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Complete Indelible Love Series

Page 178

by Cee, DW

  He now moved over and sat next to me in our very crowded two-person booth. The person in the booth next to us wasn’t happy Donovan had encroached upon his space. “I am no Swami with a crystal ball. I cannot tell you what will happen the rest of our lives. What I can promise you is that I love you and wish to spend my life with you. I want to make babies with you, and lots of them. I want to spend our weekdays working, raising our kids, dealing with homework and school projects. And I want to spend our weekends hanging out on the cul-de-sac with all the cousins, surfing at the beach house, and sending the kids off to Grandma Taylor’s or Grandma Reid’s so we can have some alone time. We’ll take the kids to Europe for the summer and stay in one of Roland’s homes, or at our beach house so they can learn to surf like their mother. I plan to live an unbelievably fun life with you and our brood. That much, I can promise you.”

  “Sounds nice. I think I might be able to clear out my calendar for that kind of a promise.” I whispered and kissed him lightly.

  “So back to this whole issue of Kate and Michael. I don’t have a problem with you and Michael’s sister, but I can’t say I’m happy with you meeting Michael. Since you have made plans already, I’ll not stop you. And as for Kate, you remember when you asked me how I could have sex without love?”


  “Leaving out the emotional part of sex, how did it feel?”


  “That’s something men can desire without having their emotions all tangled up in the act. I know it sounds cold, but it’s just something that we do, and that’s what Kate and I’ve done when we’ve met up from time to time.”

  “You mean to tell me there were no feelings involved? I can’t believe that.”

  He sighed with slight frustration. “It’s not that there are absolutely no feelings. I like Kate—scratch that, I liked Kate—but neither of us was in love the last eight years or so. We always got along well, had mutual respect for one another, and were physically attracted to each other. That’s been what’s fueled our libido for a long time, not love. Do you understand?”

  “Not really, but I’ll believe what you say.”

  “But I want to tell you what I thought and felt when we made love this morning. We didn’t have the proper pillow talk after our first time, and I need to make amends for it.”

  “OK...” I had no idea what he was talking about.

  “Physically, having sex with you was like no other. Being with you, without anything to desensitize me was without a doubt, the best sex I’ve ever experienced. Emotionally, seeing you under me—the woman I know I’ll be making love to the rest of my life, a woman who’s gifting me with her first, and the woman I’ll be making babies with...I have no words that could describe my feelings. Incredible? Unbelievable? Extraordinary? None of these words comes close to what I felt. Truly, making love to you has been the greatest gift. To add to my beautiful gift, your uninhibited response to our lovemaking drove me wild. You are one hellcat in bed.” I could feel my entire body get hot and turn beet red. “You don’t believe me?” I didn’t realize I’d said anything to contradict his statement. “Your face is telling me I’ve embarrassed you and that you have no clue what I’m talking about.”

  “Well...I don’t know how other women react, but I didn’t think I said or did anything unusual, did I?” Now I was super self-conscious.

  “Princess, do you know how loud and verbal you are when you’re aroused?”

  Shit! “No...I didn’t even know I said anything during our lovemaking.” I whispered now since he accused me of being loud.

  “Babe,” he whispered back and in a sinfully sexy voice, “I almost came with you both times I made you come with my mouth and fingers because you expressed your pleasure so clearly. In fact, you’re quite a demanding little wench in bed.”

  “I am not.” Now I was just plain mortified at my sluttiness. “And speaking of demanding, you’re the demanding one...or is it that I just didn’t know what I was doing?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You the bathroom in Rome...when I...” In this situation, I couldn’t say the word blowjob. “You had so many instructions and so many do’s and don’ts. I thought I was doing it totally wrong.”

  He grinned pretty huge and kissed the base of my neck. “I’ll tell you another secret. In all my years of being sexually active, I’ve never been given a blowjob before.”

  “You are so bullshitting me. You expect me to believe that?” There was no freaking way.

  “I’ve never had luck in that department. All the women I’ve been with have never wanted oral sex—give or take.”

  “So I was the first girl know...”

  “Well, no.” That extinguished my joy immediately. “Sorry. I should have explained. I’ve tried it in order to receive it, but none of my partners liked it enough to want to reciprocate. You’re my first and seeing you on your knees with your eager mouth, I was just trying to make it last.” He laughed at himself. “I thought I could hold off my release if I had you suck me slower, but that was even more arousing to watch your puckered mouth go up and down, so carefully, so methodically. Shit,” he placed his lips on the back of my neck and started lightly sucking. “I’m horny as hell again. You do that to me all the time. You did that to me when we were just friends, and I thought I was going mad with lust whenever we spent time together.”

  “I would never have guessed. You never showed any interest in me whatsoever. If anything, you were always mad at me about everything. I didn’t think I could ever do anything right in your eyes.”

  “I’m sorry, Princess. It was more a case where I was angry with myself for being so physically attracted to someone I once considered a little sister.”

  “Boy, if we equated the depths of your anger with the depths of your love, then buddy, you were madly in love with me all these months.”

  He laughed. “I think I was madly in love with you all this time.”

  “So everything I did back in Rome was OK?”

  “Babe. It was beyond OK. You spoke of intimacy earlier, and that was the most intimate I’d been with any woman. It was beautiful and I thank you for loving me enough to try something that was probably not high on your to-do list.”

  “Um, could I ask one more question about that morning in Rome?”


  “OK, so you came much sooner than I expected and was...I...supposed know...” damn, this was hard, “was I supposed to have you stay inside my mouth when you came and if so, what the hell am I to do with all that stuff in my mouth?”

  Donovan tried really, really hard not to laugh at me, but couldn’t hold it in. Shit, I wanted to kick his ass for making fun of me. As soon as he saw my pissed off expression, he schooled his laughter. “I’m sorry.” He showed penance but not enough. There was still a lot of laughter in his eyes.

  “It’s time to leave.” I changed the subject and got up from the other side of the booth. “Do you have a company apartment, or were you planning on staying at Gram’s.”

  “Princess...” He dragged out my nickname. “Come here,” he pulled me back down and into his body. “I’m sorry. I’ve been dying to talk to you about the blowjob you gave me but I didn’t know how to bring it up. I was laughing more at myself than anything else. In all honesty, I don’t know what’s correct protocol, and I was horrified that I came in your mouth. That’s why I ran away after it happened and haven’t brought it up since. You can do whatever is comfortable for you. But, if I may add, I couldn’t tell you what was more arousing—seeing you on your knees, or seeing you suck me off. If you had kept me in your mouth, I may have spilled a second round.”

  “Is that even possible?”

  “Usually not, but with you I’m gonna bet it might be.” Now, I didn’t know whether I was more embarrassed or aroused. “If we’re done, shall we go?”

  I waited till the plane took off and w
e had our drinks in hand before I started with the questions again. Though I’d known this man for many years, I still had so many questions I wanted answered. “Donovan, will you tell me about your sisters?” I’d been curious about the sisters since Becky and Kelley showed up in Paris. I thought I’d get to know the four ladies who might eventually be my sisters. “Are you busy? If you need to work, we can talk about them another day.”

  “I’m never too busy for you.” He pulled up the armrest and had me lean into him, my back to his chest. “Start with Amanda?”


  “Amanda is the oldest and a mother hen. She’s thirty-five now, and being the oldest of five, much of the responsibility fell upon her to make sure we were safe. She used to boss me around especially, because Mom and Dad put her in charge of me whenever they weren’t available.”

  “Poor Amanda. You were probably a pain in the ass, and your head was probably bigger than the globe Atlas carried on his shoulders.”

  Donovan laughed. “I was a pain, and I did believe I was king of the house.”

  “King of the world.”

  “Which would make you my queen,” he suggested.

  “Queen or slave?”

  “Depends on what position you’re in,” he suggestively suggested.

  I had to shush him. “No sex talk on the plane.” I placed my hand on his inner thigh. “By the way, where will you be sleeping tonight?”

  “Um, right next to you.”

  “You can’t sleep with me at my grandmother’s house! My mother is there and so are my grandparents and Jake and Emily’s family.”

  “So? Your grandparents are probably more sexually active than we are, since they’re newlyweds.”

  “Oh, Donovan. That’s gross.”

  “But true.” He laughed. “And you don’t think your parents know that we’re in bed together?”

  “Oh my gosh! No!! They know I’ve been pure all this time.”

  “Yeah. Have been, being the operative word. And Jake and Emily have seen us in bed already so no surprise there.”

  “I really can’t have you sleeping in my bed in Belgravia, especially not while my mother is next door.”

  “Fine. Then you can sleep with me at the company apartment.”

  It would be hard to stay away, but I had to resist. “I’m going to have to work up to that.”

  “Whatever. The bed at your Gram’s or the bed at my apartment, you can decide which one you want to sleep in when we get to London.”

  “All right I’ll think about it till then.”

  Donovan shook his head as though I was crazy. “So next oldest in my family is Kelley.”

  “I never understood how Kelley was older than you, but still in the same grade.”

  “Kelley and I both have nebulous birthdays on the school calendar where she was held back a year and I went to school a year earlier. That’s how we ended up in the same grade. Plus, she’s only eleven months older than I am.”

  “Tell me about her husband, Noah. He seems like a great guy. Oh, and you didn’t tell me about Amanda’s husband and kids.”

  “Amanda and Robert live in Maine with their two boys, Richie and Ronnie. The boys are nine and six and full of energy. Robert comes from a family full of fishermen and they own a pretty big fish and seafood company.”

  “What are Robert, Richie and Ronnie like?”

  “Robert is on the quiet side, and he needs to be because Amanda talks so much. Richie and Ronnie are good boys who look like their father, but act like their mother.”

  “I don’t think I remember Amanda at all.”

  “She might have been on the East Coast already when you and I first met. Kelley was only around because she and Jake dated for so long.”

  “Was Kelley bummed when she and Jake finally broke up?”

  “Not at the time. She and Jake needed their freedom. They had been bosom buddies since they were young and slated to get married in the eyes of our parents. They needed to go out and date other people.”

  “Where did Kelley and Noah meet?”

  “In Chicago when Kelley was doing her MBA. Noah’s a police officer, and it was a classic case of him pulling her over for a speeding ticket and her weaseling out of the ticket because he was attracted to her and wanted her number.”

  “How cute is that?” I marveled. “What a sweet love story they must have to tell.”

  “I don’t know about their love story, but they got married soon after they met. And now they have three boys ages six, four, and two.”

  “They must be darling if they look anything like their parents.”

  “They are really cute. Though I shouldn’t have favorites as an uncle, I think those three are my favorite.”

  “I can’t wait to meet them one day.”

  “You’ll meet them at Thanksgiving or maybe Christmas.”

  “Maybe the Taylors can join the Reids for Thanksgiving. You know Mom throws the most elaborate Thanksgiving dinner and party.”

  Donovan looked pleased. “I can’t wait for my sisters to meet you. I’ve told them all about you.”

  “You have?”

  “Of course I have. I talk to my sisters quite often. Amanda, the mother hen, is most anxious to see who has captured my heart.”

  “So Noah, Kelley, and the three boys live in Chicago now?”

  “They live outside of the city in a suburb. Kelly quit her job when she had Brandon, the youngest, but before she quit her job, they bought a small home and moved out into the suburbs where the schools are good.”

  “Did she quit so she can raise her boys?”

  “Yeah. By the time she had three kids, it wasn’t worth it for her to work, with the money she was paying in childcare. Though she was a successful ad executive, Noah is a cop so they always budgeted, and they were able to purchase a very small home. Their house is probably only a bedroom larger than my beach house. But Kelley’s done a good job of turning the house into a warm and cozy home.”

  “It must have been an adjustment for her to go from living in your parents’ big home to something small.”

  “I think it’s tougher on my parents to see her living off a policeman’s salary. That’s why outside of coming to LA to see family, she and Noah haven’t been anywhere since their honeymoon. It was huge for them to come to Paris.”

  “Oh Donovan. We should have hung out with them more. I should have hung out with them more.”

  “You did what you could. It wasn’t like you were on your own schedule. You were following my work schedule.”

  “What does Kelley think of Emily? I always believed she and Jake would get married.”

  “I think that’s what we all thought. Kelley was out here for Christmas, and she and Noah spent some time at Jake and Emily’s. I think Kelley was a bit taken aback...maybe that’s not the right word.” He thought about it some more. “Maybe I should say that she envied Emily’s home for all of half a second when she first saw it, but before the night was over, she and Emily became fast friends. How could you not like Emily?”

  “She and Noah appear to be happy.”

  “They are and he’s a good match for her and a great dad to Dylan, Steve and Brandon.”

  All of a sudden, Donovan started busting up.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Her boys were named after those three guys on Beverly Hills 90210. Kelley loved that show growing up, and with her name being Kelley, she thought it funny to name her boys after the main characters.”

  “I don’t remember a Dylan, Steve, or Brandon. I only remember a Dixon, Ethan, and George.” I answered without much thought.

  “Is this what’s called a generation gap?” Donovan couldn’t help the continued laughter. I had no clue what he was talking about, so I pushed him along with his story.

  “So what’s the deal with Becky? How come she doesn’t like me?”

  “Becky and I have always had a cantanker
ous relationship. She’s a couple of years younger than I am, and she’s the one I mostly fought with when I was younger.”

  “Now too, it looks like.”

  “Only when she gets in my way of seeing some action.” He gave me a sexy grin and kissed my cheek. “Though it looks like you and your brother do your share of fighting at your ripe old age of twenty-three.”

  “Only when he gets in my way of seeing some action,” I repeated his words.

  “Oh?” He purposely held me tighter. “And what action were you planning on seeing in Hawaii in that skimpy teal bikini of yours?”

  “I had on a rash guard,” I complained and defended myself.

  “And then you didn’t. I about had a heart attack when you stripped bare and showed all of Hawaii your tits.” He briefly grabbed my breasts and the quick teasing ignited both our lust. “Adam from the Garden of Eden had nothing on me where temptation was concerned, when I first saw these.” Donovan now placed his hands right below my breast and methodically stroked with his index fingers. I was getting so aroused I had to grab his hands and bring them around my waist, instead.

  “I did not show anyone my tits.” I whispered so the entire cabin was not privy to our conversation. “I was well covered.”

  “Woman, I had a hard-on all day after seeing you. I was never more glad that I had a rash guard that covered the protrusion in my swim trunks. I wanted so badly to suck on these.” His hands traveled back up and rolled my nipples.

  “Donovan,” I leaned further back and whispered in his ear. “You’ve got to stop or I may strip bare on this flight because I need you to suck on my tits.” Thank God we were sitting in the very front of the cabin. My face had to have been bright red.

  “You and I are making a pit stop at the apartment before heading to Belgravia. We are going to have crazy sex before dinner.”

  “But then we’re going to be late to the family dinner.” Stupidly, I put out that complaint.

  “The bathroom here or back at my place. Once again, your choice.” We kissed briefly before the flight attendant came back.


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