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Complete Indelible Love Series

Page 139

by Cee, DW

  “What do you mean they’re sleeping already? It’s only 5:30.” I complained.

  “They are both trying to drop their afternoon nap, and they are tired and cranky by four. They’re knocked out, so you have the whole place to yourself. Dinner’s warming in the oven, and feel free to download any movies.”

  “Will do.”

  While walking them to the back door, I wanted to ask where they were going for the night, but since they didn’t offer the information, I didn’t want to pry. Usually, Emily and or Jake offered information on their whereabouts, but tonight they were silent.

  “Have a great time.” I waved good-bye and closed the door behind them.

  Being so early in the evening, I twiddled my thumbs trying to figure out the best course for the evening. Finally, I pulled out my laptop and decided to work on all that was backlogged from the eventful weekend.

  “Laney?” Emily popped her head back in the door.

  “Did you forget something?”

  “No. I couldn’t leave because I felt so guilty not telling you that we will be meeting Donovan and Jane for dinner and a Laker game.”

  “Oh...” My heart sank in my chest and stayed there like dead weight. Why, oh why, did that news hurt so much? “Have a great time.” I put on a brave front, and Emily waited for me to say more. “I’m all right. We are only friends, at best.”

  “And Donovan and Jane are only friends as well. He invited her because...”

  “It’s really fine. He doesn’t live in my pocket, and he doesn’t need my permission for anything. Please go and have a great time and don’t worry about me.”

  She hugged me, and reluctantly left.

  As much as that news hurt, I decided not to dwell on what Donovan was doing tonight and forced myself to work. I could spend the entire night correcting papers and I wouldn’t be done. Mom popped in to say hello and to make sure all was right with the twins, and a few hours later, Aunt Sandy did the same. I was proud of the way I forged ahead with my plans and wasn’t derailed by Mr. Donovan Taylor.

  All is good at home?

  Yes, Jake. All is good.

  What are you doing?

  Editing papers. My mom and yours stopped by earlier.

  If I can get one of them to relieve you, would you like to meet us for dessert?

  No thank you. Enjoy.

  I knew Jake and Emily felt sorry for me, so they did what they could to include me. That wasn’t necessary. I would be fine.

  They came home earlier than expected, and as they didn’t offer any more information on their night, I didn’t ask. No one was home when I got in, so I sat on the front porch swing and began making mental notes of what I wanted to accomplish while out in London. After seeing all the major sites, I thought about auditing a class or two at Oxford or Cambridge. Perhaps starting fall, I’d take some classes, find a part-time job, and join some sort of intramural-type sports team so I could make some friends.

  “Hey.” That voice was calling my name.

  “Hi.” I answered softly.

  “Why are you out here by yourself?”

  “Jake and Emily came home early, and no one is home right now so I’m hanging out. Did you have a good time at the game? Did the Lakers win?” Like the glutton that I was, I courted the punishment.

  “Yes and no.”

  I nodded my head to explain I understood his terse answer.

  “You upset with me, again?” he asked cautiously.

  I was surprised he asked this question. “Why would I be upset with you, and what do you mean, again?”

  “You’re never happy when I spend time with Jane.”

  “It’s not jealousy.” I was too quick to add. “I just feel for Max the way Jane tows the line with you, and I think it sucks you keep dangling a golden apple at her. Either you both should give up the people you’re with and date, or walk away from one another.” My head shook at the absurdity of my admonishment. Who was I to tell these people what to do? And of course it was jealousy. I was jealous as hell that Donovan found my cousin attractive, but not me.

  “Tonight was just friends going out to a game. Jane and I...”

  “Mr. Taylor, I’ve told you this before. Your life is too complicated. Pick a woman and love her.”

  “What if I don’t know which woman is the right one to love?”

  “Then stay away from all of them, and you’ll figure out the right one for you. It’s not that hard.”

  “What if I can’t stay away from her?”

  I could tell Donovan was still looking at me, but I kept my head up-top my perched-up knees and stared at my feet.

  “Maybe if there’s one woman you have to be with, then she’s the woman for you. I just hope there aren’t too many collateral damages that come with your decision.” I started to get up. “Good night.”

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his body. The movement was so quick and yet so beautiful I could feel my unguarded emotion flaring. We were perfectly and intimately connected. From my head that lay in the crook of his neck, we were chest to chest, hip to hip, toe to toe. “I’m sorry I’m always disappointing you and hurting you. Those are never my intentions, but in the end, you become my only collateral damage.” Unable to decipher what he meant, but cherishing this time together, I didn’t have any more to say. “Good night,” he uttered while he brought his hands that were once snugly around my back to cup my face. Silently, I wished for him to kiss me, but that wasn’t meant to be. He let go all together and walked to his car. I went back to the swing and sat back at my original position with my knees against my body, arms around the knees, and now my cheek resting atop the knees.

  Donovan Taylor, why do you make me love you so?

  May 1, 2013 Collateral Damage

  I’ve had a hard time concentrating since Donovan and I last spoke. His final words and actions made me hope. Perhaps I was the woman he couldn’t stay away from, though deep in my heart, I knew I wasn’t the one. School was winding down and I had so much work piled up—but I couldn’t get my head in this game called school.

  My car only seats two and I have two beautiful Reid women to shuttle to school and work. Who else will drive?

  Donovan sent a group text this morning, and I didn’t want to be a part of this or any other threesome.

  I don’t need a ride. You and Jane go ahead without me.

  Why don’t you need a ride, Delaney?

  I can drive on my own. Have a nice day.

  Donovan quickly sent me an individual text.

  I’ll see you later?

  I don’t know. I have too much work. I will see.

  You upset about Jane...again? We have a meeting to attend together.

  We are not each other’s keeper. No need to worry about what I think and feel. Bye.

  Delaney! I’ll see you at softball.

  School was seriously kicking my ass. My senior thesis professor returned my work with enough red corrections to make it look like someone had died on my thesis. Shit. I wasn’t expecting it to be that bad. Without a doubt, I had a few all-nighters ahead of me. It was getting close to softball time and I had so much work to do, but I still wanted to be in Donovan’s vicinity. Lame. I knew I was being lame! But I wanted to see him. Of course I got to the game, changed, and waited for my catcher who never showed up. There was no message on my cell phone, and Kevin substituted William as my catcher. I played, we won, and two hours later, I drove home.

  I drove past a Porsche parked in front of Jane’s house, and my cousin stepping out of this car. My house being further down the cul-de-sac, afforded me this unwanted view of Donovan dropping Jane off at home. Quickly pulling into my garage, I sat in the car for a long while, controlling my emotions. Stupid me! Stupid, stupid, stupid me. Regardless of what Donovan might have said the other night, his actions spoke an entirely different tune. Deciding I was being stupid for every reason under the sun, I got out of the car and chose not to dwel
l on actions I couldn’t control.

  “Hey.” That voice startled me enough to make me drop all the crap in my hands.

  “What brings you here?” We both got on the floor to pick up all the scattered books and papers.

  “What took you so long to get in?”

  “I was organizing my car and junk.” I pointed to the evidence, though that was a total lie. “What brings you by?”

  “Have you had dinner?”

  I shook my head no.

  “You want to go eat?”

  I shook my head no, again.

  “Why not?” he asked quietly, guardedly.

  “Too much work. As it is, I’m going to be up a good part of the night.” I pointed back to all the junk in my hands.

  “I have a long night ahead of me, too. I see you played?”

  I nodded yes, but didn’t ask where he was and why he didn’t let me know he wasn’t coming.

  “Go shower. I’ll order a pizza in the meanwhile and we can eat here.”

  He took my pile of papers, I skipped up the steps two-by-two, and my world was all right again. My rollercoaster emotions were too idiotic for words.

  “You think that pizza’s big enough for the both of us?” Donovan had pulled a Jake and ordered a pizza the size of my door.

  Donovan chuckled. “We’re walking next door. Prego mama wants some too.”

  “Well, in that case, lead the way.”

  I stopped at our door, and waited for Donovan to open it for me while carrying an extra large box of pizza. Trying hard not to giggle, I turned and stared, expectantly.

  “Don’t be a smart ass!” he growled. “Open the damn door.”

  “A knight in shining armor, you are not,” I quipped, opening the door and motioning for him to go out before me. Donovan in turn lightly “kicked” me in the ass and chuckled. “You’re seriously cutting into my work time, Mr. Taylor.”

  “You’ve got to eat. I haven’t had anything since a late breakfast. I’m starving.”

  “Knowing I had more work than hours in a night, I went to softball not wanting to let you down, only to find out that you had let...” Shit! Diarrhea of the mouth, again!

  Donovan went quiet as Emily greeted us at the door. “Pizza!” She gave a huge smile.

  “Should we wait and see how much Emily eats, first?” Donovan whispered in my ear. Damn! Why did his breath in my ear feel so good?

  “Mr. Taylor, I’m hungry, too. If I wait for my cousin to finish, there may be none left.”

  “Good point, Little Girl.”

  “Emily,” I asked, mid-bite, “did you see any stars at the Laker game the other night?”

  “Who did you say I was sitting next to, Donovan?”

  “Justin Bieber.”

  “Eew. Not my cup of tea.”

  “Who is your cup of tea?” Jake asked with a knowing grin.

  “If we’re talking teenybopper stars, I’m more a fan of Harry Styles or Rpatz.” I could tell Donovan had no clue who these guys were.

  “You been on any dates lately?” Jake asked.

  “I got asked to watch the Clippers’ playoff game, and I’m thinking about whether or not I want to go.”

  “Why wouldn’t you want to go?” Emily asked while finishing off her third slice. Donovan and I waited to see if she’d take one more.

  “I have so much work to do before I graduate, and also the seats are in a box. I don’t like sitting in a box.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because, Mr. Taylor, it feels impersonal all the way up there. I like being closer to the game. Maybe I’ll meet CP3 or Blake Griffin if I’m right there. I’ve also been invited to a Kings’ playoff game the next night. Most likely I won’t go to either—too much schoolwork. And speaking of school work, I’ve must leave.” I got up and held out my hand to all three people who tried to get up with me. “Don’t get up. Thank you for dinner,” I told Donovan, “and the stimulating conversation. I can find my way home, blindfolded. See ya!”

  In the end, this night didn’t turn out too badly, after all.

  May 11, 2013 Mother’s Day Celebration!

  My mom is absolutely the greatest Mom created by God. She’s funny, she’s smart, she throws the best parties, and she’s always been my best friend. Both my parents try to listen to me and treat me with respect. They help me make smart choices, and encourage me to push myself to become a better person. With that said, I love my mother with all my heart and can’t wait to show her what Doug and I created for her Mother’s Day gag gift.

  “Laney, Mom and Dad have walked over to Jake’s. Let’s get the shower curtain up. Mom’s going to flip when she sees this gift. That was a brilliant last minute idea on your part.”

  “Thanks. I think Mom will be pleasantly surprised, or horrified.” I laughed.

  “At first I was annoyed they brought this tradition back. It’s not easy coming up with a gag gift for Mom. She’s the ultimate party planner. What could we possibly do to top her?” Doug said while carrying the shower curtain upstairs.

  “But it’s fun. I’ve always liked this tradition of coming up with the best gag gift, though the $100 buy-in is a little steep for my blood. I don’t know how all the cousins are coming up with the entry fee. Do you know what anyone else has created?”

  “They’re all keeping mum. Even Nick has kept his mouth shut, but it sounded like they had a good one, too.”

  “Did Mom tell you we could split the money pot if she wins?”

  “No shit? Seriously? Damn! Let’s get this thing up and be the winning family!”

  Normally, this brunch was held down at the beach, but since Emily was so pregnant, and since we brought our tradition back, it was held on the cul-de-sac. I supposed now that we were competing again, maybe this holiday would stay at Jake and Emily’s. Uncle Dave and Aunt Deb would have to pick up another holiday to host at their fabulous beach house.

  “Good morning, Reids.”

  “Hey Donovan.” Doug gave him a fist bump. “Becky. I didn’t know you were in town.” Doug walked over to her and gave her a hug.

  “Al and I came in last minute. We didn’t know we were coming, either.” She giggled.

  Becky and I couldn’t be called friends. She and Jane were always too old for me to hang out with them and too cool for them to hang out with me. Becky looked very much like Donovan, but not nearly as good looking. She had the brunette, hazel/blue eye combo similar to her brother, but while Donovan’s face was chiseled like a model’s, Becky’s was rounder. Still, she was a beautiful woman.

  “Hi, I’m Al. I’ll introduce myself since no one here will show us the courtesy.”

  “Hello. I’m Laney Reid, younger sister to Doug, first cousins with Jake and his siblings.” I shook the hand that was out for me. “Hi Becky,” I called out tentatively.

  Becky was never overly friendly to me. It wasn’t that she was mean...she just wasn’t ever nice. Fast-forward ten years, I didn’t know what to make of her and me.

  “Hey, Laney. Long time no see. What are you up to these days?”

  “I’m finishing up undergrad.”

  “And will be living as a wastrel in London for a year after she graduates,” Donovan added. Though it was said as a joke, it didn’t feel like one. I didn’t have an answer for Donovan’s wisecrack, so I ignored it.

  “I’ll see you all inside.” I waved politely and headed for safety.

  “Ne Ne!” James and Ellie came running to me. I was surprised Ellie greeted me along with her brother.

  “Hi James! Hi Ellie!” Crouching to their level, I gave them a group hug and part-kissed, part-blew raspberries on their cheeks.

  “Mor!” Ellie declared and James followed suit by also asking for “Mo!”

  With each cheek and each giggle more delicious than the one before, I was soon seated on the floor with the twins on top of me.

  “Someone’s having too much fun here.” Donovan swung Ellie
up into his arm and into the air. Once she got over the shock of the motion, she yelled, “Mor!”

  “Yes, Your Highness!” He answered and threw her up several more times.

  James, too, called out, “Mo,” to Donovan and put out his hand so Donovan passed Ellie off to Al who continued the motion, and Donovan gave his godson the attention he craved.

  “Oh my gosh! These two are even cuter than the last time I saw them.” Becky pinched Ellie’s adorable cheeks and she got a stern, “NO!” from Ellie. Our darling was not in the mood to be Becky’s plaything. She wanted “mor” from Al, only. “You can be a brat, just like your Auntie Jane,” Becky teased.

  With the twins in good hands, and having wished every mother in the backyard a very happy Mother’s Day, I grabbed a plate of food and sat with my mom.

  “I didn’t know Donovan and Becky were attending. Are Jamie Lynn and Scott coming, too?”


  “Donovan,” Mom called out to him. “Come sit with us.”

  “Happy Mother’s Day to you.” He kissed my mom on the cheek and sat next to me.

  “Are your parents coming?”

  “They should be. I went and picked up Becky and Al from the airport. Mom and Dad should be here soon.”

  “What did you do for your mother today, Donovan?”

  “Um...nothing, yet?”

  “Donovan! Shame on you. Your mother carried you for nine months, went through severe labor pains for you because of your gigantic-sized head, and treated you like a king all your life since you were the only son. I can’t believe you got your mother nothing.” Mom laid it on thick.

  “All right, all right! I’ll send her something soon.”

  “Send her something?” Mom used her most horrified voice. “You can’t just send her an Amazon package. You need to put your heart into it.”

  “I thought women loved any gift.” Donovan gave Mom a playful smile.

  Mom couldn’t help but smile with him. “You are too charming for your own good!”


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