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Second Chance Billionaire (The Billionaire's Club Book 1)

Page 8

by Ann B. Harrison

  By the time they’d done the main area, half of the posters were gone and the spark had gone out of Ruby’s eyes. “If you like, I can take some of these into San Francisco tomorrow and hand them out. May as well put them far and wide to get the best coverage.”

  Ruby rubbed at her heel. “Good idea. Do you mind if we stop for that snack now? I’m feeling very ravenous and a little bit weary. It’s been hectic these last few days.”

  Simon glanced down the street and pointed to a café with outside tables. “Let’s go there. The dogs will be fine, I’m sure.”

  By the time he drove her home, Ruby’s eyelids were heavy. He walked her to the door and held it open. “If you need me for anything, call okay? I don’t want you running yourself ragged for this when I can help. Tyler will too. Just ask us.”

  “Thanks, Simon but you’ve done heaps already. Maybe on adoption day you can call and say hello. Tell your friends about it and wish us luck. We need these babies to find new homes for the good of all those that follow.”

  He gave her a quick hug, tempted to kiss her goodnight but she’d already turned away. “Will do. Take care of yourself, Ruby.”

  She walked inside and shut the door. He returned to his car, a little deflated. But at least they’d had some time together which was nice. It only made him realize how much he really wanted to be with her.

  He was doing everything he could think of to make her life easier without taking over and pissing her off. What more would it take for Ruby to give him a second chance?

  Chapter 12

  Simon threw down his control pad and groaned.

  “Man, you are so out of sorts it’s ridiculous. Still mooning over Ruby?” Tyler kicked his chair back and put his feet up on the edge of his sprawling desk.

  “I don’t know what you mean?”

  Tyler laughed and slapped his leg. “Bullshit. You’ve been sulking all week. The girl asks for a break from your week of dates to move the business over to the property that you had a hand in, and you go into sulking teenager mode even though you managed to worm your way in for a visit anyway.” Tyler stood and walked past him, knocking him in the shoulder as he made his way to the glass fronted refrigerator. He grabbed himself a can of soda and pulled the tab. “You’re still gone on her; admit it.”

  Simon rolled his eyes. “So what? You knew that. Everyone knows that except her.”

  “Not sure these dates were such a good idea after all.” He lifted his soda and slurped it down.

  Simon shook his head. “You know, you’d have to be the last person in the world to talk. When did you last have a date?” When Tyler didn’t answer, he sighed. “Just look at the pair of us, would you? You’d think that our lives would be fantastic. We got the deal we wanted. Made millions overnight and what did it do for our love lives? Absolutely freaking nothing! Both of us are still alone.”

  Tyler slumped into his chair, his lips turned down and a frown marring his brow. “I always said I’d never change when we hit the bigtime. I’d be the only billionaire running around in my old car, wearing my torn jeans, looking the same as I did before.”

  Simon glanced at the jeans Tyler’d been wearing five years ago. They were faded, thinner and wearing in places and shouldn’t be worn. “And how’s that working out for you?”

  He picked up a paperclip and threw it at Simon. “Look who’s talking.”

  “What? At least I’ve done something with my life. I’ve invested money, donated to charities. What’ve you done besides hoard your money?”

  Tyler scowled. “So have I. I bought my Mom a house. And even shelled out for a new car. What more do you want from me?”

  “Just look at how sad and lonely we are.” He leaned back in his chair, running his hands through his hair. “We sit in this damned pretentious office, with all our toys trying to come up with something new and we’re so lonely, it’s not funny. We’re both so scared that people will only want us for our money, we’ve shut them all out. Hardly anyone gets a look in anymore. When did we get to be so afraid?”

  Tyler shrugged. “You haven’t. You’ve used some of yours wisely. Given to the right people.” He threw his empty can in the recycling bin.

  “And made stupid decisions with my personal life. Which I’m trying to change. Speaking of which, Graham told me the house next to mine is coming up for private tender.” He watched the flicker of interest in Tyler’s eyes. “It’d be a good investment if nothing else. I know the place needs work but you could do it.”

  Tyler glanced over at him. “It’s going to cost a lot to buy it, let alone renovate it.”

  “But think of the profit you’d make if you ever sold it.”

  “Not like I need the money.”

  “No, because you’re such a tight wad you never spend what you have. Buy it. I want you next door to me instead of in that concrete high rise you live in. It has no heart, no soul.”

  Tyler rolled his eyes. “Since when did you become so philosophical?”

  “No idea but I like the idea of you being next door. Best buddies and all. I think it’s perfect.”

  Tyler remained silent.

  “It has a boatshed at the bottom of the garden.”

  Tyler’s head whipped up and a slow smile curved his lips. “Really?”

  “Sure does.” Simon swiveled around in his chair and brought up a recent photo of the property on a real estate site. He put it on the overhead screen. “Look at that little beauty.”

  Tyler leaned forward in his chair. “There’s room in there for at least two boats. Wow.”

  “It’s not going on the open market. Call Graham and tell him you want it.”

  “Graham? What’s it got to do with him? I didn’t think he dealt with the domestic market.”

  “He knows who is handling it. It was him who suggested you might like it.” A spark of interest shone in Tyler’s eyes. Yes! “Do it, Tyler. Our kids can grow up together.”

  “Unless it comes with a ready-made wife and you get lucky all of a sudden, you’re in for a great disappointment, pal. Both of us are tragic singles and that’s not looking like it’ll change any time soon. You can’t even get Ruby to stick to the seven dates you paid for.” He pulled out his cell phone and scrolled through the contacts before looking at Simon again. “Do you really think I should?”

  “Yeah, man. I do. If we don’t get lucky in the girl department, and just for the record – I gave her a temporary pass while they go on the big adoption drive and make the move to the new place - at least we can sit in the garden and complain to each other about being rich and alone. There isn’t anyone else I’d rather do that with. But,” he leaned forward, “I don’t intend that to happen. I’m going to help Ruby move this shelter and then I’m going in for the attack. I will make her fall in love with me again if it’s the last thing I do. And then we’re going to focus on you. There’s someone out there for you, pal, trust me on this one.”

  He rolled his eyes despite the grin on his lips. “Give me strength.” Tyler hit the call button on his cell. “Graham, hey, it’s Tyler. I hear we need to have a little chat about a certain property for sale you think might be up my alley, so to speak.”

  * * *

  Ruby crossed the name of the next volunteer off the list. “One of the girls will help you collect your charge for the move. I can’t thank you enough for offering to help us transport the animals today.”

  Mabel Tishler smiled and adjusted the pearl necklace around her throat. “You’re very welcome. Laura and Graham are friends of ours and if they say we should become involved, well, we want to do everything we can to help. They both speak so highly of you too.” The tiny lady in front of her leaned in and whispered, “I might be in the market for a new cat. It’s been a few years since my Toby passed away. I think it’s time. Do you think you can help me, sweetheart? Laura won’t let me go anywhere else and I think she’s right too.” She dabbed at her eyes with a tissue. “If I can help some poor dumped animal, I will. Tragic, just
tragic what people do to their pets.”

  Ruby put her arm around the older woman’s shoulders, loving her enthusiasm and zest for life. “I know I can. How about you give me a call on Monday and we can make an appointment for you to come and see me when I have more time? I know we have some beautiful animals desperate for their fur-ever home. You can sit and spend some time with a couple of our gorgeous charges and make a choice.”

  “Graham said you were a sweet thing and would look after me. I appreciate it, now I must go and get my charge and move them to their new shelter.” She picked up her cat cage, the one with Toby picked out in sparkly gems on the top of the door, and scurried away to help.

  “Next please.”

  “Ruby.” Simon’s voice made her look up.

  “Hey. How are you?” She hadn’t expected to see him today. He gave her a warm smile and her heart melted just a little.

  “Good. I heard you need help. I can move a few dogs if you like. Give me a couple of the bigger ones.”

  “That’s so sweet of you, Simon. Thank you. That was always going to be the most difficult area today so I really appreciate it.” She glanced at her spreadsheet again and chose two of the larger dogs because she knew he could handle them. “If you want to go down to the boarding kennels, Carly is there helping hand over the dogs.” She made a note on a card and gave it to him. “These are the two you’re taking and the address of the new shelter is on the back.”

  “I know where it is. Can I catch up with you at the other end?” He stared at her with such hope in his eyes that she found it hard to say no. He really was trying to get back into her good graces again and she didn’t have the heart to fight him. Not when her feelings were still so in tune with him.

  “I don’t know what time we’ll finish tonight. We have to get the animals settled and that’s going to take time. It might be better if you wait a few days. I’ll make it up to you, promise.”

  He looked back at the line of people waiting to help out. “There must be something I can do to help at the other end.”

  She thought for a moment. “Actually, yeah, there is. When you deliver the dogs to the shelter, would you mind going and letting my guys out for a quick play in the yard. They’ve been locked up for hours and I can see them getting into trouble inside if I’m home late. I haven’t given them as much time as I should’ve this week. It’s been so hectic and I really feel terrible about leaving them alone so much.” She pulled her keys out of her pocket and slid one off. “This is the front door key. I have a spare somewhere in the garden so don’t rush back with it. Not sure where I’ll be to be honest.”

  Simon took it. “Sure thing.” He slid it in his pocket. “Well, I’ll go and get these dogs moved and catch up with you later on then?”

  “Thanks, Simon. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. This week has been total chaos.” So far things had gone well but she was running on adrenaline and coffee. By the end of the day, Ruby could see herself crashing in a heap and sleeping for a week. But who had time for that?

  He smiled and headed down to the kennels, following the stream of people who’d already gone to do their job.

  “Next please.”

  By the time the last animal was out of the kennels, Ruby was feeling frazzled. Everything had gone to plan but she’d been on tenterhooks waiting for something to go wrong. Something to kick her in the butt and say, ‘Joke. This isn’t really happening.’

  Now she was at the new shelter and everyone was settling in, the adrenaline slump hit her like a tank. Her shoulders drooped and she struggled to calm her shattered nerves. A lump rose unbidden in her throat and tears welled in her eyes. She couldn’t stop the wash of emotion.

  “You okay?” Carly put a hand on her shoulder as a sob hiccupped in her throat.

  “Yeah. I guess so. This has been a huge day and I still can’t believe we’re actually here.” If someone had told her a year ago that this would be on the cards, she would’ve called them out on it. Things like this didn’t happen to Ruby. She struggled to deal with good luck, always ready to accept the bad side of life. As much as she tried not to, dealing with dumped animals every day had taken the shine off of hope for her.

  A car door slammed and a scuffle of feet on the pavement toward the office reached her ears. The door opened and her babies barreled into the office closely followed by Simon.

  “What’s going on?” She knelt down and was covered in slobbery kisses, letting the tears have their way.

  Simon shut the door and stood with Ziggy in his arms. “I figured you might need to see these guys after the day you’ve had.”

  She shared a glance with Carly who raised her eyebrows. “I might go and get some pizza. What do you say, guys?”

  Simon gave her a self-conscious grin. “Actually, Tyler is on his way over now with food. Poor guy was dying to help out but he had other things planned so this is his way of making up for it. I wasn’t sure how many people would still be here and I might have over-catered.”

  “That’s very sweet of you, Simon but you didn’t have to do that.” It was amazing of him to think of them all. But that was the Simon she used to know. Kind, courteous and helpful. She had trouble marrying the old Simon to the billionaire he was now. Something had to have changed and she dreaded to find out what that was.

  She wiped the backs of her hands over her face, trying to repair the mess the sudden onslaught of tears made.

  * * *

  Simon glanced between Ruby and Carly. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  “I’ll go and tidy up the kitchen before Tyler gets here.” Carly retreated and left them alone.

  “Sorry. Big day. Emotional month and it’s getting to me.” Ruby tried to laugh but it came out as a sob.

  Simon reached for her and pulled her against his chest. Her body shuddered and she gave into her tears. He smoothed his hand over her back until she calmed down.

  “Sorry.” Her voice was muffled against his chest and his shirt was wet with tears but he was happier than he’d been in ages. Ruby was in his arms and letting him comfort her.

  “Don’t be sorry. You’ve had a lot to deal with and you’ve done amazingly well. I’m proud of you, Ruby.”

  She lifted a tear streaked face to look at him. “Really? You think so?”

  He looped his hands behind her back and smiled. “Yeah, I do. You’re amazing and I’m proud to know you.”

  Ruby blinked and licked her lips. That was the trigger. Simon lowered his head and touched her mouth with his. Bliss. She didn’t move away and he took that as a promising sign. He found the small curve of her top lip with his tongue and traced it before kissing her properly. She had the sweetest lips and Simon was lost in the kiss almost immediately.

  This is where he wanted to be. In the arms of the woman he loved. They could do this, repair the past and move on. He was sure of it.

  Ruby pushed against his chest and brought him back to earth. “I don’t think…you said just friends…”

  He dropped his arms. He was rushing her, stepping out of line when they hadn’t even discussed the future. Had he blown it by being impatient? “Gosh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get carried away.”

  Simon stepped back as the door opened and Tyler strode in, pizza boxes in his arms. “Hey, guys. Don’t let me interrupt anything.” He winked at Simon and gave Ruby a tip of his chin. “Looking good there, Ruby. Sorry I couldn’t get here earlier. Where should I put this?”

  She moved away from Simon and the space between them grew cold. He rubbed a hand around the back of his neck and gave his friend a death stare. Tyler shrugged.

  How on earth was he going to fix this? Had moving too fast pushed her away for good?

  Chapter 13

  Simon gave Ruby a couple of days to herself before calling her. “Listen, I have meetings today and a deadline for a program Tyler and I are working on but how do you feel about coming into the office and having dinner with us? Just like old times.” He held his breath. It
was a gamble suggesting it but Simon couldn’t help himself. Would she be as interested as him in rekindling the past? Was she going to give him another chance? “I can arrange the food, you’d only need to show up.”

  “Um, maybe. I have a late appointment for another adoption. That’ll bring the number to fifty-five this month. We’re going to meet the target.”

  “Hey, good work. I’m impressed.” She’d done so well.

  “You helped and everyone has been so good at sharing the idea around. Looks like we’re going to meet Graham’s target and get free rent.” She huffed out a breath. “What a crazy month it’s been.”

  “It has but you’ve done an amazing job. Listen, you can bring the brood. George always comes to work with me when Mom’s away.” He glanced down at the snoring French Bulldog in his own bed beside the desk. George didn’t care where he was, Simon’s office, the basement or at his mom’s place; so long as he had his bed and people to pet him when he felt the need, he’d be a happy dog.

  “Are you sure?”

  He’d do anything to get more time with her and the dogs weren’t a problem. He genuinely liked each and every one of the. Especially little Ziggy. She was fast becoming a firm favorite. “Of course. Wait until you see where we work.”

  She laughed. “Now you really have me intrigued. I guess I can’t say no then. But let me do the food since you’re busy. What time and where?”

  Simon rattled off the address. “I’ll let security know you’re coming and they’ll show you up to my office. And I’ll leave the food up to you if that’s what you want. Your choice.”

  “I’ll do the food. But security? What are you guys dealing with? State secrets?”

  “May as well be. Our stuff is pretty high tech these days. I’ll give you a tour when you get here.” He couldn’t wait to show her how much they’d improved and what they were working on now.


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