Complete Indelible Love Series

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Complete Indelible Love Series Page 201

by Cee, DW

  “You’re back.” I smiled big to show her how happy I was to see her and to be with her.

  “Why are you here?” She asked while pouring me her cup of coffee.

  “I came back for cake.”

  “But you didn’t know I was baking a cake. How could you come back for it?”

  This girl could never let me have the last word. “Have you had dinner?” I changed subject. “Have you?” I asked again when she wouldn’t answer.

  “No, not really. I was going to fill my calories with cake, instead.” Perfect! We could dine together.

  “Then let’s eat. I had a dinner date with some friends, but after a drink, I thought I may enjoy having dinner with you instead.” My chattiness about my college friends and our supposed “dates” hid the insecurities that battled within. I was sure she could hear the frantic heartbeats running amok, giving away how nervous I was about why I’d returned. I felt like a blind man standing in front of his home unsuccessfully searching for the knob that opened the door.

  “You didn’t have to come back. I would’ve been all right without you.” I knew this girl was fine without me. The question was, was I fine without her?

  “I know. I wanted to come back.”

  Lucky for me, Jake and Emily returned before there was any more awkwardness between us, and I walked Delaney home in silence. In truth, I wanted to see what it would feel like to hold her hand. Since my return, she hadn’t said much, and she was even more pensive during our quick walk home.

  “What’s on your mind, Delaney?”

  “Nothing.” For once, I wished she’d indulge me with an answer overflowing with words.

  “The creases between your brows speak differently.” I massaged them on her forehead, happy to have a physical connection with her.

  “I was thinking about Jake and Emily.”

  “What about them?”

  “Just how perfect they are for one another, and whether or not I’ll find that kind of perfection in my own life.” With the way her eyes fell to the floor, I knew she was embarrassed to have shared her feelings with me. I, on the other hand, was thrilled she was opening up.

  How could this girl possibly think she wouldn’t find perfection in her own life? She was beautiful. She was kind. She was any man’s dream. If I were even five years younger, I’d be first in line to create that perfection for her. “Who could possibly resist loving you?” I wanted her to understand how special she was and how lucky any man would be to claim her as his own. “You are damn near perfect yourself, Miss Delaney Reid. Any man who doesn’t recognize this would be a fool.”

  Was I foolish enough not to acknowledge this near perfect attraction?

  The next of many days were busy ones at the firm—busy enough where I couldn’t attend softball practices or stop by the cul-de-sac. A last minute trip to New York landed on my schedule, and I meticulously prepared for that important meeting.

  “Gimpy tells me you’re going to New York to make the firm millions.” Jane walked into my office with a strong cup of coffee and a pastry. “How does it feel to have the weight of the firm on your young shoulders?” She was now laughing at me knowing how much work I had awaiting me.

  “Did he also tell you I was getting a fat bonus if I signed this deal by week’s end?”

  “Maybe I should come with you. Maybe I can get a cut of your bonus.”

  “There’s no patenting involved.” I took the coffee and food she was offering. “You stay in your cubicle and work hard to keep us partners well versed on our cases,” I teased.

  “Being a lowly associate sucks. I only see the courtroom when Andrea decides a case isn’t worthy of her time. When will I be a powerful lawyer like you?” She accentuated key words to make herself sound like my biggest fan.

  “Soon, my vixen. With Roland as your biggest ally, you’ll go far.”

  “We’ll see.”

  “Everything all right with you and Max?”

  Jane looked uncomfortable answering my question. “Yeah. We are good now. We’ve hammered out a lot of issues, and I think everything will be smooth sailing from here on out.”

  “Good.” I was happy for Jane.

  “I appreciate your interest in me, but I think I’m off the market now.” She didn’t know where to look while saying this.

  I decided to be honest with her. “I think a lot of times I find the idea of us more ideal than it probably is. You have all the right taglines. You’re my best friend’s sister, we’re already good friends, there’s no get-to-know-you hurdle, we understand each other’s work, and the attraction is already in place. But, I understand that you’re seeing someone and I’m not going to rock your boat. As I’m sure it is the same for you, my feelings for you don’t run deep enough to warrant an ugly fight. What’s important to me is that you’re happy.”

  Jane got up and hugged me. “You’re a good friend, and will one day make some girl an incredibly lucky one. I’m just sorry timing never worked out for us. I would’ve loved to have experienced being Donovan Taylor’s woman.” She smiled in jest and left for her cubicle.

  While in New York, I received a surprising call from an old friend. I had just finished texting with Delaney since I missed today's game and was about to sleep when the call came in.

  “Hullo Donovan.” That accent was unmistakable.


  “How have you been?”

  “Busy. And you?”

  “I've found myself with more time than I know what to do with these days. I've sold the company and retired.”

  “I've heard. Congratulations. How does it feel to be retired at such a young age?”

  “Unproductive.” Her English-French accent was still damn alluring. “I hear you're doing well at AAP.”

  “If working 60-80 hours a week is doing well, then yes, I'm doing well.”

  “Are you seeing anyone?”

  The question always came early in the conversation, but this time I didn't welcome it.

  “I am not...” I left my answer open-ended, free for interpretation.

  “I'm down at the beach. Can we meet?”

  “I'm in New York right now and I head back tomorrow. I'm happy to meet for dinner as old friends...” Once again, I left my answer open-ended, free for interpretation.

  “Dinner tomorrow night?”

  “Dinner tomorrow night.” I'd let Kate know tomorrow night friendship was all I wanted for us. I didn’t see us going anywhere anymore—especially not with a certain someone who wouldn’t leave my mind.

  The flight back home landed late so I drove straight to the beach. I rehearsed the speech repeatedly to myself while driving the long distance. After ten years of this around-the-world booty call, I wanted it no longer. A stable relationship was what I desired, and Kate was as stable as a ship in a perfect storm.

  It had been a long time since I’d been to the Montage. Last time I was here was almost ten years ago, and the single most embarrassing moment of my existence. I had wasted a proposal on a woman I knew wasn’t the right one for me. Regardless of the negative feelings I had for this place, it was as beautiful as ever.

  Stepping into the hotel, the first sight that caught my eyes was not the dark ocean or the full moon, but the blonde in a blue dress facing the ocean. Only her back was visible, and though I wondered if I was seeing things, without a doubt, I knew who that woman was.

  “Hello Miss Delaney.” She turned around, and the charming look on her surprised face stole my breath. “Don’t you look stunning tonight!” The smile she rewarded me made my heart stop. It had been a couple of weeks since we’d spent any time together—I had missed her. “What brings you to the Montage?”

  “Hello Mr. Taylor. You look very nice tonight as well. It’s nice to see you again.” The way her face lit up, I knew she was just as excited to see me, as I was to see her.

  “What brings you here?”

  “My family, as well as a da

  “A date?” Why the hell was she on a date all the way down in Orange County and at a hotel? “Who’s the lucky fellow? You never told me you were dating someone. Is it William?”

  “Yes, it’s William, but we’re not dating. He happened to be in Orange County and...I’m sure you’re not interested in the fine details.” I am actually very interested in all the details. Tell me, Delaney Reid!

  “Where is he? Are you meeting him here?”

  “He’s here somewhere. We separated for a bit so I could get dressed for dinner. What brings you here, tonight?”

  “” Was I being hypocritical thinking she shouldn’t be here so irresistibly dolled up for another man?

  “Well, I guess I shouldn’t keep you. It was nice seeing you. I...miss...” Did she just stop herself from telling me she missed me?

  “What was that?” Say it again and I’ll confess I missed you too.

  “Nothing. I’ve got to go.” Delaney! “I have to get to my dinner.”

  “He’s a lucky man, Delaney...”Come back here. I pulled her back to me before she got away again. “You look beautiful tonight, and I’m sure your date will find you almost as enchanting as I do.” There! I opened up a bit of my heart. Give me something...Her eyes showed many thoughts going through her head. A few times, she started saying something, but all I heard instead were sighs and small groans. I wanted to push her but I didn’t. “Can I walk you to your destination? Are you dining at Studio?” She nodded. Our entire walk through the hotel, down the walkway, over to the restaurant located on the beach, she only nodded. I thought about asking a ridiculous question to see if she’d still nod her head yes, but stopped when I realized what was happening. Jake’s entertained grin said it all.


  “Donovan.” Kate reached out and embraced me openly and sensually. This unexpected greeting threw me off balance more so when I felt Delaney’s arm withdrawing from mine. It wasn’t just my arm that had lost its pair, my soul had lost its mate.

  Shit! What a situation. Sitting at the table were three complications—my past, present, and future. Which woman fit which adjective was still an unfinished story. There was Jane, a woman I’d be willing to have a relationship with if situations were to change with her current boyfriend, but didn’t care to fight for at this moment. There was Kate, a woman whom I’d had a sexual relationship with for the past ten years, and then, there was Delaney, a girl who lived on my mind and in my heart these days. Tonight was my circus debut as the world’s most idiotic juggler. The three senior citizens were right. My Casanova ways were coming back to bite me in the ass.

  “How was your meeting in New York?” Kate engaged my attention immediately. I looked over to Delaney to make sure she was doing all right, but her back was to me. With all that was going on tonight, I decided to focus my attention solely on Kate.

  “Successful and quick.”

  “Roland tells me you’ve become his prized young lawyer. I always knew you’d do well.”

  “You keeping tabs on me?” I didn’t mean for that to sound flirtatious, but it did, and Kate responded with enthusiasm.

  “Always.” She leaned in close and expected our lips to lock. Normally I would have given in to temptation, but tonight I couldn’t—not with so many eyes, not with...Delaney.

  With Jake and Emily a part of our conversation, Kate and I described our younger days at this very restaurant and hotel. Of course none of us mentioned my sister during these days, but I had to admit, we’d had some fun times with Kate.

  We were entertaining Emily with stories of our college years when the words, “I’ll go with you,” drew my attention back to Delaney. She got up and went outside before William could finish his sentence.

  Delaney’s back was to me throughout dinner, but I did notice she hadn’t eaten or spoken since we met up in the foyer. Her face was paler than I liked to see, and she made a wide circle around me when I put out my hand to try and stop her from leaving.

  “Shit.” I whispered and proceeded to stand.

  “Donovan,” Jake warned. “Emily will be with her.” He then turned to William and asked, “Would you like more wine?” and calmed him down. Jake returned us to the conversation at hand, but my mind was outside, worried about his cousin.

  Delaney never returned to dinner and I ended up following Kate to her room. The list of reasons why we shouldn’t start up again had been formed on the flight back to LA and I was about to reveal every last one of them, until Kate took off her dress and revealed everything and nothing.

  I hadn’t been with a woman in months.

  The speech was forgotten...for now.

  “You better be having a medical emergency for calling me at this hour!” My best friend griped on the phone.

  “Come out and run the beach with me.”

  “And why the hell would I do that when I can stay in my warm bed with my lovely wife?”

  “Because you’re my friend and I need you to get your ass out of bed and talk to me.”

  “Aargh!” Jake yelled in a whisper. “I’m going to kick your ass is what I’m going to do when I see you.”

  “Don’t take your time. I need a run.”

  I knew my buddy wouldn’t let me down. I just hoped he wouldn’t take his sweet time getting out of bed.

  It took no time at all for Jake to come out to our usual running place. I was happy to see him.

  “I see things don’t change much. You knew where to come even without me saying a word.”

  “For you, time stood still but for me, I have a wife plus two kids, and one more on the way. When are you going to stop playing the gigolo and settle down?”

  We began our run. “I want to settle down. You know how much I want it.”

  “Screwing around with Kate is not going to help your cause. Look at you. Ten years later, and you’re doing the same thing with the same woman.” Jake was not happy with me this morning, and I didn’t think it had anything to do with me calling him out at this early hour.

  “I wasn’t looking to hook up with Kate again. I’m not going down that path any longer. We are done.” I swore up and down.

  “Whose bed did you sleep in last night?”

  He got me there, but only partially. “I slept in my own bed.”

  Jake quirked an eyebrow and kept running. “You had no relations with Kate last night?”

  I gave him my most helpless voice. “I tried to say no to her but when she stripped to nothing, I couldn’t resist. But soon as we were done, I checked myself into a separate room.” I let out a nervous laugh. “How’s Delaney, by the way?”

  “You’re such an idiot. You found your morals after you were done?”

  “Come on Mr. Holier-than-thou. It’s been months since I’ve seen anything close to perky breasts—and trust me, even at forty-something, her breasts are perkier-than-thou!” That’s where Jake’s anger subsided and laughed with me.

  “So what’d Kate say when you asked for permission to leave?”

  “Now why do you always think Kate has the upper hand in this messed-up relationship of ours? I told her I was leaving and that was that!”

  “Yeah. I’m sure it was that easy.”

  “Actually, you’re right. It wasn’t that easy. Shit, Jake. I’m in trouble. I need your help.”

  Jake stopped our run and sat on the sand to listen to my pathetic story. “This better not be one of those I-got-a-girl-knocked-up stories. You’re a little too old for that shit.”

  That cracked my dour mood. “It’s worse.”

  “What the hell could be worse than that?”

  “Kate wants to get married.”

  Jake only stared. He waited for the punch line when I’d already delivered it. “Good for her.”

  “No, Idiot! Not good for her—bad for me!”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “You remember ten years ago when I proposed to her?”

  “Yeah...” now he was starting to understand!

  “She wants to know if the offer is still on the table.”

  “What the fuck! Is she crazy? That was ten years ago!”

  “I almost said those same words to her but held back.”

  “So what did you say instead? ‘What the hell, are you insane? That was a decade ago?’”

  Even in such crazy scenarios, I was glad to have a buddy who shared my sense of humor. “I told her in so many words that I wasn’t interested in marrying her anymore.”

  “And what did she say?”

  “She was her usual cool self. She didn’t say much, but I can tell she’s not going to let this one go easily. She wasn’t satisfied and you know how she gets when there’s something she wants.”

  “Maybe it was your skills in bed that didn’t satisfy her.” Jake made another crack at my expense.

  “I doubt it!” I answered back at his incorrect accusation. “Hey,” I pointed to the blonde flying by us. “Is that...was that Delaney?”

  “Looks like it.”

  “She didn’t even notice us.”

  “Maybe she didn’t want to notice you.” Jake reverted to his unhappy mode.

  “What happened to her last night? Was she ill?”

  Jake shook his head and said, “Ask her.” He pointed to Delaney who was close enough for us to make out her stunning figure. “I’ve left my wife alone in bed for too long. The kids are with my parents. I need to go make better use of my time. See ya!” He ran off faster than his cousin ran by.

  I got up and started walking towards the girl who sat alone on the sand looking forlorn. I wanted to know why she was sad, whether she was ill, who or what made her look like she wanted to cry. Strangely, once again, I could feel what was in her heart—pain, unshed tears, frustration. I didn’t know how I felt her emotions, but they were there, photocopied onto my heart.

  For the first time, I felt ashamed of my relationship with Kate, and didn’t want Delaney aware of what had happened last night. Most likely, she knew. She was no dummy. I didn’t welcome any probing questions, but I longed to be with her and so I continued my approach. Suddenly, Delaney got up from where she was sitting, took off her running shorts and top, and offered me a hell of a view of herself in a bikini. I froze in place and stared in awe. Shit! That view stirred every part of my body and I needed to leave before she saw how aroused I was. Before I could quietly turn around, she dove into the water and went for a swim in the freezing Pacific Ocean. What a nut!


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