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Complete Indelible Love Series

Page 308

by Cee, DW

  “So that’s why he took an immediate dislike to me.” She said more to herself than to me. “When did he tell you this story?”

  “Right after you broke up with me in Florence. Our stories are eerily alike, don’t you think?” I hoped Laney would understand my newfound intention.

  “They are, and I need you to know that even if my relationship with Donovan fails, I won’t come back to you.” Damn! That wasn’t how this conversation was supposed to turn out. “I know this sounds like a cliché, but it’s not you, Michael. It’s all me.” That was one bloody hell of a downer statement.

  “Laney. I don’t want to hold onto the same regrets my grandfather has had his entire life. I need to give it my best effort to win you back, and if I fail, then so be it. At least I won’t have any regrets when I’m eighty.”

  “Michael. Don’t waste your time on me. There is someone out there who will make the most wonderful duchess. I’m sorry I gave you false hope the past couple of months. It wasn’t fair to you, and I feel terribly toward your family because they’ve been so good to me. Though I’m sad that Ruby has chosen not to be my friend anymore, I understand.”

  Rubes. This was my chance to turn this conversation to the positive. I’d deal with Laney’s misbegotten theories, later. By the time we sat to tea, I explained Ruby’s unplanned trip to the Arctic and that she’d be back very soon.

  “I love it here.” No matter the number of times we dined here, Laney looked like a little girl at her first tea party. “How do they make all these treats look so delicious?”

  “I would hold a million tea parties for you in return for that smile.” When her mouth showed happiness, her eyes glowed, her voice almost squeaked, and her body exuded excitement. This woman was the most beautiful person. I needed her in my life.

  “Michael…” That rueful tone was there again.

  “Fear not,” I assured. “You have plenty of time to think this over. I know deep inside, your feelings for me were and still are true. I’ll wait.” Before Laney could sigh or give me all the reasons why we couldn’t work, I changed subjects. “Did I tell you that the first of the renovations are starting?”

  “That’s great! What will you start with and how long do you think renovations will take?”

  “Before the cold and rain set in, I need to fix the roofs of many homes.”

  “You mean the rain hasn’t set in yet?” she teased. “I could have sworn it rained three-hundred-fifty days a year in England.”

  I laughed. “If you think the mild, intermittent drizzle we’ve had was rain, you’re in for the shock of your life, Miss Reid. When it starts to pour, you’ll think we need Noah’s ark to get about town.”

  “Dear God! Get me out of this place.” Laney groaned. “I’m from Southern California where we beg for rain so we can water the grass on our front lawn.”

  The woman sitting in front of me was striking and yet adorable. “When all your guests leave, you want to come back to Grandfather’s home and play golf? He’s itching for a rematch.”

  Her lips pursed. I could practically see the conflicting thoughts running through her head. “My family will eventually leave but Donovan is here to stay.” Her explanation bugged, but it wouldn’t deter me from my ultimate goal.

  “Not only the duke, but also my parents and Rubes want to see you again. Say you’ll visit before we leave for Seychelles. Of course, you can join us on our holiday if you like.”

  Laney gave up being upset or conflicted. She just laughed. “You’re impossible, Michael.”

  Joining in her laughter, we left The Berkeley Hotel and walked back to the flat. “How’s Bee doing?”

  “She’s as busy as a bee.” My beautiful tea companion giggled at her own words. “She’s doing well and keeping busy. She asked about you when I saw her in Paris.”

  “She did?”

  “Yep. I’ll give you her contact info. You two should stay friends. She’s going to be in London more often and it’d be nice for her to have a friend in town.”

  “I’d like that. Send it to me and give her my information.”

  Laney had a satisfied smirk. “You betcha.”

  Unfortunately, our date was over. We were in front of her grandmother’s flat. “I’ll see you again when Rubes gets here?”

  She readily nodded. “We can see each other again, as friends.”

  “Good-bye, Duchess.” I kissed her lips before she knew it was coming.

  By the sound of her cute giggle, my future duchess didn’t mind. By the “What the fuck!” roaring, Donovan Taylor did. Satisfied, I walked away, waving good-bye to my pissed-off competitor. “Why the fuck is Michael kissing you, and why the fuck did you let him?” The roar continued to my delight. I’d make it up to Laney next time for making her suffer.

  “Grandfather?” I called.


  “Now I understand why Estelle Cowper has been the woman of your dreams. She’s lovely.”

  “She’s more than lovely,” Harry Bennington clipped.

  “With a twinkle in her eyes and a coquettish tone to add, she instructed me to tell you to call her. She’d like to renew your acquaintance.”

  The duke said nothing but I knew he was smiling. “So you saw the Reid ladies today? I assume all went well?”

  “It went better than well, Your Grace. I see brighter days ahead.”

  “Good job, My Boy. You show that Laney Reid what she’s missing. There’s nothing better than a Bennington.”

  “Thanks to you, Grandfather, I will do my utmost to bring her back to our family. We’ll be at the summer house soon…unless you choose to come to London to visit your old flame. Perhaps we can both capture our respective Reid women.”

  His Grace appreciated the challenge with a hearty chuckle. “You’re definitely a Bennington!”

  Michael: (DAMN!) Donovan Taylor

  “Michael, come into the library.” When the duke commanded, I listened.

  “Yes, Grandfather?”

  “Tell everyone we’re heading to Fife.”

  “May I ask why?”

  “Because your future is up in Scotland, and we’re going to steal her back from those Americans.” No other words were necessary.

  Mum, Dad, my cousin, Niles, and I packed for a week’s trip to the duke’s home in Scotland. I left a message for Ruby to join us as soon as she was back from her trip.

  “Harry, why are we rushing? We missed tea today,” Mum complained.

  “I received word that Roland scheduled golf for seven at The Old Course, tomorrow.” The duke’s lips formed into a wicked smirk. “I’m betting that among the seven is Laney Reid.”

  “And…?” Mom didn’t understand grandfather’s logic.

  “Don’t you want to see your son happy, Lizzie?”

  “Of course I do, but Laney’s moved on. How’s a chance meeting tomorrow going to change anything?”

  “I want to meet this American boy named Donovan Taylor, and Michael needs another chance.” I did wonder how much of the duke’s gusto had to do with Estelle Reid, rather than Laney Reid.

  “Do you believe there’s hope, Michael?” Mum asked.

  “I do,” I answered with confidence.

  After a long night of tossing and turning, I couldn’t stomach any food this morning. With part excitement and part nerves, I met Grandfather and Niles in the car and kept silent the entire ride to the golf course.

  “Do not back down under any circumstances, you hear?” Harry Bennington used his commanding voice. “You are a future duke! You cower to no one!”

  “Yes Sir.” My answer was almost as confident.

  “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Niles whispered. “Confronting a woman who dumped you in front of the man she dumped you for doesn’t sound like a winning combination.”

  I had filled Niles in on what had happened in the short two months I’d met Laney Reid. “Trust me. All will work out.” I talked bi
g. In truth, I was more nervous than a bride on her wedding day.

  Niles shrugged his shoulders as if to say, “It’s your funeral” and followed Grandfather to the pro shop.

  “There she is,” the duke pointed out my tall, blonde beauty amidst a crowd of people.

  “Duchess!” I yelled out twice.

  My future woman looked over both shoulders and spun around once as the idiot standing next to her cursed.

  “Laney Reid. You owe me a game of golf.” Grandfather and I were tag-teaming.

  Laney went bug-eyed when she finally understood what was happening. “Hi Michael.” She walked over to me with her arms out for a hug. I reached in and kissed her instead.

  The anger from her idiot “boyfriend” was comical. “Keep your fucking hands and lips off my girlfriend.”

  My grandfather approved of the kiss while Laney commented, “Not cool, Michael,” with a grin. I knew she wouldn’t mind. “I’ve told you where I stand, Michael. Please respect my decision.”

  “And I’ve told you where I stand, Duchess. I’m not living in regret the rest of my life.” Right here, I was taking my stand and throwing down a challenge.

  Laney and her cousin, Jake, held Donovan back. I welcomed a fight if that’s what he wanted.

  “Don’t, Donovan. It was just a greeting, and he didn’t mean to do that.” Laney attempted to smooth things over.

  “Like hell he didn’t.” Donovan spit out.

  “I sure as hell did.” Niles pulled me back as I continued the taunt.

  “What the hell are you and your grandsons doing here?” This argument was extending to the grandfathers as Roland confronted the duke.

  “What the hell do you think we’re doing? We’re here to play golf.” Harry Bennington had his own bone to pick.

  “Why aren’t you at your fancy club?”

  “We thought we’d play with you commoners for a change.” I couldn’t help laughing at Grandfather’s pompous answer.

  “Grandfather, you want to pair up with me? We’re playing the Pinehurst System.” Laney was a bundle of nerves pulling back Roland Ascot. I did feel bad she was so unhappy. Very soon, I’d apologize and make it up to her.

  “We are teeing off soon. Why don’t you all join us? We can go in three groups of four. Miss Reid, I believe, owes me a round of golf.” Grandfather extended an invitation/challenge to the Reids.

  “The hell she does.” Roland was Harry’s equal. “She’s playing with me. If you want to join us, you better control your older grandson and have him stay far away from my granddaughter. Otherwise, we’re going to have problems.”

  “Michael. Can you keep your hands and lips off Laney for a few hours?” My grandfather actually rolled his eyes asking this question. It even got Niles sniggering.

  “I shall try.” I answered.

  Everyone paired up into groups, and we had no choice but to play with Donovan and Jake. I saw my future duchess pleading with everyone to get along for the next eighteen holes. That was going to be a tall order for one Donovan Taylor and myself.

  “After you?” I gestured to the irritated man. If looks could kill, I’d be six-feet under—yesterday.

  “Shall we play?” Niles introduced himself. “Hello. I’m Niles Bennington.”

  Jake Reid apparently had much better manners than his best friend, who frowned all the way to the first tee.

  “What do you do, Niles?”

  “I’m in my last year at the uni. And you?”

  “I’m a doctor, and Donovan’s a lawyer.”

  “Lots of professionals in the family.”

  “You could say that.”

  The introductory conversation took us all the way to the third hole. Neither Donovan nor I said much.

  “This is a beautiful course.” Niles continued the niceties.

  “It is. Laney told us that your grandfather has a 9-hole course in his backyard? I can’t quite fathom…” Jake almost didn’t believe it.

  It was my time to jump into this conversation. “I took Laney to Grandfather’s home after seeing JR in the hospital and she couldn’t believe he had a 9-hole course in his backyard, either.” Jake smiled at the mention of his son. “And grandfather couldn’t believe he’d lost to a woman the first time they’d played. Duchess beat him by six strokes…”

  Pissy Donovan reared his ugly head. “I fucking told you not to call Delaney, Duchess. She will never, ever be your duchess because she is marrying me!”

  Ha! I laughed at Donovan Taylor. “Where’s the ring? Have I received the wedding invitation in the post? Can you afford to give her all she deserves? As long as her last name is Reid, she’s still fair game.”

  “Asshole! If my girlfriend wasn’t such a nervous wreck, I’d kick your ass right now.”

  “I’d like to see you try. You’re a damn coward for stealing my girlfriend while I was out of town. I’m here to fight your every step toward matrimony.” They’d get there over my dead body.

  Donovan looked tempted to take me on, but instead ran off to hide behind Laney’s back.

  “Michael.” Jake approached me once I calmed down.

  “Yes?” I had nothing against this man.

  “Laney is my favorite cousin and like a younger sister to me. We all live next door to one another and I’ve watched her grow up loving my best friend.” This was not what I wanted to hear at this moment. “Since she was eleven, she swore she’d marry Donovan. Her feelings haven’t changed in the past decade. If anything, they’ve only grown deeper.”

  “She was with me the past two months. I think I’d know if she was in love with another man while dating me. Your cousin is not that kind of two-timing girl.”

  “She’s not. But, she was hurt by my best friend, and her heart was not in the best state when she left him. Seeing him again that time when you came to Los Angeles made the situation worse.”

  “So what is it you want to say?”

  “Look at them.” Jake pointed to two far-off figures intertwined as one. “Those two are meant to live out their lives as a married couple. I’m sorry to tell you this, but Laney loves Donovan and Donovan sure as hell loves his future wife.”

  Like a freak show, I couldn’t stop watching the two. I hated that she was in his arms, and it was his lips on hers and not mine. Still, I wasn’t willing to let go. It was now or never.

  “Michael.” My grandfather gestured for all of us to join them.

  “Yes, Grandfather?” Niles spoke on our behalf.

  “We are all going to get along and finish this game like grown adults, you got it?” Roland Ascot harped at us. “Stop being shitheads and let me and my granddaughter kick your asses fair and square.”

  “Yes, Sir,” I answered and then apologized to Laney. “I’m sorry, Duchess.”

  “How many fucking times do I have to tell you she’s not your duchess?”

  “I don’t see a fucking ring on her finger, which means she can still be my duchess.”

  “Cut it out!” The duke apparently had had enough as well. “You two can duel at dawn when we’re not around to see your moronic behaviors. Take out your anger on the golf course. Let’s sweeten this game with a bet. With all this idiotic bluster, I think we need to put a little money on this game.”

  “Oh, no, Grandfather!” Niles saw the expensive writing on the wall. “Most of us are not in the same betting league as you. We won’t be able to pay the buy-in.”

  “Man up, Niles. It won’t be so bad. How about 1000£ per team?”

  “Shit, Grandfather, we don’t have that kind of money.” My cousin was borderline apoplectic.

  “What do you say?” Grandfather goaded the Reids.

  No one had issues opening up their wallets except for Niles. Since he was in this predicament because of me, I put his share in the pot.

  “This is insane!” Laney showed displeasure. “We cannot play for this kind of money. That’s 5000£ on the line.”

sp; “You scared of losing, Laney?” The duke challenged. “What do you care? Your grandfather put in your 500£.”

  “I’m just afraid you’re going to be royally pissed when I take your money from you.” There was the spirit I loved.

  Grandfather’s trickery worked. I had no time to argue with the idiot challenging me for my woman and my money. Focus was the sole theme for the rest of the match.


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