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Complete Indelible Love Series

Page 272

by Cee, DW

  “With this accident, I’ve come to realize that I’m still in love with Nick. After getting to know you, becoming fond of you, and looking forward to exploring more, I had to admit to myself that the man who seems embedded into my heart is Nick. I’m very sorry.” And I truly was sorry for causing this good man any disruption. “I’m sure my departure will be a minor hiccup in your life, but for me, I feel terrible that you wasted so much of your time on me.”

  Luke cupped my cheeks with his big hands and kissed me on my forehead. “Beatrice,” he sighed. “We never even got off the ground. We were still at the starting blocks waiting for the gun to send us off.”

  “I know.” I stayed in his embrace. “I’ll miss getting to know you, but I will cherish the time we spent together. You’re one of the most decent men I’ve ever dated. You will make one woman extremely happy.”

  “I wanted to make this woman very happy.” He placed his forehead on mine. “Can I convince you otherwise? Maybe Nick and I can have a contest to see who can pleasure you the best, and if that doesn’t work, who can pleasure you the longest.”

  I pulled away laughing. “You are an amazing man. I wish I could’ve met you a few years ago. I think we would’ve been good together.”

  It was at this point Luke conceded defeat in a cool but caring way. “So what’s next for you, Beatrice? What will Nick do differently this time to keep you safe and happy?”

  I appreciated this man. “Nick has owned up to his feelings of insecurities for the first time. We have no guarantee we will end up at the altar, but he wants to share his life with me completely, and I’d like to do the same.”

  “You will be happy?” His wistful voice tugged at my heart.

  “I am happy.” I admitted. “I hope you will be happy too.”

  While it wasn’t tough having dinner with Luke, it was difficult saying good-bye at the end. We hugged one another and he placed a light kiss on my lips. He also told me to come back to him if things didn’t work out with Nick, but we both knew I wouldn’t regardless of what happened with our relationship.

  Ending my relationship with Luke was hard. Although there was no doubt that I loved Nick, Luke was someone who could have made an impact on my life if timing was right. I liked him, respected him, and enjoyed every minute I spent with him.

  As soon as I arrived at home, I texted Nick.

  Hey. Are you up?

  Uh, yeah. Where have you been all day? I’ve been trying to reach you.

  I’m home now. I’d like to talk to you. Can I call?

  How about I stop by instead?


  While I waited for Nick to arrive, I mentally girded myself. Instead of being a baby or being selfish, I was going to tell Nick to follow his dreams. No matter what, I wouldn’t complain. I would make the best of our situation and I’d stay faithful.

  I was so nervous, I went to my drawing board and sketched more baby clothes. To add dimension to these clothes, I found baby pictures of Donovan, scanned them into my computer and superimposed my clothes onto his chubby body. Upon closer look, he was one fat baby—damn cute, but fat. I sent this picture to my niece.

  Her response was always quick.

  “My husband was such a stud even as a baby! I hope I have twin boys, and they look just like their daddy.”

  “Are your hands glued to your cell phone?” I teased.

  “Kinda…” She giggled. “Hubby isn’t home yet. He’s stuck in a meeting, and he and I have been sexting.”

  “TMI! Good-bye.” I literally hung up on my niece, who laughed like the nut she was.

  I was about to design another baby outfit when the doorbell rang. Was it time to get Nick a set of keys?

  “Hey.” I greeted him with a brave smile.

  Nick grabbed me and slammed me into his body without warning. His mouth slanted over mine in a harsh, almost painful kiss. Where this would end up was obvious. I wanted to talk before we finished what Nick started.

  “Why are you avoiding me?” Nick asked when I stepped away from his kiss. “I’ve called, texted, and visited, and you’ve had a reason not to be there each time.”

  Honesty was the best and only policy between us at this point. “I was too hurt to talk to you today. Every time I thought about calling, I didn’t think I could do it without making you feel bad.”

  His look of surprised-alarm caught me slightly off-guard. “Why were you hurting? And why would I feel bad? What have I done again?”

  “Before we get into that, you’ll want to know that I had dinner with Luke tonight.”

  “Shit.” Now Nick was sufficiently alarmed. “Are you getting back together with him? Is that why you felt bad?”

  What??? What the hell? “What are you, writing a novel? Where do you come up with these crazy ideas?”

  “Why did you have dinner with Luke, then?”

  “To break up with him,” I answered in full exasperation.

  “Didn’t you break up with him before we left for my sister’s wedding? Didn’t you let him know he was being cut?”

  “Being cut?” I couldn’t help but laugh. “Is that what you did to Lily? Cut her?”

  Nick displayed his signature grin. “I told Lily very politely that I was vewy sowy for breaking her heart, but I was in love with one Bee Lauren Taylor.”

  “You are not nearly as cute as Ellie when you say those words.”

  “I’ll show you how cute I can be.”

  I was suddenly picked up off the ground and carted upstairs to bed. He was about to throw me down when he realized I was still injured. “Shit, Bee. Are you all right? I shouldn’t have jerked you around like that.” He gently laid me on the mattress and snuggled up closer than close. “So you never told me why you were avoiding me.”

  It was time to explain. “I saw the excitement in your eyes when Henry talked about UCL. I want you to do what’s best for you.”

  “Weren’t you there when I told the chief, ‘No thank you?’”

  “I was, but you can’t live your life for me. Go to London. You and I will make it a few thousand miles apart. I’ll visit. You’ll come home for the holidays. Three years is not that long of a time to be separated. Without a doubt, I know we’ll be stronger than ever.”

  There. I said it. I meant it. And, there were no guilt-laden tears. I’d spoken the truth. It was up to Nick to admit what he truly wanted.

  June 12, 2014 NICK: Satisfied Hearts

  Why the hell do women get themselves all worked up?

  I was staring at the woman whom I thought would most likely be my future, my partner, the mother of my children, and she was staring back at me telling me to leave for three years. As she was spewing out all the lame-ass reasons why I should go to London, and how she knew that it’s what I wanted, all I could think about was the fact that we hadn’t had sex—at least I hadn’t had sex in months!

  Then it dawned on me—Bee and this Luke guy could have slept together! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Now I was pissed wondering if she’d been with this guy. What was the best course of action? Do I tell her that I’d been a good boy who kept his pants on, and then ask if she’d done the same? How do I stop her from talking so much about being apart and get her to ‘fess up?

  The only successful course of action needed to happen. I shut this woman up by rolling her onto her back and sticking my tongue in her mouth. She responded the way she always responded—with a hell yes!

  I worried about her back and started off gently but this didn’t sit well with her. She yanked my shirt up and disengaged our lips for a second to shove it over my head. Then she got busy with my belt, pants and underwear.

  I tried not to grin, but I couldn’t help myself.

  “What’s so funny?” she asked.

  Don’t stop, Woman! “Nothing.”

  Those suspicious eyes told me she was not happy. “Then why are you laughing at me?”

  “Um…” What the hell to say.

; “Um, what?” Testy...

  My attempt to kiss her again as an avoidance tactic failed when she placed her hand between our lips.

  “I’m just pleased with your enthusiasm. It appears as though you haven’t had any in a while.” I was damn proud of myself for sneaking this topic in. I’d get my answer soon.

  “Of course I haven’t had sex in a while. We broke up months ago.” She sounded pissed. I knew if I smiled anymore, I’d be in deep shit.

  “OK. You can continue to rip my clothes off—oh! Never mind. You’ve ripped them all off already.”

  I did try not to laugh, but it was too funny to hold back. She was unnecessarily upset. This tiny woman who was at least a hundred pounds lighter than I, pushed me off and started down the stairs.

  “Bee…” It took me a bit to get at least a shirt and my boxers on before I could chase her down.

  “You know…” Her voice was louder than I would’ve liked. “All day, my heart broke whenever I thought of us separating again. But I knew this was the best for you. I wanted what you wanted. For all I knew, this could’ve been our last night together since the school in London starts next week. Why are you making fun of me?”

  Seriously? “Woman.” I didn’t know if this was the correct thing to say, but it seemed appropriate. “Why are you making a mountain out of a non-existing molehill?” I picked her up again and proceeded up the stairs. We were going to finish what we’d started.

  “Put me down. We are going to finish talking before having sex.”

  It was a good thing sex was still a part of her agenda tonight. “Sex first. Talk after.” I let her know who was boss out of bed.

  But this little woman let me know who was boss in bed. It didn’t take much coaxing at all to get her back in her rip-my-clothes-off mood.

  “Damn, you feel good, Bee,” was about all I said before the deed was done. I’d never been so fucking embarrassed with my performance. I was done before my woman even started. SMH!

  Bee was doing all the laughing, now. Once the laughing died and the tears dried, she said in a most cocky tone, “I take it you haven’t had any, either? Or did that youngin’ not satisfy you?”

  “Shit. All I’m wondering right now is how I became a three-pump-chump.”

  “I think it was more like a two-pump-chump, and I’m being generous with that statement.” The cackles made an encore appearance.

  “I’m sorry. It has been a while and yes, you are correct when you say I ‘haven’t had any, either.’ How could I when we were separated? Every time I was with Lily, I felt as though I was cheating on you.”

  “Really?” The teasing disappeared and her voice cracked.

  “Really.” I showered her face with light kisses. “I love you, Bee. I am not moving to London, no matter how great the program sounds. You can’t get rid of me for three years no matter how hard you try. If you don’t mind the path I’ve taken as a scientist, then you’re stuck with me.”

  “I want to be ‘stuck’ with you. Are you sure you want to be stuck with me? I’m really all right with you leaving for three years. We’ll stay together. We can make this work.”

  God, I loved this woman. What the hell was I thinking letting her go all those years? I should’ve attached her to my hips the night we met and never let go.

  “I can get just as good an education here. My tuition will still be free. With Uncle Henry as the Chief at General Hospital, I’ll have a job lined up before any of my other classmates, and my sugar mama will support me if the stipend isn’t enough. Plus, the woman I love lives minutes away from my school. Are these good enough reasons for me to stay?” Finally, I saw Bee’s face relax. She saw the light. “Do you want me to go? Is that why you keep encouraging me? You don’t want to support a student-boyfriend?” I teased.

  “I want you to be happy and satisfied. If staying here fulfills all that, then by all means, stay,” she answered, finally rewarding me her beautiful smile.

  “I’ll only be happy and satisfied if you are satisfied.” During this conversation, I hadn’t pulled out. I knew round two was calling.

  “By all means, satisfy away…!”

  June 16, 2014 BEE: Little Hearts

  Nick received an SOS call from Jake asking if he’d come to New York and help them bring the kids home. Apparently, JR was cutting six teeth simultaneously and all the built-up mucus caused a nasty sinus infection. According to Jake, JR was non-stop “pissed,” Ellie was “pissed’ with all the attention JR was getting, and James was “pissed” because he couldn’t get a good night’s sleep with all the commotion every night.

  Without waiting for an answer, Jake sent two plane tickets, and here we were in New York. With Missy acting as the second boss, going away was much easier than I thought. It didn’t hurt that I always had work waiting for me in New York.

  “Are you ready to see the buggers?” Nick asked once the doorman gave us access to the elevator.

  “In a strange way, I miss your nephews and niece. They grow on you real quick.”

  “I know, but I’m also frightened these kids may scare me away from ever wanting to procreate. They’re so much work!”

  “They are, but I’m sure you’ll be in a different mindset when they’re your own.”

  “I hope so. You see how my brother thinks they’re a pain in the ass, too?” Nick joked.

  I laughed at this thought. I’d never seen such a devoted father as Jake Reid. I knew Donovan would be no less devoted to his kids once they arrived.

  Little Ellie greeted us when the door opened. “Nick! What took so long?” She scolded her uncle.

  “When the hell did she get this verbose and bossy?” He whispered over to me while hugging and blowing raspberries on his niece.

  “She’s always been like this. She’s learned from the best between her aunt and her godmother.” I whispered back, and got my chance to hug and kiss Ellie.

  Soon, we had the three kids all over us. There was no time to greet the parents.

  “Where the hell have you two been?”

  Surprisingly, my nephew was here. “You’re actually separated from the wife?”

  “No.” Laney and her entire being waddled in from the kitchen. “He tried his damnedest to leave me at home, but I showed up at the airport with a suitcase in hand. Actually, I got to the airport before Hubby.” She giggled.

  Now this I had to hear. “Explain, Laney Taylor.” Donovan looked exasperated while Laney had a smug smile on her face. Obviously, she was very pleased with herself.

  “Donovan had an emergency meeting in New York, and no one could go in his stead. He called me last minute, and told me he was leaving and asked me to pack a suitcase for him. I asked if I could tag along since Emily and the family were here, but of course, my protective hubby nixed the idea without a second thought. I begged, pleaded, promised everything under the sun and he still refused me. Basically, he told me to be a good girl and stay near the hospital.”

  “So how’d you get around the edict?” I teased my nephew.

  “I called Ma and Pa, and asked them if they’d like to join us in New York. I knew Daddy was too busy to fly with us, and I knew there was no way Donovan would allow me on a plane without a doctor.” Nick and I were laughing at how huge Laney’s grin was. She was damn proud of how she outsmarted her husband. “Then I walked over and asked Auntie Sandy if Ma and Pa could stay in their Soho apartment, and that’s when Grandpa Roland told me to take the plane. That way, we could all be comfortable, my husband could feel relieved about me being on a plane, and Jake’s family could come back with us without any hassles. Auntie Sandy and Uncle Robert are here, too. They went out to dinner with Ma and Pa.” She digressed and informed Nick.

  My niece, the ultimate schemer—who knew? “So we didn’t need to be here.” Nick answered with JR on his shoulders.

  Laney was still the only one talking. “This all happened in the last few hours. I asked Grandfather to tell Donovan a
bout the plane, but he had no idea who else would be on the plane. Needless to say, my darling husband was UNhappy to see me already comfortably seated when he boarded.”

  Everyone, including the kids, laughed. The kids had no clue why they were laughing, but they liked that we were all having a good time at Donovan’s expense.

  “You, my dear wife,” Donovan attempted to sound threatening, “will be in serious trouble when we get to the hotel.”

  “Oh…I like the sound of that…” Those two were seriously gross to listen to—TMI! “Take me to bed or lose me forever!” Laney did her best Top Gun impression. Considering she was as big as this room, it was not the most pleasant thought.


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