Lusty Historical Erotica Stories

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Lusty Historical Erotica Stories Page 8

by Tabitha Jonestown

  “Have someone fetch our trunks.” She told the woman as she stepped up to the door.

  “Er… there are no servants, my lady.” The caretaker replied casually. “I’m afraid you must carry your own luggage, or leave it outside.”

  “This is no way to treat a guest…” Lauren began hotly, but the woman was already walking away.

  “Please hurry.” She called after her. “And close the front door after yourselves. I must go see to your lodgings and evening meal.”

  “The nerve of that woman.” Lauren gnashed her teeth as she struggled with her trunk. “Who does the bitch think she is?”

  “She must be the housekeeper.” Melinda stated the obvious as expected.

  “Thank you for that observation.” Lauren shook her head. “Now help me with this god-awful trunk, we can’t carry them by ourselves. We have to together take them in one at a time.”

  After stumbling and huffing for a while, she and her cousin managed to carry all four of their trunks inside and shut the door behind them. The plush chairs in the waiting room looked very inviting and Lauren flopped down on top of one. Her cousin did the same beside her.

  Barely had they sat down, the woman who opened the door returned and looked at them as if they were something that crawled out from under the furniture. Lauren had a good mind to tell the woman a thing or two, but she was too tuckered out from hauling the heavy trunks. The woman should have at least offered them something to drink. Instead she pursed her lips and stood before them with her hands on her hips.

  “The Master will not appreciate his fine carpets being muddied that way, my ladies.” The woman told them. “But never mind, I will have that mended before he returns. I am Jane Peabody, the housekeeper for this fine manor. Your rooms are ready, please proceed upstairs… with your luggage.”

  And with that the housekeeper turned and walked away.

  “What nerve!” Lauren said under her breath. “We are expected to carry these heavy trunks up to our rooms… if this Lord Langdon is so wealthy, where are the servants?”

  “I think this is part of the correctional course.” Melinda said and stood up with a sigh. “Come on, dear cousin… one trunk at a time.”

  By the time they had managed to haul all four full trunks up to their rooms, Lauren was ready to collapse on the bed and fall asleep. Melinda seemed to fare no better. They were given separate rooms, but her cousin had flopped down next to her on the bed.

  A rap on the door made them jump up. Jane Peabody pushed open the door and announced. “Dinner will be served at eight sharp, please be ready and at the table five minutes before. The Master does not tolerate tardiness. He will be arriving in time for dinner and will expect to see you at the table in your finest gowns.”

  “Are there no servants to help us with anything?” Lauren glared at the haughty woman.

  “I’m afraid not.” Peabody looked back at her coldly. “You can take that up with the master if you wish… and you are to be in your own rooms at all times, until the master requires of you.”

  “What? Is this a prison of some manner?” Lauren stood up and resisted the urge to hurl something at the housekeeper.

  “In a manner of speaking…” Peabody’s thin lips curled up in a smile. “This is a correctional.”

  “This is prepos…” Lauren almost screamed when Melinda stepped up in-between her and the housekeeper.

  “I apologize, ma’am.” Her cousin said in a most aggravatingly syrupy tone. “We are quite tired from the long journey and from carrying our heavy luggage… I will retire to my room and we will be down before eight for dinner.”

  “Very well, miss.” Peabody nodded and turned away.

  Lauren waited until the woman’s footsteps faded away before she turned on her cousin. “What in the name of sanity is this place? What did we ever do to warrant this kind of uncalled for punishment?”

  “You don’t understand, Lauren.” Melinda smiled stupidly. “This is all part of the correctional, it will be better if we do as they say.”

  “That may be fine and dandy for you, Melinda.” Lauren pushed her cousin away. “You were always ready to be someone’s cow for the milking… get out, go to your room and leave me alone.”

  “Don’t be like that, dear Lauren… you’ll only be making it harder for yourself.” Melinda pleaded as she pushed her out of the room and closed the door.

  She waited for a while. Then the soft footfalls of her cousin moved away from her door and down the hall and Lauren flopped down on her bed. The room was not that bad, in fact, it was much better than the room she had in their own depressing manor. The room was smaller but it had been quite lavishly set up. The window was large and had iron bars on it, and the attached bathroom had a large tub in it and another washbasin. The bed was the best feature, with thick bedding and quilts and more pillows and cushions she would ever need. She decided to get cozy in bed and not bother with her trunks at all. She could always unpack later, since she made up her mind to not be compliant at all. And she would start by not being down for dinner in time, if at all. The bed was so comfortable that she immediately felt drowsy.

  “Yes, that’s what I’ll do.” She said aloud and laughed. “Fuck the great lord Langdon and his correctional. Let that idiot Melinda get corrected as much as she wants from some lecherous old man. I’ll just curl up in here and have a good night’s sleep.”

  And that’s exactly what she did. The warm embrace of a comfortable bed and all the fatigue from travelling had her asleep in no time. A peaceful dreamless sleep.


  When she opened her eyes again, it was quite bright. The large window let in the brilliant light of the rising sun, making her wish that the curtains were drawn full. Then she realized there were no curtains at all. Was that an oversight, or done in purpose? It didn’t matter as a tapping on the door made her look away.

  “Lauren!” She head Melinda call. “Come on, Lauren, let me in. You had me worried by not coming down for dinner last night. Open the door. Lauren.”

  “Go away!” Lauren yelled back. “Leave me at peace.”

  “Lauren! You can’t behave this way… they will surely send you away.”

  “Let them.” She replied through gritted teeth. “That’s what I want.”

  “Open the door.” Melinda urged and her rapping grew more insistent.

  “What do you want?” Lauren opened the door slightly and glared at her flushed cousin.

  “You should get dressed and come down for breakfast.” Melinda said as she pushed her head in. “Lord Langdon asked about you at the table last evening… oh, I was so embarrassed. He will be waiting for you at breakfast… you have to meet him, Lauren. Why, he’s such a devilishly handsome man.”

  “Isn’t he over fifty years old?” Lauren reluctantly let her cousin inside.

  “Oh gosh, no… not in the least.” Melinda’s blue eyes went wide. “He is older than us, but surely not fifty… why, he doesn’t look a day over thirty five.”

  “That’s still older than us, by over fifteen years.” She snorted as she washed her face.

  “Oh, do stop being silly and come downstairs.” Her cousin grabbed her hand. “Once you see the man, you’ll never want to leave here.”

  Lauren shook her head. Poor stupid little Melinda, there was no hope for her. She had always been this way, ever since she was twelve years old, swooning and gushing over this lord and that duke and what not. This was no different for the love stricken blonde and Lauren was sure that once this foolishness was over, Melinda would soon forget about Langdon and her attentions would be on the next handsome lord or duke to come riding her way.

  “Come, let’s go and meet this handsome lord or yours.” Lauren stepped out of her room, not having bothered to change her travelling clothes, the ones she had also slept in.

  “But you’re not dressed.” Melinda gave her a wide eyed look of disbelief.

  “Am I not now?” Lauren laughed. “Is this not better than being nake

  “Oh, Lauren.” Melinda shook her head in dismay. “Lord Langdon will not like this.”

  “His likes and dislikes are the least of my concerns.” She told the horrified blonde and walked down the corridor toward the stairs leading down.

  She walked down the winding staircase, admiring the fine woodwork and exquisite finish. Melinda hurried along behind her. The dining hall was to the left and Lauren stepped right into it. The table was large enough for a dozen people, and yet only three chairs were set. One at the head and two on either side, about four chairs down each. Breakfast was already laid out and Lauren felt her belly rumble. She realized she hadn’t eaten since the lunch she had on the way there. The food looked very good to her. They hadn’t been able to afford anything more than eggs and bread and some fruit at the Crabtree Estate for a while and the sight of meat, fish, fresh vegetables and fruit, hot buttered bread and tall glasses of milk almost weakened her resolve to get expelled from there.

  “Good morning, my ladies.” Jane Peabody greeted them as she set a pitcher of cream on the table. “Please be seated, the master will be joining you shortly.”

  “Can we start before he…” Lauren stared at the fine repast with salivating eyes.

  “Oh, no, silly.” Melinda replied nervously. “Lord Langdon presides over all meals… we must wait for him.”

  “That is utter nonsense.” She exhaled as she sat down before the mouth watering spread. “I am going to start…”

  “Disregarding house rules calls for severe reprimanding.” Peabody suddenly appeared beside her. “Including restriction in rations.”

  “Well, fuck your master and his house rules.” Lauren spat back and grabbed a thick slice of buttered bread and a large wedge of cheese. “I am too damn hungry to care about anything else.”

  “Young Lady Crabtree.” A deep and resonant voice filled the dining room.

  “Lord Langdon.” Melinda stood up hurriedly and curtsied even as Lauren stuffed her face with food.

  “Melinda.” The lord of the manor nodded at the flushed blonde as Lauren looked up at the tall man walking up to the head of the table. “Please be seated.”

  “Thank you, my lord.” Her cousin said and sat down quickly, her face red and breath labored.

  “And you, Lady Lauren Crabtree.” Langdon addressed her. “I believe I was denied the pleasure of your company at dinner last evening.”

  Lauren shrugged her shoulders and stared defiantly back at the man. She didn’t want to give off the impression that he had affected her in any way. But oh, he certainly did. Never had Lauren, in her life of nineteen years, seen a man quite like him. Lord Nathaniel Langdon was most dashing indeed, and in the devilish sort of way that Melinda had described so ardently. As she glared at him, Lauren drank in those deep, intense eyes and that stern yet so ruggedly handsome face. Sharp nose, tight lips, a strong chin and even stronger jaw-line sent shivers down her back. She shifted uneasily as her eyes roamed across the rest of him. Broad of shoulder and deep of chest, he looked a most powerful sight indeed in his elegantly cut blue coat and exquisitely embroidered sash bearing his family crest. He did indeed take her breath away, and she realized what a fool she must look then with her mouth filled with food and her slept-in dress and messy hair.

  “And so that you know, my dear Lauren,” He said most authoritatively, “we here do not appreciate tardiness and severely look down upon the usage of profane language.”

  She blinked. Was she getting intimidated by this man-god? No, that would simply not do. She had her own agenda and nothing could ever hinder that, not even the most handsome man she had ever seen. She swallowed down the food and took a sip of cool milk. She filled her heart with defiance and courage and looked straight at him.

  “And what, in your exalted opinion, is profane language?” She asked with a snarl.

  “L-Lauren?” Her cousin’s eyes went buggy with disbelief at her belligerence.

  “If you need to be told that, you have indeed come to the right place.” Langdon seemed quite pleased with her response. “And since you are already in breach of several, if not all, of the house rules… I must welcome you here with the first phase of our reprimanding procedures.”

  “Do whatever you want, your lecherous lordship.” Lauren retorted and took a large bite of ham coated in egg. “I will never…”

  “Mrs. Peabody.” She heard the master of the house softly call before her chair was forcefully pulled back.

  Strong hands grabbed hold of her and pulled her up. She would have screamed if not for the mouth filled with ham and eggs. Peabody surprised her with her strength as the slender woman, seemingly with no effort, threw her over the table and lifted her skirt over her head. Lauren spat out the food and looked around frantically. She felt something clamp down on her wrists and ankles, her own skirt bunched over her head made it hard to see what was going on.

  “Very good, Mrs. Peabody.” Langdon’s powerful voice resonated in her ears. Then she felt her knickers being roughly pulled down her legs and a cool draft on the exposed flesh of her buttocks made her hair rise on end.

  “What the fuck is going on?” She managed to shout from under her skirts. “Melinda! Help me… stop these fuckers… Melinda!”

  “Melinda.” Langdon’s deep voice resonated. “Do you think your cousin deserves this punishment?”

  “I… yes, my lord.” She heard her cousin’s timid reply. “She does… indeed.”

  “Then you have no objection to watch.” Langdon said coldly.

  “Not at all, my lord.” Lauren could have slapped her across the face for that. Here she was, bound and held against her will, with her nether regions exposed and at the mercy of strangers, and what does her only kin do? She agrees to her predicament and also sits there to watch. Oh, would she have more than mere words with the stupid girl once all this was over. But what was this that was happening?

  She found out soon enough as she felt a large, rough hand gently rest on her exposed lower back. She gasped and went stiff at the touch of a man’s hand over her naked buttock for the first time in her life. Langdon was resting his hand on her soft buttock and feeling her up in quite an ungentlemanly manner. She shook with anticipation of what was going to happen next when he removed his hand. She heard his feet shuffle and then something struck her hard and fast. It was his hand and he struck her again. His hard fingers stung her soft flesh, and the sting from the blows made her eyes water.

  “You have been quite the disobedient brat, my dear.” Langdon’s hateful voice rang in her ears. “This is the first of many punishments to follow, if you do not amend your ways.”

  “Is that all, just a few loving swats.” She couldn’t help cry out from under her skirts. “You get yourself off my playing these games with helpless young girls, do you?”

  “Precisely, young lady.” Langdon laughed. “And heaven knows young girls like you are in dire need of these games.”

  His hand came down on her smarting flesh again, much harder and the sound of the impact echoed around the room. Lauren bit her full lower lip hard to stop herself from crying out. His hand came down with force a few more times against her soft bare flesh. She trembled, straining at the bonds on her wrists and ankles. He struck a few more times and her tender flesh stung like hell. She was sure that red welts would have covered her creamy white skin by now. His fingers were like iron and each strike made her arch her back and knock her knees together. She whimpered and moaned as she fought back the urge to beg for mercy.

  “Ah, and what have we here?” Langdon raised his voice excitedly. His hand caressed her sore buttocks and he slipped a finger into the slit of her wet pussy. “You are enjoying this punishment… and that is what I wanted, it is time to take this to the next level.”

  The man slipped in two fingers into her virgin pussy, pushing and prodding at the protective web that guarded her virtue. The sensation of his probing touch sent waves of ecstasy through her. The pain from her buttocks mingled with t
he pleasure of his fingers inside her pussy made Lauren’s body go stiff. She felt her stomach clench and her thighs tremble to the knees. Her first orgasm at the hands of a man she barely met shook her hard. She let herself go, relaxing against the bonds on her wrists and ankles as cascading waves of ecstasy rushed through her tight young body. Yielding to the sheer bliss of release, she exulted in the joy of her orgasm. Pain and pleasure mingling as one took her to the pinnacle of sensations she had never known.

  Lauren felt her breathing ease as the last throes of her orgasm ebbed through her. Langdon removed his hand from her quivering pussy and struck her smarting ass one more time, with a lot less force. She felt her bonds being undone and collapsed to the floor. Her skirts fell away from her head and she looked around the room as if she was in a drunken stupor. The master of the house was walking away and only Melinda sat before her. There was no sign of Peabody, and her stupid cousin just stared at her with wide eyed wonder.


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