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Complete Indelible Love Series

Page 287

by Cee, DW

  “How romantic.” Laney went into her dreamy mode. “What a dream to get married in a winery in Italy.”

  “What about you?” I tried to finagle some answers from the two of them. None of us knew where they stood as a couple, though everything seemed honky-dory right now. “I’m sure you picked out your wedding dress when you were five years old.”

  Laney and her giggling—she couldn’t stop, and her boyfriend couldn’t help with the goofy smile.

  “You know I was always partial toward Sleeping Beauty when I was younger.”

  “I know!” I lamented. “But why? Why her?”

  “Because her dress was pink.”

  “Shit! Seriously?” I hated pink when I was younger. “I looked terrible in pink and you kept making me put her dress on.”

  “Jane, you look good in any color—then and now. You just didn’t like her because I liked her.”

  I joined in her giggling. “Well, there was some of that.”

  “But soon after, I grew into a Cinderella fan. I always thought my prince would come meet me at a ball, fall madly in love with me, and propose on the spot.”

  “Oh brother,” Max groaned. “You women really think like that?”

  “Max, I was only like seven when I thought this.”

  “Then where did Donovan Taylor fit into your plan?” he asked.

  Now, my cousin was laughing like a hyena. “I saw him for the first time, when I was ten, in Aunt Sandy’s kitchen. I thought he was the most handsome man, ever. Even though he and Jake had been best friends since birth, that was the first time I registered who he was. Let me tell you, Donovan Taylor was it. He was the cat’s meow, the greatest thing since sliced bread, the absolute bomb!” Dear God! Donovan’s head was swelling by the second; I thought we’d run out of cabin space. “If he were to have his own web address, it would’ve been”

  Now we were all dying of laughter. My cousin had such a way with words.

  “Oh, excuse me,” she said as she picked up her vibrating cell phone. “Hello? Hi Pa. How are you?”

  “Is she talking to your dad?” I asked Donovan, who was now taking up cabin space with his swelling heart. He was so happy and proud of his girlfriend. I guess we now understood that they were also headed to the altar very soon.

  We lost Donovan as soon as we landed in Roma Termini. After having a hard time letting go of his girlfriend, he caught a cab and went to the office. The three of us leisurely walked to Gimpy’s apartment near the Spanish Steps and all the high-end shopping. Laney and I became more and more excited with each passing shop.

  “Isn’t it wonderful to have a rich grandfather?” Laney couldn’t take her eyes away from all the dress shops. Dresses were her weakness, for sure. “You’re so lucky to be Grandfather Roland’s favorite.”

  “Puleez!” I countered while checking out all the shoe stores—my weakness. “You are everyone’s favorite.”

  “I am not. Your brother is everyone’s favorite. I’m only an afterthought—way, way, after.”

  “Ladies, eyes on the road. You’re mowing everyone down with your unattended suitcases.” Max had to pull the both of us away from the storefronts because our suitcases were really getting in the way.

  “Let’s go shopping later.” Laney didn’t have to say another word. I was in complete agreement.

  It didn’t take long to freshen up at Gimpy’s apartment before visiting my future brother-in-law. He had been eagerly awaiting us. Upon first sight, he gave us all a long, enthusiastic hug. He had only been away from home a few weeks, but we could tell he was already homesick.

  “Wow. I think this apartment might just be big enough to serve as Donovan’s closet.” Laney was on the nose. This place was smaller than tiny. “How do you not run out of oxygen?”

  “So...Donovan?” Josh asked one last time to make sure the woman of his dreams was truly off the market.

  “Yeah.” My cousin turned all shy on him. “He returns my love and we are together now.”

  “I’m happy for you, Laney. It took the idiot long enough to notice you.”

  “You tell him that when you see him.”

  “I will.”

  “OK.” I broke them up because I needed air. “I’m getting claustrophobic watching you two hug in these tiny quarters. Let’s go out and buy Josh what he needs for this matchbox-sized apartment.”

  Max and I had decided earlier that we’d make sure Josh was as comfortable as possible, since he’d be in Italy by himself.

  “Do you have any thoughts of joining something so you can make friends?” I asked, while picking out storage boxes for his shirts and underthings.

  “I’ve signed up for art classes at a local college. I also met some artists while exploring the neighborhood, and they invited me to join them on their weekly field trips.”

  “That sounds so cool, Josh. I wish I could do something like that.”

  “Laney, didn’t you say you might take classes where Jake’s working?” Max joined in their conversation.

  “Yeah, but that’s just school. Josh is living the unemployed college grad’s dream.”

  We all laughed at that statement. “I think we’re done buying everything our brother needs. Shall we go to lunch?”

  “You’re going to be the best sister, ever!” His adulation was still lacking, in my opinion.

  “Even better than Emily would’ve been?” I quirked my eyebrows and made sure to let Josh know I wouldn’t be happy with any answer that didn’t make me look positive.

  “Where shall we eat?” He changed subjects and got away from me. That rat!

  “They would’ve been cute together, too.” I whispered in Max’s ear, watching Laney and Josh laughing over some stupid joke.

  “Your cousin and that Casanova crush of yours are perfect. They will be as happy as we are.”

  Kissing my fiancé, I was truly, deliriously, madly in love with this man. I couldn’t wait to be his wife.

  Chapter 2 Max: The Uninvited Guest

  After a quick stop in London to pick up all our belongings, we came back home and started life. I moved all my fiancée’s junk back into our house and she quickly set up our love nest. Though it felt empty not being with family after days of togetherness, it was nice to be alone with my future bride. We needed this time to enjoy our status as an affianced couple.

  “Shall I meet you at your parents’ or are we driving together?” My fiancée had fortuitous timing as I had just finished school. This being my last year, it was busy as hell.

  “Let’s meet at the house and take the Ducati to Mom’s.”

  I grinned like an idiot thinking about riding my bike. As a thank you for the engagement ring, this incredible woman purchased a Ducati as her engagement “ring” to me. The night I received this surprise, I thanked my soon-to-be bride until the sun came up. I was a helluva lucky man in all respects.

  “I’m leaving the office now. I’ll see you at home.”

  “Drive safely, my love.”

  It was an odd feeling to go home to a “wife.” Though we weren’t technically married, it was about the same thing. Just this morning, I marveled at waking up next to the woman who, up until a month ago, had me wondering whether she’d continue to be a part of my life. We woke up to the alarm, jostled our way through the tiny bathroom, made breakfast together, and kissed each other good-bye before going our separate ways. I loved the domestication and I loved my fiancée.

  “Hello, Handsome.” She greeted me with her stunning smile. It would be a long while before I got used to seeing this beautiful face every morning and every night.

  “Gem.” My kiss spoke volumes on how much I missed her during the day.

  “Maybe we should cancel on your parents and go straight to bed?”

  “As much as I love the idea, Mom called me twice to make sure we were coming today. She and Dad are very much looking forward to seeing us.”

She smiled between kisses. “Rain check.”

  We were about to get on the bike when Jane received a phone call that she put on speaker.

  “Hey, Cuz!” A bright and cheery Laney was on the line.

  “Laney. What brings you to calling me at this hour? Isn’t it a little late, or early, over in London?”

  “Yeah, it is, but I can’t sleep.”

  “Why not? Donovan not able to satisfy you?” The two women giggled to a conversation I didn’t need to hear.

  “My man is a little too eager to satisfy, but he’s working so damn much, I only see him in the wee hours of the morning. For twenty-two years, I’d slept alone, but after a few weeks with Donovan, the bed feels so empty when he’s not there to share it with me.”

  “I know what you mean. When Max left for Mexico, I thought I’d go nuts without him. I was really lonely.” Jane brought her body close to mine and kissed me again.

  “The reason I called is to tell you that Emily and I found a great villa for you in Tuscany. I just emailed the information. If you need me to check the location out, I can fly over there and do a thorough look-over for you.”

  “Thanks, Laney. Max and I are headed to his parents’ tonight. I’ll open up the file and we can all take a look.”

  “The place is stunning, and it comes with a wedding coordinator so you don’t have to worry about planning from the States.”

  “Sounds fantastic. What are you and your honey doing this weekend? I talked to him the other day and he told me he was an absolute dream to you and treating you like the princess that you are.”

  “He is a dream, and he’s taking us to Scotland this weekend to golf. The entire family is going up.”

  “Sounds like fun. Is that why your dad is headed back over there?”

  “Both dads,” she answered. “They said there’s no way we are golfing at The Old Course without them.”

  “Have a good time and I’ll talk to you soon. Tell Donovan I said, ‘hey.’”

  “I will. Take care.”

  “Have I told you that you are the best fiancé a woman could ever have?” The way Jane was rubbing her body against mine, tonight might end up becoming a repeat of the night she presented me with the Ducati.

  “Young lady, you keep touching me in all the right places and you may have to forgo sleep tonight.”

  “You promise?” she asked in a sultry voice.

  Damn. As this rate, we were going to have to take the Harley. This Ducati wasn’t the most comfortable ride for a man with a hard-on. “Shall we go, Mrs. Davis?” I needed to divert her attention until we got back home.

  “We shall, Mr. Davis.”

  The ride to my parents’ home was too damn long with an erection. I loved this feeling of Jane pressing against my back, holding tight, but her squirming into my backside didn’t help. Several years back when I first introduced Jane to the Harley, she didn’t understand the appeal of a motorcycle. Now, she loved it.

  “You think you might want a bike of your own? You want me to buy you the matching Ducati as a wedding gift?”

  “No way,” she stated emphatically. “Why would I want my own when I can snuggle behind you?”

  “Stupid me. Why would you?” I tried to shuffle the contents of my pants around before having to face my parents.

  “Let’s go see the parents.” She said with a great big smile, having no clue what she’d done to me.

  We walked into the living room to see a happy Mom and Dad, an even happier Garret, and…Hannah! Ah, damn. Talk about an erection-deflator. What the hell was she doing here, tonight of all nights? Jane was going to be pissed.

  “Hi Mom. Hi Dad.” Jane not only hugged each member of the family, she kissed them too. Hannah received a courtesy hello.

  “She’s staking her claim,” Garret whispered.

  “Spoke it, staked it, and shoved it down Hannah’s throat,” I decided to whisper, as well, since I was probably already in enough trouble with my fiancée.

  “How have you been?” Jane put her arm around my parents’ arms and walked them into the living room.

  “We’ve been well. You and Max had a good trip?”

  “We did.” Damn, I loved it when she smiled. It lit up my heart to see her genuinely happy.

  “So tell us about your trip.” Mom was quite talkative tonight.

  Jane regaled them with our “fairytale trip” and “the fairytale proposal” in front of “all of Tuscany.” Her exaggerated statements made her happy so I didn’t curtail any of her story. Pulling out her laptop, Jane began perusing through Laney’s email and looking at pictures of the villa.

  “What do you think?” She asked both Mom and Dad. “My cousin Laney and Emily found this place for us. Do you like it? Should I give them a call tomorrow and book this place?”

  The more she looked through the pictures and read the information pages, the more she liked it. Garret and I took a cursory peek and agreed with everything Jane said. I could care less where we married, as long as we married.

  “Won’t it be expensive?” was Dad’s concern. “We not only have to think about flights, but lodging and food…” Dad stopped himself, and suddenly changed his tune. “If you both want this, then by all means, do it. Do what you want and don’t regret it later.” Garret and I chuckled. Since Jane came into our lives, my parents really opened their eyes to becoming our parents, rather than two people watching us grow up.

  My sweet fiancée quickly alleviated their concerns. “In terms of wedding costs, it’ll be comparable whether we have it here or out in Italy. You’re right in that there is the cost of flight.” She agreed with Dad. “But, with lodging, my grandfather has a villa in Florence. Though it’s not huge, you both will stay there with my parents, grandparents, most likely Emily’s family, and us. We will take care of lodging for the rest of the family and meals generally come with the place of stay. So in essence, all everyone has to do is come up with airfare. We will take care of the rest.”

  No matter the change, no matter their age, my parents would always worry about their finances.

  “Dad,” I chimed in, “my future wife has deep pockets. She can pay for everything.” Before Jane could comment on a remark sure to get me a punch somewhere on my body, I snaked my arms around her body and kissed her soundly. When I finally let her go, the smirk on Jane’s face was unmistakable. “Take that, Hannah!” was spoken in silence. Even her jealousy was adorable.

  When we finally sat to dinner, the family surrounded Jane with questions about our trip.

  Hannah quietly sat next to me and said, “Congratulations, Max.”

  “Thanks, Hannah. How’s it going at the hospital? I heard Dad’s been helping you manage your money.”

  “Yeah. I don’t know what I would have done without your parents. They’ve been so helpful since I moved out here.”

  “Your new apartment working out?”

  She nodded. “It’s working out nicely. I’m rooming with two other women from the hospital. It’s close enough to work where I can walk, and the rent is surprisingly reasonable.”

  “That’s great, Hannah. I guess you’re all settled, now.”

  “I guess so.” By the look in her eyes, Hannah had more to say but I didn’t know if I should encourage a longer conversation. My green-eyed monster had probably grown two fangs by now since my back was turned to her. In order to assuage some of her growing anger, I reached over and held Jane’s reluctant hand. With as much force as possible, she tried to pull her hand out of mine but I didn’t let go. “Um…” Hannah started. “Your mom said it would be all right for me to attend your wedding with your parents if I wanted to, and I wondered how you felt.”

  Shit! What was I to say? This was not a question I thought I’d ever have to answer. I sighed silently. “I’ll leave that up to you and my parents,” was the best I could come up with in this crazy-ass situation.

  Of course, right as I felt Jane’s body turn towar
d me, my ex decides to hug me with an effusive, “Thanks, Max!” By the way Jane yanked her hand out of mine, I would be an idiot not to know that my woman was unhappy.

  I saw a long night ahead of us!

  True to my beliefs, Jane stayed mute the rest of the evening. She tried her damnedest not to cradle into my back, but I did my best to change her mood.

  I took the long, scenic route home forcing her to become a wet towel on my body. When that wasn’t as successful, I took many unnecessary sharp turns and that did it. Her arms grew tight around my waist. When I had no choice but to go home, mainly because Jane was cutting the circulation off my body by holding me a little too tight, the war began.

  “Come here,” I commanded, hoping to throw her off with my alpha male routine. Comically, whenever I pulled this stunt, she actually stopped and thought about obeying. But, the inherent rebel never listened to her good side. She stalked away, again. “Jane.” I let out another serious warning.

  She might as well had stuck up her middle finger. She walked into our home, and got ready for bed.

  “After months of being apart because of a misunderstanding with that Casanova crush of yours, you’re seriously going to be upset with me because Hannah was at my parents’ tonight?” Offense. Not defense, but offense. That was how I would win this argument.

  “Damn you! How do you always have a way of making a muddled situation as clear as filtered water?” Jane mumbled before yelling, “Why the hell was she there? Is she still close to your parents? She still calls them Mom and Dad?” She wasn’t going to let up being pissed, no matter what I said. “She’s not family. And why was she thanking you and throwing her body at you? What was that?”

  My head automatically shook side to side in disbelief. I was marrying one unreasonable person.

  At this point, I wondered if I should just let our bodies do the talking and converse once the afterglow kicked in, or if I should explain everything. I really wanted to stick with my original idea, but I knew I needed to fess up. “Hannah’s grandmother passed away a little while ago and she came into some money. Dad has been teaching her how to invest, and she stopped by to show him what she’s done with her money. Knowing we were coming by, my parents asked her to stay for dinner. Hannah relies on my parents and Garret to help her from time to time. You can’t possibly begrudge her because she counts on the Davises as friends.” It almost looked as if my argument won, but she immediately went back to her original stance. “What are you really pissed about?”


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