Barking Maddy's Puppy Love

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Barking Maddy's Puppy Love Page 7

by S M Mala

  ‘While you’re at a loose end, you could always hang out with me,’ she whispered, leaning closer to him. ‘I’m not that bad.’

  The expression on his face showed he didn’t agree.

  ‘Okay,’ she sighed. ‘Well, not all the time. But you will like me eventually… I think.’

  ‘Hi, Dr. Bob.’

  Maddy was walking down the corridor of the hospice, dropping off some newly printed leaflets, when she bumped into him.

  ‘Hi there,’ he said, grinning. ‘What are you up to today? I see you’re not wearing the costume.’

  ‘Just doing my usual delivery of interesting reads and taking a well-earned day off.’

  She admired him in a light grey suit, a white shirt unbuttoned at the top, looking very smart. He had messy light brown hair and blue eyes with a dazzling smile. He was a bit of a heartthrob for mums and children alike because he was there being caring and informative when the children got ill.

  He had been through the same thing many years ago with his son, who sadly lost the battle against leukemia. It made Dr. Bob a little bit more special in everyone’s eyes to be able to face it again, as part of his job.

  ‘Dora was in a few weeks back. I think her mum needed a well-deserved break,’ he replied.

  ‘They have a harder day to day life than me,’ she humbly replied, glancing away. ‘I realise some have it tougher than others.’

  ‘Sorry Maddy, that’s not what I meant,’ he replied, laughing uncomfortably and she noticed he blushed. ‘I know you help out as much as you can, and it’s appreciated. The kids are always talking about you and the things you do. I wasn’t implying your need is less than theirs.’

  ‘That’s okay, I know it is.’ Maddy shrugged her shoulders and smiled at him. ‘Anyway, I better go.’

  She noticed one of the physiotherapists walking down the corridor and smiled at Dr. Bob before walking past.

  Rumour had it he was going through a rough patch with his second wife. The first marriage broke down after the death of his child, and he married Mrs. Dr. Bob number two on the rebound. From all accounts, she was a right bitch, but Dr. Bob was a nice guy, so Maddy thought the woman couldn’t be that bad. But it seemed the doctor decided to make the most of his newly acquired single life and was going for it, all guns a blazing.

  ‘I have to run.’ Maddy slotted in the leaflets. ‘I’ll see you soon.’

  She walked out of the building and towards her bike. Her plan for that Wednesday afternoon was for her to relax and watch some box sets that had been stored.

  As she cycled home, she went past Stan’s flat and noticed a couple of vans parked outside. Her first reaction was to stop then she thought again. Even with her copious amount of hints, he still hadn’t invited her into his home, and she knew he’d make her stand on the step as he usually did when she popped round.

  It had occurred to her he was hiding something in his flat that he didn’t want Maddy to see, but he invited everyone else. Even Ted had gone in several times and pointed out it was modern and clean.

  She locked her bike in the little shed outside and went into her house, taking her bag.

  There was a lovely calm every time she walked in, and it made her smile.

  Unpacking her groceries, she put the kettle on and was going to make a cup of tea before sitting down to enjoy her afternoon.

  Then there was a knock on the door, and she hurriedly went to open it, knowing it could be her new pair of shoes she ordered from the internet two days before.

  Unfortunately, the package was just over six-foot-tall and held a bunch of small flowers in his hand.

  ‘It has been a month, and I miss you,’ Roland said, putting on his puppy dog eyes. ‘Maddy, I want to give us another chance.’

  A bit shocked at seeing him, she didn’t know what to say. For the past four weeks, she had forgotten all about Roland the rat and was enjoying her time alone.

  ‘I don’t think so,’ she replied, looking back into the living room. ‘It wasn’t working, and now I know you cheated on me. That’s pretty hurtful considering how kind I have been to you. All my friends knew, and they never said a thing.’

  ‘Give me another chance, that’s all I’m asking for.’ He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. ‘You know, we’re so good together.’

  There was only one thing she was missing from Roland.


  At that point, she wondered if she had any condoms, so she could get some physical attention. Her vibrator was in full use since their split, and she didn’t want to buy another one, just yet. In front of her was prime beef for the taking and he would gladly put out if he thought he might get some money from it.

  ‘I need to think about it, and maybe you could come in for-.’

  ‘Mind out the way!’ Stan shouted, storming towards them. He had Phyllis under his arm, and she was drenched, and so was he. ‘I have an emergency!’

  ‘What happened?’ she asked, flinging the door open and seeing Stan barge past Roland, who was shoved to the side. ‘Why are you both dripping wet? Oh, Phyllis!’

  ‘The bloody ceiling collapsed!’ he said, drips falling off the rim of his hat. ‘We can’t stay there as it’s dangerous, so I’m staying here.’

  ‘You are?’

  ‘Yes, I am.’ Stan stopped and turned to look at Roland then down at the flowers. ‘Was I interrupting something? I thought you split because she found out you were screwing those two girls and fleecing her out of her money. Ted will go spare if he sees you.’

  Roland looked a little startled as he eyeballed Stan out then looked at her.

  ‘Can we go somewhere to continue this conversation, alone?’ asked Roland, putting on one of his insincere smiles. ‘I think we need to talk.’

  ‘Not today!’ replied Stan as he pulled Maddy in and slammed the door shut with his foot. ‘Didn’t your mother tell you not to answer the door to strangers?’

  ‘Stanley Franks that’s just rude!’ She was about to open the door, but he stood in front of her, and she looked at Phyllis, who was soaked. ‘Oh no! I have to look after her.’

  ‘I have to stay here. Do you mind? I need to get my other stuff out. Can I store some of it in your garage?’

  ‘Phyllis,’ she whispered, taking her from Stan’s arm. ‘I don’t want you catching a cold. Come with me.’

  ‘So, is that a yes?’

  ‘Yes,’ she said, running up the stairs with the dog and going straight to the bathroom.

  She got out all her old towels and dried the dog down as much as possible, removing her now drenched dog scarf. Without any hesitation, she threw it in the bin and smiled.

  ‘I will now dry your hair.’

  Phyllis followed her into the bedroom and sat on the floor as she crouched down and put on the hairdryer in a low-speed setting.

  ‘Now we know you like this, but I’m not sure if your daddy is going to be impressed.’

  Maddy started to dry Phyllis’s coat, shaking it dry with her fingers. She heard Stan clump up the stairs and go to the spare bedroom, throwing something on the floor.

  ‘Have a shower,’ she shouted out. ‘You’re going to catch a cold too if you don’t dry off.’

  ‘I’m more concerned about a heart attack. It scared the living shit out of me! And I didn’t bring any spare clothes.’

  ‘I’ll sort it. I have lots of tops that Ted leaves hanging around, and I’ll spin dry your jeans. I’ve got it all under control.’

  The shower was turned on, and she heard him mumble and groan as he got in, but she was concentrating on getting Phyllis dry. Her customer was now lying on her back with paws in the air, enjoying the warm breeze of the hair dryer.

  ‘What have you got for me to wear?’ she heard him ask as Stan walked into her bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

  Maddy did a double take.

  She hadn’t seen so much of his skin before and frowned. He was wiry with muscles and slim hips. There was a small amount of hair on his
chest, and he looked like he trimmed his armpit hair.

  It wasn’t what she would have expected him to look like. Somehow, she had the impression he would be skinny, but he was far from it.

  ‘What are you doing to Phyl?’ he asked, throwing himself onto the bed. ‘And where’s her collar?’

  ‘Completely ruined,’ she replied, trying not to look at him. ‘I had to throw it out.’

  ‘I bet you did.’

  ‘Stan, it was seeping ink around her neck.’

  ‘It was not,’ he replied and leaned over the side of the bed. ‘I can’t see a stain.’

  ‘I washed it out quickly.’

  ‘She’s beautiful, don’t you think,’ he said, letting out a big sigh. ‘The poor thing got the shock of her life. One moment, we’re sitting on the sofa, the next there’s a massive bang and water all over the place. The other builders who were working upstairs were luckily in and turned the flow off by the main pipe. My place is drenched.’

  ‘Did anything get damaged?’ she asked, turning to look at him but making sure she focussed on his eyes. ‘You need to get your things out of there quickly.’

  ‘They’re loading up the van for me. I made sure the electricals are all locked away safely in my bedroom. Luckily that didn’t get wet, but the living room is a mess.’ Stan shook his head solemnly. ‘I’m going to have to redecorate.’

  ‘Did you get any pictures? That’s good for the insurance.’


  She turned off the hairdryer and patted down Phyllis’s coat. The dog jumped up on the bed and went straight to Stan for a cuddle.

  ‘What was he doing here?’ he asked, nuzzling the dog.

  ‘He?’ Maddy stood up and put her hairdryer away, picking up the stray hairs. ‘Oh, you mean Roland. He popped in.’

  ‘With flowers?’

  ‘He wants to try again and said he missed me,’ she replied, feeling flattered about the comment. ‘That’s quite sweet.’

  ‘He’s missing your money to be precise,’ laughed out Stan as he lay back on the bed. ‘But you looked like you were thinking something over when I arrived.’

  ‘No, I wasn’t!’ she replied, glancing guiltily away. ‘We were talking.’

  ‘Maddy, don’t tell fibs. You were thinking something because you had that sly look in your eye.’

  ‘What sly look?’

  ‘The mischievous one you have when you see a good-looking man and are having dirty thoughts. Very much how you looked at me when I walked into the bedroom a minute ago.’

  ‘I did not!’ Maddy turned around and took out a large t-shirt, throwing it at him. ‘Put that on and cover up your bits. I’m going to spin dry your jeans, so you don’t have to walk around in a towel all afternoon.’

  She’d been caught.

  And now Maddy wondered if her impromptu house guest was going to be a little bit trickier than she anticipated.

  ‘Five weeks!’

  The following morning Stan was sat at her dining table, his makeshift workplace, and looked at her in alarm as he spoke to someone on the phone. ‘Five bloody weeks until I can move back in!’

  ‘Ah, that means you’ll be here until the beginning of May,’ she said out loud as he gestured for her to be quiet. The idea got her a little bit excited as he was going to be around for longer. ‘I was only saying.’ Then Maddy looked at Phyllis who was sat next to her on the couch. ‘Well, at least I like having you around. Your pet is being a grumpy so and so. Even told me off for playing Burt Bacharach’s greatest hits this morning. How can you cope?’

  Phyllis barked back in response before resting her head on Maddy’s lap.

  ‘Why not four?’ she heard Stan negotiate. ‘That’s a long time, and I need to work.’

  She turned to look at him, sat at the table with a hat perched on his head. Today it was a dark blue one. He looked hopelessly at her for a second, and she could see the idea of being stuck in her home wasn’t too appealing. All Maddy did was sink deeper into the sofa and pretend to watch television. Her cordless headphones were by her side just in case he complained about the volume which he had done twice that morning.

  Today, on her favourite magazine morning show, they were discussing the problems faced with geriatrics when it came to sex. It was an eye opener, especially when the guest doctor pulled out a variety of small vibrators which made the male presenter laugh. Then when the large tube of lubricator was put on the table, it all fell to pieces and people convulsed into fits of giggles.

  ‘Why are you watching that?’ he asked, plonking himself next to her. ‘That’s just fodder for the brains.’

  ‘It’s funny!’ she replied, laughing at what was going on. Now the female presenter couldn’t hold it together. It seemed lubricant made her laugh too. ‘And informative.’

  ‘I can’t move back until four weeks, maybe five. The decorator said ideally six to make sure the place is dried out, and I’ll have to get the floors re-looked at due to water damage.’ Then there was a deep and unhappy groan. ‘What am I going to do?’

  ‘What are your options?’ she asked, turning to look at him frown at the television before switching it off. ‘I’m sure you have lots.’

  ‘I could stay with Stasia, but she’ll drive me round the bend. Alternatively, I can go back home, and my parents could drive me mad. Sammy’s would be good, but he lives with Mel, and that would be awkward because she’s one of my exes, but that’s another story. I can’t stay anywhere else because I need a space to work from home.’

  ‘And then there’s me. I have a spare room and a small room down the corridor that is empty. We could make that your temporary office, though I’d have to clean it before you can move in.’ Maddy noticed he frowned. ‘I’ll keep out of the way. My domains are the kitchen, living room and bedroom. I’ll share my bathroom with you.’

  Still, he didn’t look that keen.

  ‘Stanley, you’ll find my offer is a generous one as I don’t really like living with people. Phyllis, well, she’s different because she practically lives with me anyway.’

  ‘Why don’t you like living with people?’

  ‘Because I’m a private person.’ Her comment made him smile, but she was unsure why. ‘And I’ve lived most of my adult life alone, so I’m used to it.’ Then Maddy held up her headphones. ‘Plus, I’ve got these for you to use if you don’t want to hear me chat, chat, chat.’

  ‘Dunno. What will Ted say?’

  ‘What’s it got to do with Ted?’ She was lost in his comment. ‘He’d be happy that I'm helping his girlfriend’s twin. I might get a nice birthday present from him in return.’ Maddy smiled. ‘Is there a problem with staying here?’

  ‘Not a problem, so to speak.’ And he was thinking quite hard as he then sharply turned to look at her. ‘But you’re home most of the time and so am I. I prefer to work without distractions.’

  ‘Sit in that back room with the door closed. You won’t be distracted.’

  Stan laughed and rested his head against the back of the couch, making his hat tip forward.

  ‘And I have the garage to store your things, and there’s the smaller bedroom upstairs which you can keep your valuable stuff in. I don’t have a cleaner, but I’m thinking about it. You can come and go as you please, but no women are staying the night.’

  ‘What?’ He immediately sat up.

  ‘I’m not having you bring waifs and strays through my home because Giselle has given you the elbow. Oh no! If you want to do that sort of thing, do it in their homes. I have morals.’

  ‘Says she who paid a man to spend time with her and probably for sex!’ Stan burst out laughing. ‘Some morals.’

  ‘You’ll find necessity makes you do things.’ She got to her feet, making sure Phyllis was comfortable by placing a cushion under her head. ‘And don’t worry, I won’t approach you. You are extremely safe under my roof.’

  ‘I wonder?’ Stan cocked his head to the side and grinned. ‘I’m going to need sunglasses to get used to your
happy disposition and those clothes.’

  ‘Don’t knock the outfits,’ she said, smoothing down her white and black spotted skirt and readjusting her ankle socks. ‘They make me and people around me happy. And you’ll find in time, they’ll make you happy too!’

  ‘Are you sure about this?’

  Ted was looking down at her as she frowned. ‘I’m not sure.’

  ‘It’s only for five weeks.’ Maddy glanced up and then focused on walking down the road. ‘He had options, but they’re limited. Right now, he is wringing out his items and putting them in the garage. I told him not to make a mess and gave him the house rules regarding women. It’ll be fine.’

  ‘Oh,’ he said, starting to laugh. ‘You know he’s no womaniser. He takes a while to recover from his various relationships, so Stasia says. Stan is slow and steady when it comes to members of the opposite sex and affairs of the heart.’

  ‘Well, you’ve crashed at mine a few times, and I know you had to be told.’

  ‘Some of us attract women.’

  ‘As dogs do fleas.’

  ‘Not the same thing.’ He opened the door to the bar, and she walked in. ‘I suppose you’re doing this as you have a plan to kidnap Phyllis.’

  ‘No.’ Maddy looked at him straight in the eye. ‘I'm courteous.’

  ‘You’re a liar because I can tell you want that dog.’

  ‘What a thing to say?’

  ‘Madeleine?’ Ted pulled her arm towards the bar and stopped to peer into her face. ‘If Stan figures out that you are up to something especially with that pooch, he’ll get upset. He’s Stasia’s baby brother so don’t agitate him.’

  ‘He’s nine minutes younger than her,’ she replied and smiled at the fit young barman.

  ‘He’s still her little brother. Same as usual?’

  Nodding, she walked off towards the group sitting making lots of noise. Ted had harassed her into joining them for a drink, which she didn’t want to, but with Stan moving in it was best for her to keep out of the way. Then she heard Phyllis bark and saw the dog rush up to her.

  ‘Hello! Where’ve you been today?’ she asked, bending down to cuddle her. ‘You’re a good girl, you are.’


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