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FURY: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rosewood High Book 6)

Page 6

by Tracy Lorraine

  In a heartbeat, he’s before me with a coffee pot and filling a mug for me.

  “Uh... thanks.”

  “No offense, but you look like you need it, son. I’m Bill, by the way. I’m assuming you’re Ashton Fury.”

  My chin drops. How does this guy know who I am?

  I look up at him, his eyes crinkling with amusement at my confusion.

  “I’m psychic.” He winks before a smile curls at his lips. “I’m only kidding. I know everything about this town, boy. I’m sorry for your loss.”

  “Thanks,” I mutter, already sick to death of hearing people say that. It’s not their fucking fault, they didn’t kill her. That guilt solely lies with me.

  “I know things must be all over the place for you right now, but Rosewood is a good town. Just give this place a chance before you write it off.”

  “Have you spoken to my dad?”

  “Not yet, no. But I will. Now, what can I get for you?”

  My lips part a couple of times but no words pass. Who the hell is this guy?

  “Don’t worry. I know what you need. Leave it to me.”

  He’s gone before I have a chance to argue and in only a few minutes the scent of bacon frying soon distracts me.

  By the time I get back to the house the sun has long risen and, thankfully, there are no cars in the driveway.

  I let myself in, get myself another coffee before heading up to my room to wash the sand off me from a night sleeping on the beach.

  With nothing to do and my head still stuck in that fucking car as I watched the life drain from my mom’s face, the clock ticks around slower than I’ve ever known.

  I have no idea what I’m waiting for. It’s certainly not for Dad or Lisa to come home, they’re the last people I want to see, and I shoot down any ideas that I might be waiting on Ruby, because equally, I don’t want to see her either.

  I just... I just want to vanish.

  Sadly, that’s not how the evening goes, because not thirty seconds after the front door closes with someone’s arrival that evening there’s a knock at my door.

  “Son, you back?”

  I groan to myself and bite down my need to tell him to fuck off.

  “Yeah,” I call, not moving from my position on my bed staring at the ceiling.

  He pushes the door open and steps inside. His stare burns into me, but I don’t look his way. I don’t want to see his face.

  “Ash, I’m sorry if I pushed too hard last night.” Even as the words pass his lips, I don’t believe them. Something tells me that Lisa’s put them in his mouth. “I know things are tough right now, but I just want you to see that what you’re going through now, it won’t last forever and that it’s okay to think about the future.”

  I keep my breathing steady despite the fact there’s a storm brewing inside of me. My fists clench at my sides, the only outward sign that I’m barely holding onto a slither of my restraint right now.

  When I don’t say anything in response to his little speech, he continues.

  “I’ve managed to get us flights for Tuesday morning to go back to Seattle. I thought that would give you a few days to do anything you need to do, see anyone you’d like to see, before coming back here again.”

  I get the gesture, only he’s missing one thing. The only person I would want to see in Seattle is gone.

  I had friends, sure, but none of us were all that close. We might have been a team, but we were a bunch of kids in a shit school with mostly even shittier lives. We all had bigger things to worry about than becoming BFFs for life or whatever it is the kids here do.


  “Everything is ready for the funeral, I just need to let the florist know what flowers you’d like, and also is there any music you think she’d have wanted to play?”

  Emotions form in my throat as I think about his question, even if I did want to respond, I couldn’t. The lump is too big, too insistent.

  Instead, I shake my head, praying that he’s about to leave so I can break down in peace.

  Ruby never reappears Friday night which is probably a good thing—for her. I’m really in no kind of mood to have her anywhere near me.

  Dad must have actually realized that last night’s family meal was a bad idea because after Lisa has cooked, he brings me up a plate so I can eat alone.

  I’m grateful, although at no point do I tell him that.

  He does, however, inform me that both he and Lisa are heading out of town for the weekend and as I lie wide awake as the sun begins to rise Saturday morning, I hear them begin to stir before leaving the house not long later.

  A smile twitches at my lips at the prospect of having this house to myself all weekend. Or maybe Ruby will come home at some point and provide me with a little playmate.

  Ideas fill my mind of just how much fun we could have together without the threat of our parents walking in at any moment and my cock swells.

  It’s been too long since I had any action, and even fucking longer since I had some fun with my little toy.

  I sit up and grab my cell. Maybe it’s time to find out exactly where Ethan lives and what time this party is starting tonight. It might just be time for me to meet my new classmates.

  It takes me less time than I expected to discover that Ethan lives in one of those massive fucking mansions I was looking at last night. I spend almost all day scrolling through social media, getting to know what the Rosewood kids are like. Mostly, they’re the same as the Seattle kids, there’s just one difference. These kids have money. A smile twitches at my lips at the thought. Where there’s money, there’s alcohol, drugs, and girls.

  I don’t bother getting ready until I know the party is in full swing. I watch as images appear on Instagram, Ruby’s friend Harley is more than willing to post my stepsister’s whereabouts every two minutes or so, she also doesn’t have an issue with showing off exactly how my little toy looks tonight.

  I zoom in on the picture that was just uploaded and run my eyes down her body. I shake my head from side to side as I imagine what all the other guys under that roof are thinking as they lock eyes on her. Not fucking happening, motherfuckers.

  Pulling out a Post-it note that Lisa left for me when I first arrived, I punch a number into my contacts and start to write a message.

  Ashton: That dress is going to get you in trouble.

  It only takes a few seconds for her to read it. I imagine her looking around whatever room she’s standing in looking for the culprit but she’s not going to find him. Not yet anyway.

  Toy: Who is this?

  I tap my finger against the side of my phone as I consider what my response is going to be.

  Ashton: You’ll have to wait and see.

  As I picture her rolling her eyes at the screen, I climb from my bed and strip out of my clothes as I head for the shower. After all, I’ve got a party to attend and some of Ruby’s cheer slut friends look like they could be worth a shot.

  The house is even more impressive than I was expecting when I walk up the driveway. There are kids everywhere I look, drinking, smoking, and enjoying themselves. This party has already been going on a while it seems.

  My mouth waters for a drink or a hit as I make my way inside with my hood up, keeping my face in the shadows. I don’t want her to know I’m here yet.

  I find the kitchen thanks to the stream of people walking out of it with drinks in their hands and after helping myself to a bottle of vodka I found along with an entire counter full of alcohol, I set about finding where Ruby might be.

  The music booms and as I make my way through all the people, hardly anyone pays me any attention, they’re all too busy with their own bullshit, privileged lives.

  I know that not everyone who lives in Rosewood lives in quite this level of luxury, but the majority have it a hell of a lot better than I did in Seattle.

  “Oh shit, I’m so sor—” a drunk girl slurs as she slams into me but the second her eyes lock on mine, she slams her lips shut
and scurries away. I smile as I watch her disappear into the crowd.

  Coming to a stop in a doorway, I lift my bottle to my lips as I take in the makeshift dance floor in the room beyond.

  “Excuse me,” a guy barks as he barrels past me with a girl attached to his arm before pulling her into his arms as they start moving in time to the music.

  My eyes run over the bodies that are bumping and grinding in front of me before one dark head catches my eye.

  There you are, little one.

  I step back into the shadows and watch as she dances with some guy.

  After a few minutes, the crowd moves, and they find themselves on the edge of the swarm of people, giving me the perfect view of them.

  The guy lowers his face toward Ruby’s and every muscle in my body tenses as I prepare for him to kiss her, only, he doesn’t. Instead, he whispers something in her ear, something that has her throwing her head back and barking out a laugh.

  She looks happy. And while that should probably put me off ruining her night, it doesn’t. It just fuels me.

  Why does she get to enjoy herself like everything is okay? If it weren’t for her and her whore of a mother, then my family might still be together and alive.

  My grip on the bottle tightens until I fear the glass might shatter in my hold.

  Ruby gets swallowed into the crowd once more but the image of her body moving with his is burned into my brain.

  I stay where I am, confident that everyone is ignoring me, and continue watching while the vodka slowly starts to fill my veins.

  The girl I flirted with in the kitchen the other day appears at some point with a guy close behind and once she’s got Ruby’s attention, she and her guy emerge once again. Ruby throws her arms around her friend’s shoulders before they start dancing together with their guys at their backs.

  The guy’s hands slide down her waist and come to rest on her hips as their bodies roll together in time to the music.

  My teeth grind as the vodka no longer helps drown out my need to rip her from his hold.

  Pulling my cell from my pocket, I find our conversation.

  Ashton: And to think, you tried to convince me that you weren’t a cheer slut.

  I keep my cell in my hand and wait, after two seconds she pulls hers out from her minidress somewhere and stares down at the screen.

  I watch as her body stills for a beat before she not so discreetly looks around the room.

  Toy: Fuck off.

  I can’t help but laugh at her response.

  Ashton: It amuses me that you think you can get rid of me that easily.

  Toy: You ran pretty quickly last time.

  Ashton: This time is different. I’m going nowhere...

  A smile pulls at my lips as her expression hardens when she reads my message before she shoves it back inside her dress. Her eyes scan the room once more but unable to find me, despite the fact she knows I’m watching, she spins in the guy’s arms and reaches up to whisper in his ear.

  A shit-eating grin pulls at his lips before he takes her hand and drags her from the room. Her smile as she flicks one more look over her shoulder proves that she thinks she’s winning. She’s forgetting one thing though... I never lose. And this is my motherfucking game.



  I know he’s watching me. I can feel his burning stare, but I can’t fucking find him.

  Justin continues to grind against my back. I was enjoying dancing with him until I felt that tingle of awareness race down my spine.

  He shouldn’t be here. He wasn’t invited and he doesn’t belong here.

  Turning my back on Harley who’s dancing with some cute guy that I’ve never seen before, I look up at Justin whose eyes sparkle with the alcohol we’ve both consumed and the anticipation of what’s to come.

  Justin is cute, hot even. We’ve got a little friendly before, but nothing more than a brief kiss that was cut short one night.

  “Wanna find somewhere a little quieter?” I whisper-shout in his ear.

  His hands tighten on my hips, giving me the answer I was expecting without him so much as parting his lips.

  “Let’s go,” he practically growls, his hand slipping into mine as he begins pulling me from the room.

  Just before we’re through the door, I look back ensuring I’ve got a smile on my face.

  You can watch me from the shadows all you want, but I can outrun you.

  “Can we just grab a drink?” I say before we get to the kitchen. I have no idea where he was planning on taking me, but I do know that I’m going to need more alcohol for what he’s probably got planned, especially with Ashton here somewhere stalking me like a creep.

  Justin turns at the last minute and while he grabs himself a beer, I make myself a very strong vodka Red Bull. Something tells me I’m going to need it.

  In seconds, my hand is clasped in his once more and he’s directing me down the hallway to where I know Ethan’s den is at the other end of the house.

  We’re almost there when a door to my left opens and an arm shoots out.

  I squeal, but he’s too quick. Before I know what’s happening, I’m inside the dark room with my back pressed up against the door and his hard and hot body pressing into me.

  “Ruby?” Justin shouts through the door, his fist raining down on the solid wood.

  My heart thunders in my chest but with his body burning into mine and his scent filling my nose, I fear that with the amount of alcohol filling my veins it might not be fear that’s fuelling my response to him.

  “Get rid of him,” Ashton demands.

  I swallow down my apprehension and do as he says.

  “It’s fine, Justin. I’ll come and find you in a bit.”

  Ashton growls at my words and presses harder against me.

  “O-okay.” Justin’s voice is full of disappointment, and I hate myself that I don’t care at that very moment. I was using him, I knew that. I’m pretty sure he knew that too, but clearly, he wasn’t done.

  “You’re teasing me, little one.”

  “And you’re stalking me. No one wants you here, Ashton.”

  “Is that right,” he growls in my ear. “So you weren’t imagining me when you were dancing with him? You weren’t wishing it were my hands pinning your ass against my cock as you moved?”

  I shake my head as his hands descend my body before mimicking his words, only we’re face to face and his cock isn’t pressed against my ass, his hard length is pressing into my stomach.

  “Ashton.” His name is meant to come out as a warning, but it sounds anything but, even to my own ears.

  His lips brush the shell of my ear and my entire body erupts in goose bumps at his simple touch.

  “Did he make you feel like this, little one? Did he make you as wet as you are for me right now?”

  “I’m not—”

  “You really going to argue with me?” he asks, amusement filling his voice. “You’re forgetting that I know your body, little one.” His lips trail down my neck until his teeth graze my collarbone. The scratch of pain does nothing to help the situation I’ve found myself in.

  I should push him away, I know this. My brain is screaming at me to do it, but my body... my body is currently playing by an entirely different set of rules. Ones that he’s in control of.

  “This dress...” he murmurs as he licks across the swell of my breast. “Mmm.” His eyes flash up to mine, but despite the darkness of the room, I see the anger swelling within them.

  Even in my drunken, lust-filled haze, I’m with it enough to know that this isn’t about Ashton’s need for me, it’s about his need to hurt me.

  I’m under no illusion that I’m going to walk out of this room feeling satisfied and fulfilled, I already know it’s going to be the opposite but right now, I’m not sure I’m strong enough to stop him.

  I can battle with him as well as anyone else, but the second he lays his hands on me, all bets are off, and he damn well knows it.

  “What were you trying to achieve with that cocksucker, huh?”

  “N-nothing,” I stutter as he wraps his fingers around the top of my dress.

  “So you weren’t grinding your ass into him for my benefit?”

  “You shouldn’t be here. What I do tonight, or any night, shouldn’t be any of your concern.”

  “Were you going to fuck him?” His voice is low, his words cold.

  “So what if I was?”

  “You really are just a little cheer slut, aren’t you?”

  “Think what you like. I don’t have to answer to you.”

  “Is that right?”

  I gasp as he pulls the fabric of my dress down, exposing my bra.

  My chest heaves, my nipples pressing against the padding covering me.

  “Because the way I see it right now, is that you need something from me—”

  “Bullshit. I don’t need anything from you.”

  “Oh really?” He chuckles, it’s so low that it should terrify me, and in some way I guess it does, but mostly, I just feel a rush of heat bloom between my legs.

  Fucking vodka.

  “Because I think right now, you need more from me than you can admit.” His hand sneaks around my back and in a beat, my bra falls away from my body.

  “Oh shit,” I gasp as his hot mouth captures one of my nipples. His teeth bite down hard before his tongue laves at the burning pain.

  My fingers curl into fists at my sides, my need to reach for him almost too much to bear.

  “Hmm.” His voice vibrates all the way down my body. “Exactly as I thought. Just a little cheer slut.”

  He takes a step back, leaving me feeling cold and used.

  His eyes trail down the length of me and back up until he catches my narrowed gaze. My eyes fly up to cover myself, but his barked words stop their progress.


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