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The Modern Day Gadianton Golden Boy

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by Ilyan Kei Lavanway

The Modern Day Gadianton Golden Boy

  By Ilyan Kei Lavanway

  Copyright 2008 Ilyan Kei Lavanway

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three


  The bulk of this narrative short story was composed in 2008 as a futuristic vision and remains largely unedited as presented here. Minor updates were added in 2012 to include reference to Birthers and Preppers and an alias, Harrison J. Bounel, uncovered in March, 2011. Barring sweeping cover-ups, information blackouts, and altered historical records, by 2016, you should find a preponderance of evidence to suggest this short story is more fact than fiction. This work reflects events of the recent past, blatantly exposes actual corruption, and warns you of events and conditions likely to manifest in the near future. It is a strongly biased and boldly unrestrained political thriller. It is intended to scare you.

  It is intended to wake you up to the fact that your individual freedoms are being directly threatened and unabashedly extinguished as you read this, and mark my words, you will be personally affected by those now in public office. It is intended to inspire you to do something to preserve and restore the freedoms once upheld by the Constitution of the United States of America and instill within you a sense of individual responsibility, if such is remotely possible.

  If you remain among those who actively persist in proliferating the deceptions, corruptions, and tyrannies that erode individual rights and attack personal values, then you are ripe for the destructions spoken of by prophets both ancient and modern. The following narrative is intended to leave individual citizens without excuse if they insist on knowingly electing and supporting public officials who harbor deceptive agendas, relish covert power, and seek fame at the cost of innocence. Notice, I did not mention money. They already have plenty of yours.

  You can find the unformatted version of this work on my weblog at Without further adieu, here it is.

  Chapter One

  A radical, leftwing, Islamic terrorist, having been groomed by rich, powerful, influential, and radical associates for a singular purpose infiltrates American politics and rises rapidly to power out of obscurity. After gaining a seat in the Illinois State Senate, he runs for and, by intricately orchestrated voter fraud, is elected president of the United States. His ascent to high executive office is heralded as a miracle, and though completely unvetted, he is practically worshipped by his supporters, not only in America, but around the world. No one remains neutral.

  His presence on the political landscape generates a heated division and has a polarizing effect on all communities, domestic and foreign, drawing cheers of adoration and the fervor of blind discipleship from his followers, while simultaneously provoking fierce resolve and sober preparations among his opposition. New terms are coined among the general population, namely Birthers and Preppers.

  Birthers are those who expose his ineligibility to legally occupy the White House based on the fact that he was never a United States citizen and is therefore not only an ineligible presidential candidate, but also an illegal alien. Preppers are survivalists. They see the writing on the wall. They read between the lines. They believe prophetic warnings about exactly the scenario they see unfolding as this diabolical despot unleashes a wave of deception that places him on par with Satan himself. Indeed, the two camps in this conflict much resemble the two camps pitted against each other in the great ante-mortal war that took place before the creation of this earth. The war where you fought for your very right to be born.


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