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Complete Indelible Love Series

Page 224

by Cee, DW

“Shit Roland. You’re killing me.” I sighed wanting to cry myself. “Please tell me you’re exaggerating.”

  “I wish I was. Once she was done crying, she explained everything about that day and she told me she was giving up on you. Michael knows that Laney doesn’t love him but he wants a relationship with her and she’s willing to give him a chance.”

  “Damn. I’m so screwed.”

  “The good thing is, or the good thing was, at that time I believe she was still in love with you. A month later, I don’t know if she still feels the same way. I am not privy to that information. You might want to talk to Barbara about that.”

  “So you believe she loved me? I can’t get anyone to divulge that information. It’s like the biggest, worst kept secret on the cul-de-sac I’m not privy to, if that makes any sense.”

  Roland patted my back and repeated, “Talk to Barbara. She’ll tell you the truth.” He, too, wouldn’t give me anything.

  “I spoke with her already and though she wouldn’t admit that her daughter loves or loved me, she was encouraging when I told her I was going to move to Europe.”

  “Well that’s good news since her mother was the last one to see her. It seemed as though Barbara going out to visit her in New York did Laney a world of good.”

  “I think I’ll be able to win her over, Roland. I’m going to believe that she loves me and I know I love her! Once I’m given the chance, I’ll let her know how much I love her. I’ll explain and apologize for what happened at the hospital, and I’ll make sure everything is the way it should be. We will get married.”

  “Let me give you a piece of advice Donovan. Michael Bennington is a good guy. I liked what I saw when I was out at Harry’s. Barbara said the exact same thing. Not only is he a good guy, but a grand title, vast land holdings, and a huge fortune are coming his way. Now I know my granddaughter is not a fortune seeker, but all of that comes in a respectable, likable, and good-looking package. Just know you’ve got your work cut out for you.”

  “Is that supposed to encourage me, Roland?” I wanted to give up.

  My future grandfather-in-law laughed at me. “Now that I’ve done you a favor by telling you about Laney and Michael, I need you to do me a huge favor.”

  “You name it Roland, and I will do it for you.”

  “I am sending you to Europe with a mission. One is to bring my granddaughter back home and marry her. The next is for you to get our European firm in order so I can sell it.”

  Now that was big news. “What?”

  “Estelle does not want to live anywhere but on the cul-de-sac until we die, and I agree. With five sons and daughter in-laws, numerous grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren, there’s no better way to end our lives than with this happy family.”

  “But why sell the company? It’s doing well without you there.”

  “How much money does a man really need? I don’t want to have to worry about it anymore. I’d like to get my affairs in order out there and settle down here without thinking twice about having to go back to Europe, unless it’s because Estelle wants to go back there. In the past, there have always been firms interested in purchasing AAP. I need you to weed out only the serious buyers and bring them to me. There won’t be too many who will be in contention since the asking price will be high.”

  “So you want me to do an internal check on the firm, but externally you want me to court buyers?”

  “Yes. You also need to make sure that our clients, who will hear the rumors very soon, are still satisfied and happy with the firm. We can’t fetch much money if our clients start leaving us. As you know, clients are fickle.”

  “So in essence, I am to woo your granddaughter who is attached to a titled and rich man, get your European firm in order, find you buyers, and kiss your current clients’ asses so they don’t leave? That’s a tall order Roland.”

  “I know you are more than capable of doing all of that.” Roland had more confidence in my ability than I had in myself. That was saying a lot!

  “You do know I’m only a junior partner? I don’t know that I’m going to have much clout over your European office or your high-end clients.”

  Roland snorted. “Is this the same young man who traveled through Europe with a high-powered, glamorous woman ten years his senior?”

  Now it was my turn to snort. “Yeah. It’s also the same young man who got his ass kicked by two senior citizens as soon as they caught a whiff of my sugar mama. Gram made me pack my bags immediately and come stay with her and Grandpa Jerry.”

  Roland loved the story. “Well as of today you have been promoted, my dear future grandson. Immediately, I grant you not only senior partner status, but also my proxy in Europe. I’ve watched you now for over a decade, and I know you can use your brilliance and charm to placate our clients and sell the company.”

  “Are you sure, Roland? What if the senior partners complain?”

  “I am positive, and I don’t give a damn what the other partners say. This company is mine to do what I will.” If my boss had that much confidence in me, I decided to believe him.

  “If that’s what you want Roland, I am happy to do it for you and I will do my best.”

  “When you become my age, Donovan, you do a lot of looking back. Hindsight, of course, is 20/20, and though you try your best not to regret any actions of the past, there are some actions you can’t help but regret.” Roland was turning introspective on me. “One of my biggest regrets is not having had a family. I married late in life because I had a hard time forgetting Estelle, then Lauren became ill too soon. When she died, all I did was concentrate on building up the firm. As a young man, it never dawned on me that not having children would result in not having grandchildren or great-grandchildren. I was too focused on my career to realize that I would be lonely as an old man.”

  “But you now have Gram and the Reid family. You can’t be lonely anymore with that kind of everyday ruckus on the cul-de-sac.”

  “I am grateful for this second chance with Estelle and our family. I love the laughter, the tears, the mayhem, and even the mundane activities. I agree with Estelle. I would die happy not ever stepping out of the cul-de-sac.”

  “I am honored to do your bidding. Now that I have your blessing to move, I need to go win over my future father-in-law and grandmother-in-law. Shall we go home together to the cul-de-sac and to the christening that awaits us?”

  During the ride home, Roland gave me the particulars on his deceased brother, the third partner, and both their families. He had already made generous provisions for the living family members, but he let me know he would include the wives and children in the profit sharing from the sale of the company.

  “Honey, I’m home!” Roland called out like Ricky Ricardo when we arrived.

  “Gram!” I usurped the first hug and kiss.

  “You’ve been on my shit list for a month now, Donovan Taylor. What’s taken you so long to show your face?”

  “I was afraid of you, Gram!” I pretended to cry. “I’m here to make amends and to ask for your blessing.”

  “You can do that after my hairdresser leaves. Go make amends with Henry because he is even more pissed with you than I am. Then come back to me and I should be ready for you.” Gram didn’t show one bit of remorse, casting me aside for a hair appointment.

  Besides Delaney, the person who scared me the most was the chief. I knew if I were the chief and some guy had hurt my daughter, I would want to rip his head off. I knocked on the door softly, hoping he couldn’t hear me coming.

  “What the hell do you want?” was the welcome I received from a still irate dad.

  “I’ve come to ask you for your blessing, Chief. I want to court your daughter, and would like to make her my wife.”

  “She has no thoughts of being courted by you, Donovan. Neither of us wants you paying any attention to her.”

  Damn. This is going to be harder than I thought. “Chief, I love your daugh
ter, I can’t live without your daughter, and I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to understand this. I know I was an asshole to her in the past, but that was in the past and I assure you, I will be nothing but the perfect husband to her.”

  “Well it’s about damn time!” My future father-in-law proclaimed all too quickly. I was baffled, but ecstatic with his change of heart. My job was done. I felt like I could take on the world if I could win my future father-in-law over. “What the hell took you so long? Didn’t you see how my little girl mooned over you since she was a...little girl? You’re the damn reason she left here, and now it looks like she may stay there forever if she marries this future Duke of England. You ready to treat my baby like the princess that she is? She’s too good for the likes of you, Donovan. She’s as pure as they come—a rarity in this day and age. She’s never given her heart to anyone except you, and all you’ve done is squashed her dreams.”

  Maybe that job wasn’t quite finished? Was anyone going to make this easy for me? “Yes, Chief. I will love her, take care of her, and treat her like my princess for the rest of our lives. Now do I have your permission?”

  “You do, Son. Welcome to the family.” I got a group hug, Doug included. “Son, you have a plan? Or do I need to help you again?”

  “I do have a plan,” I answered slowly while thinking about his second question. “But I’m curious to know what you mean by helping me again?”

  “I guess you never noticed all the times I created situations for you and my daughter to spend time together?”

  “Explain, Chief.”

  “Well take for instance the day of the twins’ birthday party. I didn’t invite you over to have a beer and watch a game with me. I invited you over so you could hang out with my daughter. That’s exactly what happened wasn’t it? Didn’t you go out to the ballpark?” Chief Henry Reid was pleased with himself.

  “OK…what else?”

  The chief was a little too thrilled with his own deviousness. “Did I or did I not stop Delaney from going out with that M.D. / PhD guy? What was his name? He had freaky red hair and all those freckles?”


  “There was a time when my baby was going to go watch some MMA fight with a bunch of her friends, but we ended up golfing, instead. You were smart enough to take her out afterwards. It was all part of a grand plan.” The chief bellowed a maniacal laugh this time. This scene was a bit odd.

  “I didn’t realize you had such a chick side to you. You’re the original matchmaking mama.”

  “If you weren’t such an idiot and an ass I wouldn’t have had to do all those things. It took you long enough to figure out that you were in love with my daughter. We all saw it but you.”

  “I know, Chief,” I answered in defeat. “I’m sure I am going to pay royally for the sins of my past. Everyone keeps telling me that she’s dating a good guy in London. I don’t know how I’m going to take her away from him.”

  “You let me know if you need my help, again.”

  “There is something you can do for me, Chief. Jake told me the other day you were asked to speak at a conference in Amsterdam, but you refused because it was right after your conference in New York. Any chance you’d be willing to speak at the conference and bring Aunt Barbara to Amsterdam? My parents are available to come as well. I think I’m going to need all the help I can get with your daughter. I’d like to take her away from London so I can talk to her without interruption from this guy she is seeing. And the only feasible way she will go away with me is if I tell her that you and Aunt Babs will be in Amsterdam.”

  “Consider it done. Even if I don’t speak at the conference, Babs and I will be there.” Everything was finally working out! “I do have a few more questions for you, Donovan.”

  “Sure Chief, anything.”

  “What does your financial situation look like? I know you own a house, but are you in any other debt? Will you be able to support my daughter?”

  “I promise you, Chief, I will support your daughter and treat her like a princess. I am in no debt outside of my two small mortgages and Roland can attest to the fact that I make a good living. Your daughter will not suffer with me.”

  “What do you mean two mortgages?”

  “When I saw how much your daughter loved the water, I was inspired to buy a tiny beach house. Of course, as soon as I bought this house, she left me for London. I need to bring her back so we can make good use of the beach house I purchased for her.”

  “Welcome to the family, Son.” I got another hug from my future dad.

  Now all I had left to do was convince Gram to give me her blessing and make amends with Max. Then, I’d be free to leave for London.

  “Gram, you look stunning!” I tried to hug her, but she kept me at a distance so I wouldn’t ruin her hair and makeup. I didn’t obey. I still gave her a big hug and kiss.

  “Did you make things right with my son? Did he give you his blessing?”

  “Barely, but yes. You need to go easy on me, Gram. I was sweating over there at the chief’s house.”

  “That Henry is all bluster. He probably gave in to you right away. Someone needs to hold her own against you. It’s going to start here with me, and continue with my granddaughter. You had better think twice if you believe she’s a pushover. Just because of her doll-like looks, everyone thinks she is the docile one in the family. You have something coming to you if that’s what you believe. She is a fighter. You made a gigantic mistake letting her slip through your fingers, and you made an even bigger mistake breaking her heart.”

  I let Gram say everything she wanted to say to me. She needed to get it off her chest, and I needed her blessing. Courting Delaney without the entire family’s approval was not going to happen.

  “I completely agree, my favorite grandmother.” I kissed her cheek again.

  “Stop being such a charmer!” I saw a grin peeking through. “I’m still upset with you.”

  I knew by her tone of voice that she wasn’t upset with me. She wasn’t thrilled with me, but now that I have found my way, I knew she would be happy for Delaney and me.

  “Gram, you know I’ve adored you since I was a little child. I have opened my eyes, and I want to be a part of this family, officially. My parents love the Reids, they adore Delaney, and they have wanted her as a daughter-in-law since they were reacquainted with her on Mother’s Day. I am going to do my damnedest to peel her away from this English chap and bring her home. I will be the best husband to your granddaughter. I bet you anything, I will replace Jake as your favorite grandson, once I officially become your grandson.”

  “I highly doubt that.” Now she was smiling big. “But Jake and I welcome the challenge.”

  “I have your blessing?”

  “Why is it so important to you that you have my blessing? You can do whatever you want to do. You’re a grown man. She’s a grown woman. What does it matter what this old lady has to say?”

  “It matters a whole lot to me. I do not wish to bring discord to this harmonious family. I want to be a complete part of this Reid joy.”

  Once Gram reached for my cheeks and kissed me on the forehead, I knew all was well.

  Feeling pretty good, I moseyed over to Jake and Emily’s and explained all the groveling I had done on this cul-de-sac.

  Jake knew my intentions already, so he didn’t have much to say, but Emily had plenty to say and encourage. Her words gave me the final reinforcement to chase after my future wife.

  “You guys have any idea when Max will get here? I still need to make things right with him before I leave for London. Once I leave, I don’t know when I will be back. I need to undo the asshole deed that I’ve done and help Jane.”

  “He will be here soon.” My buddy warned, “I don’t want any commotion at the christening. You got that?”

  “Yes Mama.” I slapped Jake’s back, and decided to go play with the twins until my final battle showed up.

  After bein
g haggled by one Elizabeth Reid for too long, I saw a gaunt looking man enter the living room. For a split second, I didn’t recognize him; he had lost too much weight. Once I realized it was Max, who was running the hell away from me, I chased after him.

  Damn! What had I done to him? He was a shadow of himself because he had lost the woman he loved. “Max!” I called out, hoping he’d be willing to talk.

  He turned and swung at me with a face ablaze with anger. If I hadn’t taken years of boxing classes, my nose would have fallen off my face. Though, his fist still caught the tip of it.

  “Shit, Man! Stick to the body and keep away from the face. This is the only thing I’ve got going for me right now when I go begging for forgiveness in London. As it is, I’m expecting a slap or two from Delaney.”

  Max didn’t know what to make of me. He expected me to fight back, but my off-comment relieved most of his anger and I swore I saw a grin. “I should kick your ass for what you did, but I think I might let Laney do that, instead.”

  “If kicking my ass will make you feel better, I’ll not fight you. Just don’t touch the face.” I was hoping Max wouldn’t be even more pissed with me for making light of our situation.

  “Asshole.” By the time Max called me an asshole the anger was gone. I could see why Jane was in love with him. Max Davis was a good guy.

  “Everything all right?” Jake and his posse came prepared to break up a fight.

  “We’re fine.” Max turned to greet Nick and Doug. They all went off and our fight began and ended without much of an incident. For that, I was relieved. Max and I didn’t exactly have closure, but I knew with time, we’d eventually be fine.

  “That was quick.” Jake, too, didn’t know what to make of what had just happened.

  “It was befitting of Max’s personality. He’s a good guy.”

  “He is.” Jake looked over at Max and Jane who wouldn’t do much more than stare at one another. “I need you to do me a favor.”

  “Name it.”

  “Assuming these two are not going to kiss and make up here, Roland has plans to convince Jane to go to New York with you both. To light a fire under Max’s ass, I’m going to lie and tell him she’s moving back there. If he bites, I’ll need you to stall the flight till Max arrives.”


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