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Saving Kylie: A Small Town Second Chance Romance

Page 14

by Taryn Quinn

  When he faltered, she whisked her tongue over the corner of her mouth under the guise of picking up stray droplets of champagne. “Hangups?” she offered sweetly.

  He narrowed his eyes. “Not the word I prefer, but okay. Hangups. Referring to you specifically and your past.” He ran his fingertip along the rim of his glass, and she had to suppress a shiver. She was already imagining those calloused finger pads on her skin. “And mine.”


  “And he didn’t think staying away from you was the best course of action to take.”

  “Well, I could’ve told you that.”

  “And you did, I think. Or tried to, before I shut down.” His faint smile eased the flurry of nerves in her stomach. “I told him stuff about me. About us. Intimate stuff. I hope that doesn’t freak you out, but it would have been pointless otherwise.”

  She raised a brow. “You voluntarily told him about your sex life? I think I’m amazed.”

  He stared at her so intensely that she grabbed the bottle of champagne. Drinking more sounded like a mighty fine idea.

  “Yeah, well, I really want to move past this. Hang on,” he said, stilling her wrist as she started to pour. “Maybe save that for later.”

  Though it pained her to do so, she corked the bottle. At least she’d gotten a few drops out. “Later, hmm?”

  “Yeah. He said I was getting shit all mixed up in my head. Combining things that had no business being combined. You asked me to spank you because you wanted it.”


  “Not just to please me.”

  “What’s wrong with wanting to please someone you’re with?” When his probing stare didn’t waver, she sighed and shook her head. “No. More than anything, it pleased me. I need the release sometimes. Not always. I’m not saying I want to buy extra padded chairs for my place or something,” she muttered while he grinned. “Just now and then. It’s fun when it’s with someone you trust. And it hurts, but in a good way. In a way that reminds me I’m alive. That I can feel so much and survive it. Even crave it.” She toyed with her napkin. “Does that sound strange?”

  “No. It’s just with your ex…and then your accident…”

  “The sting from your hand on my ass was nothing like the bruises on my back.” She rolled her eyes. “If a twisted ankle got me that wet, I’d happily go throw myself off my snowmobile every day. All right, every other.”

  He laughed and leaned across the table to take her hand. He brushed his thumb over her knuckles, and sparks flittered over her skin. “So hurting your ankle got you a little wet? I never guessed.”

  Snorting, she kicked him under the table. It wasn’t hard, since the small space meant their legs were almost tangled together. “You’re such a jerk.”

  “I am. But I’m trying to change. I guess I never had so much reason to before.”

  “I’ve been going to a therapist too,” she said softly. “I’ve only had two sessions so far, but I like Dr. Templeton. We’re talking through a lot of stuff, and it feels good to get it out.”

  Justin’s eyes twinkled. “Is her name Lola too?”

  “His first name is Bob.”

  “Ah. Too bad.”

  She kicked him again, and he laughed once more, making her smile. His laughter eased her in ways she didn’t fully understand. They could ease other, if she just stopped fighting the feelings she so desperately wanted to share with him.

  “Van stressed boundaries.” He enfolded more of her hand in his. He was creeping forward, slowly enveloping more of her in his grip. “Setting them beforehand and making sure they’re honored. Trust is so important,” he murmured, shifting his chair back as she rose and walked around the table, still holding his hand.

  “It is,” she agreed, sinking to her knees before him. She reached for his belt, and his unsteady inhale caused her to lift her eyes to his. “Am I jumping the gun?”

  “Feel it and see.”

  Her laughter burst out, and she dropped her forehead to his knee. “This is us.” She kissed his leg through his jeans. “Laughing. Being happy together. Enjoying each moment as it comes.”

  He stroked her hair with his free hand. If anything, their fingers had locked even tighter. “I want to come with you.”

  “We’re in perfect agreement there, Norton.”

  She hooked a finger in his waistband and pulled him closer. In no time she’d freed his belt from its loops and unzipped his jeans. He’d gone commando, which made her purr with delight as she scooped out his already hard length. He was so hot, his erection a twitching, hungry thing in her palm.

  And she wanted it in her. Wanted him in her. Everywhere.

  “Running out of hands here, pal.” She reached in to stroke his balls, their pulse a not so subtle tease. “Hold that big, stiff cock for me.”

  Eyes gleaming fiercely blue, he offered his thick hard-on to her like a prize. Her prize.

  She took that first exploratory lick from the root to the head, relearning his textures and tastes. At the top she sank down again, using only her tongue and lips. One hand still held Justin’s. The other caressed his sac with slow, featherlight touches that earned her his repeated hisses of breath.

  She spent a good long time working him with her mouth, not taking him inside until he canted his hips in a silent plea that made her grin and take pity on him. Then she sucked him deep and didn’t show him any mercy at all.

  “Enough,” he grated, drawing her back when he was one throb away from a spectacular finish in her throat. His erection bobbed against his stomach, so swollen from her attention that the reddened tracks from her teeth stood out like welts. “Where do you want me?”

  She flicked her tongue over her plump lower lip, and he groaned. “You mean ass or pussy?”

  “No. I meant chair, couch, or bed.” He grinned and dragged her up to his mouth by her hair, pulling just enough that she let out a startled yelp. Rather than move back, he stilled and watched her eyes while she gave him a sly smile.

  If he expected her to balk when he got a little rough, he was in for a rude awakening. “Oh. Then all three.”

  “What about the first question?”

  She rose and stripped, getting naked so quickly that he chuckled. “We’ll discuss that later. Right now we have business to attend to. Starting with you getting those jeans off.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He shoved the denim down to his ankles and patted his toned thighs. “Hop on. Unless you need me to prime the pump first…”

  Laughing, she brought his hand between her legs. “Think we’re good.”

  She was so wet just from giving him a blowjob that he let out a low whistle. “Hot damn, you’re incredible.”

  “Let me earn my title now.”

  Bracing her hands on his shoulders, she straddled him, sheathing him in maddeningly small increments. As each inch of his cock disappeared inside her pussy, she rocked, making sure they both felt every slide of flesh on flesh. He groaned and steadied her with his palms on her hips, letting her control her descent.

  And then when she started to ride, he tilted his hips up and cupped her breasts, his appreciation of her body as clear in his eyes as his lust.

  And God, his love.

  She kept the pace easy at first. After so long, she didn’t want to rush them to the end. Even if she hoped there would be many, many times after this, she exalted in each of his strokes. Though he didn’t force her to take him faster than she preferred, he definitely took an assertive role, pumping into her in counterpoint to her glides down his length. She angled until she found just the right spot to brush her clit, and the electric jolt that shot through her tore a desperate moan from her throat.

  “That’s it, baby. So fucking slick.” His erotic words blew hot over her lips. “Melt all over me.”

  He stretched her, filling her so completely that she soon couldn’t summon the strength to power up and down his cock on her own. She felt the scrape of all the ridges and veins on his erection, and the wet fric
tion of their bodies slapping together in frenetic time. He grabbed her hips, his fingers spanning her ass. Taunting her. He knew what she wanted, and he was teasing her, lengthening his strokes, swiveling so that she gasped and arched and bounced that much harder.

  Without warning he caught one of her nipples between his teeth and flicked his tongue ring against the taut bud. Her clit pulsed so wildly from that one action that she knew the vibration rippled along his dick. He did it again with even more suction, and she bowed back, her legs opening wider for him. He could’ve done anything to her just then, and she would’ve taken it with a smile.

  What he did was spank her.

  At first she wondered if she’d imagined the single crack against her ass. The slice of carnal pleasure thundered through her, eliciting more ripples in her core. She braced for another smack, craving it with a ferocity that made her shake, but he only fucked her into damn near oblivion while he taught her nipples why a man with a tongue ring was a very good thing to have around the house indeed.

  Somehow one of his fifteen hands found her clit and pinched at the same time his other hand smacked the same stinging ass cheek. She moaned so loudly that she jerked still.

  “Fuck me,” he said in a low growl, and she complied because she didn’t remember how to do anything else.

  More slaps rang out. Heat swarmed through her bottom and up her back, suffusing her with warmth. Filling her with endless, aching need. She lost track of how many times his palm connected with her flesh. All she knew was that she’d become a boneless mass of sensation. Owned by the intent flare of arousal in his eyes that prodded her on while she rode him for all she was worth.

  Her orgasm pierced her deep and split her apart. She didn’t come so much as give way, swamping him in the hot rush of her pleasure. “God. Justin. Justin.” She chanted his name, and he gave her back her own, whispered against her skin.

  He drew more of her breast in his mouth, tongue working in tandem with his pumping hips. He drove up into her and held her still, trapping her in place so that his climax reverberated through them both.

  Helpless moans left her as he found his release inside her, renewing the aftershocks still echoing through her body. She wrapped her arms around him and hung on, burying her face in his soft hair.

  All she wanted was to stay right there forever.

  Clinging to him, she let go of the emotions she’d strapped down inside her. “I love you.”

  He didn’t force her to repeat the words, but he did shake his head to make sure he’d heard them correctly. Then he pressed a kiss against her damp throat and tightened his arms around her waist. She’d yet to stop shuddering. For that matter, so had he.

  “Did you hear me?”

  “I did.”

  She slipped back to frown at him, her cornflower eyes sleepy and satiated. “This is when you say it back.”

  Oh, damn, this felt good. So much better than he’d ever dreamed.

  He smudged his thumb over her cheek and blinked at the wetness he found. “You cried?”

  “A little. Post-orgasmic tears. Spanking release. It’s cathartic.”

  Her matter-of-fact explanation ripped a laugh from way down deep. “Oh, honey, I love you. More every minute I hold you in my arms.”

  “It shouldn’t be this easy, should it?” She studied him so unwaveringly that he had to fight the urge to look away. “Where’s the angst?”

  “Oh, shit. After what we went through to get here, you ask that?”

  “Yeah. Because none of it seems to matter anymore. I know we have a lot to work through, and a few therapy sessions won’t solve—” She took a breath. “Sorry. Rambling again.”

  “It’s okay. I just stand back and let you go.”

  She clutched a handful of his hair. “You know me so well. I look at you and know you see me. I know you too.”

  “Not everything.”

  “We have time to learn. And call me crazy, but I think rejecting something so obviously perfect just because I’m scared or you don’t want to hurt me or think I’m not ready is, well, idiotic.”

  He couldn’t help finding her jutting lower lip absolutely adorable. The woman sure knew how to pout. His cock would soon be raring to go once more, and he hadn’t even left her snug, silky pussy yet. “I’m idiotic?”

  “A little.” She kissed his nose. “I still love you.”

  Playfully he smacked her bottom and delighted in the slow undulation of her around his length. Oh, yeah. They’d be going again soon. No freaking doubt. “I appreciate your high tolerance level for my faults.”

  “All part and parcel of finding your ideal mate. But I do have one request.”

  “What’s that?”

  She rimmed her nail along the collar of his shirt. “I know I should’ve asked sooner, and it’s probably too late, but is Penny still available?”

  He tried not to grin. “Nope. Sorry. She was sold.” He could only tolerate her crestfallen expression for a moment before he tipped up her chin with his thumbs. “To me, and she’s waiting at my place for you to come get her. Assuming you can have pets here?”

  “No way. Really? I can definitely have pets here.” Her exuberant hug had the added benefit of crushing her breasts to his chest and rubbing her clit against the base of his still-eager cock. “God, you are the best boyfriend ever.” She edged back and looked at him warily. “Assuming you are. My boyfriend, I mean.”

  “Unless you wanna run off to Vegas…” When her eyes went wide, he laughed and cupped her beautiful face in his hands. “We’ve got time for that yet. Along with that whole barefoot and pregnant thing. You do know what town you moved to, right?”

  She frowned. “I thought that was an old wives’ tale or something about Crescent Cove.”

  “Well, I can’t say for sure, but I did see that human interest story on the news. It’s like a big phenomenon.” He glanced down between them where she was still firmly seated on his cock. “We probably should’ve had this talk before we made love without a condom in Babytown, USA, huh?” His tone was wry.

  She rubbed her fingers over his short beard. “You don’t seem very worried.”

  “Nah. Whatever happens with us is always right on time.” For an instant his gaze lingered on her belly and he let himself imagine.

  No, he didn’t mind the idea of her round with their baby one bit.

  He lifted his gaze to hers. “That was the long way of saying, yeah, I am your boyfriend.”

  “And future baby daddy?” She tugged on his whiskers.

  “All things in due time, Fish.”

  “Happy New Year to me.” She wiggled and stirred his waking dick into full alertness. “So to start the year off on the right note and all, wanna fuck?”

  He let out a mock groan. “Midnight’s hours away. Woman, you’ll kill me.”

  The glow of love in her eyes was worth physical exhaustion, the chance of heartbreak, and any number of other ailments. Hell, he’d even given therapy a go because she’d suggested it. She was worth everything to him.

  And the idea that she felt the same? Priceless.

  “As if I’d let you go that easily, Norton,” she teased.

  “Happy New Year to us then.” He palmed her hips and slid out, then buried himself deep. Her stunned moan sounded like heaven to his ears. “Better keep your hands inside the ride. We’re about to take off.”

  Thanks so much for reading SAVING KYLIE. All we had was one seductive night, New Year’s Eve. No names. No phone numbers. No second chances. Then I accidentally ended up working as his nanny…and I just found out I’m pregnant.

  One-click CEO DADDY now!

  So…that little mention of the fun tarot card reader Kylie met in her building. Remember her? She’s got a book coming soon! Read on for details!

  I wasn’t the best student in school, but when I find the hottie teacher next door naked in my bed, I’m ready to put in an all-nighter…

  One-click WRONG BED BABY now!

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  Now…turn the page for a special sneak peek of CEO DADDY now!

  CEO Daddy

  What was happening here? We weren’t even talking. Was this what occurred when under the influence of a lonely holiday meant for couples and some expensive champagne? I’d had a couple more sips in between rounds of Asher feeding me. Big, bolstering sips. The kind that made a normally shy, awkward woman feel bold.

  “No ring,” I said casually—or so I hoped. I’d had plenty of time to see his hand as it came closer to my mouth. “You’re single?”

  “Very. The kind of single that means I’m alone on New Year’s Eve, just as you are.” He lifted his thumb to his lips and licked off a stray crumb from the piece he’d just fed me. The movement was far more sensual than it had any right to be. “You are alone tonight, aren’t you, Hannah?”

  Something about the question and his use of my name made my throat tighten to the point that if I hadn’t gulped more champagne, I might’ve choked. This time, I didn’t mind the floaty feeling that overtook my body, or the resulting wave of warmth.

  “I’m alone far too much these days. But right now? No. Neither of us is alone.”

  He nodded, lowering his head for an instant while his jaw locked. He finally took a few sips of coffee before he met my gaze once again. “I have a room upstairs. Just for tonight.”

  Questions flitted through my mind.

  Who are you, Asher?

  Why did you pick me to talk to?

  Was it just that I looked lonely, so I must be an easy target for sexual advances?

  In the end, I didn’t really care. We were both alone, and no one was waiting for me at home. What did it matter if I chose this handsome man to spend the evening with? No one would be hurt. And I would finally be able to cross one thing off my bucket list.


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