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A Desert King's Obsession

Page 8

by Christine Gray

  “How much bullshit I talk when I know damn well I’m just spinning my wheels. Have fun playing dumb, Ma.” I chuckle.


  My frown turns upside down once Shahid exits the room. A beaming smile covers my lips. I came to the room for information into whatever he was up to. He refused to tell me, but he gave me a parting gift just the same. Grasping my hands behind my back, I turn from the door to stroll over to the window. The expensive landscape job is completely lost on me. Since from the moment Tarif had revealed himself, that damn man is all I can think about.

  Heaven help me. I know I’m still flesh and bone, but I haven’t felt the things I felt in that instance in years. I know what some people say about first love and all; that you never get over it, but I beg to differ. Some men I ran away from and I wouldn’t spit on to save their life if my DNA was the cure. You would think that after everything Tarif and I went through and the way things had ended, I would have hatred for the man. Yet, I don’t. Well, I don’t anymore. Being a realistic person helped me accept the breakup long before it actually happened. I mean we are really from two different worlds. It still didn’t make it hurt any less. For years of just financial support with no contact, it allowed the anger to seep back in. Once again, Tarif still the crushing tides when he reached out to make an effort to re-connect with Chadli.

  I won’t lie. I held out hope that the boys and his desire to be known weren’t the only reason he was being present. However, after months, then years of him not pushing for more than an occasional dinner with all four of us, I gave up hope. Chadli’s last year of high school is when I started secretly dating. Never had I brought another man into Chadli’s life. Many men got pissed with me. Some walked away because I refused to chance that rule, but I didn’t care. I dated and fucked a few to ease the need, but I never allowed myself to fall so in love that I would consider marrying any man while Chadli was in school or college. Once he moved away, I became lax enough to be seen with a man. Only then did I start to focus on creating some form of love life of my own.

  Even then, I knew my boys had done shit to fuck up anything they deemed as serious. At first, it angered me. I mean I didn’t have to be around Tarif to know he was fuckin’ anything that caught his interest. No, he never married, but that didn’t matter. He was able to do his dirt in the open, and the boys accepted it. Yet, when I started to feel more for a man, he would up and disappear. After the first two, I stopped dating out of the fear that Shahid and Chadli were having the men killed. I couldn’t have these men’s blood on my hands. Then I found out that it wasn’t the threat of death that had caused the men to pack up. Nah, it was the allure of dollar signs that did it. Oh, a few tried to show back up after taking the bribe, but I wasn’t having it. Why the hell would I want you back just so you could hustle more money out of my boys? Get the hell out of my face.

  I considered that the same tactics could have been the reason why Tarif never married. Then again, I doubt it. If he had wanted to get married, he could have always tried to rekindle things with me. Once he shocked everyone by passing the mantle on to Shahid with so many years, he still could have ruled, I wondered if I was the reason why. Yet, as the years passed, I put that hope away.

  “My, my, my,” I whisper to myself.

  Cleveon isn’t like the other men. He isn’t going to scare easily. I made that very clear a few months ago when I called the boys on their past shit concerning my previous relationships. The two shits didn’t lie about it either. Instead, they just laughed and nodded to give me that we-will-see kinda look. Well, the laughs are on them ‘cause Cleveon is sleeping in the room down the hall. Now, Tarif shows up out of the blue to rock the boat.

  All night long, over dinner, Tarif made it very clear that he isn’t interested in becoming Cleveon’s friend. Whenever Cleveon spoke, Tarif fell silent to give him that arrogant grimace. The only people Tarif engaged in conversation with were Shahid and me. It was painfully obvious what he was doing whenever he spoke to me. Tarif’s body language dripped of seduction. The way he would watch my mouth when I spoke, lick his lips, or hum for no reason kept me off balance. The way he smiled as if he had already mapped out all the things he was going to do to me once he had me alone created tension that couldn’t be ignored.

  Replaying things in my mind, I can’t stop the laughter from bubbling forth.

  “What’s the joke?”

  Startled, I swing around to find Tarif searching the room for Shahid.

  “He’s gone to complete his mission.” I chuckle.

  “You’re in here laughing alone?” he questions, doubtfully.

  I nod while I try to regain my wits. Knowing that Tarif doesn’t have a clue was making it hard for me to stop the chuckling.

  “What’s so funny?”

  I wave his question away.

  “That smile looks so good on you, Chioma.”

  The deep, honey sound of his voice helps to remedy my giddiness a bit. Instantly, the sprawling room shrinks. Never in my life can I remember seeing Tarif dressed like a commoner. I have no doubt that the jeans he’s wearing came at a hefty price and depending on where he’d bought the black with a gray striped T-shirt, it could have set a person back a few hundred. Even still, both pieces hung on his body perfectly.

  “No thank you?” he presses.

  “Why should I thank you for stating the truth?” I smirk.

  Tossing back his head, he laughs. “I see that tongue is just as sharp as ever.”

  Placing my shoulder on the window, I put on my best nonchalant expression, “And you aren’t one for giving flattery.”

  He scoffs. “Your mind must be slipping, woman. I always told you how breathtaking you looked, how sweet you tasted, and how good you felt.”

  Standing straight, I put on my poker face. “Well, I’m amazed your memory is so good after so many years. It should serve you well in the years to come. ”

  Making my way for the door, I could have chosen the path further away from Tarif’s reach. Instead, I walk close enough to allow him to touch me. To my surprise, he stops me, but not with an embrace. Extending his arm, it acts to block me. Cutting our eyes, we meet in the middle.

  “I’m not leaving without you, Chioma,” he declares.

  “You have mistaken here for your palace, Tarif.”

  “No, I’m a man who knows what he wants.”

  “Wow, over thirty years? It took a long time for you to make up your mind.”

  “And I’m ready to eat shit because of it, but don’t think I’m losing this fight.”

  I say nothing. Reaching out, I lower his arm to unblock my way. He allows it.

  “Sautéed, fried, and baked—I’ll serve up the shit without hesitation. Don’t think you have pull here, Tarif. The thing about time is a person learns what they thought they needed is actually something they can live without.”

  Tarif remains silent as I knew he would. He’s declared his intentions as is his way. I refuse to give the shiver-free reign to rattle me. Never to my knowledge has this man lost a battle he began. In time, he has always won. It’s that fact that has my feet moving a bit faster to get the hell out of the room.

  “Why no sex?”

  The weird question draws me back into the web I’m trying to escape. “Excuse me?” Turning around to face him, his mature features hit me again.

  “The crickets outside made more noise than what was coming out of your room last night.”

  The meaning of his statement steals my ability to speak for more than one reason.

  “Your room isn’t on our wing. So, how do you know? Did you change—”

  “Why didn’t he fuck you?”

  My face twists in a deep frown. “We aren’t performance animals, Tarif,” I spit.

  He pins me with his gaze.

  “After the way I carried on, I would have fucked you raw, filling you with cum out of principle to let you know who you belong to and I would have left the door open to make sure everyone heard y
ou screaming for mercy.”

  “Well, thank God Cleveon has respect for Shahid and me,” I grumble.

  “Is that what’s it called?”

  “Fuck you.” I sneer.

  Crazy ass, I think while I march out the room. I eat up the square footage as I hit the landing to cross into the other wing of the house. Pausing by the cracked door, I kick it open. My anger causes me to bite into my bottom lip to keep from cursing.

  The son of a bitch sure did move into the room next door to mine. I had passed up the suite on the first floor for the room I was in, hoping it would give me the privacy I need. Shit, Cleveon and I were the only ones on this side of the house. Gliding out, I enter my own room. Sweeping my eyes through the room, I’m not shocked to find Cleveon’s lazy ass still snoring. Annoyed, I slap him hard in the back.

  “Ouch! What the fuck is wrong with—”

  “Not so loud,” I growl.

  “Your crazy ass shouldn’t have woken me like that then.”

  “Get up,” I snap, pulling the sheet.

  “W-what…what? Why?”

  “We’re moving downstairs into the suite,” I hiss under my breath.

  Hearing that cleared the sleep from his eyes. Bouncing from the bed, I shift my eyes from his body.

  “That’s what I’m talking about. That should have been the room we were in any way.” He beams.

  “Yeah, yeah, just get your crap and come on.”

  I didn’t have to tell him twice. Cleveon started collecting and packing up his things.

  “Watch what you say, okay? Tarif might be back in his room next door,” I whisper.

  I notice him slow down. I want to puke from the sugary, know-it-all smirk on his face.

  “I told you, didn’t I? I said we should have fooled around last night to give the house something to talk about. See? I knew what I was—“’

  “Didn’t I tell you to watch your mouth?” I warn, cutting my eyes toward the wall connecting the two rooms. “Just get your stuff,” I order.

  Jesus, what the hell am I doing? I wonder as Cleveon gets back to packing up for the move.


  I’ve waited two hours. Twice, I’ve knocked on the door to come back with no answer. Giving up, I left and drove over to the college. Although the spring semester had ended three weeks ago, I know Chione enrolled in three classes. Once upon a time, this online bullshit didn’t exist. A student had to physically show up to the classes. A student had to drive his or her ass over to the bookstore, fight through the crowd to get their books, and stand in the line to cash out. The changes in the system are fucking me. Chione’s switched to all online classes. It doesn’t matter, though. This all just makes the chase interesting.

  Going back to the condo, I make the trip for the third time to knock on her door. My frustration shows in the force of my knocks. Stepping back, I glare at the off-white door.

  “If you’re looking for them, they’re at the pool.”

  Snapping my neck to the left, I am taken aback to find a busty girl leaning on the wall. I make sure to put more space between her and me. For the life of me, I don’t know why parents don’t teach their girls to do better. I refuse to let my eyes roam the young flesh that’s barely covered by the two-piece bathing suit the teenage girl is wearing. Unfortunately, the man passing doesn’t give a damn about any of that. He makes a show of examining every inch of her tanned body. Old bastard. Then again, the way she’s eyeballing me with her blues eyes, her innocence was fucked away a long time ago.

  “They’re at the pool?”

  “Yeah, the place is doing some grilling and drinks for the residents. They said they’ll be coming up soon. I’m waiting on them too.”

  My eyebrow notches. This time, I really look the girl over as I try to figure out what was going through Chione’s head? Maybe she’s helping to keep the hoe in training out of trouble.

  “Okay,” I speak slowly. “What you got planned once they get here?”

  The girl smirks. Glancing down the hall, she checks to make sure no one can hear.

  “The same thing you must be here for.” She chuckles with a wink. “We gonna party, right? So, you Indian, yeah? I assume by the dot on the head and shit, not feathers and teepees,” she adds in an attempt to clarify.

  I open my mouth only to be cut off.

  “Bitch, why the hell you standing out here like this? I said I’ll text you when we’re ready.”

  Moving my eyes, I acknowledge the tall, dark, dude with dreads coming my way with three of his friends. Searching the group, Chione is nowhere in sight. Confused, I read the letter and numbers on the door to make sure I’m not wasting my time at the wrong door.

  “Why the fuck should I wait? I’ve been waiting long enough for my shit,” snaps the girl.

  “Whatcha talking about? The weed or this dick?” asks the tanned guy, groping his cock.

  “You gonna let us in that pussy again, right?” whispers the last guy of the threesome.

  “You gonna make me pay for my shit?” teases the girl.

  Out of it, I step back from the door. With narrowed eyes, I watch as one of the guys sticks a key in the door.

  “Who the fuck are you?” asks the tanned, blond.

  “I own this goddamn place,” I growl.

  “Nigga, get the fuck out of—”

  “Motherfucker, don’t make me fuck you up,” I reply, pushing the tan wannabe in the chest. “Where the hell is Chione?”

  “Hold up, Habib. Ain’t nobody by that name here,” interjects Dreads.

  “Oh, nah… What? You hooked up with a little bit and you driving by to get another hit?” wonders the third wheel in the crew. “Man, she don’t live here. I bet she told you this was her place. Played your ass, huh?” He chuckles.

  Scrubbing my palm down my face, I take a deep breath. The itch was strong to bitch slap this fucker.

  “Okay, listen, maybe if all three of you put your brain cells together, you might understand me,” I start slow. “I own this place. The lease is in my name. So, where the fuck is the black girl who’s supposed to be living here?” I finish in a growl.

  All four of them exchange looks without anyone answering.

  “Shit, we don’t have nothing to do with that, homie. All we’re doing is renting this place for two weeks. You know like an AirBnB kinda thing,” responds Dreads.

  “Hey, open the door and get the paperwork,” suggests the third wheel.

  “Yeah, yeah…” Dreads nods.

  Fumbling with the lock, he opens the door. Following close behind, I walk in to stand in the foyer. Smoke and weed assault my nose. Glancing further into the condo, I can see bottles, clothes, and other shit tossed around the place.

  “Hey, that girl you’re talking about hasn’t been here in months.”

  Glancing to the right, I look a little soon-to-be teen mom. Licking her lips in an attempt to be seductive, “She’ll pop up now and then to check on the place. You know, making sure the place ain’t junked up. Then she’s gone. She’s been running this rental scam on you for a while, ole boy.” She smiles. With a shrug, she walks away but stays close by to listen to what’s said after the three guys return.

  “See here,” orders the tan dude. “We’re paid up until next week.”

  I read the sublet rental agreement in his tattooed hands. After fishing out my cell, I snap a quick picture.

  “So, everything’s cool, right? I mean you ain’t gonna kick us out, right?”

  I don’t even respond. These assholes are the last thing on my mind. Chione’s been making money off of the place. Smart cookie, for sure. I never stopped to think that she was up to that. Now, it makes sense why she had the carpets cleaned last year. She had to get rid of all traces of the other people. That’s why the sink had odd colors of hair in the drain. Back then, I had written it off to maybe a switch up of weaves or wigs. I bet her vacation idea was because the place had been rented out. So, the entire trip she’d footed to LA was technically fre
e. The woman was making money in her goddamn sleep. But why the need?

  I mean I was paying her bills and I gave her money to burn. Her school was paid for too, so why the hell was she renting out the place for more? And where the fuck has she been staying instead of the condo? Was she fuckin’ someone else while passing me the bill?

  By the time I make it back to my car, my mood is beyond foul. I know Chione is a mystery, but this is fuckin’ crazy. Lord knows I have my secrets, but nothing that a fake name can’t deal with. Honestly, the world won’t stop if I chose to travel without my entire household. It’s like I’m hiding my presence for the sake of indulging in illegal shit. I do it for the sake of not having cameras flashing and having to deal with people trying to hang on my coattails.

  Yet, the bullshit Chione was doing and the lengths she was going to has me really replaying the shit she’s said about offing people and going ghost. Her actions are beyond normal. Is she really hiding from people?

  Placing a call, I curse under my breath when the voicemail picks up.

  “Hey, Ray, I’m back in town. Listen, Chione is being hard to track down. Call me.” After ending the call, I punch in the number from the photo receipt.

  “Brooks Realty.”

  “Hello. Yes, I need to speak to Devon about one of his rentals.”

  “Um, he’s not avail—”

  “Look, I want to warn him to give him a chance to clean things up before I alert the police about the activities,” I state, cutting in.

  “Lord, well…I’ll get him on-“

  “There’s no need. I’m on the way to your office. Just tell him Chadli Rajput, attorney at law, is on the way to see him. Make sure he’s there.”

  My hand hovers over the keys for a second. I consider calling Chadli to enlist his connections. Then I think twice. Quickly, I call Cheryl. Her cell rings once before it stops.

  “Bitch is ignoring me.”

  These fuckers can keep me at bay for only so long. Hitting the road, my thoughts keep me company. Like the many times before, I rue the night I told Chione who I truly was. Three weeks into our vacation, the desire to take things to the next level was keeping me up at night. Being alone with her day in and day out was working my nerves. Seeing her swimming in the pool, knowing she was showering in the room next to me, Fuck, I needed her. Playing with my meat wasn’t going to do it for me. From the way she was acting, I could tell she wanted more than a laugh and a pal, too.


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