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Zero Hour: Where are our Children (A Serial Novel) Episode 5 of 9

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by Gary Sapp

of his body. Thomas recalled the taped recording words of Saul Pepper—his father for him before the damning effects of the Dementia set in for good. The recording told him that he’d forgiven Thomas mother for leaving him and his children to fend for themselves when his illnesses had taken a turn for the worse. Saul figured that one long traumatic bout with his older sister’s terminal condition had been enough for his mom. She wasn’t going to suffer through another. Screw the rest of you, Thomas had always envisioned her saying when she finally left without even the decency of a phone call or a goodbye. How they dealt with this latest family crisis was a business for each person to tackle on their own.

  And it wasn’t until right here…right now that he realized that he’d never forgiven her or forgotten her decision. I never have forgiven any of them. That is why I openly look for married women to sleep with. I don’t openly hate these women or want to destroy what they have…but he did hate the ideology behind the institution of marriage itself.

  And now what will you do with this knowledge you’ve gained, Thomas, whether it was his own or Saul’s voice he could not say. Is it too late for me to turn away from the only behavior I’ve ever known?

  He saw the intern hold a single finger…a single trembling finger up at him now.

  And were those tears in her eyes.

  And just as suddenly Thomas had tucked Saul and his mother and the memories of the distant past away to face again another day; He now remembered the most recent past…and the woman who had become center stage in his life today.

  Serena Tennyson…aka Helen had his other alias—Arnold meet her at yet another baby’s wing of Atlanta’s Memorial hospital on the far East side of town this time.

  And though Thomas had yet to figure out the why in all of this…he had learned that the Intel she was feeding him was accurate and up to date.

  The intern lowered her finger…and her head; it was Showtime or No time for Thomas Pepper. And like the old woman’s grandmother there would be no turning back once this gigantic informational ball got rolling downhill.

  “Good evening. For all of you who may not know me—my name is Thomas Pepper. You will be shocked as I am to hear myself say that I am not quite sure where to begin this evening actually. First, I am happy to help to give credence to the rumors that have been circulating on various blogs and message boards all across the internet the past few hours: I was given specific permission from the highest powers of Atlanta’s Police Department that one of the six missing children as indeed been found. Mathew Clifton was taken to one of the many police sub stations on the city’s Southside by a man who had claimed to be a dissident of Pandora. He had asked for political immunity. He had been turned over to the FBI and was en route to the national headquarters to be debriefed. This man’s name and identity were being kept anonymous for his safety and the well-being of the federal agents who were assigned to escort him there.

  “I speak of this in past tense…because he died of some type of poisoning about an hour after he showed at this substation with young Mathew. This is not…I repeat, this was not the same poisoning that was inflicted on Mayor Johnson. I will ask all of the viewers to be patient with me for I fully intend to address her particular issue as I move further in my dialogue with you.

  “As for this anonymous Pandora agent, the doctor that treated him said that his death was from strychnine poisoning. At the moment they were unsure when or how he was inflicted with this deadly toxin, but once it was ‘turned on’ as one doctor called it, this man’s life came to a quick and agonizing death.”

  “As far as Mathew is concerned, he was treated at an undisclosed hospital for dehydration. He is in serious but stable condition. There were no visible signs of …inappropriate scarring in around his genital areas. Mathew did mention many of the probable Pandora suspects by name including Louis Keaton, Danielle Rohm and Serena Tennyson.”

  “Subsequently, a Good Samaritan wrote down the license plate of a car that had been continually loitering in predominately Black neighborhoods in the hours just before Mathew and this now deceased Pandora agent showed up at the police station. The plate matched a rental car of Lacy Peters who through the aid of surveillance at a Hertz Rental Car is a fake name being used by no other than a dark haired petite woman who always wears black clothing: The same Danielle Rohm that was mentioned by name by Mathew Clifton. She is a ruthless assassin. She is also the woman who I strongly believe murdered my housekeeper when she showed up unexpectedly at my townhouse to clear the premises when Serena made her impromptu visit to me some time ago now.”

  “Now, let us move along to the more ominous news that I have learned in my research, interviews and my conversations with former Pandora agents, sympathizers…and Serena Tennyson herself. I will share this information with you in the reverse order that most People of Color—and many Americans period, would like to know.”

  “This Whirlwind, by Serena Tennyson’s definition is a purging of this city…and the Black Race by fire. When I questioned her on the how…Miss Tennyson failed to be specific. She did tell me that she would use the city’s design and geography against its citizens. She claimed that many would suffer and die in this purging. She said that Atlanta had been burned to ground once and that it could be again. I, like most civilized people in this nation, would side with spirit of Xavier Prince and how his people have visualized their future. We have seen an example of a House in Chains’ resolve when they liberated Carver by any means necessary. I would caution the Circle not to underestimate the resources and the long reach of Serena Tennyson and her Pandora associates. We need only to look at the massacre of the former Memphis police personnel and the fiery death of Louis Keaton’s uncle, a man named Templeton Healey that Serena’s vengeance knows no boundaries or limits.”

  “In our two conversations she also failed to disclose who this Caretaker was. There were several things that she did say…and more importantly to me through my observations that are a great deal more revealing about this man who was the founder of Pandora. This Caretaker’s final wishes that he expressed to Serena is that he wanted this matter resolved with a House in Chains—and all People of Color with as few casualties as possible. Serena Tennyson has the upmost respect for this man which also tells me…which tells something very important about this man’s character. Serena told all of us from my townhouse that true hatemonger’s—people like James Carter, Michael Stanton and Luna Belle have no place in Pandora’s view of the coming world order. If that is truly the case, then the Caretaker could not have been a hatemonger himself. He had to have a caring, if not misguided since of purpose, driving him and his beliefs. In fact, I am so absorbed with my theories on the Caretaker, I almost certain that we would all be shocked by who this man’s true identity was. I certainly emphasize the word was because I am certain that he is dead. I believe that he died within the last five to ten years. If he were alive, then we would know and see far less of Serena at the forefront of Pandora Operations than we’ve been subjected to.”

  “The matter of Mayor Ernestine Johnson’s death is a deep and personal level to me. As many of you already know, I was summoned to her suite and witnessed the final hour or so of her life myself. I know that she died a crippling and undignified death. The poison ate at her. Several independent agents from various disease control centers have identified the likely strain of the virus. They have affirmed that it attacked its victim’s central nervous system. Our Mayor was the first target of this aggressive toxin. We do not know the nature or the disposition of it nor do we know if it is a legitimate threat to the general public. We do now know that President Adolphus Sweet died in the same manner. I’ve said that Mayor Johnson was the first target…and she was just that. The president was shot by an individual named Joseph Champion, who was a former agent, operating outside of Pandora’s chain of command. Mr. Sweet did not die of his wounds due to being shot. This virus that was lying dormant in his system was somehow…activated…and he died the same agonizing death that
Mayor Johnson did. What is more disturbing is this: The Disease for Control Center here in Atlanta was contacted when the Presidents condition quickly eroded. The then Vice President knew the truth. The Director of both the FBI and CIA also knew. And certain high level people within the disease control center had to know as well. What do they have to hide? Why are they hiding it? Are they coconspirators or merely incompetent in their duties?”

  “I leave you with to take these facts as I have given you to do with as each person feels necessary. My independent, non-biased investigation into these matters is now closed. I have completed this process as a promise to our esteemed former mayor. I alleviate myself from any liability from whatever A House in Chains or other groups or individuals may do with this information. I will refrain from taking questions from my brethren in the mass media now or in the near future.”

  “And with my last word I’d like to remind each and every one watching, listening, or scrolling through a transcript of this presentation… there is a deadly government issued virus being used against US Citizens. Whether you are Black, Brown or White this fact should

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