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Lusty Historical Erotica Stories

Page 26

by Tabitha Jonestown

  Shaking now with real fear, Eustace got to his feet even as Bella smoothed down her night gown. She would have to return to her room and save what she could before, as it was their custom, the raiders set the entire castle ablaze.

  “After this is over… you will be judged, Eustace.” Julian nodded self importantly as he barred the narrow doorway of the chapel. “As will you, Lady Bella… his lordship will not take this kindl-eeeghhh aaahhhh!”

  The fat man’s eyes bulged wide and his mouth twisted in terror. Through the front of his robed chest something flat, broad and sharp came jutting out. A dark stain began to form around it and Bella realized it was the man’s rich red blood. The metal object receded and the dying man came hurtling forward as if someone had kicked him hard from behind. Bella felt a tightness form in her belly, grow bigger and then drop down through her. Her knees trembled and she staggered backward, bumping into a trembling Eustace.

  Barring the doorway was a man, a man so tall and wide, he would need to hack another doorway to get through. His bloodied greatsword he held in a ham sized fist, and his face was a mask of hard angles decorated with braided whiskers and beard. He had a large tattoo on one side of his face, wore mostly leather and steel and emanated the most ferocious aura that Bella had ever felt.

  She could tell he was one of the raiding Northmen that Julian was blabbing about before he was so effortlessly skewered. And even though she was frightened out of her wits, she knew she had to keep her head or lose her life. She shrugged off Eustace hands from her shoulders, threw her head back and stepped boldly up to the brooding invader.

  “Welcome to my humble abode.” She stood straight with her hands on her hips. “I am the Lady Fontaine.”

  When Bella opened her eyes again, the first thing she was aware of was a throbbing pain on the entire left side of her face. Her left eye felt heavy and her lower lip on the same side felt swollen. She remembered the last thing before blacking out was this huge open palm smacking her across the face. And now here she was with open sky above her and the lapping sounds of water all around her. Where in the name of heaven was she?

  “Easy, my lady.” Someone whispered beside her. “Keep very still.”

  “Where am I?” She whispered back, trying her hardest to see who it was that spoke to her. “And who are you?”

  “I am Cheri, one of your maids at the castle, my lady.” The other replied softly. “We are at sea.”

  “At sea?” A chill rushed all through her. “But how did we…?”

  “We were taken by the raiders… we will be sold as slaves in their native lands.”

  “Slaves.” She didn’t like the sound of that.

  “Shhh, my lady.” Cheri pleaded. “They take offence to us talking… one girl was already thrown overboard for screaming.”

  “What?” She couldn’t help but cry out. “What manner of barbarous…”

  Someone shouted in their direction in a language she didn’t understand and she tried to lift her head to see who that was, but her bonds kept her pinned down.

  “My lady, please… keep quiet.” Cheri hissed beside her and fell eerily silent as a large shadow loomed over them.

  Something hard prodded against her breast making Bella grunt in pain. She looked up at the silhouette of the huge man with fire in her eyes. He opened his mouth and the sound of crude laughter assailed her ears. A large hand reached down and grabbed her by the arm. She winced at the vice like grip as she was yanked upward. Held upright away from the deck of the longboat, she could see the blue green splendor of the great sea. The sky was blue and cloudless and she could see several other longboats with dragon heads, tall masts and wide sails with shields on the sides skimming over the choppy waters alongside the boat she was in.

  The huge man threw her over his broad shoulder and turned around, making her head spin wildly. Surely he was not going to throw her overboard for talking? She looked around the boat, there were several women bound and huddled where she had been lying, and along the sides of the boat several huge men, the raiders of the north, sat on cutaway seats made for rowing. The man carrying her walked past them all until he was at the head of the boat. He slung her off his shoulder and held her upright, making her come face to face with another man as tall as he was. This one was older and had a large braided beard down to his chest. His head was bald and covered with runic tattoos and he had a large white scar down one side of his face. The savage ferocity in his steely eyes didn’t intimidate or frighten her; instead she felt something else, something that she always wanted from a man. A real man, like the one standing before her, as well as the other Northmen all around her on this longboat.

  “Where are you taking me?” She tossed her head arrogantly and demanded.

  The towering man took a deep breath, expanding his broad chest further, and then snapped his thick callused fingers. Someone stepped up from behind him. Bella was taken aback to see that it was a woman. Her hair was cut in the fashion of the men, shaved bald on the sides with flowing locks over the middle going down in a long braid to her lower back. She had similar runic tattoos on her head, arms and shoulders. She was wearing the same kind of clothing too, coarse woven leggings, leather jerkin and metal studded boots and arm bands.

  “We are taking you to our country.” The woman replied in Bella’s own native tongue, further astonishing her.

  “Who are you and how do you speak my tongue?” She asked the woman hoarsely.

  “I am Sinead, once of your own lands… taken captive just like you, a few years ago.” The woman replied grimly then gestured at the two tall men standing before and behind Bella. “This is Jarl Jorgen of Hagarland and this is Arnord, his firstborn. You are now the Jarl’s slave.”

  “Tell Jarl Jorgen I am a Lord’s wife and he will receive a sizable ransom for my safe return.” She said with a seductive smile at the brooding Jarl of Hagarland.

  “I know the ways of your people all too well, Lady Fontaine, I was once one of them. And I know of your husband too.” Sinead replied blandly. “Lord Marcel Jean Fontaine, if he yet still lives, will find it more convenient to his purse to acquire a new wife.”

  “Then what is to become of me?” Bella eyed the Jarl and his son, the tall young warrior who had carried her over.

  “The same fate of any beautiful woman taken as a slave, my lady.” Sinead said in a flat tone. “You will be well fucked by the Jarl, and when he tires of you, he will give you to his many sons, and they in turn will reward you to their warriors once they too tire of you. But never fear, all this while you will be treated well and protected from harm.”

  “And after all that time what will happen to me?” She exhaled deeply, trying to keep calm.

  “You may be sold, or sacrificed to the gods?” The other woman shrugged.

  “And if the Jarl does not tire of me at all.” Bella did well to hold on to her nerves.

  “Then you may live on with him; perhaps even become one of his many wives.”

  “And what of you, Sinead?” She stared wide eyed at the other woman. “How did you come to be where you are among these barbarians?”

  “One of my few talents is the gift of learning other tongues quickly.” Sinead said. “Jarl Jorgen finds me useful in ways other than just my body.”

  “And what happens to these other women captured, and I see some captive men as well.”

  “The men will be sold as slaves to work the fields. Most of the women will share the same fate as yours, though some will be less fortunate.” Sinead said patiently. “I have informed the Jarl about your high status among your own people, but here you are just a slave who must prove her worth to be considered special.”

  “Oh, he will know of my worth soon enough.” Bella had an impish smile dancing on her lips. “As soon as we get to wherever it is we are going.”

  “We are going to Harukat, capital of Hagarland and home of Jarl Jorgen.”

  Harukat was unlike any place Bella had ever seen. Between her father’s grand vi
lla, and the castle of her husband, Bella had never been anywhere in her young life of twenty years. Not even to the farmlands, villages and port towns of her own country. And now here she was in a foreign land, among foreign people and all she had going for her was her youth, beauty and wits.

  The people of this place were all tall as trees and robust as well. She felt like a shrinking violet as she was led down a busy pathway toward what was the largest structure in the place, the Jarl’s great hall. This was where she was to stay, doing everything the Jarl and everyone else there wanted her to do. A shiver ran through her, she felt fear and excitement all at once. The fear of the unknown along with the thrill of what was to come. She was glad to be free of the life of leisurely confinement she had for so long. And even though she would be a slave here, she could sense from the surrounding ambience of the place that she would have enough freedom to spread her wings as much as she desired.

  “This is your new home as a slave.” Sinead walked up beside her. “Jarl Jorgen will require your attentions this night; you will find water and soap to clean yourself there in that shed, and some fresh clothes. Food is ready and available for all in the cookhouse, and so is drink. Be at the Jarl’s bedside by evenfall.”

  “I… well, thank you for your kindness, Sinead.” Bella nodded at the departing woman. “You have made this madness bearable.”

  “I know all too well how it feels…” The other woman called back. “Fare well, my lady.”

  Bella found the wash shed, cleansed herself with cold water and coarse soap, then put on a dress made of rough spun cloth and wrapped a bearskin cloak around her. She found bread, some fish stew and a hunk of roasted elk meat, and washed it all down with a sour drink of mead. The effect of the drink was immediate and Bella felt ready for anything in the world. She stepped out of the cookhouse, outside the skies were getting darker and she remembered reading once that so far up north the days were shorter than the nights. No one ever knew why it was so. The will of the gods, some said and most agreed. It was time for her to attend to her new master, Jarl Jorgen of Hagarland.

  The great hall was no bigger than some of the storage buildings back home, but here it was the tallest and widest structure around. Two men, as tall as trees and armed with heavy axes stood guard on either side of the doorway as she walked up. She nodded at them and they let her enter unhindered, though their eyes told clearly of their intentions. A thrill rushed through her, as these were the kinds of men she had always desired – strong, rough and rugged. Inside, the great hall was full of people, men and women, tall and wide, and laughing loudly as they ate and drank around a large fire pit that blazed in the centre of the hall. Seated on an imposing throne made out of hardwood was the man who was her master. He was flanked by two women, hard faced and as robust looking as the men, and beside them stood a few tall young men, one of whom she recognized as Arnord, and one other, the one who had taken her from the chapel.

  “I am here for your pleasure.” Bella stepped before the Jarl and said in the few words of their tongue that Sinead had taught her on the boat. “My lord and master.”

  Jarl Jorgen regarded her will impassive eyes for a while, then gestured at the two tall women seated on either side of him. “Jaseka. Astrid.” He said in a deep gravelly voice as the two women stood up and walked towards her.

  A sudden chill rushed through her as the two of them grasped her by each arm. They smiled at her and dragged her between them, away from the revelry going on in the hall and to one of the rooms at the back.

  “Where are you taking me?” She cried out in panic. Between the two tall and powerful women, Bella felt like a little child. “Answer me, please.”

  They couldn’t of course, not in her language, though one of them said something in their own and the other laughed. Bella wished Sinead was there, or at least taught her some more of the local language. She shivered as the two women, whom she now realized were Jaseka and Astrid, pulled off her bearskin cloak and then the rest of her clothing. They lay her down naked on the bed in the centre of the room. Overhead, oil lamps hung low from the ceiling, filling the room with a warm, arousing glow.

  Jaseka and Astrid removed each other’s clothing and as naked as she was, they began to caress her body. Bella had never been intimate with a woman before, even though she had heard of such pleasures being spoken of in hushed tones. It seemed to her that in this part of the world, in this barbaric society, such things were routine and hardly considered taboo.

  Their hands were hard and coarse, though not as much as a man’s. Their touch felt good on her body and she welcomed it, moaning softly and spreading herself out for them. They were laughing and murmuring in their own language, though Bella could determine the nature of their conversation. The language of love and lust needed no interpretation anywhere in the wide world. She reached out to caress their large breasts and smiled at them, they returned her smile and their hands moved over the more sensitive parts of her eager body. She understood that the two of them, wives of Jarl Jorgen, were getting her ready for him to fuck her. This was something new and strange to her, and the perverse nature of it only served to heighten her own arousal. She arched her back and moaned out loud as one of the Jarl’s women slipped a finger into her moist pussy. The other one leaned over her from the front and kissed her aching breasts. Bella reached up and grabbed the large breasts of the one kissing her own breasts and squeezed on one and sucked on the other one’s taut nipple. If the Jarl walked in now, she was sure he would be ragingly hard enough to fuck all three of them together, and that indeed seemed to be the purpose of this heathen ritual.

  The one playing with her pussy called the other one Astrid and said something in their tongue. Astrid nodded and began kissing Bella’s neck and breasts with more passion. The other one, Jaseka, slid down between her spread legs and started kissing her all over her inner thighs. Bella had never been kissed in this way before, the two pairs of lips on her feverish body took her to heights of pleasure she had never known, and the anticipation of more to come filled her with an excitement that was most indescribable.

  Jaseka moved up her thighs, kissing her fervently all over her sensitive skin, coming ever so close to her quivering pussy. Astrid began to move lower, kissing her breasts again, teasing her erect nipples with her teeth, and then going lower and planting kisses on her trembling belly.

  Both women reached her pussy together, from above and below, and their tongues and lips went to work. Astrid teased her throbbing clit as Jaseka stuck her tongue deep into her soppy slit. Bella found Astrid’s wet pussy hovering over her astonished face. She had never seen another woman’s naked pussy before, let alone one so close to her face. The scent of the woman’s arousal instilled a raging fire of passion in her, even as the two talented mouths tortured her enflamed pussy.

  She gave into temptation and stuck out her tongue, tasting a woman for the first time in her life. She liked what Astrid offered, and drove her tongue further on, making the tall woman moan into her own pussy. Bella squirmed as the two tongues lapped at her with ferocious intensity, making her belly heave and fall. She cried out loud as an orgasm more intense than she could remember shook her like a leaf in a hurricane. Her moans and whimpers were muffled by Astrid’s hot pussy over her face and she reached up and stuck a finger into the woman’s asshole. Astrid stiffened and moaned loudly. She felt the taller woman jerk over her, and then the unmistakable gush of her orgasm came splashing over her surprised face. Bella loved it, the taste and the sensation of another woman’s orgasm all over her face. She licked her lips and kept lashing her tongue at the gushing pussy over her.

  Jaseka said something and the two women released her and moved away. A sense of being rejected overcame Bella, she felt empty and abandoned. Looking up, she saw that Jarl Jorgen had entered the room. A thrill course through her as she noted his keen eyes taking an intense tour of her naked and aroused body. He sported a huge bulge under his breeches as his two wives busied themselves removing
all of his clothing.

  Bella almost choked on her own gasp as the Jarl stood naked before her. Never had she seen a man look so, well, manly. Every part of him was rugged, savage, earthy and so brazenly natural. Nothing about him had the preening, pretentious posturing of the men she had known all her life back home. This here was a force of nature, a man to rule over men and women, a man to rule over her.

  She watched with lust brazenly burning in her eyes as Astrid and Jaseka removed all of his clothes and fawned over the monstrous thing dangling between his legs. That was a cock that even horses would shy away from. Bella had her fair share of cocks, in all sizes and manner, and this beast; it overshadowed them all in length and girth by a mile. All she could think of was how good it would be to have that thing buried deep in her, throbbing and pumping, making her orgasm on and on all through the night.

  Astrid and Jaseka went to work on his cock, stroking and kissing it in turns. They knelt down on either side of him as his large hands caressed their fiery blond heads. Bella had never seen others in the act of sex ever before and she watched with bated breath at the performance unfolding before her. Her belly clenched and her pussy throbbed, the aching in her breasts was unbearable. She drank in the spectacle before her with lust filled eyes and licked her lips with a hunger most profane.


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