Complete Indelible Love Series

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Complete Indelible Love Series Page 362

by Cee, DW

  “That she does. So how can we help Donovan and Laney now that their lives will be insane?”

  “I assume you’ll be needed a little more in the office again.”

  “I assume you’ll help when the babies come along?”

  “If I’m given the opportunity. I can’t imagine Babs, Henry, Jamie and Scott letting go of the twins once they arrive.”

  “This is what I’ve dreamed of, Estelle. A large family—there’s nothing better.”

  “You regret not having remarried and having kids with your second wife? I know with Lauren passing that suddenly, it wasn’t possible with her.”

  I chuckled at the question. “Dear Wife. I did get remarried and I have more kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids than I can keep track of. You are all that I needed. With you came a wealth of love.”

  For once, my loquacious wife was speechless.



  “Harry. How can I ever thank you for rescuing Max and Jane’ wedding? Your villa is stunning and the fireworks were unbelievable. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay this kindness.”

  “You know I’d do anything for you, Estelle. It was my pleasure. I just hope to see my grandchildren find their loves and live happily.”

  “They will, Harry. I’ve no doubt.”

  “How have you been, Estelle? Are you happy? Is Roland good to you?”

  How was I to answer this question and not hurt this kind man? “I’ve been well, Harry. Life has been extra good to me. I’ve been courted by three of the finest men anyone could ever know.”

  “But only two have had success winning your heart and hand.”

  It was a wonder that so many years later, Harry still carried a torch for me. “I’m glad we’ve become friends again. Let’s not lose touch after this wedding.”

  “Do you remember what I promised you in Fife?” How could I forget? I only nodded my head in the affirmative. “Please keep that thought with you always. Before this is over, I will get a chance to show you my heart.”

  With only a smile, I left Harry to continue his dream.



  “This appears to be the year of weddings for the Reids.”

  “Apparently so, Roland. With Donovan and Laney married and settled, and with Max and Jane married in Tuscany and back from their honeymoon, we now have Nick and Bee to worry about, and then we’ll be done for a while.”

  “How are wedding plans for Nick and Bee going?”

  “It appears as though all has been going well. I’m glad they are finally back together—for good. Nick stopped being bothered by the fact that Bee will support him for a while.”

  “Doesn’t he realize how lucky he is that she can support him?” I needed to sit down with Nicholas Reid very soon and school him on the importance of equality.

  “Male pride—it bothers him.”

  “How can we help them, Estelle?”

  “Speak of the devil. I think he’s looking for us. We better go greet him.” The loving grandmother that she was, she hugged her grandson as if she hadn’t seen him in years. “How can we be of assistance,” she asked when Nick told us he came to talk to us about his wedding.

  “I think I’d like to surprise Bee with a wedding in Hawaii.”

  Estelle beamed proudly. “I knew you had it in you to be a romantic!”

  I couldn’t help but join in the sense of pride. “Where would you like to have the wedding, Nick?”

  “Well, budget-wise, I think we’re looking at just a simple beach wedding. Any beach, any island will do, Grandfather.”

  Every time any one of the kids called me “Grandfather,” it warmed my heart. Family is what I longed for and family is what I received with Estelle.

  “What would you like from us, Nick?” I inquired.

  “Nothing, Grandfather. I only wanted you to know so you might be able to ready the plane for Jake and Laney’s families? I’m sure it’s not easy traveling with little ones.” Nick was always a selfless one. He’d make a good husband and father.

  “I will take care of that immediately if you’ll tell me the dates you’re thinking of for the wedding.”

  “Mom, Jamie, and Aunt Babs say we can marry ASAP. If that works for you and Gram, I don’t care when as long as I can marry Bee.”

  “You make me so proud, Nick. You and Bee will make a fine couple.”

  “Thank you, Gram. I’m sorry for worrying you. I should’ve given in earlier and saved us all a lot of heartache.”

  Estelle couldn’t stop smiling. “You’ve always been the quiet one, never seeking attention, never asking for anything. Your grandfathers Jerry, as well as Roland, have both felt very remiss in not taking better care of you. Like I said a few months back, your brother and sister have received a lion’s share of their inheritance already. You’ve never once complained about your lack of receiving. I am very sorry, Nick. Let us repair that immediately.”

  “Gram, I’m fine. Bee and I will be all right. I’m marrying a woman who’s a mini-tycoon.” Nick laughed at the thought. “Financially, we’ll be all right. We have a lot of money left from my educational fund that Mom, Dad, and Grandpa Jerry provided.”

  I decided to put forth my idea during this sentimental conversation. “How about if your Gram and I provide you with the wedding location? Since you say you don’t care where you and Bee marry, we will take care of lodging for everyone.” Nick looked unsure to borderline guilty. “Just think of it as a gigantic family vacation that Estelle and I will gift everyone. While there, a wedding will be a part of the stay.”

  It took him some time to accept our offer. He asked that we only provide for everyone’s lodging. Estelle and I knew we’d give him and Bee the wedding of their dreams.

  “You and Jerry have raised fine sons who’ve raised fine children, Estelle. You should be proud.”

  “I am, Roland. I feel blessed to have lived and loved with Jerry. I feel doubly blessed to have such amazing children and grandchildren. But right now, my biggest blessing is you.”

  “Me?” I asked in surprise.

  “I thank you for sharing these moments of happiness with me. And I thank you for giving not only me, but my family as well, these reasons for joy. You’ve made your own mark in this family, Roland. Never underestimate your importance in our lives.”

  With those words, I could die a happy man.

  Life with Estelle Cowper exceeded my expectations!

  Harry. Estelle.


  “Damn Roland lasted beyond the five-minute mark. I didn’t think he had so much fun with you, but he had!” I was pissed again. “He lived through half your grandchildren’s weddings and the birth of all the great-grandchildren.”

  Estelle only laughed. “Yes, but we still have many more grandchildren to marry off—namely, your grandson, Michael. Like I said earlier, if you don’t hurry, they will be married and having their first child soon.”

  “Speaking of, damn! How could I have forgotten to tell you this? Getting old is a pisser at times.”

  “Speaking of...?”

  “Michael called today to say that Chloe is pregnant!”

  “What?” I knew that would make both our days. “I can’t believe it’s happened this quickly. I worried about Chloe being able to have kids. What wonderful news!”

  “I agree. Finally! Some good news in the midst of all this Jerry and Roland love.”

  “You asked for it, Harry.”

  “I did, but I wasn’t expecting it to be so damn flowery. Didn’t you have any struggles with these men? Weren’t you ever so angry you wanted to leave them?”

  I knew the answer to that, but I still wanted to be sure. “After Jerry and I reunited, no. With Roland, we were old enough where we knew better. Why remarry if there are struggles?”

  That answer bothered me so I bypassed it and asked, “What was really going on in your mind when I proposed?”r />
  “Which time?” she teased.

  “The FIFTH time!”

  “Fifth time? When were the other two times?”

  “When you came to Fife with your family and at the Bennington Villa—I told you that I’d come claim this spot if you were ever alone again. I consider those proposals-in-advance.”

  Estelle was now in tears with my humor. What she didn’t realize was that I was not kidding. “What, is that like getting on a waiting list for the latest model of car to be made, or something?”

  “Cheeky Woman!” I reprimanded with a smirk. “You think I’m kidding, but I wasn’t. I knew one day, if I waited long enough, you’d be mine.”

  “So you took your vitamins, exercised daily, and waited for both my husbands to die?”

  “Something like that.”

  “What if I died first?”

  That question put me in the foulest mood yet. “You couldn’t. You wouldn’t. Had you died first, all three of us—Jerry, Roland, and I—would’ve lost our wills to carry on. You needed to stay alive to fulfill all our dreams and desires.”

  “You do say the darndest things, Harry. You truly should have remarried. All those precious years were wasted. Another woman would’ve been very happy with you.”

  “I couldn’t take that chance, Estelle. I needed to be available for you.”

  “So, shall I stop with the story, Harry? Since you’re done packing, shall we get going? I’m sure the kids are ready to leave.”

  “Hell, no, Woman! You’re finishing this story since the hero is finally appearing. I want to hear all about how you fell madly in love with me and couldn’t wait to live out the rest of your days in my arms.”

  The laughter from this woman was ridiculous. “All right, Harry. Whatever you say.”




  “How are you doing, Gram?” Emily asked.


  “How are you doing being by yourself?” Emily clarified her question.

  “Uh...well...?” I wasn’t sure where she was going with this line of thinking.

  “Aren’t you lonely?”

  “Not particularly.” With everyone on Reid Place bustling about, there was no time for loneliness. I just needed to step out of the house to be bombarded by the craziness of life. It was a good kind of chaos.

  Emily watched my reaction and changed her line of questioning. “What do you miss most about having a husband?”

  I answered immediately. “The companionship. I miss talking to Roland. Many times, I feel as if he’s still here with me.”

  “Even after all these months, he feels that alive to you? Did you love him that much? More so than Grandpa Jerry?”

  I had to think about this question. “Both men were very different. It’s hard to say whom I loved more. All three men who courted me were all first-rate husband material.”

  “Tell me about Grandpa Jerry again. What did you love most about him?”

  “Jerry loved me and our boys so very much. There was no way I couldn’t love him back. He cherished me. He respected me. He honored me every day of our lives together. It didn’t hurt that he was more handsome than any other man alive. Funny thing, none of the men in the Reid family took after him. They all got my coloring. I think your James looks most like him.”

  “Then he must have been really handsome,” she added with a giggle. “What about Roland?”

  “Roland was a true friend to me. Initially, he didn’t know what to do with us after I rejected his suit, but eventually he figured it out. I think it helped that we were pen pals the first three years. What else could we do but form a beautiful friendship with all the back and forth posts?”

  “What about Harry Bennington?”

  “Harry was an enigma.”

  “How so? Is that a good kind of enigma or a bad kind of enigma?”

  “He pursued me so ardently. I felt like a Jane Austen heroine when I was at his castle in Fife. Then, like Austen herself, I was rejected and left alone once I didn’t follow his timeline. Had he continued his pursuit, you and I might not be talking today.”

  “So to get this straight, you and Grandpa Jerry loved one another from the onset. You liked Grandpa Roland and that eventually turned into a comfortable love. With Harry, there was a chance at love, but he lost that opportunity by not exploring it?”

  I hadn’t ever thought about it that carefully. “If you must put it in words, I guess that’s how it would be stated.”

  “If Harry Bennington was to come back and ask you for your hand in marriage, would you consider it?”

  “What?” I asked in part horror and part intrigue. “Emily, are you feeling all right?”

  She laughed. “I’m well, Gram. This is all hypothetical,” she tried to ease my mind. “I was only wondering where your heart was where Harry Bennington was concerned.”

  “I...don’t know that I can answer you. What an odd question, Emily. Why would this come up now, seventy years later?”

  She had a peculiar look about her that was indecipherable. “You’re alone. His Grace is alone. I thought at your age, it’d be nice to have a friend or lover in your life.”

  Now Emily was just plain teasing me. “I think it’s time for you to go back to your husband, Emily. It’s not nice to tease an old lady.”

  “I’ll take that as you not refusing the duke if he happens to come calling?”

  “If at our old age, Harry Bennington flies thousands of miles to pursue me with ardor, I will consider it and possibly even marry for a third time,” I responded in jest.

  “That’s all I needed to know, Gram. See you later.”

  If that wasn’t the oddest conversation...

  I had to admit, with Emily bringing up Harry Bennington, I did wonder what I might have done had Harry continued his chase. It would have made this story even more interesting—that was for sure.




  “Grandfather? You have a few minutes to talk?” Michael approached me in the office.

  “Of course, I do. Where’ve you been, my boy? I haven’t seen you in weeks.”

  “Well, that’s because you were away with your uni buddies. While you were all partying like teenagers, I was in Los Angeles working out a merger with the Reid family.”

  The Reids? What business was there to be had with the Reids? “The Reid family, you say? What kind of merger?”

  “The most important kind, Grandfather.”

  I couldn’t even begin to imagine. “Explain, Michael.”

  “Chloe and I’ve been in LA planning your wedding.”

  “What?” Had Estelle and I agreed to marry and I’d forgotten? Was I already in the early stages of Alzheimer’s? “Explain in detail, Michael.”

  “I want to see you happier than happy the last days of your life. The only person to bring light into your life at this point is Estelle Cowper. What would you say if I told you we’ve planned yours and Estelle’s wedding?”

  “Has she agreed?” As exciting as this was, and as much as I wanted this for myself, I’d given up hope.

  “I thought you might want another chance at asking her to marry you. None of us has breathed a word to her. It’s all up to you, Casanova.”

  “What if I go all the way to LA and she says no?” That was the most likely scenario. It had happened one too many times.

  “I have it on good authority that she won’t say no. Apparently, the reason you didn’t get the girl the first time was because of you, and not because of her.”

  WHAT??? “What the hell does that mean, my boy? Say things that make sense.”

  “I’m not sure, Grandfather. That’s what Emily told all of us. She also said Estelle might be open to living the rest of her life with you.”

  WHAT??? “Well, then, what the hell are we doing standing here? Let’s go. The plane�
��s ready.”

  “I’ll let everyone know.” Michael’s grin had me grinning along with him.

  I couldn’t believe this was actually happening. I was ninety-five for heaven’s sake. The Man Upstairs was laughing at my expense.

  We arrived at my home in Los Angeles in no time. The first person to greet me was the girl who should’ve been my granddaughter-in-law the past ten years. “Hello, Grandpa Harry,” was what she said to me, and then to my buddies, she said, “It’s so good to see all of you.”

  “Chloe,” Niall called, “what’s this I hear about you still being single? What happened after we saw you in Switzerland?”

  Our sweet Chloe answered, “Nobody wants me, Niall. His Grace can get married at age ninety-five, but I appear to have the gift of singlehood.”

  “Nonsense,” Niall said. “Michael’s not married. Why don’t you four have a double wedding?”

  I would give up my happiness, my Estelle, if I could see Michael and Chloe happily wed. Since neither answered to Niall’s comment, I assumed not much had progressed between the two.

  “I’ve called Emily and let her know you’re here, Grandpa Harry. If you’re ready to get married, we’re ready to host your wedding tomorrow.” Chloe let me know.

  “We can’t marry tonight?” Why had we rushed if the wedding couldn’t happen immediately?

  “It’s late, Father. I’m sure Estelle’s asleep by now.” My son used that logic to comfort me.

  Chloe also said, “We also have a few more touches to add to the house. Can you wait one more day?”

  “No, but I don’t seem to have a choice,” I said a little too loudly, to my friends’ laughter.

  My wedding day couldn’t come fast enough! I couldn’t sleep, so I called Donovan Taylor to make sure all the i’s were dotted and the t’s were crossed.

  “Donovan Taylor?”


  “This is Harry Bennington.”

  “Hello, there, Grandfather!”

  I couldn’t help smiling. “Can’t say I don’t like that moniker. How’s my bride doing?”

  “Has no clue that you’re about to rock her world.” We both got a good chuckle from that statement.


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