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Kiss Me, Baby

Page 6

by Davenport, Fiona

  With her answer ringing in my ears and my heart, I came so hard I could have sworn I saw stars. We rode out our climaxes together, and when I finally began to recover, I swept her into my arms and carried her back to our bedroom. I set her on her feet before stripping us out of the rest of our clothes. We crawled naked into bed, and I wrapped myself around her, feeling completely content.

  “Um, Zack?” Amelia asked after a few minutes.

  “Yeah, beautiful?”

  “Did you just ask me to marry you during sex?”

  “You bet your pretty little ass I did.”

  Suddenly, Amelia pulled away and sat up, dodging me when I growled and reached for her. She put her hands on her curvy hips, and I was momentarily distracted by her tits bouncing with her sharp breaths.

  “Are you going to ask me when I’m not delirious from multiple orgasms? It seems a little underhanded.”

  I lifted my gaze to meet her eyes and raised a single eyebrow. “I never claimed to fight fair, beautiful. And when it comes to you, Amelia, there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to make you mine forever.”

  She visibly melted a little but grumbled, “It’s not like I’d say no if you asked me now.”

  I shrugged. “That might be true, but you already said yes, so why take that chance?”

  Amelia fought a smile but lost the fight, and her mouth curved up as her eyes danced with humor. “You could have at least waited until you had a ring,” she teased.

  I rolled over to face my nightstand and opened the drawer and grabbed a little white box. Then I pushed it shut and returned to my previous position. I flipped up the top of the box and showed her its contents. “Like this?” I asked with a lopsided grin.

  Amelia gasped and covered her mouth with her hands as she stared at the antique, five-carat, marquee diamond set in a simple platinum band. “How could you possibly…?” she mumbled.

  “It belonged to my father’s mother,” I told her as I removed the ring from the bed of velvet and grabbed her hand away from her mouth to slip it on her finger. “The night you first kissed me, I took it out of the safe in my home office and stuck it in this drawer. Somehow, I knew I would be needing it very soon.”

  Amelia’s face was lit with joy, and she fell on top of me, fusing our mouths. The kiss led to another round of lovemaking, but this time, I took her soft and slow, showing her how precious she was to me. “I love you,” I rasped as I collapsed onto the bed beside her, still breathing hard.

  She curled up into my side and threw an arm and leg over me. “I love you, too,” she sighed happily. “Who would have thought that a silly dare would lead me to the man of my dreams?”

  “Man of your dreams, huh?” I repeated cockily.

  She laughed and patted my stomach. “Don’t let it go to your head.”

  I quickly rolled us over so she was sprawled underneath me and slid my still hard cock into her hot pussy. “Oh, it’s definitely gone straight to my head, beautiful.”



  “You did a great job. Congratulations, Mommy and Daddy.”

  I smiled up at the nurse who’d assisted me through my labor and delivery. “Thank you.”

  “Are you ready for visitors? Or should I tell them to wait a little longer and give you some alone time with the baby?” she asked as she set a pitcher of water on the table next to my bed.

  “Please let Delia know she can come back,” I instructed, tilting my head up to smile at Zack. “She’s waited a long time to meet this little one.”

  My gorgeous husband’s dark eyes filled with gratitude. He brushed a kiss against the top of my head and gently cupped his hand over the baby’s head before adding, “Everyone else will understand that we want to bond as a family before they come in.”

  “Ooh! If Becket is still out there, tell him to go get me a strawberry milkshake and an animal style burger from In-N-Out,” I requested. It’d been way too long since I’d had anything to eat, and my mouth watered at the thought of scarfing my order down.

  The nurse laughed and gave me a thumbs-up. “Will do.”

  “I would’ve gotten you something to eat if you had told me you were hungry,” Zack grumbled.

  I lifted our precious bundle a little higher. “I’m not ready for you to leave us yet.”

  “Good because there’s no getting rid of me, even if the nurses try to give me some bullshit about visiting hours tonight.” He turned his head to glare at the door as though someone was going to come through it and try to kick him out.

  “Silly man.” I patted his hand and laughed softly. “Did you forget in all the excitement that visiting hours don’t apply to new daddies?”

  “You can’t be surprised if he did, Amelia. He almost forgot your overnight bag in his haste to get you out the door when you went into labor,” Delia reminded me as she walked in the door and made a beeline over to the other side of my bed.

  “True. It’s a good thing you were there to remind us.” She’d started college a few months ago but came home for a long weekend after midterms since it was so close to my due date.

  “Hey, now!” Zack protested with a small grin. “You can’t give me too hard of a time over it when I had a lot on my mind at the moment.”

  “You’d never know he practiced the drive between home and the hospital at least a dozen times to get ready for this day,” I teased.

  The baby let out a small cry, and all our attention shifted to the little bundle in my arms. “At least one of my girls jumped to my defense,” Zack claimed.

  “Nah, she’s on our side for sure,” Delia disagreed with a grin. “Girl power and all that.”

  Zack chuckled and shook his head. “I see how it’s going to be now that you got the little sister you wanted.”

  Delia shrugged her shoulders. “You should’ve given me a brother instead if you wanted to even out the numbers.”

  “Maybe next time.” I shifted my hold on the baby so Delia could more easily see her face. “Are you ready to meet your sister?”

  “Beyond ready,” Delia answered as she leaned down to get a better look. “Hello, Julia. I’m your big sister, Delia. I love you so much, precious girl.”

  “Do you want to hold her?” I offered.

  Delia’s head jerked up in surprise. “Can I?”

  “Of course,” Zack answered. “Just be careful with her head.”

  “I know how to hold a baby, Dad,” Delia sighed. “Not only do I have little cousins I’ve babysat for, but I also read all the baby books you sent me.”

  Zack had gone way beyond gung-ho when it came to preparing for Julia’s birth, which had only made his frantic state during my labor and delivery that much funnier. He read everything he could get his hands on about pregnancy, parenting, and babies. He’d also been super over-protective of me, to the point where I’d often joked about him just wrapping me in bubble wrap any time I left the house. I’d quickly learned my caveman husband had a whole other level of alpha male inside him.

  When I started to shift in the bed to give Julia to her big sister, Zack slid his hand down my back to help me reposition. Delia transferred the baby into her arms like she was a pro. “Hey, sweetie.” Her eyes filled with tears, and she sniffled. “She’s so perfect. I could do with another one just like her. Maybe you guys could get right on that as soon as the doctor says it’s okay.”

  I figured she was just teasing us and laughed, but I missed the considering look on Zack’s face. When I found out I was pregnant again, he totally threw his oldest daughter under the bus and blamed her for giving him the idea.



  “Zack! I need to get this article posted!” Amelia halfheartedly pushed against my chest. I didn’t budge, keeping my mouth glued to her neck. She’d been working at my desk while I met with my managers. Now that I was done for the day, I’d returned to my office to collect my wife and go home. We had one stop to make, then we’d relieve Delia of babysitting duty.
/>   She’d just looked too fucking tempting, sitting there staring at the computer with cute little glasses on her nose and her hair up in a messy thing on top of her head, exposing her slender neck. I’d walked over to stand behind her and couldn’t stop myself from tasting her sweetness.

  “Go ahead and work,” I murmured as I slid my lips along her silky skin. “Don’t mind me. I’m just having an evening snack.”

  Amelia moaned and tilted her head to the side so I had better access. “You’re distracting me,” she protested weakly.

  My mouth watered for more, and I spun the chair around and braced my hands on the arms as I bent down and fused our mouths.

  Thirty minutes later, I stuck my wife’s panties in my pocket and gave her pussy one last kiss before gently pushing her legs together. She was sprawled in the chair, panting and still shivering from the three orgasms I gave her. I couldn’t help the cocky grin that spread across my face at the sight of my woman looking freshly fucked and satisfied.

  After smoothing her skirt back into place, I got to my feet and licked my lips, wondering if I needed another taste. Then I decided against it since it would keep Amelia from finishing her work and delay us from getting home. “I need to pop in at the arena and check in with Drew and Knox.”

  Amelia’s eyes fluttered open, and she looked at me with confusion for a moment before the haze began to dissipate. “Good,” she sighed as she straightened in the high back leather chair. “No more distracting me?”

  I laughed at her tone. “Are you asking me or telling me, beautiful?”

  She cleared her throat and spoke with more conviction. “Go. I’ll be finished when you get back, and you can distract me some more after the kids are in bed.”

  A wide smile stretched across my face, and I winked at her. “I’m going to be doing a fuck of a lot more than distracting you tonight.” I leaned down to give her a quick kiss, then started for the door. “I’ll be back soon, and I’m taking you home whether you are finished or not,” I warned. “You shouldn’t be working so hard in your condition anyway.”

  It only took me ten minutes to get to the arena that was attached to both The Artemis and the Lennox. Drew and I had created a partnership years ago and built it between our hotels. It made for a larger, more spectacular space that would attract bigger names. We had most types of entertainment booked, and this weekend, we were hosting the finals for the MMA championship.

  When I arrived, Knox and Drew were standing a few feet from the ring talking to Michael St. John, who was the favorite to win the championship. He looked pissed as fuck. “Saint,” I greeted as I walked up to the trio. “From the look on your face, I assume they’ve told you about the switch in opponents tonight.”

  He nodded and cracked his knuckles ominously. He opened his mouth to respond when something caught his eye, and he suddenly spun toward the ring.

  I followed his intense gaze to see a pretty, young girl in a tiny bikini stepping into the ring. She walked to the referee, who handed her a set of signs with numbers. She was obviously the new ring girl, and though she tried to look confident, it was clear she was nervous and out of her element.

  Saint suddenly growled, “Oh, fuck no!” before charging to the ring and climbing inside. He wrenched off his silver robe, and when he reached the girl, he threw it over her. Then he threw her over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold, climbed out of the ring, and marched back over to us. Saint set the girl down next to Knox and gave him a hard look. “Hold this for me.” Saint turned away, but the girl shouted, “Hey, wait! You can’t just pick me up, put me where you want me, and tell some strange guy”—she hitched her thumb toward Knox—“to hold me for you...while calling me a ‘this.’ I’m a woman, not a thing.”

  Saint pivoted back around, and his gaze swept down her body, which was only partially covered by the silver robe, then back up to her face. “I’m well aware that you’re a woman,” he stated. Then his expression darkened with irritation. “The scraps of material you’re wearing that are supposed to pass for a bikini made it more than clear. I could see just about every inch of your delectable body, including your pebbled nipples pressing against the top.”

  I chuckled, and the girl turned to switch her glare to me, her cheeks filling with heat. I held my hands up in surrender and said, “I’m not laughing at you. I swear, it’s aimed one hundred percent at Saint.”

  Her eyes went wide with shock before she swiveled her head back to Saint and asked, “You’re fighting Vince Butler tonight?”

  What the hell? How the fuck did she know that? I looked at Drew, and he shook his head, silently telling me that it wasn’t him. Saint’s eyebrows lifted as his head jerked back, clearly caught off guard as well. “Yeah, I just found out about what happened to Sam. How did you know about the switch before me?”

  “That’s an excellent question,” Drew said as we all moved to stand next to Saint.

  Knox’s eyes were narrowed, and his hard stare was focused on the ring girl. Drew and I let him take the lead as this was his area of expertise and the reason Drew had hired him. “I’m Knox Dawson, head of security for the Lennox,” he said before jerking his chin at Drew and me. “This is Drew Lennox, owner of the Lennox, and Zack Parker, co-owner of The Artemis. Both of whom own this arena. As the hosts of the match, we have too much on the line to tolerate security breaches of any kind.”

  We obviously intimidated her, and she took a tiny step back, crossing her arms over her chest. I felt a little guilty that we were ganging up on her, but we needed to know how she’d learned about the substitution before it was announced. If there was a leak in our organization, it needed to be dealt with as soon as possible. A deep growl rumbled up Saint’s chest, and he stalked to her side, wrapping his arm around her waist to pull her close. “Knock it off. You’re scaring her,” he growled, giving each of us a glare that promised pain if we didn’t do what he demanded.

  Well now, that was interesting. It seemed Saint had fallen victim to the same spell that had taken each of us down. I almost grinned, wondering if the tradition of kidnapping would continue. If it ain't broke, don’t fix it.

  “Relax, Saint. I don’t think she’s the breach. I meant some Joe Blow on the payroll who’s running his mouth when he shouldn’t,” Knox explained. “Sometimes, guys get dumb around pretty girls and say shit they know they should keep quiet because they’re hoping to impress them.”

  Saint’s arm tightened around her as she groaned, “Eww! That’s not what happened at all.”

  “How’d you find out about the switch, angel eyes?” Saint asked.

  “My brother told me,” she admitted softly, turning her head to search behind her, looking a little frightened. Was she afraid of her brother?

  Saint shifted his hold on her so she was looking at him instead of Knox, Drew, and myself. She relaxed a little as I stared up at him, and I made a note to start a bet with Knox and Drew on how long it would take Saint to get a ring on this girl’s finger.

  “Who’s your brother?” he asked.


  Her one-word reply dropped like a bomb into the silence surrounding us, and Saint’s eyes filled with rage. His nostrils flared as he looked over her shoulder at us, seeing a similar expression on our faces. Then he took a few deep breaths before his gaze dropped back to her face, and most of the anger drained from his eyes. “Is your brother the one who got you the job as a ring girl?”

  “Yeah,” she confirmed, her tone heavy with resignation.

  Saint shifted his focus to Drew. “Pull one of the showgirls and have her take over as the ring girl for the match.”

  “Hey, wait!” she cried. “You can’t do that. My brother got me the job, and I really need the money.”

  “No way in hell are you going out there. Not when I’m about to kick your brother’s ass for getting you a job that has you walking around practically naked,” Saint growled. “Between what I’m being paid just to be here, sponsorship money, fight bonuses, and pay-pe
r-view points, money isn’t something you’ll ever have to worry about again.”

  Her brow wrinkled in confusion, and she looked at each of us, who simply nodded in confirmation. The expression on Saint’s face had been the same one Drew, Knox, and I knew all too well. That girl belonged to him. She just didn’t know it yet.

  Drew pulled out his phone, fired off a message, and said, “They’ll have a new ring girl before the end of the first round.”

  “Perfect,” Saint responded, lifting his chin in gratitude. Then he dropped a kiss on the top of the girl’s head before pointing at Knox. “Take care of her while I’m up there.”

  “Will do, man,” he promised. We watched Saint stride away, then Knox gently gripped her elbow to lead her closer to the ring, with Drew and I following close behind. The aisles were packed with people making their way to their seats, but everyone moved quickly out of our path. Most of them knew who we were, and those who didn’t took their cues from the ones who did. It didn’t take long for us to reach the front row, and Knox gestured to four seats with reserved signs. “This is us,” he explained to the girl who still looked a little shell-shocked. He removed the signs and pointed at a chair on his right.

  She immediately dropped into it without protest, then scrubbed her hands over her face. “I don’t understand what’s happening here,” she sighed.

  Laughter bubbled up through my chest, and I lifted my brow at Drew and Knox, who looked as though they were in the same predicament.

  “What’s your name?” Drew asked after a moment.

  The girl hesitated but finally answered. “Angelique.”

  “Well, Angelique. We’d tell you, but it’s more fun to discover on your own,” Drew said with a smirk as he took the seat to her left.

  Taking the seat on Drew’s other side, I added, “It’s good for Saint that our wives aren’t here because they’d definitely fill you in.” I couldn't hold back the chuckle this time. “And then you might get it in your head to run in the opposite direction.”


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