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Lusty Historical Erotica Stories

Page 44

by Tabitha Jonestown

  That night she went to bed feeling the weight of the entire world on her. The worst was that she felt guilty for shunning a life that she knew was the envy of all those around her. But having no freedom was not something that suited her type of personality. She didn’t believe in hierarchies. For a full year she kept her head down and became the most diligent daughter that her parents could ever wish for. Even they noticed a difference in her. However, while she did everything that they asked and never stepped out of line, she also lost all her spark. Her passions lay dormant within her and the once intelligent sassy girl had been replaced by a complacent and boring one. She thought her parents might want the old Amelia back – but they actually seemed happy by this new daughter. It was what they had wanted all along. A girl that did exactly as she was told – and someone that would never embarrass them.What they didn’t realize, however, was that throughout the year she was making plans. The plans were all in her head, but they were nevertheless plans that were starting to formulate in her mind. As the year went on she realized that she didn’t want this type of lifestyle – that it was never meant for someone like her. She craved freedom. She craved a life where she could be herself at all times and be accepted as the person she really was – rather than the person she pretended to be.

  Then, just last night, she went to bed with one big idea weighing on her mind. The realization that she was going to run away.

  Chapter 2

  Deciding to run away was an idea that she had been toying with for quite some time. Thinking about it, and doing it, however were two different things. Amelia felt slightly guilty at first, thinking about her parents and how devastated they would be. But then she realized that they’d be more worried about what other people would be saying then for the fact that she was gone. She knew this to be true and it was the thing that made her mind up. Why should she stay in a place that doesn’t allow her to even be herself – not even within the confines of the house? She needed to go out and experience the world.

  Amelia knew that if she left without saying a word that her parents would find her. It’s not exactly easy to hide as a Princess in the world – no matter how big it is. And if they were to offer a reward to the person who finds her than people would go out of their way to make sure she is found. She also didn’t to tell them face to face. She didn’t want to see the look of disapproval and disappointment on their faces and she didn’t want them to force her to stay. So she decided to write them a letter.

  Amelia got up two hours before anyone else, and sat at her writing desk. The desk had been hand crafted by one of the finest woodsmen in the country and it was meant to inspire her creativity. Little did they know that one day their daughter would be writing them a letter to say goodbye.

  Dear Mother and Father.

  While I am sure you are going to be upset I am also certain that you won’t be all that surprised. I have decided to leave the kingdom. I have not felt happy in many years. Unfortunately this type of lifestyle is not suited for someone like me. I need to be free. I need to experience what the rest of the world is like and I will never be able to do that as long as I am here. I need to go out and make mistakes, and learn from them – rather than constantly being told what to do and what not to do. I need to be myself and I need to be accepted as such. Please do not try to find me. Please respect my wishes. When people ask where I am you can tell them whatever you want to. I promise that I will be back – but for now I just need some time to be by myself. Don’t worry – I won’t tell anyone who I am and your name will not be tarnished.

  I do love you both.


  She made sure to leave out the word Princess when signing her name. She read and reread the letter a hundred times. Then she left it on her bed, where she was sure her mother would be the first to find it. Her mother had a habit of always coming into her room each morning to wake her up. She’d walk in, open the curtains and allow the sunlight to shine through. Then she’d order Amelia to wake up and say that she had twenty minutes to get ready and join them for breakfast. Amelia was never quite sure why her mother did this. Was it because she thought she was being a good and diligent mother? Did she actually see this as bonding time? Or did she just to have constant control over her daughter? Amelia wasn’t sure, but she knew for certain that her mother would be coming through those doors in around one hour and twenty minutes. This gave her just enough time to pack her bags and leave without being seen. While the house was heavily guarded – Amelia had lived there long enough to know a few secret places where nobody stood on guard. She’d used these many times to sneak out but had never ventured very far out. Today would be different though; today she would walk out and carry on walking – never looking back.

  One of the biggest problems that she had with leaving the house was her attire. All her clothes were fit for a princess and it would be obvious that someone like her did not belong in the outside world. She finally found an outfit that was old and worn, and quickly put that on. She took a few belongings and decided to rather buy clothes once she was gone. She didn’t want anyone knowing who she was. She could hear someone stirring in the house and so without any more hesitation she made her exit. Just as she suspected she managed to get outside without anyone seeing her.

  She walked out and took a deep breath. This is it! I’m doing this! I’m free! She told herself. The air was cold and everything was still as the rest of the world started to wake up. It was still early and the sun was yet to rise. She walked for about an hour and then finally came across a nearby town. Here she made her way by carriage to another town, so that she could be even further away from her old home than before. The town was busy and despite it being so early people were getting on with their business with much chatter and determination. These were hard working people – much harder working than she had ever been, she realized. These were the people that deserved to be rich – not her.

  Amelia found a shop selling hand-woven clothes and bought herself two dresses and a few other accessories to go with it. She kept the one on and tossed the dress that she had arrived in – which was still a lot fancier than what the other people here were wearing. She had a long way to go to blend in but having these clothes now made her feel a lot better. The shop lady had looked at her quizzically when she had arrived, but she had not said a thing – because the chance of selling some dresses was something that she did not want to mess up. She also said nothing when she saw Amelia take out the money – who was she to turn down a customer.

  Amelia spent the rest of the day looking around the town and getting to know the area. The townsfolk all seemed very friendly and she got quite a few wolf whistles as she walked. Admittedly, she liked that she was being noticed. But she kept her head down demurely so as not to attract too much attention. It was nearing the afternoon and she desperately needed a place to stay for the night, and really for the nights to come. She wasn’t sure where she was going to find a place and for the first time that day she felt as if she might have been too hasty with her decision. She saw a pub called Elgin’s Way and decided to go in – perhaps someone in there would be able to help her.

  She went up to the barmen and asked him if he knew of any lodgings in the area. She explained that she was from out of town and desperately needed somewhere to sleep for a few days. The barmen listed a few places for her to try and wished her luck. She made a mental note of all the places, which apparently were quite a distance away and started to head out. But just as she was about to leave a man in the corner called her over. He was much older than her, perhaps twenty years older – it was hard to tell. His hair was dark but covered in specks of grey and white. He had a kind face and introduced himself as Roderick. As it turns out Roderick had overheard the whole conversation and was more than willing to help. He said that he had a place nearby with plenty of room and that he was happy to have her stay there for a few nights until she found her feet in the new town.

  “Are you here to stay? Or are you just visit
ing?” He asked her.

  “To be honest, I’m not quite sure yet,” She had replied and he had looked at her, intrigued.

  She decided not to say anymore, so as not to raise suspicion. Then she decided to accept his offer. She was not too wise about the world and never thought twice about the fact that an older man whom she had never met had just invited her to his house. She just thought he was being a gentlemen. He had such a kind face, after all. Roderick looked surprised that she had said yes to his offer, but told her that he was more than happy to have her. And just like that, Amelia had a place to stay.

  Chapter 3

  Despite desperately wanting a new life with the more common folk it seemed that Amelia was always destined for greater things. Roderick, as it turned out, was quite well off. Certainly nowhere near to the standards that Amelia was used to but quite rich compared to those around him. The area was quite poor and yet Roderick was living in a sort of luxury compared to everyone else. Just like Amelia, he was simply born into this type of lifestyle – which was often the case. As a forty year old man, though, he was different to Amelia in many ways. She had still been living at home, while he had carved a path for himself. Still maintaining the luxury of his lifestyle while also having the freedom of being alone.No matter how old Amelia became she would never have been able to do this – things were just different in the royal family.

  Thankfully, Roderick had no idea who she was although her heart had skipped a beat when he told her that she looked familiar to him. “I just have one of those faces. People tell me that all the time,” She told him dismissively and lucky he hadn’t probed any further.

  Roderick showed Amelia around the house, obviously very proud of what he has and eager to show it off. She made the necessary sounds to show that she was impressed even though this is something her parents would still describe as ‘living beneath us.’ He took her to one of the spare rooms, of which he had two, and left to let her settle in for a while. The room was about a third of the size of her old bedroom but it had everything she needed, and even opened on to a private bathroom. She didn’t have much stuff so after putting her bag down and putting her new dresses into the cupboard, she walked back out to finds Roderick sitting in his living room and as he saw her his eyes lit up.

  “Would you like a drink?” He asked and she eagerly said yes.

  To her surprise he offered her a glass of wine. For the first time in her whole life she felt like an adult and she took a blissful sip of the wine, closing her eyes and enjoying the taste in her mouth. When she opened her eyes, she noticed Roderick staring at her.

  “I’m a big fan,” She said and lifts the glass up to give him a cheer. The truth was that she had not had even a sip of alcohol since that day with the port but there was no way she was going to let him know that.

  Amelia enjoyed the feeling that the wine was having on her and immediately said yes when she was offered another one. Roderick was an interesting man and she was enjoying being around him. She tried to keep the conversation mainly about him so that she wouldn’t have to talk too much about herself. She wasn’t all that great at lying but she also didn’t want him to know about her real life. While she was sitting there, she also couldn’t help but notice just how good looking Roderick was. She had never looked at older men before in that way, but to be honest she had never looked at many men in that way either. She knew that if she did then she’d have her parents on her back, watching her every move. So she kept her thoughts to herself, and even then she tried to ignore her feelings every time she felt something inside her stir.

  Now, with the freedom that she now possessed, and the wine whirling around in her body, she felt herself getting excited at the mere prospect of sitting so close to a member of the opposite sex. Especially one as handsome as this.She asked him if he has a wife and he shook his head sadly. He narrated to her a story about a woman he had once loved and the story was so sad and so heart breaking that Amelia found herself reaching out and taking his hand. The story took place about ten years ago and yet his voice still broke when he told the tale. The woman that he loved was finally going to be his wife and the two of them were going to be together forever. His parents did not approve as she was not from the same class as them but he didn’t care. He was going to run away with her and never look back. To him, being in love was more important than anything else and he did not care about his social standing. But just a week before they were going to run away she caught the illness that was going around. He stood by her bedside for the next two weeks, watching her wither away. There was nothing he could do to save her and soon she had passed away. He was certain that his parents were secretly happy, even though they didn’t want to see him so sad. And that day he vowed that he would leave his parents’ house and make it on his own.They supported him and helped him gain this house, but left him alone as per his request. He needed to mourn alone. He lived alone in this big house and although he had many lovers and many friends, he had never found love again.

  Amelia stroked his hand the entire way, saddened by this tale. She found herself even more attracted to Roderick after hearing it and moved in a bit closer. There was just something about him, something about this memory that they were sharing together, that made her want more. Amelia was very inexperienced but she felt her feistiness start to return. When Roderick moved in to kiss her she didn’t pull back. Instead she moved in even closer.

  Chapter 4

  Roderick couldn’t believe his luck. When he first saw Amelia come through the doors at the pub he immediately felt himself drawn to her. She had an interesting beauty that he could see would shine through no matter where she was, what she did or what clothes she had on. Put her in the dowdiest clothes and she’d still stand out from the rest. She also had a way about her that was different from the other women in the town. She had a confidence about her and a look of wonder as she took in the world around her. As if she was seeing everything for the first time. A girl like that must be hiding from something or running away from something. She wouldn’t just suddenly appear in a town like this. But Roderick didn’t care about her past. He only cared about the fact that she had walked into the bar and accepted his proposal for a place to stay immediately.

  Roderick had been with many women in the past, but he had never allowed himself to fall in love, not after what happened with his first and only love. It was strange having a woman on the couch with him sharing a glass of wine and listening to him like no women has done in a long time. Amelia seemed fascinated by him and Roderick was already falling for her natural charms. When Roderick moved into to kiss her he wasn’t sure what was going to happen next. All he knew was that he wanted this more than he has ever wanted anything in a very long time. The want giving away to something that felt like more of a need. Something he had to have.

  Kissing Amelia was delicious. Her lips were soft, almost untouched by the world, and she tasted sweet from the wine. He felt an immediate stirring the moment their lips touched and he knew that he was going to have more. She kissed him back but she seemed almost unsure as to what to do next.

  “My dear Amelia,” he looked at her, “You’re not a virgin are you?” Of course he certainly didn’t expect her to say yes, but when she did he smiled broadly. She looked ashamed but he told her not to be. This news only made him more excited to be with her. He kissed her again so that she could feel more confident again. Roderick ordered Amelia, although gentle in his words, to get up and stand across the room, facing him. He wasn’t sure if Amelia would listen but when she did he knew that he was going to be able to have a very fun evening with her. Then he ordered her to take off her clothes slowly. At first she hesitated but, perhaps emboldened by the wine, she finally did as she was told.

  Roderick watched in awe as this beautiful girl in front of him took off her clothes. She was gorgeous. Her skin was porcelain white, as if it had never known the sun. Her breasts were just big enough to probably fit neatly inside the palm of his hand and her hi
ps curved gently out. Roderick was surprised to see that she didn’t try to cover herself up but stood in front of him, proud of her body. She started to walk towards him but he told her to stay where he was. Then he took off his clothes and sat back down, his penis already erect. He saw her eyes widen in surprise and he realized this was probably the first time she had seen a naked man. Finally he told her to come forward and to kneel to the ground. Then he took her hands and placed it around his penis. Roderick loved watching her reaction to this all and when he reached down and placed a finger between her legs he was happy to feel that she was already wet. She gasped when he touched her and he smiled.

  Roderick spent the next hour ordering Amelia around – and bringing her on the verge of an orgasm before pulling away and waiting for her to calm down. He wanted her to experience sex in the most explosive way for her first time and he knew that he was on the way to making this happen. The more he stopped her from having an orgasm the more she wanted and the more she begged. He ordered her to kneel on the floor and as he stood up he gently pushed her face towards him. She took his penis in his mouth and licked and sucked him in a way that seemed so experienced for someone who was doing this for the first time. Roderick wanted to remain in control of this whole situation but even he almost gave him to her – it just felt so good.

  Finally he couldn’t take it anymore and lead her to the bed, where he placed her down. Then he came on top of her and entered her. She gasped, and then closed her eyes, moaning over and over again. As he rocked over her he watched her – this beautiful girl in front of him. He took her hands and paced them on her breasts and made her feel herself while he continued to push inside her. Finally, in a moment of pure ecstasy they both came together.


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