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Second Chance Billionaire (The Billionaire's Club Book 1)

Page 13

by Ann B. Harrison

  His mom put down her knife and fork. “Sorry, love. I didn’t know it was a secret.”

  Ruby glanced at him, her back stiffening. “Think nothing of it, Margaret. It’s fine.”

  But it wasn’t. For the rest of the evening, she was polite but reserved. Her defenses were up and Simon guessed he was in the firing line. Graham had warned him to tell her and he’d tried once then forgotten about it. This wasn’t going to end well.

  She kept quiet until they were almost at her house. “You owned that land.”

  “That’s right.”

  “And you conveniently sold it to Graham to give to us.”

  “Not exactly.” He pulled over and parked in her driveway before explaining. “I’ve owned it for years. Originally I had it earmarked for a shopping center. I figured that one day when the town grew it would be in the perfect spot for development. I honestly hadn’t given it much thought of late because it was an investment I was prepared to sit on. One Graham suggested I take about four years ago.”

  Her lips thinned as she pressed them together. A sure sign of building temper. “He keeps popping up. Funny that.”

  “Not really and not to me. He is a family friend after all and he advises me on land deals. I’ve even gone into a few with him as partner.”

  Ruby glanced out the window. “Sounds a bit suspect to me.”

  “There’s nothing fishy about Graham and once you get to know him better, you’ll find that out for yourself. What you did for him and Laura when you let them adopt Bubbles is true. Laura wouldn’t have made it without that little scrap of fluff. They’re both lovely people and very generous. They needed to do something in their son’s name to make sure he was never forgotten because that’s the kind of people they are. They decided your shelter was a worthy cause and I happen to agree.”

  “You lied to me, Simon. Even if it was by omission, you lied. Just when I thought things were going to go well between us and I was ready to try again, you failed to tell me the truth. I figured you would’ve known I hate that.”

  He slapped his hand on the steering wheel. “That is so far out of left field, it’s funny. I’m not trying to hide things from you, Ruby. It’s the last thing I’d do after the way we broke up. That was all my fault for being such an ass. Do you think I’d run the risk of it happening again when I’m finally making headway with you?” He took a deep breath.

  “I don’t believe you. I think you set the whole thing up. The donation from him at the fundraiser, the bidding for a date with me and then the follow-up deal for the shelter. You just didn’t think I’d find out.” She opened the door and got out. “Thanks for the ride home.”

  She slammed the door and stormed off without looking back. Simon waited until she was in the house and reversed out of the driveway and headed for home.

  Getting Ruby back had just taken a nose-dive he wasn’t expecting. So many small steps and now he’d blown it again. There might be no coming back from this one.

  He put the car in gear and headed home. All the way he cursed himself for not telling her how the deal really went. But she wasn’t in the right frame of mind to listen to him tonight. Perhaps she never would.

  He skidded the car around the final bend toward his house and came to a sudden halt staring at the darkened building. He’d hoped to bring her here, to show her how much he cared. Now it looked as though that plan was in jeopardy. He’d stuffed up again and he didn’t like his chances of fixing it.

  Simon put his foot on the gas pedal and drove into the quiet house for another solitary night on his own.

  Chapter 18

  Ruby showed him into the meeting room where the dog she wanted to introduce him to sat with a carer. “What do you think, Graham? Do you like her?”

  He crouched down and held his hand out to the little poodle. “She’s adorable. Can I bring Laura over this afternoon? She’s dying to come and see what you have for us but she had another engagement this morning.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that. Of course you can.” This little girl was going to have the best home with Graham and his wife if they bonded with her.

  He stood and took her arm as they walked out into the hallway. “Listen, I want to clear something up with you.”

  She smiled at him. “Sure, what is it?”


  “Ah, right. Not sure I want to hear it, Graham. Simon lied to me and I won’t stand for that. He knows how I feel about honesty. Using you to cover his tracks was despicable. And to think I was almost ready to get back together with him.”

  “Ruby, sit down and let me speak.” He waited until she took a chair in the waiting area.

  “He had nothing to do with it. Honestly, it was all my idea. After the fundraiser, Laura and I talked. Everything I told you is true. We wanted to help you find a permanent home and I knew Simon owned this block of land in what we considered the perfect area because I’m the one who found it for him. All I did was ask him to sell it to me so I could offer it to the shelter. Totally my idea. He had no clue I was doing it until I hit him up to sell.”

  She glanced at him, wanting to believe what he was saying but not prepared to admit it yet. It still hurt that she’d been so easily deceived. “Really?”

  “Yes, really. He mentioned that he wished he could do something like that for you but it was out of his hands. We both agreed that you needed to be close to town or the shelter wouldn’t be as worthy as it could be. I got that and this land was perfect. It wasn’t hard to talk him into selling it. It was an investment I advised him to purchase years ago. He made money on it. So don’t go thinking he did me or you any favors.”

  “He made money?” That might ease her guilt a little.

  “Of course he did. More than doubled his original buying price. By selling it to me, he made millions.” Graham smiled at her. Ruby wanted to crawl into a dark space and hide. “I know how he feels about you and he’s too proud to stuff up again when it comes to you and money.” He paused. “Look, Simon would give you everything he had but he knows you won’t take it unless your back was to the wall. Like the auction, for example. That was too public for you to refuse.” He smiled and she groaned. “I happen to know that he limits himself to doing a drop off of blankets or dried food now and then. Nothing anyone else wouldn’t do. He’s desperate to help but refuses to belittle your efforts by throwing money at the shelter.”

  “He really said that?” If only it were true.

  “He did. We’ve discussed it many a time. It was him who suggested we come and adopt a dog when Niall passed away. Laura was too heartbroken when he first suggested it but after a couple of hints from Simon, she started to listen.”

  “That was kind of him to think of us.” She put her head in her hands. “Thank you for telling me, Graham. I’ll think about what you’ve said.”

  Graham laughed. “Oh you’re a stubborn, strong woman, Ruby. I like you very much.”

  “I shredded him last night. Made him feel so small and now I’m going to go begging for forgiveness.”

  “It’s a wise person who knows when to apologize and an even a wiser person who knows when to accept that apology, no matter how much they were hurt.”

  She held her flaming cheeks in her hands. “What a mess!”

  “I’m sure you’ll sort it out. Now I must go and attend to some business. Shall we say two o’clock for me to bring Laura over?”

  “That’s fine, I look forward to it. Thanks for clearing that up, Graham. Please don’t let on what a fool I am. Not to anyone.”

  He touched the side of his nose. “Our secret.”

  Ruby saw him out and walked into the office, collapsing into the chair in front of Carly’s desk. Her best friend held out a message slip for her.

  “Simon called. You still owe him a date apparently. He wants to collect tonight. Plus he said he had something to show you.”

  It might be her chance to apologize. Ruby glanced at the scrap of paper. “Seven-thirty. Where?”
  Carly’s nails paused over the calculator she was hammering away at. “He said you’d know. Some special place where you two used to go and dream about your future. Our little beach was all he told me. Call him if you can’t figure it out.”

  It had to be their spot. Not that it ever would be theirs but it was as good a place as anywhere to beg for forgiveness.

  Ruby dressed with care, doing her hair so most of it fell around her shoulders and the side bits were pulled back with sparkly combs. Simon used to love running his fingers through her long locks when they were sitting talking about their future. She could almost imagine him doing it again, sending shivers down her spine just like before. That was if she could fix this. She couldn’t imagine being so close and stuffing things up.

  Ruby chose her clothing with care. She wore a flowing dress, midnight blue with tiny white daisies sprinkled around the hem. When she walked, they fluttered around her ankles. She glanced in the bottom of her wardrobe for shoes. If she was going to the beach, something she could kick off would be the way to go. She slid on a pair of strappy thongs and glanced in the mirror.

  “What do you think, puppies? Good to go?”

  They stood watching her, heads tilted as they listened to her talking. She grabbed her purse and car keys and patted each of them on the head before she left. “Won’t be long. Be good.”

  Ruby headed to the wharf and parked her car before walking down the small flight of stairs to the sand. She stood for a moment counting the boats bobbing in the ocean to steady her nerves before kicking off her shoes, holding them in one hand and walking toward the little part of the beach they used to call their own, hoping she was in the right place.

  Simon stood near the rocks that secluded the tiny bay they used to sneak into at low tide. The private beach that wasn’t open to the public. The elderly couple who’d lived there never ventured down to the water so they’d figured they were safe.

  “Ruby. You look stunning.” He held out his hand and she stared at him for a silent moment before taking it. His skin was soft and warm. “Thanks for coming.”

  “How could I refuse? I owed you a date.” She didn’t mean to sound so bitchy. “Sorry.”

  “You know I would’ve understood if you’d decided not to after last night.”

  “Yeah, well. You can hardly blame me. But I have an apology to make.” She paused and took back her hand, glancing over the ocean before going back to look him in the face. “I had Graham over today. He wanted to see the little dog I was holding for him and Laura.”

  Simon smiled. “That’s nice. Did they adopt it?”

  “They did. Laura was in tears and it was all very emotional.”

  “That’s sweet. I didn’t know he was serious about getting a friend for Bubbles.”

  “Yeah, he was keen to add to the family. Anyway, that wasn’t what I wanted to talk about. He told me how the land deal really went down.” She swallowed. “I’m sorry I doubted you. You didn’t deserve my snippy attitude when you’d been so kind.”

  He shrugged. “You had every right to be upset. I would’ve been too if I’d only heard the same thing you did. It wasn’t up to me to tell you the story though. That was Graham’s business and I do appreciate that he told you about it eventually.”

  “Simon, I get it was his business but you could’ve told me it was all his idea instead of letting me grill you like that.”

  He licked his lips. “Would you have believed me?”

  Her cheeks flamed. “No.”

  He shrugged. “After the way we broke up, I wasn’t silly enough to think I could throw money at you and have any chance of getting you back in case you found out. You have no idea how hard it was for me to only donate the odd blankets or trays of dog food. I was hesitant of doing more than the average citizen in case you found out and thought I was trying to buy you back. That almost killed me.”


  “Yeah. I was so tempted to give you a big cash donation or a huge delivery of food but I couldn’t do it. It felt like I would be undermining your work if I stepped in and threw my money around.”

  “And you still want me back knowing how I feel about that?” After what she’d put him through, why would he?

  “Of course I do. There’s never been anyone else but you.”

  She found it hard to believe that someone as good looking and eligible as Simon wouldn’t have women hanging off of his arm all the time. She was still confused as to why he was still single. “All this time, you’ve been waiting for me to, what – realize what we had?”

  “I guess so. Sounds strange when you say it like that. But the thing I want the most, apart from you by my side, is your forgiveness.”

  He said it with such sincerity that Ruby almost cried out. This was a much more compassionate man than the one she’d known before. More grown up, more mature. He seemed more relaxed in his own skin. Their time apart had done him good from what she could see.

  “You know it’s funny. Some days I wake up and wonder what you’re doing, where you are. And then I remember what you said, the group of people that you lumped me with and I want to hit out and make you hurt the way you hurt me.”

  He dropped his gaze.

  “You can never take that back, Simon. I was the person rooting for you and Tyler to succeed. The one who brought you meals when it was impossible for you to go out because you were that close to nailing your program glitches.” She took a breath knowing she had to get this off her chest if they were to have any hope of making this work. She had to say the words out loud to him and share her pain so he understood what he’d done to her. Perhaps then she could let it go.

  “I was the girlfriend who never complained when we didn’t go on dates like other couples did because I understood what was important. We were together at least. And I figured that one day, our time would come. You’d finally make the big time and we’d be able to relax a little bit. We’d go on a date now and then. A proper date like other people did and not pizza from a box on the couch while your programs updated or you sorted out some particularly complex code.”

  “It was what I hoped too.”

  “But I was never that girl who was chasing the boyfriend with the money. I didn’t have plans for a mass shopping spree when you hit the big time. I wasn’t with you because I saw dollar signs at the end of it. I liked simple things. You, me, our fur babies.”

  He swallowed and pain radiated from his eyes but it was too late to stop now. He’d asked and for the first time, she was telling it like it was.

  “My mission in life was to rescue dogs, make a happy home with you and have a family. That one stupid sentence you came up with blew that dream for me. But you know what hurts the most?”

  He shook his head.

  “That you would lump me in with money grubbers. That you didn’t think more of me, of my character. I thought we understood each other, Simon. I thought we were all part of the team, working toward the same goal but I was so wrong.”

  “No, you weren’t. I failed, I get that. You have no idea how many times I’ve gone over that conversation in my head and wished I could take it all back.”

  “Tyler called and told me it was his idea but you know what? You went along with it. Life isn’t that easy, is it?”

  “No and you and I both know that. Yes. I could’ve argued with Tyler but we were both shell shocked, I think. Not thinking straight. But that aside, we know there’s still something between us. Something I think we’d be silly not to explore. I get I can never take back those words, Ruby. But can’t you at least give me the chance to make new ones? To tell you how much I still love you and want to be with you? And the things we can do together with our fur babies.” He stared into her eyes. “If you’d just give me a chance, I can show you what I’ve done for the community. The foundations Tyler and I’ve set up. The good things we do with our money.” He gave her a soft smile and took her hands again. “What do you want out of life Ruby?” He slipped an arm aro
und her shoulders and walked her along the sandy shore.

  “I want to be happy, to help people, help animals. I’m not saying I’ll be at the shelter forever because there are so many other things I could do, people I could help. What about you? Tell me about these great causes.”

  “I always wanted to use my money for others. With my folks only barely getting by and Tyler’s mom doing it tough on her own, I figured if I ever had the money, that’s what I’d do. I don’t need millions, Ruby. I like what I can buy now but more than that I love what I can achieve for others. I figured the house would play a part in that. I’ve just been waiting for you to come back so that vision would be brought to life.”

  She looked at him, her eyes wide. “What house?”

  “Our house. The one we always said we wanted.”

  Her mouth dropped open and she looked up the hill at the gorgeous old Victorian mansion that had been such a big part of their dreams. “You bought it?”

  “Yeah, I did. And Tyler’s in the process of settling on the property next door. It’s freaking him out spending so much money. You know what he’s like. Can you imagine the balls and fundraisers we could hold there? Fund raisers that you could manage if you had the venue, money and the connections. It’s your thing, Ruby, finding good causes and fighting for them. Between us we could do so much good in the world.”

  * * *

  He walked her around the rocks and stood looking up at the house he’d bought with her in mind. The house they’d both dreamed about owning. The lights were on inside and a picnic basket sat on a blanket on the edge of the grass. He walked her up the stone steps and paused. “This is our home. I brought it for us, Ruby. You, me and our fur babies. Plus any real babies we might be lucky enough to have.”

  She gazed at it with wonder in her eyes. “Our house. I don’t believe it.”

  “Believe it. Do you want to go up and have a look?”

  Ruby shook her head. “No. I want to sit down here with you and gaze at it for a while. I need to let it all sink in.”


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