The Sea Witch: A Wicked Villains Novel

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The Sea Witch: A Wicked Villains Novel Page 19

by Robert, Katee

  “I heard it.”

  He starts to shift away, but I grab his arms, keeping them wrapped around me. It’s easier to speak without looking at him, to admit how foolish I was that I let him close enough to cause me pain. “You hurt me badly when I realized that it was all a lie.”

  “It wasn’t all a lie.”

  “Alaric, you’re not the man you pretended to be. You’re not a nice guy who made a mistake. You’re not a devil, but you’re not an innocent, either.”

  “You’re right.” He huffs out a breath. “But that doesn’t change the fact that I did enjoy my time with you in Olympus. And I’ve enjoyed my time with you here, too.”

  I smile despite everything. “We’ve spent most of the time fucking or fighting.”

  “What can I say? I have a bit of a masochistic streak.” He chuckles. “I won’t pretend that we both didn’t say some hurtful shit, but verbally sparring with you? I like it.”

  I finally force myself to turn in his arms so I can see his face. “It’s that simple for you.”

  “Yeah.” He shrugs as much as he can in his current position. This is the first time I’ve seen his blue eyes unshielded without some kind of kink involved. He looks almost…earnest. “I like you, Zuri. I liked you in Olympus. I like you even better now.” I open my mouth, but he cuts me off before I have a chance to respond. “Don’t you fucking dare tell me it’s because I like your pussy. I, of all people, can keep sex and messy emotions separate. I’ve been doing it for years.”

  It’s really, really none of my business but I can’t help asking, “Do you think you’ll miss it?”

  He blinks. “Miss what?”

  “Working at the Underworld. Having sex with so many different people. All of it.”

  I half expect him to answer quickly, but he takes the time to really think it over. “I don’t know. I haven’t really considered it because I’ve been so focused on getting free of Hades’s leash and moving my relationship forward with Ursa. Maybe I’ll miss it. Maybe I won’t. However I feel, I’ll talk it through with Ursa, and we’ll figure it out.”

  Somehow, his words reassure me more than if he rushed to tell me that he would never, ever miss the sex work. He’s being honest, rather than telling a soothing lie. Nothing in this world is so cut and dried, and Alaric might have chosen to make a deal with Hades, but he also chose the method of his repayment. I know enough to know that. “Okay.”

  Alaric studies me. “Does that bother you?”

  “I don’t know.” It’s the honest answer, if an unsatisfying one. I don’t know what I’m feeling right now, only that I’m swinging madly from one emotion to another. Elation that Ursa wants me. Fear of what the future might bring. Confusion on how this could possibly work. “You and Ursa haven’t even had a chance to figure out your relationship now that your debt is paid. You don’t have a problem with her inviting me to stay?”

  Alaric’s smile is surprisingly tentative. “I’d like you to stay, too.”

  I can’t fault him for being an asshole last night, not when I was more than a little bit of an asshole on my own. “What if we can’t make it work?”

  “Then we can’t make it work.” He sits up, bringing me with him. “No relationship is guaranteed, Zuri. Not even the happy ones. We might fall in love and fall out of it again. I might be hit by a truck tomorrow. A meteor could destroy the world.”

  I blink. “That is an exceedingly dark way of looking at it.”

  “Not really.” He shrugs. “Knowing that it could end only makes it sweeter while you have the good stuff. Life is hard. Really fucking hard. Hell, you know that. You haven’t been untouched by death.”

  He means my mother.

  “That’s not the same thing. I barely remember her.” Is it possible to miss someone you only have the faintest smudge of memories of? I don’t know. I’ve never been able to figure out if I miss her or just the fantasy of the mother my sisters say she was. Kind and strong and fierce at times. My father always says I looked the most like her, was the most like her, but how can I live up to the memory of a woman I only remember as a soft hug that smells faintly of orange blossoms?

  “It counts.” Alaric smooths my hair back, his touch gentle. “Look, I won’t pressure you one way or another. But I’m willing to talk through this shit if you are.”

  I glance at the door. “Maybe later? I get the feeling Ursa doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

  He grins, his seriousness falling away so quickly, I have to wonder if he’s as relieved to set this conversation aside for the time being as I am. “That’s the damn truth.” Alaric climbs off the bed and holds out his hand. “Come on, Zuri. Let’s show you how good the Underworld can be when you’re really indulging.”

  He sounds so happy, so full of anticipation, that I allow myself to smile and take his hand. “I can’t wait.”

  Chapter 24


  I’m still reeling from Ursa’s offer when we finally arrive at the Underworld. It’s late enough that the lounge is filled when we follow Ursa through the door, flanking her on either side. Zuri drifts a little closer to her, the only sign that she’s overwhelmed, though she keeps shooting glances at the people gathered. Maybe she’s trying to pick out the people who bid on her. Or maybe she’s just finally getting a good look at the sheer amount of beauty and power packed into this club every weekend. Everyone in the room has one or the other; most have both. It’s surreal in the extreme, and working here for eight years still hasn’t quite worn off the shine of it.

  It’s strange, though.

  Strange to be back here as a patron. Strange to be fully dressed when usually I was wearing some kind of costume or kink gear. Strange to miss the Underworld a little, even if it’s a place that felt so much like a cage for the last few years.

  Our outfits coordinate, something I’ve found amusing when others did it in the past. It doesn’t feel amusing tonight. It feels like a public declaration that we belong to Ursa, that we’re part of her household. That we’re sharing her bed.

  She’s wearing one of my favorite dresses of hers, a black wrap dress that hugs her generous curves and is deceptively see-through. Every step she takes gives hints to the purple lingerie she wears beneath it, little glimpses that make my mouth water. I’m wearing black slacks and a purple button-down in the exact same shade. Zuri has on a matching purple dress that is short enough to almost be indecent, her heels making her lean legs look even longer. The dress hugs her body, leaving as little to the imagination as Ursa’s clothing does, but in a very different way. Her only accessory is her mother’s necklace.

  Fuck, but I’m a lucky man.

  Ursa leads the way to a booth that’s been her customary one for as long as I’ve lived in Carver City. She motions Zuri to precede us into the booth and I follow her in, sliding until we’re pressed together from knee to shoulder. It’s only touching her like this that I can feel Zuri tremble, just a little. None of those nerves show on her face, her expression a calm mask as she surveys the room.

  Ursa slides in from the other side, so that we’re bracketing Zuri. Like most everything she does, this is intentional. She picked up on Zuri’s unease, too. Ursa is too careful with her public image to openly comfort Zuri when gazes around the room focus on us, but I don’t miss the fact that she gives the other woman’s bare knee a quick squeeze under the table.

  Aurora appears next to our table as if by magic. She winks at me and gives Ursa a wide grin. “I see that you’re enjoying your auction prize.”

  “You have no idea.” Ursa’s smile is just as wide, just as practiced. “You look delightful tonight, Aurora.”

  Delightful and different. Her blue hair is a shade darker than it was a few days ago, edging toward a deep indigo, and she’s wearing red. On anyone else, the complicated lingerie set would be hot and it would end there. But in eight years, I haven’t seen Aurora in anything but white. Her whole thing has been playing to type—the innocent virginal submissive who just w
ants to kneel at her dominant’s feet and give them whatever they desire.

  I catch a glimpse of metal beneath the red lace. “Did you pierce your nipples?”

  “A lady never tells.” She gives me a dazzling smile. “But she might show you.” She reaches down and tugs both lace cups away from her breasts and shows us that she has, indeed, gained two new piercings. The silver shines against her brown nipples, pretty little additions.

  I glance over to find Zuri watching Aurora with interest. I didn’t see the show they put on for the auction—Hades hadn’t wanted anyone circulating the room and distracting bidders—but I’d heard about it afterward.

  Zuri catches me looking and blushes. “I like them.”

  Ursa shifts, and I catch her trailing her hand up Zuri’s thigh, stopping just short of the hem. “There are a number of places to be pierced, darling. I think you’d enjoy quite a few of them.”

  If anything, Zuri blushes harder. “Maybe.”

  I have to focus on not thinking about Zuri adorned with jewelry through her nipples and clitoral hood. Of how I could drive her wild toying with them with my tongue. Except focusing isn’t working because I can’t stop picturing it. I groan. “Damn it, Aurora. Now you’ve gone and done it.”

  “Sorry.” She flashes a quick grin at me. “Not sorry.” She turns back to Ursa. “I’ll get those drinks started. It was nice to see you again, Zuri.” She’s a professional, so there isn’t even a hint of question there about what we’re all doing here together, dressed as if this is permanent and not just a week-long assignation.

  “Would you like to play with Aurora again, darling?”

  Zuri shifts, but we’re both pressed against her so there’s nowhere for her to go. I watch her face carefully. It’s a simple enough question, but there’s nothing simple in her expression. She finally looks at Ursa. “I don’t know.”


  “I enjoyed what we did on stage.”

  Ursa watches her just as closely as I am. “Mmhmm.”

  Zuri shifts again, pressing back against me. I respond to the silent ask and drape my arm around her waist and pull her into my lap. She exhales slowly. “If it’s something you want, I’ll obey.”

  “That wasn’t what I asked you. I know what I want already. I asked what you want.” She edges closer, her hand drifting up Zuri’s thigh again. It makes Zuri squirm, which is hell on my control because she’s squirming against my cock. Ursa’s hand disappears beneath her dress, and I know the exact moment she penetrates Zuri because she goes soft and all but melts back against my chest.

  Ursa’s hand moves beneath her dress. “I’ll ask again and this time, answer honestly. Would you like to play with Aurora again?”

  “No.” The word shudders out. Zuri clutches my arms so tightly, there are bound to be imprints of her fingernails long after she’s let go. “I just want you…” She whimpers a little. “Both of you.”

  “There now. Was that so hard?”

  Zuri lets her head drop back to rest on my shoulder. “No, Mistress.” Her voice is barely above a whisper.

  “Come quietly, love. You don’t want everyone in this room to know that I have my fingers in your pretty pussy, do you?” Ursa’s gaze is intent on Zuri’s face. Not just intent. Intense. I wait for a wave of jealousy in response to the possessive look I’ve only ever seen directed at me. It doesn’t come. Having Zuri with us just feels right. Maybe it’s because I want her, too. Maybe it’s because her softness and her steel perfectly complement us, perfectly rounds out our relationship. I don’t know. There’s no point in questioning it. It simply is.

  Ursa works Zuri to orgasm right there in the booth. With every roll of her hips, I have to grit my teeth harder to keep myself under control. There will be pleasure aplenty later. I don’t need to blow my wad at the table from a little dry humping. Or that’s what I tell myself as I hang by a fucking thread.

  Zuri comes with a near-silent moan, shuddering in my lap. Ursa smiles, her entire expression going both warm and soft for a fleeting moment before she packs it away and all that remains is a cool smile. “Good girl.” She shifts her attention to me. “And you, lover. You’ve shown excellent restraint.” She withdraws her fingers, wet with Zuri’s orgasm, and presses them to my lips. “Taste how good she is.”

  I take her fingers into my mouth eagerly, sucking and flicking my tongue over her skin. Zuri tastes sweet, but I keep it up long after I’ve licked Ursa clean.

  She slowly pulls her fingers out of my mouth and shakes her head. “You’re such a handful.”

  “That’s what you enjoy about me.”

  “One of the many things.” She turns her attention back to the room. As suspected, we have a bit of an audience. No one has moved from their respective booths or seats at the bar, but a good portion of the people here just watched that little show.

  Historically, Ursa doesn’t play in public often. I think I can count on one hand how many times she’s done it, and all were special occasions for one reason or another.

  I guess tonight is a special occasion, too.

  Malone walks through the door, and her entrance is like a rock thrown into a placid pool of water. Ripples of people turning back to their drinks or conversations as she passes. She ignores the bar and comes straight for us, looking as perfectly put together as always. She’s wearing fitted black pants, suspenders and a gray silk blouse. And, of course, her customary heels. With her icy blond hair swept back from her face, her beauty is on full display.

  She’s one of the few power players in Carver City that I haven’t played with—her tastes run more to the feminine persuasion—but I’ve seen the way Underworld submissives go all starry eyed after they’ve participated in one of her scenes. Her reputation is more than earned.

  Malone casts a slow look over us before finally settling on Ursa. “Smitten.”

  “Sometimes I do take the advice of my friends.” Ursa shrugs. “Have a drink with me.”

  Malone curves dark red lips. “You have two pretty submissives practically panting after you right now, and you want to have a drink with me?”

  “It’s good for them to learn patience.” Ursa cuts a look in my direction. “Alaric, take Zurielle and go find out where our drinks went. Bring a gin and tonic for Malone.”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  It’s awkward to slide out of the booth with Zuri in my lap, but she’s still a little loopy from the orgasm. I carefully edge past Malone where she stands by the table and set Zuri on her feet, keeping my hands on her hips in case she sways. I should know better by now. She’s steady enough, but she gives me a small smile like she appreciates the thought. Or maybe I’m just projecting, hoping that this might really work.

  I want her to stay.

  I want her to forgive me, even though I sure as fuck don’t deserve it. Especially because, deep down in my soul, I know I wouldn’t do a single thing different. Not when my actions brought Zuri into my life—into our life.

  I take her hand and head slowly toward the bar. The surreal feeling from before is back. How many times did I spend the first part of the night in this lounge, carting drinks to and from tables? More than I can count. I played bartender for the first year after I sealed my bargain with Hades, while I was still in training to learn to play both submissive and Dominant. Though I didn’t do nearly the former nearly as much as I did the latter. Not that I minded. I didn’t hate my time here.

  I just hated not being my own person.

  “This place feels so larger than life.”

  Looking around, I try to see it like Zuri does. The entire Underworld drips in understated elegance, trending toward cool neutrals and expensive fabrics. The lounge is no different. Each of the circular booths tucked against the walls were handmade and have the leather seats changed out with different subtle patterns whenever Meg gets an itch. Or I guess Hercules, since he’s the one who took over that part of running the club.

  The bar is a masterpiece. It surrounds a lar
ge sculpture that manages to depict an orgy without crossing over into vulgar, and the lighting was installed intentionally to spotlight it. The bar is always lit, no matter what time of night, and the drinks are all top shelf. Even the wood floor beneath our feet shines as if dirt wouldn’t dare touch it.

  Yeah, larger than life about sums it right up.

  We stop next to the bar, and I sling my arm around her waist simply because I can. The large Dominican woman behind the bar smiles at me. “Back so soon, Alaric? I knew you’d miss us.”

  “Only you, Tis.” I give her my charming grin right back. “This is Zuri.”

  “We met briefly.” Tis gives her an equally warm smile. She might be a badass with the patrons, but she’s always had plenty of warmth for those of us who work at the Underworld. Or, at least, those who used to. I resent the pang in my chest at the thought. I fought so hard to get free. Why the hell does part of me miss this place?

  Zuri holds out her hand, a proper princess. “It’s nice to see you again.”

  Tis shoots a look at me as she takes Zuri’s hand. “Is she always this polite?”

  “No.” I chuckle. “She’s on her best behavior right now because she’s overwhelmed.”

  “Alaric.” Zuri glares at me. “Stop it.”

  I give her a reprieve and change the subject. “We came to collect our drinks and add a gin and tonic for Malone.”

  “Ah.” Tis moves a few feet down the bar and nudges a round tray with three drinks on it over to me. “Give me a second for the fourth.”

  The glasses have condensation beading the outside of them. “Did something happen to Aurora?”

  “She was called away.” Her careful reply tells me everything I need to know. Aurora saw Malone and decided to find somewhere else to be. I’ve seen the disappearing act enough times, but I’ve never been able to get to the bottom of it. Aurora might submit prettily and cry easily, but she’s a vault when it comes to things she doesn’t want to talk about. Malone lands firmly in that category.


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