Complete Indelible Love Series

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Complete Indelible Love Series Page 361

by Cee, DW

  “Jane and Max are in trouble thanks to Jane and Donovan.”


  “I’ll explain on the plane.”

  When we arrived in San Francisco, I found two young people who should not be together—together. Thanks to Emily’s machinations, Max saved his relationship with perfect timing.

  “May I have the pleasure of this dance, Gram?” My Lothario bonus grandson asked.

  “You may, Donovan.”

  “I see you’ve kicked up your slippers a time or two in your day.” He had such a way with words—always.

  “How have you been, Donovan? You don’t call me or visit anymore.”

  “That man whose company you are keeping has me working like a dog in LA. Are you back for good? I miss you, Gram.”

  “I am back...for a while. I’m unsure how long. It depends on Roland.” I’d given away more than necessary. Donovan’s lips turned up and he kissed me on the cheek.

  “Ah-ha! I knew there was some hanky-panky going on between you and my boss. I approve!”

  “Let’s talk about you. Have you found a woman to marry, yet? You’re not seeing that Kate Beauvais are you?” I wanted to steer this young man in the right direction. Neither Kate nor Jane was the right girl for him.

  “I have not seen Kate in a very long while and I have not found a woman who wants to marry me.”

  “Have you found the one you want to marry?” He pondered what I’d said. By the looks of it, there was a girl who’d caught his eyes. According to Emily, it was Laney. I wanted to see if he’d confess, though I knew it was too early for him. “Well?” I prodded some more.

  “I’ve met someone...kind of...but not really...”

  “Spit it out, Donovan. At my age, you can’t wait around for a woolgatherer.”

  “Yeah, I’m interested in someone, but it’s another Kate situation. There’s another ten-year age difference and I don’t want to go there anymore. I find myself attracted to her, but she’s all wrong for me. Then there’s another woman who has all the right monikers, but as attractive as she is, I’m not attracted to her in the same way as the first woman. I don’t know, Gram...” Yes! Another union was not far off. Even with the age gap, he and Laney would make a beautiful match. “Your silence is bothersome, Gram. Do you see me squirming? Did I say something wrong? Are you going to slap me on the head like you and Grandpa Jerry used to do?”

  “Why is this first girl wrong for you? Is she ten years younger or older? Who is she? Bring her to me and I’ll tell you whether she’s right or wrong. As for the second girl, a right situation doesn’t make for the right girl. A plethora of girls will fit the mold you’re looking for—but you need that chemistry. You can’t live a lifetime without passion.” Jane—no! Laney—yes! “Are you going to tell me who she is?” He knew that I knew, but he wouldn’t say another word.

  “I see Roland calling you, Gram. I’ll walk you over.”

  “Chicken!” I could do no other than laugh at him.

  “How was your talk with Donovan? Find success?”

  “Roland, are all young men stupid at that age?”

  “I surely was. Harry was even stupider. The only one who can claim any sort of intelligence was your late spouse, and even he had his moments of stupidity.”

  “Donovan acknowledged that he was attracted to another girl—a girl with a ten-year age gap, who is not Kate Beauvais.”


  “He wouldn’t say, but I assumed.”

  “So what’s the problem?”

  “He’s being an idiot is the problem.”

  Roland laughed at me and answered, “We’re all idiots when it comes to the women we love.”



  “Thank you for meeting me.” I had asked all five of Estelle’s sons to give me half an hour of their time before Robert’s birthday celebration began. “I’m sure you all are aware of my intentions toward your mother.” I phrased those words as a statement rather than a question. Every Reid knew where Estelle and I were headed.

  “How can we help you, Roland?” Robert asked.

  “If you don’t mind, I’d like to steal a little bit of your birthday limelight and ask Estelle to marry me while the family is gathered.”

  All five men smiled and nodded their heads. “We would love for you to take good care of our mother. We assume you will love her as much as our father did?” Henry spoke next.

  “If I may say, I will try and love her more. While your father had six decades with her, I’ll consider myself the luckiest man if we can make it to one decade. I’ve longed for Estelle since my youth. Unrequited love is a powerful emotion. I promise to love and care for your mother.”

  “You have our votes.” David spoke for all his brothers. “For your sake, I just hope Mother agrees.”

  And here I thought the sons would be the greatest obstacles!

  When Robert’s birthday party began, I didn’t waste time. As soon as all the Reids, along with a few others, gathered, I announced, “Everybody...may I have your attention?” All eyes were on me and damn, was I nervous. “First of all, I want to wish Bobby a happy birthday.” That took the attention away from me for a moment. “Second, I wanted to tell you the story of a beautiful young woman who graced my life many, many years ago. This woman took Paris by storm when she got there and had every chap lining up to woo her.” Estelle was blushing. I chose to start our story in Paris rather than the house party almost four years prior. Paris was a happier time for me. “When I first met her, she was sassy and witty and breathtakingly beautiful. I couldn’t believe that her parents would let her out of their sights. I wanted to kidnap her immediately before too many fellows noticed her, take her to the nearest church, and marry her. However, fate had other plans, and her once-suitor came back and took this beauty away from me. Now, this many years later, I have a chance to make her mine.”

  “Awe...” I heard the women breathe. They approved of my homage to their mother and grandmother.

  “Estelle, my beauty, my love, will you do me the honor of living out the rest of your life with me? We may not have as many years as I would have liked, but I can promise you this—your last years will be the best years of your life. I’ve loved you since the day I met you. Please do me the honor of being my wife.”

  She whispered a “Yes,” but I heard it loud and clear.

  Estelle Cowper was finally mine!



  “How do you feel, Mother? It’s your wedding day!” Sandy asked.

  “Embarrassed,” was the first thought that entered my mind. “What woman gets married at this late age and in front of her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren?”

  “We all think it’s beautifully romantic. Here’s a man who’s waited for you since he was in his twenties. What’s next? If you outlive Roland, will Harry Bennington come back for you too?”

  “Don’t even joke about that, Babs. These men don’t know how to behave where women are concerned. Look at your daughter and Donovan Taylor for instance. Max and Jane are no better. Those four are going to cause trouble and suffer a lot of heartache,” I warned.

  “I know, Mother, but what can we do?” Sandy was right. There truly was nothing we could do to change the outcome.

  “Before long, I need to sit with both granddaughters and talk to them about their self-worth. Right now, before marriage, they need to place themselves first and figure out what they want out of life.”

  “Estelle, don’t bring up independence with Laney. As it is, she wants to leave us again.”

  “I think she’s smart to go figure out life before she gets tied down to a man.” I added my two cents.

  Babs said, “But I don’t want her to move away again. I miss her when she’s not here. Sandy felt that same loneliness when Jane was in New York.”

  “It’s true. Daughters are so much work but also so much fun. I’m gla
d Jane chose to come back.”

  “Is Max the man for her?” I asked. “He’s a good catch. I’d like to see him a part of this family.”

  “Robert and I think he’s perfect for Jane. We shall see how young love figures itself out.”

  With more pomp and circumstances than necessary, Roland and I married in front of my family. I was fortunate to have lived with Jerry for so many years. I felt no less blessed to be with Roland. He had been a true friend all these years. Falling into marriage with him was beautifully seamless.



  “What are we going to do about Jane and Laney and the men they love? The four of them are hurting so badly. We need to help them, Roland.”

  “Sweet Stella. What can we do but watch? Laney’s gone already and has found herself a good man. Though she doesn’t love him the way he obviously loves her, Laney will do the right thing. I trust her.”

  “How was she when you saw her at Harry’s? How is Harry doing?”

  “Laney was as expected—heartbroken. Harry was as expected, too—insufferable. He’s punishing Laney because she’s your granddaughter.”

  “Should I call him on her behalf? Is he being mean to her?”

  “Estelle, don’t you know Harry by now? He’s being The Bennington Duke, but he can’t be mean to anyone who reminds him so much of you. Do you know why I favor Jane above all else?” My wife looked to me for an answer. “She’s the spitting image of you. Though more impulsive than her grandmother, whenever I see Jane, I see the Stella I fell in love with. Trust me when I say that deep inside, he’s already looking to make Laney his granddaughter-in-law.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want Laney to suffer because of me.”

  “She won’t.”

  “So what do we do about Max and Donovan?”

  “I think Donovan is already coming to his senses and will follow Laney in the coming weeks. If he doesn’t, I was going to send him out to Europe to sell AAP for me.”

  “What?” My wife couldn’t hide her surprise. “Why?”

  “I know you don’t want to be anywhere but here on the cul-de-sac. If that’s the case, I don’t want to be anywhere else but right here with you. We surely don’t need the money and I surely can’t stand the headache. The sooner we sell it off, the better.”

  “So you’ll send Donovan out there as your voice?”

  “Now that my life is set, I’ve been thinking about the future of AAP, and I wondered how you’d feel about me handing the reigns of the firm to Donovan—assuming he and Laney marry—and Jane.”

  Estelle thought about my proposal. “You really believe Donovan and Laney will marry?”

  “I’d bet the firm on that. With their union, I’d feel comfortable leaving the firm with our grandchildren. I’d also have our sons, along with Jake, sitting on the board to help where they can.”

  “I think that’s a brilliant idea, Roland. I just hope Max will come home soon and reunite with Jane. She’s miserable right now.”

  “Dear Wife, I think both couples will find their happily-ever-after just like we did.”

  Estelle smiled cautiously. Very soon, I knew all would be right.



  “I’m excited to be heading back to Belgravia.” I said to no one in particular on the plane.

  “Does going to Belgravia mean Jerry’s ghosts will haunt me wherever I walk?”

  “Do his ghosts haunt you on Reid Place?”

  My husband thought about that for a while. “I guess not,” he said casually.

  “Then they shouldn’t in London.”

  “What do you think is happening with Donovan and Laney?” Emily asked.

  “Last I heard from Barbara, they’re in Paris. Laney’s giving him hell for all the heartache he’s caused. He’s giving her a lifetime of memories with all the places they’re visiting.”

  “This is all so exciting to watch, but I’m very glad I have a husband already. My heart couldn’t take any more drama.”

  “Emi,” my favorite grandson complained. “Dating me was the experience of a lifetime.”

  “Yeah. It was also an experience I want to have only once in a lifetime.”

  Jake grinned. “I’ll call Donovan as soon as we land to get more details. I hope Laney makes it impossible for my best friend.”

  “You’re so kind, Jake.” I answered with sarcasm.

  We arrived at Belgravia, and Laney had done everything I’d asked, to the house.

  “Where do we sleep, Estelle? I hope you’re not thinking I stay in the same room, same bed as the one you shared with Jerry.”

  A laugh escaped me. “So, you want the adjoining room?” I kidded.

  “Hell, no! I don’t want to be separated.” His pout was adorable. “If I know my granddaughter, she followed my instructions and created a new bedroom for us on this floor. All new furniture should have arrived along with new bedding. Is that to your liking?”

  “Hell, yes!”

  Life back in Belgravia was bustling. With Jake and Emily’s kids, I loved the noises that filled this gigantic home. We welcomed even more family members when Laney finally came back after her tour of London.

  What I didn’t expect was to see Harry during this time. We ended up in Fife, at that magical castle, having dinner with the Bennington family.

  “I met Estelle for the first time right after she turned eighteen.” Harry explained when asked how we met. “Her family came here to attend a weekend house party and I couldn’t keep my eyes off her from the moment I met her. She was incredible.”

  I blushed at the thought of how young and immature I was at that party. To wear a pair of slacks to a duke and duchess’ party—my mother was probably still rolling in her grave because of that misdemeanor.

  “Is that when you decided she was your future duchess?” Ruby, Harry’s granddaughter, asked.

  Without a second thought, he answered, “Yes. I courted her for about a month, then brought her back up to this castle and proposed to her.”

  “How romantic,” his daughter-in-law said.

  What was left unsaid was the silence and pain in between the first proposal and the second proposal. I wouldn’t ruin Harry’s fond memory of us.

  “She wouldn’t say yes, but she also didn’t say no. She told me it was too soon to know. Our parents had already talked and we were to be married by winter, had all gone well.”

  “So why didn’t you say yes to the duke?” Laney asked me.

  “It was too soon, and I didn’t want to be like all the girls and get married so young. I wanted to go to the uni and study more. I also wanted to study fashion. We were finally out of those stuffy dresses and into skirts that were knee-length and wearing pants had become more commonplace. Being a Duchess at eighteen was not what I wanted for myself.”

  “Also, your grandmother met Jerry at Oxford.” Somehow, Harry knew all facets of my life.

  “I did,” I answered with fondness. “Jerry told me the day he met me that we were destined to be married. I believed he was right. What I never believed was that Harry and I wouldn’t speak again till now.”

  “You mean to tell me you’ve never kept in touch with Laney’s grandmother till today?” Lizzie Bennington asked. “How can that be? She was the love of your life. Her Grace used to always say there was the ghost of Estelle Cowper haunting her every move.”

  “Harry kept in touch in his own sweet way.”

  “How?” All the ladies asked.

  What an extraordinary man he was at times. “Harry would send a large bouquet of foxgloves whenever I celebrated a special occasion—every one of my birthdays, the birth of my five boys, Christmas, but never my wedding anniversary. I don’t know how he knew I’d given birth, but no sooner had I arrived home from the hospital with a newborn, than there they were, the flowers I fell in love with when I first came to this castle. How on earth did you get those to me?
I didn’t think they had them in the States back then,” she asked the duke.

  “I had my ways,” was all he’d say.

  “So when you ran into Gram at the golf course, you hadn’t seen her in more than sixty years?” Laney asked in amazement. “Why didn’t you fight for my grandmother?”

  Harry wouldn’t answer; I knew he wouldn’t.

  It was time for us to leave and I asked Roland for a few moments of privacy with Harry. My indulgent husband obliged.

  “Thank you for a wonderful meal and a beautiful trip down memory lane,” I spoke with sincerity. “I’m glad we met again, Harry. I hope you’ll keep in touch with more than just flowers.”

  Harry’s response put a smile on my face. “I have many regrets in life and they all involve you, Estelle. I should have fought for you the first time as well as the second. You have always been the duchess of my heart. If there ever comes a time where you are alone again, know that you will be the duchess of all this.” He gestured to this castle in Fife and leaned in for an embrace.

  Almost seven decades, three visits to Fife, and three proposals later, I still had no answer to Harry’s promise.



  “What are the chances that Laney’s going to finish med school now that she’s pregnant with twins? What do you think, Wife?”

  “Dear God! That girl has always made life exciting for herself and all those around her.” Estelle shook her head with the biggest grin. “I can’t wait to have more babies on the cul-de-sac. I wonder who they’ll look like?”

  “I was told Laney looks like your mother-in-law?”

  “A spitting image.”

  “Is that why Jerry favored her?”

  “No different from you favoring Jane because she looks like me, Jerry favored Laney because he said she behaves like me.”


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