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The Education of an Idealist

Page 64

by Samantha Power

  Iran nuclear deal and, 530

  on military action after chemical weapons attack in Syria, 368–369, 375–376, 380, 381

  on military action in Libya, 302

  Obama on War Powers Resolution and, 375

  oversight role when Obama in Senate, 149, 153, 165

  Senator Obama’s work with, 152, 162

  SP domestic engagements with, 535

  SP’s confirmation for UN post and, 329–332, 338–340

  stance on confirmation of James Hormel, 426

  Syrian refugees and, 495, 497, 499

  work on #FreeThe20 and, 520

  Republika Srpska, 55, 79–80

  Rhetoric of Reaction (Hirschman), 226–227

  Rhodes, Ben

  on Arab Spring, 290

  Armenian genocide recognition and, 237–238

  Cairo speech and, 249

  as Obama campaign foreign policy speechwriter, 172–173

  Obama’s Nobel address and, 261–262, 263

  on Obama’s response to SP’s Ukraine speeches, 421

  on SP’s Burma trip, 317

  on support for Yazidis, 511

  UNGA address (2011) including LGBT rights and, 279–280

  White House letter to Congress on Syria’s chemical weapons use and, 362–364

  Rice, Condoleezza, 153, 235

  Rice, Susan

  Churkin’s relationship with, 384, 405

  Ebola epidemic and, 435–437

  on Obama seeking congressional approval for Syrian strike, 374, 377

  preventing atrocities in South Sudan and, 273–274

  responding to Libya crisis and, 298, 302–305

  on SP and Russia’s UN representative, 383

  on SP statements on Ukraine, 410, 413

  on SP traveling to Ebola-affected West African countries, 448

  SP’s Rose Garden ceremony and, 326

  SP’s work and relationship with, 205–206, 223, 225, 278, 279, 291, 302, 320, 342, 383, 384

  UN inspection mission in Syria and, 373

  UN Security Council resolution imposing arms embargo and sanctions against Libya and, 291

  UN Security Council resolution 1973 (authorizing “all necessary measures” in Libya) and, 302–304

  US efforts against Boko Haram and, 488

  US response to Syrian chemical weapons attack and, 360, 371

  Rochdi, Najat, 477–478, 480, 481, 482, 483

  Rodríguez, Bruno, 356–357

  Rohde, David

  abduction of, 111–113

  attendance at Security Council Srebrenica session and, 430

  op-ed by SP about, 112–113, 522

  release and return to US, 113–114

  reporting on evidence of alleged executions in Srebrenica, 101–102, 109

  return to Srebrenica with SP for massacre anniversary and, 269

  Rohingya, in Burma, 315–317, 316n

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 157

  Roosevelt, Franklin D. and administration, 46, 119, 354, 449

  Rosen, James, 366

  Rosenfeld, Steve, 87–88, 111, 112

  Ross, Dennis, 284–286, 287–288

  Rouse, Pete, 154, 321

  Rousseff, Dilma, 281

  Rubin, Elizabeth, 95, 111, 122, 124–125

  Rubin, Jennifer, 504

  Rubio, Marco, 339–340

  Rudman, Mara, 215

  Rumors (Sunstein), 231

  Rusesabagina, Paul, 142, 163

  Russia. See also Churkin, Vitaly; Lavrov, Sergey; Medvedev, Dmitry; Putin, Vladimir

  actions taken against Qaddafi by, 291–292, 303, 304

  bombing of Chechnya, 103–105, 539

  early cooperation with Obama administration of, 249, 404

  interests in Syria of, 377–378, 389

  interference in US elections (2016) and, 538–539

  invasion of Ukraine, 403, 408, 409–415, 416–417, 417n, 427–428

  losing election to Human Rights Council, 431–433, 432n

  military intervention in Syria by, 502, 503, 510–511, 539–540

  Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 destruction and, 417–419, 418n

  policies on LGBT rights, 421, 422, 424, 425n, 430, 522–523, 524–525

  response to chemical weapons attacks in Syria, x, 361, 369, 372, 377–378, 382–385, 387, 388, 389

  Security Council resolution on Srebrenica genocide and, 428–431

  as Security Council veto-holder, 303, 347, 353, 365, 367, 367n, 370, 404, 408, 429–430

  similarities with Soviet tactics, 403–404, 409–410, 412, 415, 418–419, 540

  support for Bosnian Serb militants from, 270, 428–430


  genocide in, 118, 120–121, 122, 127, 131, 142, 226, 274, 339–340, 353, 363, 379

  peacekeeping troops to CAR from, 393

  Sacirbey, Muhamed, 100, 102

  Saddam Hussein, 50–51, 51n, 121, 128, 132–134, 362, 409

  Safire, William, 91

  Saleh, Raed, 502–503

  Sandberg, Sheryl, 459

  Sarajevo, 55–57, 60, 63, 67, 68–69, 77, 81, 85–86, 88–97, 99–100, 101n, 103, 104, 106–108, 110, 116, 269–270, 361, 404–405, 504–505. See also Bosnia; Bosnian war

  sarin, 362, 372–373, 379, 389. See also chemical weapons

  Sarno, John, 177

  “Save Darfur” activism, 140–143, 161–165, 228–229

  Sayoc, Cesar, 547

  Schindler’s List (film), 118–119

  Schrenell, Hillary, 335–336, 339, 343, 349, 422–423, 449, 459

  Schroeder, Pat, 131

  Schumann, John “Schu,” 44–48, 52, 54, 59, 116, 119, 136

  Schwartz, Eric, 261

  Seif, Sanaa, 521

  Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 128, 153, 328, 331–332, 337, 338–339, 386

  Sequoia, Tree, 524–525

  Shah, Raj, 446, 448

  Shalgham, Abdurrahman Mohamed, 291, 307

  Sharpton, Al, 163

  Sherwood-Randall, Liz, 252

  Shipman, Claire, 465

  Shoah (Lanzmann documentary), 119

  Shocked, Michelle, 97

  Sibley Memorial Hospital, 246, 292

  Sierra Leone, 435, 436–437, 439, 443, 447, 451, 455–456, 456n

  Sison, Michele, 351n, 423

  60 Minutes, 140, 183

  Slovenia, 54n, 55, 62, 65

  Smith, Gayle, 251–252, 273, 284–288, 326, 436

  Smith, Sean, 310–311

  Somalia, 50, 78, 120, 136, 276n, 491n

  Soros, George,

  attacks against, 432n

  foundation of, 56, 57, 68–69, 103–105

  South Sudan. See also Sudan

  civil war and mass atrocities (2013) in, 282

  quest for independence, 273–274

  Spencer, Craig, 447

  Spielberg, Steven, 118, 161–162

  sports. See also baseball; basketball; squash; tennis

  Churkin and SP on, 407

  Irish nationalism and, 18

  SP journalism and, 40, 51, 64

  throughout life, SP playing, 20, 27, 35, 37, 39, 40, 43, 44, 47, 115, 159, 254, 330, 468, 474

  as UN ambassador, SP playing and following, 407, 468–469

  with Cass, SP playing and following, 169, 170–171, 196, 197

  with Declan and Rían, SP playing and following, 458, 459–460, 474–476, 532, 545

  with Irish family, SP playing and following, 8–9, 10, 21, 22–23, 32

  with Obama, SP discussing, 145, 165, 194, 230

  Sports Spotlight (radio talk show), 40

  Spotlight Effect, 193

  Squash, 5, 7, 43, 47, 158, 169, 196, 545


  impact of massacre on US policy, 106, 114

  Mladić assault on UN safe area of, 99–102, 109–110, 274

  pursuit and arrest of fugitives implicated in, 270–273

  Putin opposition to commemoration of genocide in, 428

  Rohde reporting on evidence of alleged exec
utions in, 101–102, 109, 113–114

  Security Council resolution on genocide in, 428–431

  Senator Obama asking about massacre in, 146

  SP and massacre anniversaries in, 269–270

  SP processing of, 109–111, 109n, 114–116

  SP trying to promote awareness of, 99–100, 110–111, 115–116

  Stalin, Joseph, 349

  Stamkoski, George, 62–63, 65, 66, 67–68

  Stargell, Willie “Pops,” 22

  State Department, 58, 60–61, 87, 112, 118, 127, 128, 216, 217, 229, 235, 239, 270, 273, 275, 281, 331, 345, 397, 426, 431, 487, 492–493, 516, 519, 549–550. See also Christopher, Warren, as Secretary of State; Clinton, Hillary; Kerry, John; Rice, Condoleezza

  Steinberg, Jim, 228n

  Steinberg, Nik, 412–414, 446, 503

  Steinem, Gloria, 533, 534

  Stevens, Chris, 308–309, 310–311, 477

  Stevenson, Adlai, 409, 460

  Stone Mountain, Georgia, 36–37

  Stonewall Inn, 524–525, 526

  Sudan. See also South Sudan

  allegations of mass rape by government soldiers in Tabit, Darfur, 467, 467n

  genocide in Darfur by government of, 135, 137–140, 142–143, 221, 225–226

  Southern, and atrocity prevention, 273–274

  SP and Prendergast investigation in, 137–140

  Sullivan, Jake, 294

  Sullivan, Stacy, 81, 95, 97

  Sunstein, Cass

  acclimation to SP as ambassador and, 343–345

  on confirmation bias, 507–508

  dating SP, 176–179, 195–196

  election results (2016) and, 534–535

  errant email of, 169, 170

  hospitalized, 543–545

  domestic tasks and, 335–336

  Iowa caucus and, 174, 176–177, 179–180

  marriage proposal of, 195–196

  mock confirmation hearings for SP and, 331–334

  “monster” controversy and, 186–187, 188, 189, 190, 191–192, 193, 195

  Obama administration and, 201, 204, 208, 214, 230–233, 254–255, 320

  Obama on messiness of, 178–179, 322

  Obama’s election victory and, 200–201, 204, 207–208

  SP on Armenian Remembrance Day and, 245

  on “Spotlight Effect,” 193

  SP swearing in as US Ambassador to the UN and, 341–342

  SP travel to Cameroon, Chad, and Nigeria and, 475, 481–482

  on SP traveling to Ebola-affected West African countries, 446, 448

  SP’s confirmation hearings and, 334, 337–338, 339

  SP’s last day at UN and, 542

  SP’s pregnancies and, 199, 205, 292–293, 312–313

  on SP’s trip to Iraq, 257–258, 260

  teaching at Harvard Law, 320, 343, 459, 546

  wedding of, 196–197

  Sunstein, Dick, 327

  Sunstein, Ellyn Kail, 177, 197

  Suu Kyi, Aung San, 313–317, 318–320

  Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard (Heath and Heath), 517

  Syria. See also al-Assad, Bashar

  calls for SP’s resignation over US policy on, 503–506, 514–516

  Cesar photos from prisons in, 505

  chemical weapons used by, ix–x, 359–360, 361, 362–364, 362n, 369–371, 372–373, 378–379, 388–390, 509

  economic sanctions and restrictions, Syria’s use of chemical weapons and, 369–370

  Libya compared with, 307–308, 368, 374–375, 378, 507

  Obama considerations regarding use of force, 365–371, 374–377, 506–511, 512–514

  refugees from, 494–495, 496–500, 497n, 513

  Russian and government siege of Aleppo, 539–540

  Saleh on Russian and government air strikes in, 502–503

  SP considerations regarding use of force, 369–371, 380–382, 389–390, 506–514

  UN inspection mission in, 367, 372–373

  UN Security Council blocked on, 367, 377–378

  UN Security Council’s resolution on chemical weapons destruction in, 387–389

  White Helmets in, 502–503

  Tadić, Boris, 270, 272

  Talbott, Strobe, 87, 111, 112, 204

  Tan, Ta Phong, 520–521

  Tangara, Mamadou, 399–400

  Tank Man, in Tiananmen Square, 41, 42, 45, 52

  Taylor, Nathan, 37

  Al-Teibawi, Morad and Ola, 499–500

  Tennis 5, 8, 16, 20, 70, 328

  Tent Partnership for Refugees, 499, 546–547

  Terbil, Fathi, 289

  Tewes, Paul, 175

  Therapy, 31, 125–127, 158, 160–161, 167, 177, 232

  Thomas, Stanton, 344

  Thomas-Jensen, Colin, 471, 473–474, 478–479, 481, 485

  Thomson, Elliot, 177, 459

  Thomson, James C., 514–515

  Tiananmen Square demonstrations, 41, 42, 46

  Tito, Josip Broz, 47, 54

  Tohti, Ilham, 519

  Toíbín, Colm, 18

  Torsella, Joe, 351n

  Treblinka death camp, Poland, 119

  Troubles, the (1968–1998), 90, 491

  Trudeau, Justin, 498

  Trump, Donald and administration, xi, 419, 434–435, 491, 496, 497, 497n, 513, 530, 531n, 532, 533, 534–535, 535n, 536, 537–539, 540, 542, 545, 546, 547–548, 549, 551

  Tunisia, 287, 288–289, 290, 299, 551


  Armenian genocide and, 233, 234–236, 237–239, 240, 242–244, 243n

  Syria and, 368, 494, 495

  Tversky, Amos, 427

  Twain, Mark, 78

  Uganda, 274–277

  Uighur, 519


  Churkin meeting with SP on, 426–428

  Russia’s invasion of, 403, 408, 409–415, 416–417, 417n, 427–428,

  SP meets with young reformers and displaced people in, 412

  SP’s responses to Churkin on, 410–411, 420–421, 427–428

  Yanukovych and unrest in, 408, 410

  Ulukaya, Hamdi, 499, 546–547

  UNICEF, 136, 347

  United Arab Emirates (UAE), 304, 368

  United Kingdom, 4, 6, 90, 182, 303, 303n, 304, 353, 362n, 371, 376, 376n, 428, 443, 453, 466n, 491

  United Nations. See also United Nations General Assembly; United Nations Security Council

  Cuny on effectiveness of, 57–58

  founding conference of, 327

  general contributions and mission of, 346–348

  Human Rights Council, 221–222, 222n, 277, 431–433

  LGBT staff benefits at, 422–426

  member states in, 346–348, 346n

  Obama’s nomination of SP for ambassadorship to, 323–327

  Press Office, SP’s Bosnia press credentials for, 64–65

  SP’s courtesy calls to ambassadors at, 394–402

  SP’s guided tour of, 43

  woman as secretary-general of, 466

  United Nations Charter, 289, 346, 348, 349, 368, 394, 529n

  United Nations General Assembly

  condemnation of Iran’s human rights abuses and, 530

  Libya expelled from Human Rights Council by, 291

  Obama becomes first leader to invoke gay rights in, 279–280

  Obama’s final visit to, 525–526

  Obama hosts historic refugee summit during, 498–499

  passage of resolution on illegality of Crimean referendum by, 415–417, 417n

  Russian-orchestrated vote to strip LGBT people of UN benefits in, 422–426

  SP on Syria’s use of chemical weapons in, 379

  UN Secretary General hosts high-level humanitarian event for those affected by Boko Haram during, 486

  US negotiations in, 356

  United Nations Genocide Convention, 119n, 128

  United Nations Secretary General. See also Ban Ki-moon

  election of (2016), 466

  functions of, 349, 468

Nations Security Council

  authorization of use of force in Libya and, 297–298, 301–304, 307

  Bosnian arms embargo and, 78–79

  composition, functions, and history of, 346n, 353–356, 466–467, 468–469

  Ebola epidemic and, 438–443

  female ambassadors serving on, 466–467, 468–469

  first ever condemnation of attack based on sexual orientation by, 524

  imposition of Libyan arms embargo and economic sanctions by, 291

  Iran nuclear deal enshrined in international law in, 529–530

  Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 attack and, 417–418

  negotiation and passage of resolution to strip Syria -of chemical weapons program, 384–386, 387–389

  on North Korea’s brutal treatment of its people, 528–529

  on North Korea’s nuclear proliferation, 528–529

  powers and proceedings of, 78, 303n, 353–356, 354n, 367n, 403, 523, 529, 550

  SP on Syria’s and Russia’s siege of Aleppo in, 539–541

  Srebrenica genocide resolution and, 428–431

  Ukraine and, 403–404, 408–411, 412, 413–414, 417–418, 420–421, 426

  veto power in, 303, 354, 347, 353, 354, 365, 367, 367n, 370, 404, 408, 429–430, 529

  United States Mission to the United Nations, 58, 206, 345–346, 349–351, 351n, 356, 391, 423, 468, 520, 521, 531, 536–538, 541

  US Digital Service, 498

  US Holocaust Memorial Museum, 140–141, 394

  U.S. News & World Report, 63–64, 70–71, 320

  US Sportsmen’s Alliance, 231

  USAID, 218, 275, 421, 437, 446, 448, 450n, 476

  Vieira de Mello, Sergio, 160–161, 166, 171, 181, 257

  Vietor, Tommy, 331–332, 334

  Vinson, Amber, 444

  Volesky, Gary, 450

  Waldorf Astoria Towers

  adapting apartment and including family in events at, 459–462

  election night party (2016), 532–534

  as official residence of Ambassador to the UN, 342–345

  Wałęsa, Lech, 46

  Walker, Stephen, 60–61, 131–132, 516

  Wang Yu, 519, 520

  War Crimes Rewards Program, 270, 275

  war criminals, US government pursuit of, 270–272, 275–276

  War Powers Resolution (1973), 374–375

  Washington Nationals, 321, 343, 458, 464, 474, 475

  Washington Post, 56, 87–88, 99–100, 112, 114, 162, 224, 228–229, 253, 329, 357, 382

  weapons of mass destruction, 132–133, 362, 370, 409, 528–529

  Weber, Andrew, 450n

  Wednesday Group, 251–254, 293, 464

  Weekly Standard, 188

  Weinberger, Miro, 42–43, 115–116, 125

  Weinstein, Jeremy, 285, 286, 287–288, 336–337, 349, 350, 356

  West Wing of the White House, 211–212, 214, 218, 218n, 224, 253


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