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Complete Indelible Love Series

Page 334

by Cee, DW

  Did I have a choice? I chased after the two. “Hello, Niece.” I tickled her chin and received a cute smile—or at least I believed it was a smile. “Can I hold her?” Chloe carefully transferred her to me. Somehow, I felt safer with the baby in my arms.

  “What did you need to talk to me about, Michael?”

  “First of all, I want you to stop seeing Brendan.”

  “Nope.” She denied me without even giving it a second thought. “I promised Nolan I’d attend his baseball games—three baseball games, in fact. That five-year-old is the best negotiator I’ve ever met. I’m also committed to his school graduation.”

  “Who the hell is Nolan?”

  “Brendan’s son.”

  “He has a son? When did that happen?”

  “Well, I just told you Nolan is five, so about five years ago?”

  “Don’t be a smartass, Chlo-No. Why are you promising all these dates to Brendan’s son? Do you really like Brendan that much? You haven’t even gone on a date with me.”

  Chloe stopped.

  Chloe stared.

  Chloe laughed.

  “What?” I asked incredulously.

  “First of all,” she mimicked me, “I just told you that Nole is a good negotiator. I was talking to him and next thing I knew, he had me committed to his social calendar. Next, this has nothing to do with Brendan. It’s mostly about Nole, though Brendan will be there and I like spending time with him.” Before I could argue, Chloe added, “Lastly, you’ve never, ever, asked me out on a date, Michael. Even when we were younger, you’ve never formally asked me to do anything with you. It was expected, commanded, or demanded. At this age, I can take you men or leave you. I have nothing to lose. If you want to go out with me, then ask me.”

  My Chlo-No had grown up. She knew what she wanted and she wasn’t backing down. She was letting me know if I wanted her, I was going to have to fight for her. Game on!

  “Chloe Noel Darcy. Would you like to go out on a date with me tomorrow night?” There! If she wanted a formal request for a date, I was ready and willing.

  I expected a giggle and a sweet reply. Instead, she answered, “Sorry. Going to Nolan’s baseball game tomorrow. Try again.”

  Then she giggled.

  I seethed.

  “Try again” was not happening again—at least not today.

  Chloe: (Don’t Want) A New Beginning(?)

  After his first attempt at asking me out, Michael kept his mouth closed for the next few hours. We walked in silence back to the group, and after handing Sarabeth to his sister, he walked off by himself.

  “What now?” Ruby asked.

  “Your brother finally asked me out and I told him I had a date already. Now he’s sulking.”

  “Damn, Chloe. Will you put my brother out of his misery and sleep with him, already? You’re a little old to make a grown man sulk.”

  “I am not old, Ruby Bennington. If I’ve waited this long to have a man pay attention to me, I’m going to have some fun. At this point in my life, I’ll either marry in the next few months or stay single forever. Honestly, either works for me. What doesn’t work is appearing desperate. If I’ve learned anything the past decade, it’s not to pine after a man.”

  “Chloe,” Ruby beseeched, “this is my brother, your best friend, your once-love.”

  “He” I pointed to Michael’s back, “is my nemesis at times, my once-best friend, and my long, long ago-love. I don’t know if I have it in me to try again with him. He’s broken my heart too many times, Rubes. When I think of all the times he’s hurt me, my heart physically aches all over again. I think I’m better off flirting with a man who cheated on me, than with a man who waited until I was in my mid-thirties to ask me out on a date. Do you understand where I’m coming from?”

  “He’s finally grown up, Chloe. It’s taken him this long to figure out that you’re the one for him. Don’t you want to give it a chance and see where this takes you?”

  “Honestly, I don’t want to know. I cried for days when I found out your brother was engaged. When his first engagement ended, I swore to myself that I wouldn’t be so attached to someone who didn’t care enough to reach out and say hello. Then, stupid me, I was crippled again with news of Victoria. I stayed away from London when I heard about the new engagement. It didn’t help that you all loved her. Do you know how hard it was for me to attend your baby shower? That was supposed to have been my right, my gift to you. But instead, Michael’s fiancée took charge.”

  “So that’s why you came and left? That’s why you hardly responded to my emails and texts?”

  “Your brother will always hold a large part of my heart. I can’t afford to give him the rest of it. He could choose to return it to me mangled and irreparable.”

  “I don’t think that’s what’s going to happen this time, Chloe. I think he’s finally seen the light. Give him one more chance.”

  Ruby just didn’t understand. How could she? “Let me put it to you this way, Ruby. Imagine you having been in love with Ron since you were a little girl. Then imagine him coming to you after having ignored you for more than thirty years and telling you that he wants a relationship with you. How credible would he sound to you? Would you open yourself up for a possible heartache again?”

  “All right. I get what you’re saying, but if you’re willing to date other guys, why not give Michael a try too? What do you have to lose?”

  “Myself. With your brother, it’s not just a date. It’s my entire self that gets swallowed up and completely lost in Michael Bennington. I don’t want that anymore.”

  “Well, it’s good to know you still love him. I have hope that you’ll still be my sister-in-law. Imagine the wedding you can have. With your know-how and Michael’s bank account, that would be the wedding of the century!”

  I shook my head and laughed. Ruby might have heard what I had to say, but she understood none of it.

  “Ladies!” Laney hollered. “Time for dinner.”

  “Our hostess with the mostess is calling. We should go before she marches over. Laney Taylor can be a force to reckon with when she’s unsatisfied.” Ruby explained while waving her hand to Laney.

  We caught up with the rest of the party who was walking to the nearby restaurant. Our group created an idyllic scene. Donovan and Laney Taylor were holding hands while their twin boys walked ahead of them. Ron cradled a sleeping Sarabeth, and Michael was carrying his latest fan in his arms.

  “Look, Uncle Michael, I haven’t lost the bracelet.” She held up her wrist. “Henry and Scottie told me I’d lose the bracelet in the water but I didn’t. Aren’t you proud of me?”

  Michael watched her every word, adoringly. “I am proud of you, my golden-haired princess. Next time I come back to visit you, or when you come visit me, I’m going to give you another shiny, sparkly present.”

  “Really?” Her big, blue eyes got even rounder. “What kind of present?”

  “Something even prettier than what you have now,” he promised.

  “Mama! Mama!” Lilah yelled excitedly. “Did you hear? Uncle Michael’s giving me another shiny, sparkly jewel. I love Uncle Michael!” She leaned into him and kissed his cheek.

  Laney rolled her eyes and retorted, “Uncle Michael should be giving a woman about thirty years older than you a big, shiny piece of jewelry if he knew what was good for him.” Everyone laughed except for Michael. Even I had to chuckle at Laney’s statement.

  “Are you going to give someone else a big shiny piece of jewelry, Uncle Michael?” Lilah asked with much concern. “Don’t listen to Mama. You don’t need to give anyone else presents. You can just give it to me, OK?” Lilah Taylor, no different from her mother, was irresistible.

  “Baby, we don’t force people to give you gifts. That’s not polite.” Her father warned.

  “Don’t listen to Papa, Uncle Michael.” Her whisper was loud enough for all our ears. “This will be our secret.”

atching the two of them interact, I wanted that life for me. Regardless of what I’d told Ruby, deep down, a life with Michael and our children would be a dream come true. He’d make a loving husband and father.

  Right now, I was gun shy to accept a possible future with him. If Michael pursued me, I couldn’t say no.

  Brendan: (Did We Just Start A) New Beginning?

  “When’s Chloe coming?” That was about the fiftieth time Nole had asked that question today.

  “Son. She promised to come to your game. I’m sure she’ll be there soon after we arrive.”

  “Are you positive?” This sweet little guy was worried.

  “Didn’t you talk to her today and ask?”

  “I did. All three times she promised not to be late.”

  “Then she’ll be there. Are you worried she won’t keep her word?”

  “What if she’s like Mom? Mom always says she’ll be there to watch my games but she’s never come.” I finally understood why my son was so anxious. His only mother figure always flaked out on him. He worried Chloe might disappoint him the same way.

  “I can tell you for a fact that if Chloe says she’ll be at your game, she’ll be there.”

  Those words were enough to get him dressed and over to the ballpark. True to her words, Chloe arrived early and waved when she saw Nole warming up. My son, being the charmer that he was, ran to Chloe, hugged her quickly, and ran back to perform drills with his teammates. Periodically, he’d look up at Chloe and wave.

  “You have a quite a fan in my son,” I said as I sat next to her in the bleachers. “He thinks you’re the greatest thing since peanut butter and jelly sandwich.”

  “You always had a way with words, Brendan O.” I loved the way she teased.

  “Thank you for making his day. He worried all day you wouldn’t come. Now that you’re here, it wouldn’t surprise me if he had the best game of the season.”

  “He’s a doll, Brendan. You and your ex are lucky to have him.”

  “I agree.” The more Chloe liked my son, the more I liked her.

  Nolan, with Chloe cheering him on, played a praise-worthy game—with a few, small errors. He was all smiles when he packed up and raced over to us.

  “Did you watch me, Chloe? Did you see that hit I got?”

  “I saw every play you made, Brendan mini-me. You’re a fantastic player. Where did you learn to hit and catch like that?” Her enthusiasm was perfectly sincere, never over-the-top. My son beamed.

  “Daddy taught me to catch and hit. He’s a stud.” Nole put up his hand for a high-five.

  “I can’t disagree with that. I will say that you’re the biggest five-year-old stud I’ve ever known.” His smile grew with each compliment. “I might have to learn to throw like you, rather than throwing like a girl.”

  “Yeah. You don’t want to throw like a girl. It’s not cool.” Nolan answered seriously. “I’ll teach you tomorrow. Come to Daddy’s house. We’ll play catch.”

  “I can’t come tomorrow, Nole. I have to work.” Before his disappointment showed she countered with, “Maybe when I come to your next game, you can give me a few lessons after your win.”

  Those were the magic words. With pride, he told her, “I will. I’ll make sure you don’t throw like a girl.”

  “Son. Your team is sitting under the tree about to have their post-game meeting. I think your coach is waiting for you.”

  “Stay here,” he told Chloe, “I’ll be right back.”

  We watched him run off. Before Chloe could do the same, I committed her to dinner. “Nole wants to take you to his favorite pizza joint. Please say you’ll join us for dinner. It won’t take long.”

  She thought about it and quickly caved. “Sure. I can join you.”

  I was almost as happy as my son was. Damn. This was working out beautifully. Until Chloe spoiled it.

  “How was your trip to the beach?” A totally innocuous question—or so I thought it was.

  “It was nice and relaxing. The Taylors have a small home right on the beach and we all had a great time.”

  “The Taylors?”

  “Donovan and Laney, along with their three kids. We need to have Nolan meet Lilah Taylor. I think it’ll be love at first sight for both of them. Though right now, I don’t think anyone will replace her uncle Michael.”

  Shit. The only Michael I knew was Michael Bennington. Was he back in her life, too? “How’s Michael doing?” I asked casually.

  “He’s well. We came to LA together to plan the duke’s wedding.”

  “Are you staying with him?”

  “We’re all staying at Grandpa Harry’s home—Ruby’s family, Michael and I. Soon, Niles and his family will join us.”

  “That’s a great big party over there.”

  “It was fairly quiet until Ruby’s arrival. With a baby in the house, it’s much more animated. You all are blessed to have such beautiful children.” Chloe spoke wistfully.

  She stared at Nole and on cue, my son stared back and waved.

  “He’s a good kid. I don’t know where I’d be without him.”

  “You and your ex got something right with Nolan. He’s smart, happy, and he adores his parents. You’re very lucky, you know.” I really didn’t like the sound of her voice. There was too much longing. It made me want to fulfill all her desires.

  “Chloe. No one’s stopping you from having kids of your own. You’d make a fantastic mother. Shoot. I could be wrong but my son might volunteer for adoption with the way he’s crushing on you.”

  She let out a false laugh. “I’m too old now, Brendan. I wasted the last decade doing nothing but working. I’m a lot richer in the back account, but poorer in the human account.”

  Without a warning, I pulled her into my body and kissed the top of her head. “I’m thankful for my son, but I wish I had given us a try a decade ago. I think you and I could have been good together. Our kids would have been just as brilliant and as adorable as Nolan.” She said nothing but she also didn’t push me away. “You and I are only in our mid-thirties. Lots of woman have children in their thirties. Chloe—Nolan and I would love nothing more than to date you, if you’re willing. I’d love to have more kids. Nolan would make a great older brother and you’d make a phenomenal mother. What do you say, Chloe. Can we try this again, but this time with Nolan as our third wheel?”

  That’s when the third wheel broke up our conversation and we all went out for pizza.

  Michael: (Praying This Will Finally Be A) New Beginning

  Since we came back from the beach, Chloe was unreachable. She left first thing in the morning and didn’t come home until either I was out or in bed. Our schedules were off and it was driving me insane. I’d finally worked up the courage to ask her out again, but she was nowhere to be found.

  This mansion was in chaos with two families in tow. As predicted, my sister’s family took hold of one wing and Niles’ family settled in the other. Like refugees, Chloe and I had our belongings resting in the entryway of the house. I didn’t want to assume she’d move to the guesthouse with me, but I also didn’t want to stay in the house with two babies who woke up throughout the night. Even in this big house, noise traveled at four in the morning.

  Since Chloe wasn’t here to tell me where she was staying, or to help me decide where we should go, I took her possessions to the guesthouse and left them in the bedroom. She’d either thank me or balk at me for making assumptions.

  “Hello?” I picked up my cell without looking at caller ID.

  “Can you come to Laney’s house right now? I have some wedding questions.”

  “Chlo-No. You do understand Laney’s house is a forty-five minute drive from Bel Air? Could you not have given me a little warning?” The attitude was unnecessary since I’d been wanting to see the woman on the other side of this call.

  “Just get over here!” was all she was going to say. I should have been pissed she hung up on me, but instead, I
was glad she and I were back to our usual comfort level.

  I rushed to Reid Place and made it in forty minutes, five minutes ahead of what Google maps predicted. I was feeling good.

  “Long time no see, Friend.” To her surprise, I wrapped my arm around her from behind and kissed her temple. Something about kissing her temple got my adrenaline going—not to mention one other particular part of my body.


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