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Complete Indelible Love Series

Page 93

by Cee, DW

  “I’m not sure what her status is, Josh.” I felt a little embarrassed that I didn’t really know my own cousin who lives across the street from me. “I know she dates, but I don’t think she’s dating anyone in particular. Guys ask her out all the time, and she doesn’t say yes to everybody, but if she thinks he’s a nice guy, she’ll give him a chance.”

  “I wish she would give me a little more than a chance. And by the way, you never told me where she went tonight.”

  “Donovan and I put her in an uncomfortable situation tonight—and she had a rough time of it. After turning down everyone’s offer to drive her home...”


  “She decided, or better yet, Donovan convinced her to go home with him.”

  “Why him?” Josh sounded angry now. “Why is he always in the picture? Is he interested in Laney?”

  “Nooooo! He has no interest in her. And she actually can’t stand him. I think she has a hard enough time with one older brother, plus Jake looking after her, and she’s irritated by the fact that Donovan is always looking out for her as well.” I did feel sorry for Laney. Because of her age and her looks, every male, family or not, felt protective of her. She had it tough. She was going to have a hard time dating and getting to know anybody with so many interferences. “Donovan has four sisters and I think Laney’s age just brings out the big brother side of him.”

  “Are you sure?” Josh was skeptical of my reasoning.

  “Of course I’m sure! I’m her cousin and she lives across the street from me.” Not that that had any bearing on my knowledge of her life. “Anyhow, she agreed to let him drive her home if he promised not to talk to her the whole ride home.”

  Josh started busting up. “She’s so funny.”

  “Is that what you like about her? Her sense of humor?” I looked at him skeptically with one raised eyebrow. “It has nothing to do with her beautiful looks or the knockout body?”

  “Hell yes! It has everything to do with her drop-dead gorgeous looks and her let’s-get-horizontal body.”

  We both cracked up, hard.

  The ride to the hospital was a quick one with such entertainment, and when Josh parked his car, I almost missed the two women mooning over my boyfriend in the parking lot.

  “Shit! Why are Hannah and Psycho over there with your brother?”

  “I think Hannah is working at the hospital now, and when you say Psycho, are you talking about Joyce?”

  I stared at Josh, totally surprised. “What do you mean Hannah is working at the hospital, and how do you know about Psycho?”

  “Max, with the help of your brother Jake, helped Hannah get an office job here. And as for Joyce, she calls Max all the time. I’ve met her a few times, too. By the pissed-off look on your face, I take it she’s not in your Google+ circle of friends?”

  “Your brother is in the doghouse right now. Let’s go!”

  I slammed the door and walked straight for those loser women hanging on a man who was already taken.

  I was royally pissed until I saw the happiness on Max’s face the moment he saw me. He looked like my nephew James when he saw his mother for the first time in almost a week after we’d come back from Hawaii. There was sheer bliss in his eyes. Damn. That felt good!

  “Hello, Precious,” he whispered while kissing me with both hands on my face. “I’m glad you’re here.” He kissed me a few more times in front of everyone, and I almost did a drunk, happy dance in the parking lot.

  I kinda waved hello to both gals (and no, I didn’t stick my tongue out at them and gloat) while Max put a helmet on me and told me to hop on. As soon as I got on, we went on a long ride before he headed for my house. Something about tonight’s ride helped me to understand Max’s love for riding on his motorcycle. I still wasn’t crazy about all the wind and dirt and bugs, but I did dig being able to hold him tight around his waist and plastering my front side to his back side. I felt so close to him. Even after we got to my house, I couldn’t peel myself off of him.



  “You gonna sleep on my back, on my bike, tonight?”

  “I wish...” dreamily, I kissed his exposed neck. “If this position isn’t possible, you wanna come sleep in my bed?”

  He chuckled and helped me off the bike. “I’m not crazy about waking up and seeing your parents and grandparents at the breakfast table. Plus, you’re such a moaner and screamer, I don’t think I like the idea of waking up all the family members on this block,” he said while nibbling on my ears. “Soon. We’ll get an apartment together and we can sleep in any position you like.”

  “Dare I ask about the two drooling women at the hospital?” I got out a question mid-making out at the door.

  “Hannah got a job in the accounting department, and Joyce was befriending Hannah.”

  “Scary...! Do I need to be worried?”

  “Considering I asked Josh to bring you to me after your dinner because I didn’t want to give Hannah a ride home—that should give you some indicator of whether or not you need to be worried.”

  “Really? That’s why you wanted me there?”

  “Hannah told me that she needed a ride home and when she asked, all that went through my mind was the fact that I didn’t want anyone else clinging onto my back, but you. When I bought the Harley right before you came back to LA, I specifically asked for one with the most comfortable back seat because I envisioned you, and only you, on the back of my bike.”

  I was totally melting inside. A sweet Max was a sight to hear and behold.

  “I love you, my precious gem.”

  Damn. I loved this man too!

  April 22, 2013 The Big Top

  This entire weekend had a three-ring circus theme starting with James and Ellie’s 1st birthday party bonanza! My niece and nephew turned the big ONE on Friday, and we had a huge celebration. Gimpy and I stopped by their home early Friday, before work, and there were two huge balloon figures shaped into a giraffe for James, and a panda bear for Elizabeth. Both kids looked at them with horrified curiosity.

  “! These balloon figures are huge,” I said to Emily.

  “It’s an ‘Under the Big Top’ themed party, and the balloons arrived early this morning. I hope they’ll last all day.”

  Gimpy was enjoying holding James as James batted the giraffe’s neck.

  “Me!” Ellie yelled out to get her turn.

  “She learned a new word,” I commented.

  “My little girl gets sassier by the day, and my little boy gets faster by the day.” Emily looked haggard already, and it was only 7:30am. “Her favorite words are ‘no!’ and ‘me!’ and every time I blink my eye, I’ve lost James. The baby proofers came about a month ago and put a lock on every possible opening—doors, cabinets, toilets—and yet, I still can’t find him.”

  “Maybe it’s time to get a little help? Jake’s always on you about accepting some help. What will you do about James and Ellie when both are mobile while you’re stationary, nursing the newborn?”

  All of a sudden, Emily’s face looked like she was going to have a breakdown. She put her head in her hands and the white flag went up. “Maybe it is time to get some help...ugh!”

  “Something to consider...” I said, as I saw Gimpy letting go of James. James ran towards me so I thought he might be coming over to hug my leg, but instead, the twerp ran right past me and greeted Laney who opened the door just in time to hug him lovingly.

  “Hello, sweet boy! It’s your birthday, today!” She cooed to him, while giving us a smile hello. “Are you having a fun day, already?” She walked him over to join his sister in the beat-up-the-balloon-animal game.

  Soon, Uncle Henry walked in and joined in the conversation, while Aunt Babs pulled Emily out to inspect the tent that had arrived for our circus, petting zoo, clowns, dunk tanks...all around zoo party.

  “How are my favorite grand nephew and niece on their special day?”
Uncle Henry picked up James and threw him up in the air, and caught him in time to see James’ face light up in giggles. He continued this till Ellie screamed, “Me,” loudly enough for us not to be able to ignore her. When she wasn’t frightened out of her mind, Ellie, too, loved being thrown up in the air.

  “I see this is where the fun is at,” Donovan walked in through the kitchen door, and joined the growing party.

  “What brings you here at this early hour, Son?” Uncle Henry asked while still holding Elizabeth. The savvy little girl wanted nothing to do with her granduncle, and she hopped over to the younger, better-looking, eligible man. That Ellie—smart girl!

  “Where else would I be on this festive day? Naturally, I came to wish my godchildren a happy birthday,” he grinned. “And, I also thought I’d catch a ride to work with Roland and Jane since we’ll be right back here for the party.”

  “Good thinking,” Gimpy answered. “I’m going to say goodbye to my Estelle, and I’ll meet you out front. The car will be here in ten minutes.”

  “Yes Sir,” Donovan answered, while putting Ellie on top of his shoulders. She was loving the attention. “Where’s Jake?” he asked Uncle Henry.

  “Jake had an early surgery. He’ll be home in a few hours to help Emily with the kids while Emily helps my crazy wife with her equally crazy parties.”

  “Got it,” he answered. “Delaney,” he called Laney over to him, “let’s trade kids.”

  The two played with the kids for a bit longer and then it was off to work for us, and off to school for Laney. Gimpy had Laney ride with us since her school was only another five minutes south of our office. We’d drop her off, get to the office, then pick her up before going home.

  “Laney, how is school going and when do you plan to leave for London?” Gimpy asked.

  “School is wonderful, Grandfather,” she answered so naturally and sweetly. That brought a smile to Gimpy and Donovan’s faces. “I graduate in about a month, so I thought I’d leave soon after. Gosh, I’d better start getting ready. I don’t have much time left.”

  “Why so soon, Delaney?”

  “I don’t know, Mr. Taylor.” She thought about that question a bit longer. “I love my family, and will miss them while I’m gone,” then she got a little teary, “especially the twins. But I don’t really have anything keeping me here once I graduate. I’d like to go see what London has to offer me.” She tried to cheer herself up, but still sounded bummed out.

  “You won’t even stay to see the new baby being born?” I asked, surprised. Laney loved those kids almost as much as Jake and Emily loved those kids.

  Now, huge tears formed in Laney’s eyes. As fragile doll looking as my cousin was, she was one tough cookie underneath the soft-looking exterior. This girl never cried in public. She used to fall off trees and hold back her tears till she was in the privacy of her own home.

  “It kills me to know that I won’t see the three kids for a whole year.” Gimpy, our English gentleman, handed Laney a handkerchief before the tears fell. “But, this is something I’ve told myself I wanted to do, and I’ll only be gone for a year...” Laney controlled her emotions and not surprisingly, didn’t cry.

  “What if you meet a special young man out there?” Gimpy posed a legitimate question.

  She laughed softly. “Grandfather...” she said thoughtfully, “I haven’t met a special young man in the US in the twenty-two years I’ve been here. I don’t think I’ll meet one in the UK in those twelve short months.”

  “Laney, have you never been in a serious relationship?” Donovan inquired.

  She shook her head no.

  “Why not?”

  She shrugged her shoulders.

  “No man has swept you off your feet and wooed you like a fairy princess from a Disney movie? No glass slipper at midnight...Prince kissing Sleeping Beauty awake from slumber...Beauty kissing the Beast into a prince...?” Donovan and I both laughed at his teasing comment. Anyone who knew our Laney, knew that she lived in la-la-land.

  She kept quiet, which turned me into Maleficent again, and Donovan into Gaston right before he went to kill the Beast.

  “Laney,” Gimpy looked at her hurt eyes, “your time is coming soon, and you’ll get all your sweet heart desires and more. Every time we see you loving James and Ellie, your Grandmother and I say that some man is going to be blessed beyond his wildest dreams to be loved by you.”

  “Thank you, Grandfather,” she whispered weakly, and turned away from us to look out the window.

  Damn! Now Donovan and I felt like morons and we scowled at each other for making fun of an innocent girl. Both of us felt guilty the whole ride to her school, and even during my short work day, I couldn’t get rid of that look I saw on Laney’s face. Fortunately, Laney called Gimpy to tell him that she’d ride back home with a friend, so we didn’t have to face her again till we got to the party.

  The party—it was OVER THE TOP! Aunt Babs went crazy‼! There were clowns, ringmasters, animals, petting zoos, carnival games, carnival “rides” in the shape of ponies, magicians and freaky contortionists. Though it was a kid theme, none of the little ones who were there enjoyed anything but the pony rides and the petting zoo. None were big enough to play any games Neither magicians nor contortionists made any sense to them, and the clowns just outright spooked every child under the age of two. Every time I saw Jake take one of the kids to visit the clown, neither wanted anything to do with him.

  “Out of control!” was what Donovan said and I agreed. “Your aunt is something else!”

  “That she is!”

  “What’d you get the twins?” I asked.

  “You see that tall giraffe and fat panda bear, over there?” He pointed to the still animals sitting on a low table.

  “Yeah, what is it?”

  “Two very costly cakes,” he answered with a laugh. “Your aunt called me to tell me about some cake designer she found, and asked me if I wanted to buy these for the twins for their birthdays. What else could I say but yes?”

  “Those look amazingly real. Freaky.”

  “I agree! Let’s go join the party.”

  I searched the tent for my boyfriend, who was coming with his brothers. I found him sitting in front of the magician watching the show.

  “Hi,” I whispered and kissed Max on the lips.

  “Hello,” he whispered and kissed me back. “Good day at work?”

  “Any day’s a good day when I get a half-day to come hang out with you.”

  “Good answer,” he smiled, and held my hand.

  “Where’s Josh and Garret? Did they come with you?”

  “Garret is hanging out with Nick and Doug, and Josh is trailing Laney somewhere in this tent.”

  Aargh! Laney. Forgot about her. I’d have to apologize and make things right with her before the day was over.

  We got up after the show was done, and explored the rest of the carnival.

  “Sarah!” Max went over and hugged his college friend. We saw her while getting freshly made cotton candy. He looked really surprised to see her. “When did you, Charlie, and Audrey get back?”

  “Like...yesterday,” she answered and cracked up. “Literally, we got to LAX last night, came home to a clean, cozy and well-stocked fridge, thanks to Emily, and we must’ve woken up a few hours ago to make it to this glorious party.”

  “You guys back for good this time?”

  “We better be! I’m done living outside of sunny California.”

  “Hi Sarah,” I butted in where I could.

  “Oh my gosh! Jane!!! Hi. Emily told me you two are officially dating.” She punched Max in the arm. “Be good to her. I’m told you’ve met your match.”

  Max put his arms around me and answered, “Yeah. I think I’ve found my match made in heaven.” He then smiled and kissed me lightly on the lips.

  Sarah beamed. “Jane, you must be something really special to get Max waxing poetic like he just did. I’m
happy for you both. Come say hi to Charlie and our baby girl who also just turned one.” We followed Sarah, who headed in the direction of Emily, Jake and the twins.

  Max and Charlie greeted each other with a handshake and a bear hug and he gave little Audrey a kiss on the cheek which brought out a beautiful smile from this girl. Taking after her mom and dad, Audrey was super tall for a one-year-old. She was at least half a head taller than our squirts. She had a mop of short curly brown hair and gorgeous brown eyes to match. She was going to be a heartbreaker one day as well with her good looks.

  “Audrey, this is mommy and daddy’s friend, Max and his girlfriend Jane,” Sarah introduced us. “You want to let Max hold you?” She asked since Max had his hands out to Audrey as an invitation to rest in his arms.


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