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Timber (Hades Book 4)

Page 21

by Tate James

  I hugged her back awkwardly, cocking a brow at Rex over her head. He just shrugged and turned back to making his coffee.

  "I just got caught up with Cass," I told my sister, desperately praying my cheeks weren't turning pink.

  She gave me a sly grin anyway and waggled her brows. "Oh yeah?" Then she looked over to Rex. "Am I cool to go?"

  Rex waved a hand at her in permission, and I had to clamp my lips together to stop myself from gaping. Seph never asked my permission to go anywhere. How was Rex more of a parent to her in a month than I'd been in five years?

  "Head out and wait for me by the car," I told Seph. "I need to discuss something with Rex."

  She nodded, taking the keys I offered her, and disappeared out the door. Rex gave Micah a nudge on his shoulder, and the kid scrambled to follow after Seph. I got the distinct impression that was less to give us privacy than to keep eyes on Seph. Good. That was the level of protectiveness I expected.

  "She's a good kid," my uncle rumbled, "just got a few bad habits to iron out. That's what all that hollering was about upstairs, I think. My boys are sticklers for the rules around here, but she's getting there."

  I gave a small shake of my head. The change in Seph was shocking, for sure, but that wasn't what I needed to discuss. "I've got a job for you," I told him, folding my arms carefully across my front. "Ezekiel."

  Rex grunted. "Squirrely fuck? Assassinations are his game, yeah?"

  I nodded. "That's right. He fancies himself in the same league as the Guild." Rex barked a laugh, and I couldn't help the smile creasing my own face. "He seemed particularly nervous the other night. I'd like you to pay him a friendly visit and see what's what."

  His smile was all teeth. "How friendly are we talking?"

  "Use your own discretion, Rex. Just don't cause any unnecessary problems for me to clean up later. I've got enough of those on my plate right now."

  He inclined his head. "Understood, sir."

  "Good," I murmured. "I'll drop Seph back around lunchtime."

  Rex yawned, scratching his belly. "I'll make sure one of the boys is here all day, just in case. Can't be too careful."

  I couldn't have agreed more. Rex and I seemed to have more in common than I'd previously realized. Maybe I wouldn't regret pulling him out of retirement after all.


  Seph was tight-lipped and flushed as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat for the fourth time since we'd left Rex's. Finally, curiosity got the better of me.

  "Alright, spill," I demanded as we turned into the parking lot beside the café we'd arranged to meet Demi in. "You look like you've been ridden hard and put up wet." I meant it as a joke, but then a wave of paranoia hit me. "Seph, you haven't—"

  "What?" she shrieked, clapping her hands over her face. "No! Oh my god, Dare. As if! Ew. Gross. I wouldn't have sex with Ford if he was the last man on Earth. I'd rather fuck a pineapple than him. Besides, he's my cousin. I can't believe that even crossed your mind!"

  I was having a hard time holding my laughter back as we parked and got out of the car. I'd borrowed one of Zed's again, a silver Porsche 911. Technically, Rex's sons weren't our cousins at all. Rex was only related to us through his marriage to Demi, and they'd long since divorced. His kids were from his bit-on-the-side.

  I wouldn't fill Seph in on that, though. Better she think they were related by blood because the way her face was flaming told me she was trying to convince herself as much as me.

  "Okay, if you say so," I said with a chuckle. "So why are you all squirmy and angry?"

  She glared absolute death at me as she pushed through the main door to the restaurant. "I'm not."

  The hostess took us over to the table where Demi was already waiting with a mimosa in hand, and Seph very gingerly lowered herself to her seat like she'd recently taken a hard smack across the ass.

  I rubbed my forehead, debating whether to push the subject with her. Ultimately, I let it go. She was horrified at my suggestion there was something more with Ford, so I was guessing whatever their altercation was, it wasn't sexual. I hoped it wasn't sexual. It'd be such a shame to have to kill Rex's oldest son.

  "Persephone, sweetheart," Demi greeted my sister with a bemused smile. "You look lovely. I hope Rex is being fair with you under his roof?"

  Seph gave a tight nod. "Yep. We're cool."

  Demi narrowed her eyes. "Hmm, well you let me know if he's not. I'll pop by and have a little chat."

  This made Seph crack a wide grin. "You're the best, Aunt Demi."

  A waitress came over with mimosas for Seph and I, and Demi gave me a small shrug. "Figured you'd want one."

  "You figured correct," I agreed, taking a sip of my drink. "Only one," I warned Seph as she raised her own to her lips.

  Demi smirked and changed the subject, asking Seph about what Rex had her doing around the garage. Apparently now that she'd graduated high school and had very little in the way of career goals, Rex had started teaching her how to work on cars.

  "I don't know why I thought he just had you doing paperwork and making coffee," I commented after Seph finished gushing over how she could now change a tire on her own without needing the boys to lift it into place for her.

  My little sister cocked a brow at me in a gesture so familiar I might as well have been looking in a mirror. "That's awfully sexist of you, Dare. You of all people know women are capable of anything they set their minds to."

  My jaw dropped, and Demi coughed to hide a laugh.

  "Oh my god, brat," I exclaimed. "I didn't mean that's all you could do; I just didn't think Rex was the equal opportunity kind of guy."

  Grinning, Demi excused herself to use the restroom, and Seph turned to me with a thoughtful expression on her pretty face.

  "Actually, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about." She looked down, fiddling with her napkin. "Or, okay, it's a two-part thing. Firstly..." She drew a deep breath, her shoulder rising as she summoned up a bit of internal courage. "Firstly, I owe you an apology."

  That... was unexpected.

  "Uh, no, we're good," I murmured, deeply uncomfortable.

  Seph shook her head, determined. "No, I really do. I never knew why you were so overprotective, why you threatened any guy who looked at me, or like… any of it. I didn't know... but I kinda knew, you know? Like... I wasn't totally oblivious. I knew there had to be a reason for it all, and I was really mad that you never talked to me or explained or... whatever. So I kept pushing you like I wanted you to snap and tell me, but you never did. And then I just..." She gave a sigh that sagged her whole body. "I let it fester, and I started resenting you. So I was a total bitch. I made things harder than they needed to be, and I convinced myself that you deserved it all. That you were somehow the villain in my story."

  She gave a small, self-deprecating laugh and drained the last of her mimosa.

  "I think it's safe to say I now know better. But I'm sorry. Like, I can't actually tell you how sorry I am, Dare. I saw how you were with Chase. I saw how depressed you were and how close you were to just... ending it. And I think now about how many times I threw Chase in your face during arguments. Or Dad." Her voice broke over that, and tears welled in her eyes.

  I was at a total loss for words.

  Seph didn't let the tears fall, though, dashing them away with a swipe of her thumb. "I was a total bitch, Dare. There's no making up for that. I'm glad Zed told me." She chewed the edge of her lip, the silence between us stretching as I still failed to find the right words to respond.

  "He told me," she continued softly. "He said that the only reason you're still here, still fighting, was for me. So, I guess I'm kind of glad that Daddy tried to sell me to some creepy kiddy-fiddler. Because it gave you something to fight for."

  Well. Shit. She wasn't wrong about that. I'd been in a bad place back then, a thousand times lower than after this recent abduction. If I hadn't overheard that conversation about Seph, would I have ever fought back? Would I have found the str
ength to simply fight for me?

  I didn't know. I'd never know.

  "I should apologize to you too," I replied, my voice rough with emotion. "I sheltered you so hard it ended up biting us all in the ass. Maybe if I'd prepared you better, trained you to protect yourself and raised you aware of the world we live in... maybe Pablo never would have gotten his paws on you." I sneered his name, and Seph chuckled.

  "It was Paulo," she corrected me. "But it all worked out." Her eyes sparkled, and her whole mood lifted. "Dare, you should have seen Cass when he busted in there to save me. He was like something out of a movie."

  I grinned. "I can imagine." Cass was pretty impressive; I wouldn't argue with that fact.

  Seph bit the edge of her lip, then wrinkled her nose. "Could I maybe ask some questions? About... everything that happened back then?"

  It made sense she wanted to know more about five years ago when I'd snapped and painted the streets of our hometown in blood. Or maybe about the why of it all.

  Clearing my throat, I answered her as honestly as I could. "Yes, but could it wait a while? Things that happened... it's all a bit fresh for me right now, Seph. I'm doing my best to get through, to act normal, but I just don't think I can stomach those memories right now. Is that okay?"

  Her eyes widened, and she nodded quickly. "Yes, of course. Fuck, I'm sorry; I should have thought. Shit Dare, that was super selfish of me. You just seem so..."

  I gave a short laugh. "Yeah. I know." I seemed so fine despite having recently suffered through some of my worst nightmares. And then some. But that was the thing about appearances, you never really knew what was going on beneath the surface.

  Demi returned to us then, and Seph smoothly shifted the conversation back to more superficial topics, like lusting over a pair of shoes she'd seen while shopping last week. Eventually, though, the conversation came around to my business and the delayed opening of Timber.

  "Actually, I've been meaning to ask you," I said to my aunt, "how did you manage to wipe the FBI records? That was a step up, even for your secret team of hackers."

  Demi gave me a secretive smile while indicating to the waitress for two more mimosas and a water for Seph. "Ah, yes," she agreed. "Hence the delay in getting it all sorted." She paused, grimacing. "I asked for help."

  It took me a second to grasp what she meant, then I blew out a long breath and rubbed the bridge of my nose. "The Guild."

  She nodded. "They were the only ones I could think of that had the capability. I heard a rumor years ago that one of their former mercenaries has risen quite high in the FBI ranks and built them little backdoors into all the systems as payment for his resignation from the Guild. I figured it was worth asking, and then the next day, it was done."

  I cringed. "What did it cost?"

  Demi gave a shrug. "Nothing."

  My eyes narrowed instantly. "The Guild doesn't do favors. It had to cost something."

  She shook her head. "The merc I spoke to said it was a freebie."

  Suspicion filled me up, and I groaned. "They're so fucking slippery; it's like taking a deal with the devil." Then something occurred to me. "Who was it? That you spoke to."

  "Same merc that was here a couple of years ago when Madison Kate had that stalker business going on. Leon."

  I raked my fingers through my hair, trying to work out what vested interest Leon had in Shadow Grove or in me. Why would he do anything for free? And was that with the Guild's blessing, or had he gone rogue? Ugh, more trouble I didn't need.

  "Alright," I murmured. "I'll keep my ear to the ground; I'm sure he'll come for payment sooner or later."

  Demi nodded. "Well, whatever it is, I'll pay it."

  I seriously doubted the Guild wanted money. Not this time.

  We finished our breakfast with Demi telling us about a new property she and Stacey had purchased in Italy. It was a renovation project in the gorgeous seaside town of Monterosso al Mare, and Stacey had stayed behind to work with their architect on plans. Also, I suspected, Demi wanted to keep her as far from Shadow Grove as possible right now.

  After we said goodbye to her, Seph and I climbed back into my borrowed Porsche. As I started the engine, she turned to me with a thoughtful look.

  "What's up, brat?" I asked her playfully.

  She grinned. "Uh, I was thinking... you've got a lot going on right now—not just with Chase and stuff, but with all the bars and clubs and Copper Wolf. The guys talk about you like you're some kind of eight-armed goddess with how much you're juggling at the same time."

  The guys, hm? Hopefully, that affection in her voice was of the familial variety.

  "Yeah," I agreed, "I need a vacation."

  Seph snorted. "No shit. But is there anything I can do to help you?"

  It was on the tip of my tongue to say no, that I had it all handled. But a quick glance over at her showed me how sincere her offer was. She was extending an olive branch, trying to take the first steps in healing our relationship.

  "Actually, yes," I replied, thinking of the perfect task for her. "I don't know if you know about this, but a little over a month ago, Zed and I rescued a group of girls who’d been either kidnapped or sold into slavery by their parents." Seph gasped, pressing a hand to her mouth. "It worked out okay. Most of them have already been returned to their families, but two of them can't go home and are staying with Nadia."

  Seph blinked at me with huge eyes, pure concern and compassion practically pouring out of her. She really was nothing like me, except in appearance.

  "What do you want me to do?"

  I turned my eyes back to the road, swallowing my own failings for a moment. "If you have the time, I think Nadia would really appreciate some help. She's trying to get her new cafe renovated and opened, and she's, you know... not young anymore. Zoya only speaks Russian, from what I understand, and seems to be very quiet and well-behaved. But Diana... is testing her patience a bit. Maybe you could stop by and give her a break now and then? Spend some time with the girls?"

  Seph nodded without hesitation. "Absolutely. I can do that, for sure. Nadia seems super lovely, too."

  I laughed. "She makes epic cakes and pies too, so there's that incentive. Just be wary that the girls have been through a lot. Like, a lot."

  My sister beamed. "Don't worry about it, Dare. I've got this handled."

  I didn't argue, but quietly I wondered if those would be famous last words when it came to Seph and Diana.


  My breakfast date with Demi and Seph had run late enough that I took myself straight to my PT appointment without going home first. It wasn't the safest thing I could have done, but I was Hades. I sure as shit didn't need a bodyguard shadowing my every move. Even hurt, I could take care of myself just fine.

  Misha, my gorgeous trainer, made plenty of jokes about my guardians letting me out of their sight, but I knew it was in good humor. Misha was not interested in me, no matter how threatened Zed and Lucas had acted the last time I was there.

  When I arrived home, half dead on my feet, I found the house full of mouthwatering smells. The kitchen was vacant, though, so I wandered through the house until I found Zed and Lucas sparring in the gym.

  They were both stripped to their shorts, sweating and jeering insults at one another while trading blows, and the whole thing was... unbelievably sexy.

  "Get your guard up, Lucas," I barked after Zed's right hook clipped his cheek.

  Lucas did as he was told, but Zed hesitated a moment to look over at me, giving Lucas an opening.

  Smack. Right in the gut.

  "Oof," Zed wheezed, doubling over. "Little shit."

  Grinning, Lucas bounced out of reach and tore his gloves off as he approached me. "Hey, you." He swept me up in a sweaty embrace, kissing me long and hard, still breathless from his fight with Zed.

  "You're in trouble, Dare," Zed called out to me, tugging his own gloves off and swiping a towel across his face. "How was PT?"

  I smiled back at him, as innocent as
an angel. "It was good, thanks. Why am I in trouble?"

  Zed glared, and Lucas chuckled, shaking his head.

  "Oh, relax," I told them. "I was armed, and Misha was a perfect gentleman. A better question is what’s that incredible smell in the kitchen? I haven't eaten since breakfast with Seph and Demi."

  I was no fool; I knew how proud Zed was of his culinary skills. It was the easiest way to deflect when he was in a mood: compliment his cooking.

  "Zed's making lemongrass chicken with saffron rice," Lucas informed me as he released his hold on my waist.

  Zed checked his watch and nodded to himself. "It should be ready in ten minutes. I'm going to take a quick shower, then plate up. Can you call Grumpy Dickhead and see if he's home soon?" He scooped an arm around my waist as he passed, pressing a soft kiss against my lips. "I missed you today. Will you sleep with me tonight?"

  I grinned back at him. "Actually, I have a better idea. I'll explain over dinner."

  His brows rose in curiosity, but he kissed me again and left the gym quickly to shower.

  Lucas looped a towel over his neck and gave me a long look. "What's the idea, babe?"

  I shook my head. "I said over dinner, Gumdrop. I actually have something else to discuss with you while we're alone."

  His brows hitched, and he sauntered back over to me. The tattoo on his chest had healed beautifully, and I couldn't stop myself from reaching out to trace the lines of his scar hidden beneath the ink. His skin pebbled under my touch, and his eyelids drooped to half-mast. Bedroom eyes if I'd ever seen them.

  "Cass mentioned that his positive reinforcement was your idea," I murmured, holding back a wince as I wound both my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. "So I wanted to thank you."

  I peered up into his eyes, and he brushed his knuckles over my cheek softly.

  "This morning I figured it'd worked," he confessed with a small grin, "when I woke up to the intoxicating sound of you moaning in the shower beside my bedroom."


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