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Choosing Her Alpha

Page 16

by Isoellen

  Sasha shook her head. "As far as I know, there is only one way into that bathing room, and I'd rather avoid it for now."

  "Because of the harem?" Lilla smiled knowingly.

  Sasha gave her a look and sniffed the air. What was her friend up to? She wasn't making fun of Sasha not wanting to deal with Kane's women. Instead, the twinkle in her eyes implied something entirely different.

  Lilla looked at Lanny. "Do we tell her?"

  "Well, she kept secrets from us..." Lanny trailed off, one last rebuke for putting her and her sister through that frightening experience without any warning.

  Sasha took a threatening step forward. "You had better tell me everything. What's going on?" She didn't have the energy for games.

  "You’re no fun. Get on the table so we can get to the fuzz removal. Then we will tell you what was happening while you were sleeping."

  Sasha begrudgingly adjusted her towel and climbed up on the padded table. She hadn't known what it was for or why it would be in Kane's bathing room. It seemed like an odd place for a bed like structure.

  It was Lanny who piped up with the information that it was a massage table, which set Sasha to daydreaming about Kane's muscles and how she wanted to massage them.

  Although Kane had taken off his shirt to give her his own, and she had hazy memories of the satin warmth of Kane's naked chest, she really hadn't seen him. He had gotten to see and touch her, with his devastating whisper touches and soapy cloth, but he denied her the same chance.

  Sasha wanted her chance.

  She moaned thinking of it.

  "Fuck, girl. What are you thinking about?" Lanny laughed. She handed Sasha a damp washcloth. "Clean yourself up and stop it. I'm not gonna wax you down there if you're doing that. Everyone always said you were this special kind of woman and we knew you could do some odd things, but this? I don't know what to call this."

  Embarrassed again, but giggling at Lanny's sarcasm, Sasha used the washcloth to clean herself. "This is all involuntary. I can't help it. But at least it's because of…"

  She stopped herself. They knew she had feelings for Kane, but Sasha didn't want to examine all of that. He was holding himself back, keeping himself from her. She hated it. But she wouldn't be declaring him her bonded, or her mate, or even her friend until she knew where he stood.

  "At least it's not some stranger I don't know making me wet all over myself. That was... that was horrible."

  "That can happen?" Lilla's eyes were wide.

  "With any alpha," Sasha said.

  "Oh, Sasha," Lilla said in sympathy.

  "Now before you do something to get me all crazy again, you guys have secrets. What do you know? I'm tired of being in the dark." Sasha leaned back on the table, entrusting herself to their beauty treatments.

  "Davila told us the queen is coming to dismantle the harem today. The concubines are leaving, and she wants you there."

  Lilla waved in the general direction of the harem. "Bye-bye, hootie-coos"

  "Hootie-coos?" Sasha laughed.

  "I heard one of the beta guards call them that."

  "What does the queen have to do with the harem?" Sasha was so confused.

  "She set it up, you goof. She organized one for all her mature, unmated sons. Did you know that alpha has fifteen living brothers?" Lanny asked.

  "And three living sisters! The youngest is ten years old! She visits here a lot, but doubt she'll be coming here today." Lilla said.

  As only servants who gossiped about the goings on of the upper classes could, the twins filled Sasha in on all the things they'd been told by the household staff.

  "Everyone says the queen is very nice, it's her entourage that can be haughty and expects all the pomp and ceremony they can get." Lilla stuck her nose in the air and made condescending noises until Sasha laughed.

  They speculated on the queen and what it was going to be like to "dismantle" the harem while covering Sasha head to toe in lotions. There was so much slippery, creamy stuff that Sasha wasn't convinced they were doing it right. Few drones from the slums knew of personal hair removal and deep skin moisturizers.

  Lilla picked out jars and held them over Sasha's nose to smell test. Both girls were well acquainted with Sasha’s picky nose. They settled on a couple thing with fancy names. One left Sasha smelled like strawberries and the other left her skin with a subtle silver glow.

  Lilla pulled papers from the basket of girly supplies and read the directions out loud while Lanny followed them, making Sasha feel like a test subject.

  "This one goes on first." Lilla held up a bottle. "This is second. Wait five minutes, use this to scrape, and then this one goes last." She held up more tools and bottles.

  Sasha was not reassured. "If you touch my woman's curls, I will hold you both down myself and shave your heads bald."

  Lanny laughed; fierce Sasha was so funny. But fierce Sasha was serious.

  Their time in the bathing room getting ready for the queen felt like a balm to Sasha. The steady, giggling presence of her friends eased a bit of the sharp edges to the recent ugly discoveries.

  Sasha had learned in school that omega breeders were social creatures, that omega's needed constant company and that isolation could lead to despondency, which in turn lead to death.

  The teaching made it sound like that company needed to come from an alpha. Sasha missed Kane. She wanted him here. But he could never give her this.

  Chapter 15

  An alpha guard escorted Sasha to the meeting. A group of people dressed in stiff formal wear stood in two straight lines outside the open doors of a room she’d never been in before. Their faces were blank, but Sasha was well aware of their radiating disapproval.

  She had kept the queen waiting.

  This room was modern like all the rooms in this part of Kane's compound. Its large windows were swathed in white, gauzy curtains. There were soft white carpets on the floor, and the furniture was all dark gray.

  It felt sterile and cold. Even the huge vases of white flowers didn't soften it.

  Sasha spent most of her time in comfortable drone spaces and Kane's wing. She wondered how many formal rooms there were that she had never visited.

  Already engaged in friendly conversation, the queen, Sara, and Doctor Bruns stood when Sasha entered. She blushed—looked at the floor, the ceiling—and almost fled the room. Even a slum girl knew it was weird that older, respected breed stood when she entered.

  Not only did the queen stand, but she rushed around chairs and tables to pull Sasha in for a friendly hug.

  "Hello, beautiful girl. I've heard so much about you."

  Annalise wore a colorful wrap dress like Sasha's that hugged her curves. Her middle was a little thicker, and the bottom half of her dress belled out as if her shape was more pear these days than a true hourglass, but she was still a strikingly beautiful woman. She wore a choker like the one Sasha had on, the large medallion resting high atop her cleavage.

  With eyes the exact copy of Kane’s, the queen regarded Sasha with so much warmth and affection that she almost burst into tears.

  Seeing her shining eyes, Annalise hugged her again, tighter this time. The queen smelled like spring flowers and felt like the embodiment of love.

  "Beautiful, amazing girl. Come sit down now. I am so happy to be here and to get to chat with my friends. I'm sorry, I know it's nosey, but they have been keeping me updated about you since your first appointment. I hope you understand. No privacy for breeders, I'm afraid. Everyone knows our deepest secrets.

  "I should be more respectful—being nosey gets me into trouble. My husband threatens to chain me, my daughters stop speaking to me when I embarrass them. It's terrible, but it's my nature. You'll indulge me, won't you? I really would like to be friends."

  The queen took Sasha's hand and pulled her to the couch, sitting close to touch. It felt like they’d known each other for ages. Struck speechless, Sasha could only nod as she gazed down at the hand holding hers.

  The q
ueen was wearing three rings with white jewels that sparkled like stars, antiques from a bygone age. The 12 Sectors now focused on practical products that everyone needed. The rings must have been salvaged from the treasures of long ago.

  Distracted by the baubles, overwhelmed by the Queen, Sasha missed Sara's question.

  Seated with Doctor Bruns across from them, drinking tea, Sara repeated, "Are you up for a full exam today, Sasha? Kane requested one."

  "Kane?" It was his name that pulled her out of her daze. Sasha knew she was a pathetic mess where he was concerned. She couldn't fight it if she tried, blamed it all on biology and his powerful Kane-ness. Every unmated breeder on the planet would be brainless mush in his presence, she was sure of it.

  Sara smiled, the doctor chuckled, and the queen gave Sasha's knee a pat. "Yes, Sasha. He said he noted a change in your smell. We can do the exam in your rooms, if you’d like. No need for you to go to the clinic."

  Sasha looked at the queen, who returned her gaze with open affection. "I know you don't know me from the girl down the street, but girls like you are a special project of mine. And you are so, so special. We didn't plan this so I could be here at the same time, but I would very much like to be with you for your exam. I'll hold your hand and make sure they treat you like the sweet, clever girl you are."

  "You have had doctor's appointments before, then?" Sasha said, unable to hide her smile.

  "With many pregnancies come many doctors. Kane isn't the only male I know who chops off hands when doctors get too touchy. I couldn't believe it when Sara told me about that slimy man. He'd been working there for five years. His whole staff—" She stopped herself.

  Sasha knew then that the doctor wasn't the only one who died that day.

  "Well, we won't speak of it," The queen announced. "But do you mind if I attend your appointment?"

  Sasha took a moment to decide, studying the people gathered around her. There was no deception in their smell. They smelled honest. Honest and excited.

  As if the appointment started right then, all three of them took turns asking questions. They wanted to know everything about her. Nothing was sacred.

  When they finally went back to her room for the exam, the small bed in Kane’s changing room had been moved to the main chamber. They all fussed and preened about the way Sasha had made up her bed. Suddenly she wished she had been able to keep that private.

  When Dr. Bruns touched one of the pillows covered by Kane's shirt, Sasha felt a territorial rush that made her growl.

  The queen put her arm around Sasha's shoulders, startling her more than her own growl had. "I understand completely, dear. We were just admiring your nest, but we won’t touch it anymore. That’s why we brought out the other table."

  Sasha was glad Annalise understood her animalistic reaction, because she didn't. Not at all.

  The exam went quickly. Sasha stood on the platform to get her body stats, then laid on the bed and let the doctor examine her privates.

  Dr. Bruns was quick, gentle, and efficient. He put on some strange headgear that gave him a lighted bug face, used a cold metal device to part her folds and look about a bit, and then he was finished.

  He didn't make her slick happen once. Sasha was so grateful she gave him a hug after.

  The queen herself wrapped Sasha's dress around her, brushed out the tangles in her hair, and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  "You are a remarkable girl," Dr. Bruns announced. "Your next cycle could come anytime now."

  "Is that okay? I thought three to six months."

  Dr. Bruns clucked. "You have been exposed to some extremely strong alpha pheromones. Your first cycle came on fast and hard for that very reason."

  Sasha hissed, "It's all his fault. I knew it. I knew it!"

  The queen laughed, delighted.

  Exam finished, the queen insisted they share a meal together. Sasha picked at her food, but Annaliese kept leaning over and putting food on her plate. Dr. Bruns assisted by advising what was most nourishing.

  They chatted more about breeder omegas, birth rates, breeder gifts, and even breeder's rights, which sounded revolutionary to Sasha.

  "I agreed with the Selection when it was first implemented. But the alphas and betas are using it against our women, by pre-selecting who their daughters and sisters meet. This was not the kind of right of choice I was hoping for." The queen said to Sara.

  "We are not only a society driven by its need to procreate; we must dominate. One cannot create laws that will conflict with biology and instinct. It just sets the system up for failure," Bruns said.

  "If we don’t have decent laws the 12 Sectors will devolve instead of evolve. Administrator Darre in Sector 2 has shown us the reality of our nature, if nothing else. This is a society driven by alpha dick," Annalise announced crudely. She sounded just like her son using those ugly words.

  "Well, there is that," Dr. Bruns said as he tried to smother a laugh in his hand.

  "And now I need to take this dear child and address one of those issues. Sasha, do you think you are ready to face Kane's girls?" Annalise asked.

  "Kane's girls? He has more?" Sasha's voice rose in outrage.

  "What? More? No, I doubt that. I mean the five exchange contracts."

  "Exchange contracts?"

  Annalise reached over and gave Sasha's hand a pat. Her motherly touches were so full of warmth that Sasha felt calmed.

  "I know you have met them. We were just discussing the alpha's indomitable sex drive. It was getting my sons into difficult political situations, causing my husband so much trouble with their playing about. Alphas will be alphas.

  "It wasn't like any of my sons were going to stop chasing females because it caused political issues. And having pussy on hand is a tremendous help to their aggression levels. You understand? ‘Fucking or killing,’ my husband always says." She gave those at the table a knowing smirk.

  "But we know they do both anyway." A put upon sigh escaped the queen as she gave Sasha's hand a squeeze.

  She was the most touchy feely, maternal being Sasha had ever encountered, and she was half in love with her.

  "So, we created exchange contracts," Annalise continued. "You understand, yes? Kane takes five contracts every twelve months, but he decided under the circumstances to end these early." She frowned. "It will be expensive, but they do not deserve the extra compensation after their participation in causing your estrous to come on, as well as attacking you when they very well know how emotionally vulnerable you are right now. They took advantage."

  Her face darkened. Motherly softness melted into motherly protectiveness. "They deserve a good whipping. We'll see how today goes. They still might get a good and bloody one."

  "Oh! You are talking about the harem. They are under contract. That's right. And you set it up. I'm sorry, I wasn't following."

  Sara nodded with a smirk. "Yes. Harem concubines. That is exactly what they are."

  Dr. Bruns and Sara reminded Sasha again what the physical and emotional signs of her approaching estrous would be, instructing her to call if she needed anything. They then said their goodbyes.

  The queen took Sasha’s hand and drew her out into the hall and up the stairs leading to the big room. The full force of her entourage followed behind them, a quiet procession of pomp and haughtiness.

  The queen's visit was not unexpected, Sasha realized. The drapery and crystals that hung from the ceiling were missing. The platform couch was absent, replaced by short tea table and cushioned seating. The room felt sobered.

  Kane had barely spoken about the night Sasha saw him here other than making a vague, angry reference. She did not know if he’d visited since then. From the feel of the room and the look on the faces of the five gathered ladies, it looked as though he had not.

  The women were with betas dressed in fine business attire standing behind them. The representatives wore the wide, flat neck vestments common to law scribes.

  Sasha noticed that Annalise had three of he
r own betas with a similar white satin ribbon draped over their necks. The jewels and their representatives wore matching smiles of respect as they acknowledged the queen.

  "King's Bride, Queen Annalise," Bella said. She dipped a bow that everyone else copied.

  Sasha internally winced. She hadn't known to bow.

  "Ladies, let's sit for this conversation."

  Bella stood aside and motioned to the table. Everyone sat. Annalise kept hold of Sasha's hand and drew her down next to her.

  Girta and her team of drones, Davila among them, appeared from between the tent alcoves. Each was holding a steaming teapot that smelled like black honey tea with lemon.

  Tea was poured. Davila winked cheekily at Sasha, who quickly looked down to keep from giggling at the silliness.

  Three scribes stood behind the queen and Sasha. One of them, an unusually thin male beta, introduced himself as the Taj, the queen's first chair. Taj did most of the speaking.

  "Aright, we are here to finalize the dissolution of the exchange contracts with the ladies Bella, Eze, Laira, Ardrua, and Neena. Please, if you will show your marks to my assistant to confirm your identities. Bella, my assistant will confirm yours with a photo since you have chosen to remain unregistered. May I ask, is that still your choice at this time?"

  "Yes," Bella answered.

  Sasha watched the other woman's face. Unmarked. Bella was sterile. Without any mark at all, she would always be vulnerable, easily trafficked as a sex toy. Why would she choose that?

  "I will record your answer."

  Bella tipped her head in acceptance.

  "The queen has agreed to the penalties listed in the contract pertaining to an early end. If you agree to this, please sign your data pad. When you are finished, you are dismissed."

  One of the women, the yellow jewel Ardrua, quietly got up to leave. Her scribe followed her out.

  Sasha thought it all an extremely dull and formal affair for ending sleeping arrangements. Not that much sleeping was involved.

  Her mind began to wander. Where had these women come from? Where would they go? She pictured a secret hedonistic market where the women went to sell their wares with their scribe representatives in tow. She could see prospective employers, the genteel mothers of powerful alphas, arguing the contract details.


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