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Complete Indelible Love Series

Page 148

by Cee, DW

  “Hey,” that familiar voice opened my door and called out at the same time. “Emily was wondering if you’ve had dinner yet. If you haven’t, why don’t you come over and eat a little something?”

  “Is everyone still there?”

  “Everyone left to go home and shower off the germs from the pool.” That made us both crack up. Who would have thought taking a child into the pool could be that dangerous?

  “Sure, I’ll go over in a little bit, but let me give you your suit before I forget.”

  Donovan’s suit. Delaney’s dress. The two looked so good next to one another I didn’t want to separate them. Before I left for Emily’s I had put the cufflinks and the button covers into separate small felt bags and put them in the front pocket of his suit jacket. I was nervous he might discover them right away. I’d have no answer for him if he asked about the present.

  “You stop by Bee’s today?” he asked without emotion.

  “Yeah, she needed me to try on one more dress so I stopped by to help. I really like your aunt.”

  “I see we have at least one thought in common,” he answered briskly, took his suit off my hand and walked to the door. “Thanks for picking up my suit.” This conversation quickly killed the whimsical dream I’d conjured in my head. “Donovan and Laney—what a beautiful couple,” everyone at the wedding would comment. I felt stupid for having bought him the gift. Once again, it was all in my head.

  May 24-26, 2013 A Wedding and A Funeral

  Friday was chaos at Emily’s. It wasn’t easy leaving for a trip with two little ones. My job was to occupy the kids while Emily got everything but the kitchen sink packed. Jake was busy at the hospital so we had a minivan pick us up, then we picked up Jake, and off we went to the airport. After an even more chaotic trip through check-in, we eventually settled in the plane. Ellie and James were hyper today. They itched to get out of their car seats and walk the aisle.

  “They’re a handful now, but wait till the plane starts rolling down the runway. They’ll be asleep from the onset of the ascent.”

  Jake wasn’t kidding. They both fell asleep instantly as the plane began taking off.

  “Happens every time,” Emily commented. “So...?” She faced me. “Did you give it to him?”

  “I left it in a pouch in his jacket pocket. I was too chicken to give it to him, so I left it there for him to find.”

  “What if he doesn’t find it?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Oh well?”

  “How will he know who gave it to him?”

  I shrugged my shoulders again. “Who cares?” I said with a laugh.

  The kids settled in nicely, and though many of the Reid and Taylor family were staying in the same hotel, we didn’t run into anyone. Saturday was busy driving about an hour away to Emily’s parents’ gravesite. Jake was happy that Emily went to her parents with a smile. The twins loved playing hide and seek behind the tombstones while Emily talked to her parents. Seeing how well those two played together, I hoped twins ran in the Reid family.

  Sunday, the kids were so tired from the day before, we stayed in the suite all day till it was time for the wedding.

  “Laney, why don’t you and Jake go ahead? I will join you at the reception after the kids get up.”

  “Emily, that’s silly. I’m here to help you. I’ll stay with the twins until they get up from their nap. Then I’ll get them dressed and bring them to you. Or, I can stay here with them.”

  “Are you sure? Don’t you want to get dressed up and enjoy the wedding?”


  “You did bring a dress?” Emily gave me a funny look.

  “Kind of,” I said. “I have a dress, but I don’t really know Ashley, and I’m sure she doesn’t need wedding crashers. I can deliver the kids to you and come right back here. I’m sure with the family there, you won’t need me.”

  “Laney,” Jake answered while getting his bowtie on. “I rsvp’ed for all of us. Ashley’s easy going, and one of Jane’s best friends. She understood we would be a last minute add-on. So, I want you down in the ballroom with the kids, whenever.”


  When Emily debuted her wedding attire, Jake couldn’t hide his pleasure. Emily and Jake were perfection. What possessed me to think Donovan and I could look that good together? I sent off the happy couple and started tinkering with my make-up. To do Bee’s dress justice, the make-up had to be on heavier and more seductively. My attempt at this combination was successful enough for me to be satisfied with the result.

  The twins both woke up, and after a swig of their water bottle, I brushed Ellie’s curls, put her pale pink flower girl-like dress on, and clipped the matching pin on her mass of curls. This beautifully vain little girl kept twirling, or at least attempting to twirl, in front of the full-length mirror. She knew she looked gorgeous.

  James, too, looked gorgeous in his little suit and bowtie. He complained a bit when I got the dinner coat on him, but soon held my hand as we three walked into the elevator.

  The doors to the reception hall were closed, and Ashley and her new husband, Jared, were waiting outside while the emcee spoke. As soon as the doors opened for their big introduction, Ellie stole the show by running in and shouting, “Mama! Looky-ME!” Then James, thinking this was a game, ran after her and yelled, “Mama!” The guests loved it, and clapped for the twins.

  The bride and groom got another round of applause as they walked in.

  “Well, hello there. I don’t think we’ve met. You weren’t at the wedding were you?”

  “Hello.” I greeted this very tall man. “No. I just got here.”

  “Are those two adorable ones yours?”

  “No.” I smiled.

  “I’m Brent, the bride’s brother.”

  “Hi Brent, the bride’s brother, I’m Laney, the pair.”

  “Au pair?” He lifted one eyebrow, questioning the veracity of my statement. “I’ve never met such a stunning au pair.”

  “How many au pairs have you met?”

  “None, but if you’re the poster girl for them, I would’ve begged my parents for one, back when I was thirteen.”

  Brent made me laugh. “I’ve got to get in and watch the twins.”

  “So you’re not kidding about this au pair business?” I shook my head no and began looking for the twins. “Wait,” he held my arms gently and asked, “Are you here with a date?”

  Thinking on my toes, I answered, “Yes. I’m here with James. See you later.”

  Brent pulled me back to him once again, and offered me his arm as an escort into the ballroom. I didn’t want to take his arm, but it seemed rude not to take his arm. During my hesitation, he put my hand around him and walked me in.

  “The twins are over there,” I pointed to the left side of the room. Brent attempted to ask me a few questions, but I was distracted by the sheer number of people in the room, and truth be told, by the laughter coming from Donovan’s table. He, Jane and Becky, along with the rest of their table were enjoying themselves immensely. He didn’t notice me walk in, or he chose not to notice me.

  “Here you are, my lady,” Brent brought me to our table.

  “Baby!” Uh-oh. It was Mrs. Taylor, and she didn’t sound happy. “What are you doing in the arms of another man?”

  “Hi, Mrs. Taylor.”

  “I thought I was ‘Ma’ to you now. Where’s Donny? Has he seen how beautiful you look?”

  “No. I just got here and this wonderful gentleman was walking me in.” I took my hand out of his arm. “Thank you for escorting me. It was nice meeting you, Brent.”

  “The pleasure was all mine.” He raised my hand up to his lips. Before he could kiss it, Mrs. Taylor came back—though I didn’t know she’d left—with Donovan and pulled my hand away from Brent’s.

  “Look who’s here, Baby. Donny, have you seen such an exquisite woman in your life? Why our Baby here is,” she then proceeded to whisper,
“even more beautiful than Ashley, the bride.”

  Donovan didn’t look happy to see me. In fact, he looked livid. I wasn’t sure why he was so angry with me.

  Brent’s interruption was a welcome distraction to the panic Donovan set in my heart.

  He took my free hand, kissed it, and said, “Save me a dance, Au pair?” He left without hearing my answer.

  “What was that?” Donovan asked in anger. “Do you fucking flirt with every guy who crosses your path? Don’t you know how to say no to anyone?”

  “Donovan!” Mrs. Taylor called out, shocked at his harsh words, and even harsher tone.

  Donovan’s words hurt so badly, I teared up immediately. I kept blinking my eyes hoping to push back the tears and the pain. With fortuitous timing, James took a fall and started crying, and without looking back, I raced over to him and let my mind forget my own pain.

  Emily knew something wasn’t right with me, so she let me take refuge in James. I held him and played with him till his spirits lifted. At least one of us had a smile.

  “Hello, again.”

  “Hi Brent.” I looked around, scared that Donovan might accuse me of being...I wasn’t quite sure what he was accusing me of being.

  “Who is this young fellow?”

  “This is James. James,” I addressed my little man, “can you say hi to Mr. Brent?”

  James waved hello, but was more interested in the dessert spoons.

  “So this is the infamous James? As in...your date?”

  Brent actually brought out a laugh from me. “Yes, this is my favorite little man, James.” James watched us talk briefly, then decided to wiggle off my lap and ran over to Jake who was motioning for him.

  “If there’s a favorite little man, is there a favorite big man?”

  Yes. It’s the same man who accused me of being a...

  I was lost until I saw my father. “Why yes, there is.” I stood up and greeted my father. “Hi Daddy.” I hugged him like I used to when I was a little girl. I couldn’t let go of him, or the pain.

  “You all right, Laney?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” I answered with sadness.

  “Hello, Chief. This is your daughter?”

  “You don’t remember her? Don’t you remember how she spilled punch all over your science project when you were a freshman in high school?”

  “Daddy. Not nice. Don’t bring up the misdemeanors of my youth. I’m sure I have no idea what you are referring to right now.”

  “Jake, Donovan and Brent almost keeled over when you spilled red punch on their all white project.” My dad let out a hearty laugh.

  “Chief, where’ve you been hiding this beauty?”

  “She’s still where you last left her. Give up your practice in Texas and come work under me at General Hospital, if you want to see more of my daughter.”

  Brent rubbed the sides of his chin with his thumb and forefinger. “I may seriously take you up on that offer if you’ll give me permission to date this stunning young lady.”

  “Delaney?” I stiffened with his voice. I refused to turn around and I hoped he’d go away if I ignored him.

  “Daddy, let’s dance.” I pulled my father to the dance floor.

  “You and Donovan get into a fight?”

  I shook my head no.

  “You look gorgeous, Baby. Where’d you get the dress?”

  “It belongs to Bee. She wanted me to test try the dress and tell her what works and doesn’t work.”

  “I guess one day you’ll be the bride, and we’ll be doing a father-daughter dance?” Daddy sighed.

  I sighed too. “Maybe. I don’t think anyone wants me, Daddy. I may never get married.”

  “From what I can see, too many men want you. You just need to be open to more than one person.”

  “Right now, I just want to leave, Daddy. I want to make new friends and live a new life.”

  “That’s all fine as long as you don’t settle down in England. My big fear is you’ll meet someone on the plane and marry the first man who crosses your path.”

  “Chief, may I have this dance with Delaney?”

  “No, Daddy. I don’t want to dance with him,” I whispered in my father’s ear.

  “What the hell did you do to my daughter?” My dad got angry with Donovan. “How dare you put this kind of fear in my daughter’s voice? Listen to her quivering,” Dad started scolding. “Next time I hear my daughter tell me she doesn’t want to be near you, I’m going to kick your ass.”

  “Yes, Chief. I’m sorry.” While the two of them carried on, I walked away, but Brent stopped my escape.

  “Dance, now?”

  “No, sorry. I’m headed back up to the room. I’ll see you again.”

  Brent put his arms around my waist while I walked, and scooped me back to him.

  “Hands off, Brent. Delaney and I need to talk.”

  “Doesn’t look like the lady wants to talk to you.” Brent was not helping this situation.

  “Good night,” I told both of them. Neither would let me go.

  This was truly the worst night of my life. Stupid me thought we’d be at this wedding and have a fairytale-like time again. So much for the matching camellias.

  “Both of you, get the hell out of my way!” I commanded.

  Startled, they stepped aside, and I practically ran to the elevator. As soon as I got into my room, I took off the dress, put away all the accessories and scrubbed my face clean. I am such an idiot. I’m the biggest moron on the face of this earth.

  “Laney?” I heard Emily walk in.

  “Hey Emily. Let me help you with the kids.”

  “You want to talk?”

  The tears came down like a monsoon. “Not now. It hurts too much,” I whispered and helped the kids into their pjs. “I’m turning in for the night, OK?”

  “Sure,” I could tell Emily was worried, but I couldn’t forget tonight fast enough.

  “Hey, Donovan,” I heard Emily whisper from the living room area. I tried my hardest to fall asleep, but I lay wide-awake.

  “Hey, Emily. I was hoping to speak with Delaney. Is she here?” He sounded no different from his usual self—only quieter since he knew the babies were sleeping.

  “She’s already turned in for the night.”

  “How was she before she went to bed?”

  “What do you want me to say?” Thank you, Emily, for not telling him that I was a blubbering mess.

  “Love,” Jake spoke, “I’m going down to the bar with Donovan.”

  “Sure. Should I wait up for you?”

  “No, Love. This may take a while. You rest.” I could hear Jake give Emily a kiss before leaving. “You,” Jake stressed that word so I figured he was talking to Donovan, “better have a damn good reason for making my cousin cry. You’re on my shit list right now.”

  “Jake...” Emily warned.

  “I’m sorry, Emi. I’ll be back soon. I love you.” He kissed her again.

  Closing my eyes shut, I begged for sleep to come so I could forget this day ever happened.

  May 27, 2013 Breakfast of Champions

  Unlucky for me, we were having breakfast with Donovan. But lucky for me, the entire Reid and Taylor clan joined us. I sat next to Emily, Jake and the kids, and Donovan sat next to his sister, Al, and Jane. I did my best to blend in with the crowd and not attract any attention to myself. That worked well until of course friends and family of the bride joined us at breakfast. We practically took over the entire restaurant.

  “Good morning, Au pair.” Brent gave off a jovial vibe.

  “Why do you keep calling Laney, Au pair?” Jane asked.

  “Because when I asked her for her name, that’s who she told me she was. I didn’t realize that she was the chief’s daughter till I saw her with her father.”

  My dad laughed at him. “Good one, Laney.” He then addressed Brent again. “You coming back to California? I have a position with your na
me on it if you want to come and do an interview.”

  “Does that mean you’ll let me date your daughter?”

  “Who my daughter dates is not up to me, Brent. If you can impress her enough, she might consider dating you. Otherwise you’ll stand in a long line of boys who want to date her.”

  “Uncle Henry,” Jane complained, “I have Laney matched up with Josh, Max’s brother. That’s not cool to dangle your daughter as bait so you can get another surgeon in your hospital.”

  “I never dangled my daughter. My Laney has a mind of her own. She’s not going to date anyone because I tell her to date him.”

  Jane continued. “I think she should date Josh and get to know him a little better. He’s funny, charming, witty, good-looking...the list is endless.”

  “Speaking of dating,” Brent interrupted Jane, “when do you leave, Laney?”

  “We’re all leaving after breakfast, Brent, so save your breath. She’s gone in about an hour.” Jake spoke up for me.

  “I believe I was asking the lady? She seems to have quite a few spokespeople today.”

  “What do you say, Laney? Could we go have a cup of coffee without your entire family listening in on our conversation?”

  I was so nervous that I didn’t know what to say to him. I wasn’t hesitating because I wanted to go have a cup of coffee with him; I was hesitating because I was afraid to see what Donovan’s expression looked like. It was sad that Donovan’s impression of me meant so much to me.

  “Laney?” Brent asked again. “Is that a yes, but you’re too shy to speak with everyone here?”

  “No thank you, Brent. I haven’t had a chance to talk to my mom all weekend. I’d like to catch up with her before this trip is done.”

  “But you see your mom all the time. A cup of coffee – that’s all I ask.”

  “No thank you, Brent.”

  “Mrs. Reid?” Brent now was addressing my mom.

  “She said no, Brent. Move along.” Donovan spoke up this time.

  Brett walked right up to me and whispered in my ear, “May I then have at least a phone number, email address, Twitter handle?”


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