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A Scandalous Love Affair

Page 7

by Jessica M.

  Finally getting a response from Don agreeing to meet me at the house today, I knew this would be my only shot at winning him back. He hadn’t been responding to any of my other efforts so I pulled out all of the stops today. I called in an order for lemon pepper wings and fries from Smoking Wings in the mall, got his favorite banana milkshake from Brewster’s, and had him a nice cold Corona waiting for his lunch. It was almost noon so I pulled my long weave into a bun in the top of my head and threw my blue jean romper on that hung off the shoulders and some brown wedges. Finishing my look with some large diamond hoops that Don purchased for our fifth anniversary, I gave myself a glance over in my full-length mirror. Pleased with my look, I heard my front door open. Rushing out of my room and down the stairs, Kash was coming in the door with her purse, a backpack, and some bags that were almost about to hit the floor. Rushing to her aid, I was able to catch one of her bags before it actually hit the floor.

  I hadn’t seen my sister in a while. Kash claimed she was staying with Meesha and school was keeping her busy, but I swear the glow that graced her face was from dick and unless Meesha had something swinging between her legs, she wasn’t the reason for this newfound attitude my sister held. Being honest, my sister had changed since our parents had been away, but this current change wasn’t just an outside glow. It was the way she talked, the way she walked. Shit, it was just everything. She was different. I couldn’t explain it.

  “Thanks sis.” She smiled, grabbing the bag from my arms.

  “No problem. So, you staying?” I asked since I was really hoping to be alone with Don today while we talked things out.

  My sister had been M.I.A. but of all days, she decided to show up today.

  “Umm, why?” she questioned, still walking up the stairs with all of her things in her arms without turning around.

  “No big deal, but Don agreed to come over so we can talk and I kind of wanted to be alone. You know how long I’ve wanted this chance.” I stopped at the entrance of her bedroom as she plopped all her bags on her bed.

  Swinging around in my direction, we were now facing one another.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, and that’s great sis. It’s what you wanted, right?” She half grinned, turning back around to tend to her things.

  I didn’t know what it was, but it looked sort of fake. Nah, she was my sister. What was I thinking?

  “Yea, it is. Is everything ok with you? I mean with school and all. I know I’ve been distracted with the Don situation, but I’m still your big sister and you know I got your back. Right?”

  “Yea, sure, and I’ll be in here with my door shut minding my own business. I promise I won’t even come out.” She faced me again and there it was.

  That smile.

  That yea whatever, I couldn’t care less smile plastered across her face.

  “Ok cool, no problem. Thanks.”

  Letting it go for now, I eased away from her bedroom door. As I headed back down, I heard the doorbell and I knew it was Don. Since splitting, he was respecting my privacy. He would only come to get his things if I wasn’t home or if Kash was here, so he hadn’t been using his key. I appreciated it, but it made this separation thing seem a little too real. I had been asking where he was staying but he told me he thought it was best I didn’t know since he needed his space and time to think. Responses like that made me wonder if he had already gotten involved with someone, but when I opened the door and Don was standing there with a dozen red roses, which were my favorite, all thoughts of another woman having my man went out the window.

  Flowers and a smile had to be a good sign, and I thanked God for that because not only was I about to tell Don I wanted us to give our marriage another shot, but there was more news on the menu this afternoon that would for sure make my husband come back to me.


  Picking up Karmen’s favorite flowers, I opened my driver’s side door and headed to what used to be my house too. It saddened me as I stepped up the walk way to know this was about to be the end of my marriage. I prayed the flowers wouldn’t be a misconception that she and I would reconcile, but I wanted them to signify peace. I had loved my wife my entire adult lifetime and there was no way I wanted us to end badly. We had grown apart and I accepted that. Now I needed for her to.

  Kash had already texted me letting me know that she had made it home and would be in her bedroom as I spoke with Karmen. Knowing she was near made me feel a little uneasy because I wanted to be honest with my wife about my feelings and why we couldn’t stay married, but knowing my new woman would be occupying the same space was very unsettling. I knew she would probably be upstairs, but to me, that was still a little too close for comfort.

  Ringing the bell, my palms got sweaty. It was weird ringing the bell to the house I once occupied, but I didn’t want her to feel awkward since we were separated. I wanted to give her the space she needed in order to heal. Damn, I was nervous. This was about to be the end. Just thinking it saddened me, but I knew it was for the best. When Karmen swung the door open, she was all smiles with her fine ass. My wife’s looks were never an issue. She was certainly breathtaking with her smile, perfect white teeth, beautiful skin, and nicely shaped body. The romper she sported accentuated her hips to perfection. She even had this extra glow to her since I last saw her.

  Stepping inside, she moved to the side to allow me in. Closing the door, she stood there all chipper as I passed her the dozen red roses and kissed her gently on the cheek. Following her into the kitchen, she sat the roses in the center of the kitchen table in a vase that was always on the counter. Adding water, she grinned.

  “Thank you Don. You always did know what to do to make me smile.”

  I smirked.

  “Good to see you smiling. I see you have all my favorites. ‘Preciate the thought.” I admired my favorites she had placed all over the kitchen table.

  I loved some damn Smoking Wings, and that large Brewster’s cup had to hold my favorite banana shake and that ice-cold Corona was just what I needed to get past this meeting.

  “Sit, sit.” She gestured to the kitchen table as she sat in one chair and I sat across from her.

  “Listen Kar, I’m sorry about how shit went down with us. And putting my hands on you? Man, I vowed to never put my hands on you. I knew then—” She didn’t allow me to finish.

  “No, no, it was my fault too. I should have never belittled you and what you’ve done in this marriage. I know that now. You’re a man and you want to be respected. I’m so sorry Don. I really am. You not being here and ignoring my calls, texts, and visits were a hard pill to swallow, but it humbled me. I’m serious.”

  Sitting back, I couldn’t believe the words that I was hearing. It was all the things that I wanted this entire marriage and now that I was ready to throw in the towel and walk away, she had to come to her senses. I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to snatch her ass up and make this thing work, but what if it was a front to get me back? Kar had always been controlling so why straighten up now? How could I really trust her ass? What if I came back and she switched up on me again? Then what? No! I was here to end this, not consider taking her back.

  “Wow!” I had no other words.

  “Is that it?” She giggled that shy little laugh she did when she was embarrassed.

  She actually looked like my wife again.

  “I need time to process this shit. I mean, you understand that right?”

  “I do, but while you’re processing everything, let me help you out.” She stood up from the table, making her way to where I sat where my legs hung loosely off to the sides. Slipping her body in between my legs, she grabbed my hand placing it over her belly.

  Confused with furrowed brows, I glanced up at my wife as her hand covered my hand that was securely over her stomach area.

  “You’re going to be a father Adonis.” She smiled so big.

  A father! How?

  This couldn’t be real.

  Could it?

br />
  When the doorbell sounded I knew it was Don, so I slipped outside my bedroom and peeped down the stairs. I could see Karman all smiles and giggles when Don came through looking all fine and shit carrying her favorite red roses. Now, we didn’t talk about this shit at all. I was beyond pissed. There was no reason Don had to come over here bearing gifts while getting rid of his wife. He was supposed to be coming over to end his marriage and hear Karmen out. Nothing else! You best believe he would hear from my ass about smiling all in her damn face and bringing her ass roses.

  Earlier when she was talking to me, I had to chill because I felt my emotions getting the best of me. I became agitated when she acted like she wanted me to leave so she and Don could have some privacy. Why did they need privacy? She was ending her marriage. Or was she? She was probably trying to be sneaky and get some of what my man had in between his legs, hoping to win him back, but no ma’am, not today! Not while I was here. Don was officially my man now. She was just a situation he had to put an end to before we came out.

  Easing on down the stairs once they entered the kitchen, I stood near the steps in hopes that neither of them would spot me. After a few minutes of listening to Don apologize and her finally take responsibility for her fuck ups, I felt myself yawning. He’d better not be falling for her shit either. Don knew how Karmen was. She was controlling and manipulating so I knew he couldn’t be buying what she was selling. At one point, I wanted to pull out the violins and play while she spoke to him all humble and forgiving.

  Blah! Blah! Blah!

  Watching her get up from the table walking in Don’s direction snapped me back. What was she doing? I knew she was trying to be fast and get him back. That’s why she wanted me gone, but nope! I wish he would sleep with her ass. Positioning her body between my man’s legs had me heated. I wanted to burst in there and tell her she didn’t want him so now he was mine, but I couldn’t hurt her like that. She was still my big sister and I loved her. You might not believe me, but we couldn’t help who we loved, and I happened to fall for Don. Being with Don, most would think I was foul, but that was far from the truth. She and Don weren’t meant to be, so was it wrong that he and I found happiness in each other? Didn’t he still deserve to be happy and satisfied? And was it wrong that he found those things in me? I just happened to be his soon-to-be ex-wife’s sister.

  Watching her place his hand over her belly then cover his hand with hers had me confused. Trying to ear hustle, I couldn’t tell exactly what all she was saying, but Don looked stunned. The only reason a woman would position a man’s hand over her belly was if…then it hit me!

  Karmen had better not be pregnant!

  How could she be? They hadn’t been together in months. How was that even possible? Was she pregnant by someone else and trying to put it off on my man? He wasn’t that stupid, right? So many questions, but no answers. I literally felt as if I was about to pass the hell out. A heatwave filled my body, so I held onto the edge of wall, keeping myself from hitting the floor.

  This was what she wanted with Don! Her ass didn’t want to discuss their damn divorce, she wanted to discuss their future. No! Don and I had come too far, so there was no way he would leave me and go back to his wife. It sounded ludicrous, I know, but it was what it was. He now belonged to me. We planned a future together. This had to be a trick because Don and I had been together, connected at the hip for at least three months, so how far along was she? He told me they hadn’t slept together in a while even prior to their separation. His ass, her ass, somebody’s ass had some explaining to do.

  Forgetting I called myself sneaking and listening in on their conversation, they both came from the kitchen area scaring the hell out me.

  “Are you ok?” Karmen gripped my shoulder.

  “Yea, I think I feel sick. I was coming to get some water. Sorry to interrupt you guys.” I forced a smile on my face.

  What I really wanted to do was punch her ass right in the throat.

  “Oh, it’s ok. We’re done and since you’re here, I may as well tell you too.” She smiled so wide she favored the Joker from Batman.

  She glanced in Don’s direction, who looked as if he had seen a ghost. He wasn’t smiling or anything. His ass was scared, as he should be.

  “I’m pregnant. I just told Don the news and he has agreed to come back home until we figure things out for the baby.” She beamed with excitement, jumping into Don’s arms.

  I was at a loss for words. How could I not act happy for my sister? I knew I at least had to pretend I was happy for her, but right now all of my strength was used to hold back the tears that so desperately tried to free themselves. There was no way I could cry. What would she think? Don holding onto my sister looking over her shoulder at me, all I saw was sadness in his eyes. He didn’t want this with Karmen anymore. I saw it. I could even feel it in his presence, but it still didn’t negate the fact that his ass had a lot of explaining to do. How was it possible that she was even carrying his baby?

  My sister broke away from her embrace with Don then she spun around to hug me next. Pretending to be happy, I held her tightly and she squeezed me back whispering in my ear.

  “Thank you so much for making me humble myself and fight for my husband.”

  There was nothing I could say. It was me who had prompted her to fight for her marriage, and now here I was secretly fighting for my relationship with her husband.



  My life changed in a matter of minutes. Here I was ready to end everything with Karmen until she said those words I had waited for so, so long to hear. I was about to be a father. I knew that Kash hearing her say that had her heart dropping to her stomach, but I also knew that it was for sure a possibility that Karmen was pregnant with my child. I never shared with anyone, friends, family, and especially Kash, that about two months ago Karmen came to my job to bring me lunch one day and she broke down so bad I was embarrassed and actually felt sorry for her. Even though I didn’t want to stay married to her, I still cared about her wellbeing and that was what drove me to take her home that day, let her soak in a hot bath, and prepare a meal for her . I stayed that entire day making sure she was ok and we both fell asleep on the sofa. Hours later, I was awakened to Karmen in between my legs with her juicy lips wrapped around my manhood. As bad as I didn’t want to send mixed signals, I was still a man and I couldn’t turn her away. She was already in the act. From that point, one thing led to another and we ended up in our bedroom that we used to share, having sex for hours into the night.

  When it was over, I left around two in the morning, leaving a note telling her I was sorry for taking advantage of her while she was so vulnerable and that it shouldn’t have happened. And that’s how she ended up pregnant with my child. Damn! I had messed up big time. I knew Kash was at my place waiting for me so she could get an explanation. Being a coward, I just wasn’t ready to give it to her. Though Karmen was indeed still my wife and I really didn’t have to explain anything I did with her, I knew that Kash deserved to know what happened and how we’d come to this point.

  Immediately after hearing the news, Kash retreated to her bedroom claiming she forgot she was supposed to meet a study group. Her ass wasn’t even in school anymore so I knew the study group was an excuse to leave the house so she and I could meet up, but I was still here with Karmen, and Kash was blowing me up. She was sending nasty text after nasty text and calling non-stop, making me finally put my phone on silent before Karmen became suspicious.

  Sitting out on the back patio, Karmen sat in a lounge chair and I sat in the one next to her. Her face was glowing and I could tell she was excited about being pregnant. I thought she was putting on because I knew she didn’t desire to be a mother right now, but the glow that was all over her showed she was ecstatic about having a baby. I had never seen this side of my wife, and how could I forget the conversation we had? She seemed like a new person. A person I could see myself doing life with, but what about what I was buildin
g with Kash? She was my shoulder during my toughest times, my lover, but most of all, we had become close friends. I trusted Kash with my life. We got each other. We were in sync. There was no way I could just throw that away on a hope that my wife had changed. I wanted to believe this newfound Karmen, but I still didn’t trust her. All her late nights away from home and her funky attitude. That shit just didn’t go away.

  “What are you thinking about?” Karmen tilted her head with her eyes on me.

  “Everything.” I lowered my head into the palms of my hands.

  “Anything I can help you with? I know it’s a lot to digest. Who would’ve guessed we’d make a baby the day you slept with me out of pity.” She scoffed.

  “It wasn’t pity.” I lifted my head to look at her.

  “Oh, it was indeed pity. I had lost you, but look what God did to bring us back together.”

  I exhaled loudly. leaning back to relax in the chair.

  “God. huh?”

  “Yes, God. We were about to end this thing. We were supposed to be doing life together but we lost track of our vows and the world got ahold of us and choked the life out of us. This baby is what will get us back on track. I feel it in my gut, Don.” She glided her hand over her flat belly.

  “Listen, I don’t want to give you false hope. You know I’m happy about the baby but us, I’m not sure about. We had a rough patch, as you like to call it, but I feel like it was more than that. I actually filed for divorce Karmen, and we can’t pretend that that stuff never happened because now you’re pregnant. And I’d be a fool not to ask you, if this baby is even mine. I mean, Kar, you stayed away from home many nights and I didn’t know where you were nor could I reach you. Were you seeing someone else?”


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