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Complete Indelible Love Series

Page 342

by Cee, DW

  “I do like it. It’s breathtaking.”

  “I assume you haven’t done a wedding here?”

  “Believe it or not, Bee, I’ve never coordinated a wedding in Hawaii.”

  Bee looked shocked. “How can that be? This has to be America’s favorite destination.”

  “Somehow, whenever I worked a wedding in America, it was always in New York or some beach on the West Coast.”

  “Tell me about you and Michael, Chloe. Of the women in my family, I’m the only one who’s never had a chance to get to know you.” As soon as Bee said those words, the men chose to take the baby for a walk on the beach.

  We watched them walk away before I poured my heart out. “I love Michael. I’ve always loved Michael. But, I want to know that he loves me just as much as I love him. Until then, we will stay unmarried.”

  Bee smiled. “None of us doubt his feelings for you. I don’t know if you know this but Michael and I’ve been friends since he dated Laney. The two of us also contemplated dating for about a tenth of a second when he didn’t work out with Laney, and when things weren’t going well with Nick. To make a long story short, from what we all see, he’s different with you.”

  “How so?”

  “I don’t know how this might sound to you, but I see that he doesn’t try so hard.”

  “Yeah, that doesn’t sound good.” That made us both chuckle.

  “What I mean is, he’s completely himself with you. With Laney, he was always trying to impress her, make her laugh, make her happy.”

  “That sounds pretty fantastic to me,” I muttered. It was only now that I found him attentive.

  Bee laughed again. “It might sound great initially, but that gets tiresome for both the chaser and the chased. What happens when the man stops being attentive? The girl wonders what she did wrong, why he’s not as loving as he used to be. The arguments begin. There’s disappointment all around. It’s just a big mess.”

  “Really? I rather like a man trying to impress me.”

  “You know that’ll get old. You need the push and pull in a relationship. If either one of you gave in all the time, it wouldn’t work. You’re both strong people.”

  “What happened with you and Nick? How did you end up together?”

  Bee started and stopped her conversation several times before she finally said, “I was at an age where I wanted to get married. Nick was at an age where he wanted to date around. We tried to stay away from one another, but we couldn’t. We both dated others, but it wasn’t easy to let go when our family members were determined to keep us close. In the end, we gave in and married.”

  “Is marriage easy? You and Nick make it look easy.”

  “It’s damn hard!” Bee cackled. “The hardest thing you’ll ever do is merge the lives of two very different people. Add to that, two kids who depend on you for every last thing, and two different businesses. Yes, it’s hard, but I wouldn’t trade my life for anything. It’s wonderful! I’m grateful every day that I get to spend my life with Nick and the boys.”

  “One of my biggest fears is my age. At my age, most people are done and I’ll just be starting.”

  “You understand that my baby over there,” she pointed to the men with her baby, “is a newborn and that I’m forty-years-old? You’re still young. You can have four kids from now until you turn forty.” Now it was my turn to laugh. “Just know that there’s nothing better than living each day with the man you love and the little creatures you create out of that love. Every day is glorious!”

  “That sounds wonderful, Bee.”

  “It is, Chloe. Without a doubt, it is. I’d wish you the same kind of love and happiness I’ve been blessed with, but I don’t think you’ll need it.”

  As the days went along, I was beginning to believe Bee was right.

  Michael: A Reid Celebration

  “What did you think of Nick and Bee?”

  “Can there be two cooler people? I loved hanging out with them the past five days. You’re seriously spoiling me, Michael. I don’t know how I’ll get back to work if we’re vacationing like this the next two months.”

  I smiled at the thought of Chloe’s surprise when we landed in Tokyo. “Have you figured out the theme yet?”

  “Tropical vacations?”

  “Nope. Our next destination is not a tropical destination—well...not initially.”

  “How did Nick and Bee end up with us this past week and why couldn’t we take them home?”

  “Because, our plane is headed east and they are headed back home, no matter that Nicky Jr. doesn’t want his parents back.” We laughed at the phone call that came last night from a child who told his parents to stay away for as long as they’d like because he preferred being with his Nana and Papa.”

  “Do you think we can be that happy?”

  “Aren’t we that happy now, Chlo-No?”

  “Is it possible not to be happy when we’re flying to exotic places and living life without a care in the world? You know what I mean. Do you think we’ll be happy like the Reids if we decide to get married?”

  “When we marry, we’ll have our ups and downs like all people, but we’ll also compromise and love one another like the Reids. The past ten years was time wasted for the both of us. I consider this a part of forever, Chlo-No. A wedding will just be a formality.”

  Chloe didn’t display her usual doubtful demeanor. “So we’ll just live in fantasyland until the New Year and then return to reality?” she asked playfully.

  “Yeah, something like that.” I liked this carefree Chloe. I wasn’t privy to what she and Bee discussed, but it was good for our relationship. “Can we talk about something very important?”

  “Sure. Crazy me, I thought a discussion about our future was very important.”

  “Cheeky girl.” I pulled her from her seat and plopped her on my lap. “Sleeping arrangements—very, very important topic of discussion.”

  “What about sleeping arrangements? What’s wrong with what we’re doing? I figured you wanted two rooms everywhere we went.”

  “Um, no…that’s what you wanted. You were the one who put a halt to sex.”

  “If I remember correctly, you didn’t finish what we started up at Laney’s beach house. In your defense, you did have to return to London and it was a little crazy since your grandfather’s wedding.”

  “So, our relationship can progress once we land in Tokyo?”

  “Tokyo?” All was lost once I mentioned our destination. “I love Tokyo! Why there? It isn’t a beach resort.”

  “I assume you’ve planned a wedding there before?”

  “Several. The people there are the nicest in the world and the food is incredible. Have you visited before, Michael?”

  “I have not. I will leave it up to you and our guests to show me around.”

  “Guests? We have guests there with us?”

  “We do. Two more friends will be joining us.”

  “Michael! This feels like a Taylor Swift concert where there’s just as much excitement with the guests as there are with the venue itself. I can’t wait to see them.”

  It took us no time to get out of Haneda airport and into the city center. We met our “guests” at their sushi restaurant of choice.

  “Emily!!!” The two ladies hugged one another like long-lost siblings. “I can’t believe you and Jake are here. Are the kids here?”

  “No,” Jake answered immediately.

  “Robert and Sandy, again?” Chloe asked. “They’re going to be exhausted between your kids and Nicky Jr.”

  “Praise the Lord for grandparents. I couldn’t wait to get away from our four and Mom and Dad couldn’t wait to spend time with the same four.”

  “Really, Jake? Even though you live on the same block, enthusiasm hasn’t waned?” I wondered.

  “Nope,” Jake continued to answer. “They love seeing their nine grandchildren. My parents want Nick and Bee to move in with the
m so they can see Nicky and Nathan daily.”

  “No house on the cul-de-sac for them?”

  “No houses left on the cul-de-sac for them. The Benningtons took the last one.”

  “Sorry about that,” I said.

  “We are not sorry. We love that Gram has a husband again. She was lonely after Roland died.” Emily spoke with a wide smile.

  “I’m so glad you’re here.” The ladies hugged again. “How did you get reservations here? I’ve never been able to do that the many times I was here while wedding planning.”

  “It’s all about who you know,” Emily answered with a wink. “So tell us about Hawaii. Bee raved and raved and said you four, plus her little one, had the best time. She said it felt like a second honeymoon.”

  “Bee was the one member of your family I never came in contact with during the years I’ve known you. After Hawaii, she feels like my new best friend. You’re truly blessed to have such amazing women as family members. Each and every one of you is so very talented.”

  “God took away one family, but gifted me with another one just as loving, and more plentiful in number. We consider you and Michael family now, too. All you have to do is make it legal and allow us to celebrate with a big party.”

  I liked the road Emily was taking us on. “Can I ask why we are here in Tokyo? Did you and Jake have your honeymoon here? Is this a honeymoon theme, Michael?”

  I knew it wouldn’t take long for Chloe to catch on. “You’re very close, Chlo-No. Alter that thought just slightly.”

  Chloe looked to Emily for answers. Emily obliged. “Jake and I spent part of our honeymoon here.”

  “Really? This isn’t your usual destination for married couples.”

  Emily chuckled. “Jake and I technically dated for about nine months. During that time, we were apart and broken up for five months, maybe closer to six?” she looked to Jake for clarification.

  “What?” Chloe and I asked jointly.

  I started with, “You let Emily go? Why? How? What possessed you to do that? Did we know this, already? Of all the Reid lores, I don’t think I’ve ever heard this story.”

  “Those days were the worst five plus months of my life!” Jake explained. “I got upset when I saw Max proposing to my girlfriend—”

  “Wait! Did you just say Max—as in your brother-in-law, Max?”

  “The one and only, Chloe.”

  “Oh my gosh, Jake. This story is too much. I always thought of you Reids as the perfect family. You meet. You fall in love. You marry. You have kids and live happily ever after. Who would have thought your brother-in-law was once your enemy?” Chloe enjoyed this story as much as I did.

  “You’re telling me! That asshole proposed to my girlfriend. I got pissed. I left her at the Grand Canyon. Then I proceeded to behave like a five-year-old and stopped talking to her. During this time, she thought we were over and she left me for a teaching position in Japan.”

  “Dear!” Chloe sighed. “Then what? I assume you begged and begged her to take you back?”

  Jake showed much exasperation. “She left without a mention to any of us. I had no way of contacting her.” He was annoyed. The three of us couldn’t help but laugh. “She even came back for her best friend’s wedding and I missed her by an hour or so. It was damn frustrating!”

  “So how did Jake find you, Emily? Or did you find your senses and come back home begging his forgiveness?”

  Emily couldn’t stop laughing at my question. Rolling her eyes, she answered, “You do understand it was my husband’s fault that I left? I had texted him several times hoping for a reconciliation but he wanted none of that. The great Dr. Jake Reid’s pride was hurt.” She teased him mercilessly. “I was so very heartbroken.” Now Emily was playing the actress. This many years later, Jake still felt guilty about what had happened; it was written all over his face. “Oh, Jake. I’m only kidding. You know those were wonderful months of growth for us both. My love for you only grew during that time apart. I don’t blame you for our separation.”

  “I still hate that we were apart. We could’ve had five extra months.”

  “We have an eternity, Jake. We will be together in the afterlife too. Don’t think you can start fresh.” She warned and gave him a light kiss. “Daily, I’m thankful for you and the kids. The ladies in our family believe they have the best husband. In truth, I know there’s no one better than you.”

  “Oh my gosh! My heart is still pitter-pattering after that scene with Emily and Jake,” Chloe exclaimed after dinner. “They are perfection defined. Can there be two people more in love with one another?”

  “Do you know what I learned from those two?”

  “What did you learn?”

  “I learned that every courtship has stumbling blocks, but it’s never too late to overcome those obstacles. It took Jake and Emily months to reunite. For us, it’s taken a decade. Nevertheless, we will make it to our forever happiness just like they did. Do you agree?”

  She nodded her head most definitely. “I agree!”

  Chloe: Location, Location, Location, Celebration

  “You have spoiled me for life, Michael Bennington. How do you top ten days in paradise with Jake and Emily Reid?”

  “Um, I thought five days in Hawaii with Nick and Bee Reid was paradise.”

  “That was, too. It’s all so romantic! The best part is that I’m living the romance rather than reading it. These are actual people who live and love daily. The past two weeks have been a living testament to the institution of marriage.”

  “Let’s not forget Grandfather and Gram. They might have recently married, but they’re also a hell of an example for love.”

  “They are...!”

  I couldn’t get over the joys of watching and learning from the Reids. Each couple was incredibly special and so profoundly in love. A little late, but I couldn’t wait to experience this kind of affection with Michael.

  It would be no surprise to anyone when I admit that Michael and I’ll marry. Because of my age, I should probably marry as soon as possible. But, these next two months held so much potential, I didn’t want to halt his plans. It was sweet that he thought through every last detail for us. I felt like a princess awaiting her next journey.

  Last night...what an incredible night that was. We hadn’t been that close since we were eighteen and it was better than anything I’d ever imagined or experienced. After last night’s intimacy, there was no doubt we were getting married. I wanted Michael for life! From the way he’s been behaving, I knew he wanted the same.

  “Hello?” Michael waved his hand in front of my face. “You’re in a zone far, far away. Come back to me.”

  “That’s because you kept me up most of the night,” I teased and pulled him in for a kiss.

  “Well...I heard no complaints.”

  “Michael, every time I was about to fall asleep, I’d feel an appendage poking at me. What else was I supposed to do but answer the call?” I laughed. “Damn, Michael. You’ve improved with age and your stamina is a hell of a lot better than when you were eighteen. I guess you were always a late bloomer, huh? I didn’t think you’d hit your prime at thirty-five.”

  “I think you have another sleepless night ahead of you,” he warned with a delicious grin.

  “By the way, where are we going next, and who are our guests?”

  “I’ll tell you if you can figure out the theme of this trip.”

  I thought long and hard. The answer was right there, and yet so far away. “You said it wasn’t a honeymoon theme. Is it a family theme? We hang out with our family members the next two months?”

  “Not bad, but no. That’s not the theme. Think romance. Think adventure. Think future.”

  “Damn. Now all I’ll be doing is thinking. Give me one more hint, Michael. Or forget the hint, just tell me what the theme is. If you tell me, I’ll do whatever you ask of me.” To sway him, I turned to face him, straddled his lap, and made sur
e all the right body parts touched one another. Instantly, his body became flush with mine.

  “We’re going to end up committing a public display of lewdness on the plane if you don’t” The last few breathy words struggled to present themselves as I was in heaven again.


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