashion now for people of our affluence to own such a vehicle.”

  “Indeed it is, my dears.” Harold Crabtree the third kept his thin lips tight. “But we cannot afford one yet, not at our current financial standing.”

  “But father…” L
auren protested. “However will we get around… even the horses that pull our ancient carriage are old and tired, fit only to be put to pasture.”

  “The carriage is hardly ancient at all.” Her uncle, Marston Crabtree, said indignantly. “Why it’s been in the family since Harold and I were wee boys. It is a fine piece of English workmanship. Tell them, Harry.”

  “Your uncle speaks true, my dear.” The old master of the House Crabtree nodded gravely. “That carriage is the last good thing we have... from the days when the Crabtree name was one to reckon with.”

  “Then what happened?” Lauren asked with a scowl. “Why are we now no better than the help?”

  “Times have been hard on us, my dear.” Her father replied. “Our lands have gone barren and our coffers have run dry.”

  “After your mother’s unfortunate passing, Lauren.” Marston Crabtree said to her. “Our fortunes suffered a dismal slide.”

  “If it were not for the gambling tables that you and father indulged in, uncle, we would now be riding around in a new automobile.” She glared at the fat faced man. “And your wife would not have run off with the Frenchman.”

  “Lauren!” The housekeeper, Mrs. Sutcliffe, rebuked her. “That’s no manner to speak about your uncle and father. Apologize at once.”

  “I will not, for it is the truth.” Lauren stood up and pushed back her chair.

  “Where are you going?” The plump housekeeper demanded. “Dinner isn’t finished yet.”

  “For me it has, ma’am. You are not my mother, so don’t pretend to be.” Lauren replied haughtily. “And my appetite died even before we sat to eat.”

  “Such impertinence.” She heard her uncle say as she walked away.

  “She takes after her mother, god rest her poor soul.” Her father sounded livid. “I must have her wedded soon.”

  “A man to wed her will be hard to find.” The matronly Sutcliffe snorted.

  Lauren could bear it no more. She ran up the stairs to her bedchambers. Closing the door behind her she sat on the bed. The good comfortable mattresses were gone, as were the satin sheets and soft, fluffy pillows. The ones replacing them were from the servants’ quarters, now that they could only afford a third of their staff from before. Anger filled her heart and her head pounded. Why did this happen to her? And why was that fool of an uncle of hers and his dimwitted daughter even there? They had arrived a fortnight ago and never seemed to want to leave. She feared that they might just live there in the old manor with her father and her.

  Lauren missed her mother, and the times when it was a matter of pride to be a Crabtree. She was just thirteen when her mother had passed away, and it was hard on her. The last six years, their family fortunes went down a steady decline with no hope of ever recuperating. And all that time it was her father and uncle steadily wasting away the family fortune on games of chance.

  A soft tap sounded on her door. Her cousin, the blonde blue eyed Melinda peeped into her room. What the stupid cow wanted now, she wondered. Melinda was a year older than her and a more full figured at that. She was also much prettier than Lauren, but lacked everything else that she had, namely a thinking mind.

  “Lauren.” Melinda sounded anxious. “You made your father quite vexed.”

  “It was about time.” She retorted. “He’s been making me feel anxious for the last six years.”

  “Oh, but you shouldn’t have said all those things.” Her cousin shook her head with a look of dismay.

  “What do you want now, Melinda?” She asked the blonde tersely.

  “Oh, yes. After you left the table… we had dessert and then Papa and Uncle Harry got to talking.”

  “About what?”

  “About you, silly.” Melinda laughed. “Uncle Harry wants you to be married, but he wants you to be a proper lady first.”

  “The nerve…” Lauren almost exploded.

  “Oh, Lauren.” Melinda gushed. “I’m so excited. We are to leave tomorrow for the Langdon Estate.”

  “The Langdon Estate?” She looked at the other girl blankly.

  “Oh, do you know nothing, you silly girl.” Her cousin laughed at her. “The Langdon estate is where naughty young things like you are sent for correction.”

  “I don’t need to be corrected. If anything, they do… your father and his brother.”

  “Oh, don’t be silly, Lauren. It’s going to be fun.” Melinda clasped her hands together and swayed from side to side like a giddy child.

  “How is it going to be fun?” Lauren could almost slap the silly faced girl across her flushed face.

  “Lord Nathaniel Langdon, oh, he’s quite the dashing devil.” Melinda replied with a distant dreamy look in her wide blue eyes. “Many a young woman would gladly give their all to be corrected by him.”

  “Who the fu… um…” Lauren almost leapt at her cousin but checked herself. “This lord, he is a corrections officer?”

  “Yes, that’s what he is?” Melinda looked very excited. “And I’ve heard some things… about his methods. Oh, I am so eager to do this.”

  “Why are you so eager, if I’m the one being sent?”

  “Oh, you silly girl.” Her cousin’s face grew more cheerful. “You won’t be going alone. I’m going to be there with you all through this.”

  “But how is father going to afford paying for this?” Lauren exhaled deeply and shook her head.

  “Uncle Harry isn’t the one paying, Lauren. Lord Langdon does this as a service to society, and sometimes he pays hapless parents to send him their daughters.”

  “So that’s why father is doing this, that insufferable bastard.” She felt the heat rising up behind her ears. “Why I ought to just run away from home just to spite him.”

  “Oh, Lauren. You say the funniest things.” Melinda’s stupid smile infuriated her, but she decided to calm down. There wasn’t anything really she could do than go through with it. How bad could it be?


  The next day, they were out in the early dawn. The overnight rain still came down in a steady torrent. The old carriage lurched and shook as Lauren and Melinda climbed onboard. Only the one horse, a tired old beast, was harnessed to the carriage and the driver cracked his whip over the animal’s ear. The road was wet and carriage slowly moved forward. The Langdon Manor was a good hundred miles away and it would take all day to get there. Lauren sighed and stared angrily out of the window. She did not even say goodbye to her father before she stormed out with her packed trunk. They were going to be there for a week or even a month, however long it took for her to be corrected. She contemplated on doing the worst she could, and never get corrected or come back home.

  The hours dragged by and on several occasions Lauren suppressed the urge to strangle the excited and talkative Melinda. The only stop they made was for lunch beside a tavern and then it was on again for the next few hours. Then almost after sundown, the imposing gates of the Langdon Estate appeared before the lumbering carriage. The carriage passed through the unattended gate and rolled along the winding pathway up to the impressive manor up ahead in the distance.

  When they reached the manor, no one was there to greet them. The driver helped them with their trunks and then proceeded to the great door. He lifted the large iron knocker and knocked twice before walking back to the carriage.

  “I shall take my leave now, Miss Crabtree.” The driver doffed his cap at Lauren. “It’s a long way back.”

  “Yes, off with you.” She snapped at the man, aggravated that their host had not bothered to come out and greet them.

  The carriage rolled away and they waited outside the door of the manor. Even Melinda seemed at a loss for words by their host’s apparent apathy. Lauren had a good mind to run back after the carriage and return home to Crabtree Manor, but anywhere was better than there for her at the moment.

  “Should we knock again?” Melinda finally spoke, in a small voice.

  “No, I think someone’s coming.” Lauren’s sharp hearing picked up the telltale sound
of footsteps approaching the door.

  They heard a few locks being turned and a few heavier sounds of levers being released. Then the huge door opened slightly inwards and a face peered out. It was a woman, round faced and stern eyed.

  “Yes, my ladies?” The woman asked them.

  “We are here on Lord Langdon’s invitation.” Melinda answered with some urgency.

  “The master is away…” The woman, quite evidently the caretaker of the manor, or perhaps just a maid, said with some irritation.

  “And are we to wait out here in the cold and rain until he arrives.” Lauren’s patience got the better of her. “Do let us in, my good woman, lest Lord Langdon have to very ill patrons on his conscience.”

  “Oh… er.” The woman stepped back in and opened to door wider. “Come in, my ladies.”


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