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The Collar

Page 26

by Tara Sue Me

  “Umm, why am I naked?”

  “I tried to find you something to sleep in last night, but you started taking your clothes off. I decided it wasn’t a battle I wanted to fight, so I helped.”

  She bet he did.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” he said. “You’ll notice I’m not naked. And for the record, it was damn hard keeping my clothes on.”

  She decided to cut him some slack. He normally did sleep naked, and holding a nude woman all night would be trying for any man. “Thanks for staying.”

  “I told you last night I wasn’t going to leave.”

  “I meant for not leaving this morning.”

  “I didn’t want you to wake up alone,” he said softly. “After last night, I wasn’t sure how you’d feel this morning. I didn’t want you to be scared.”

  She started to say something, but her stomach rumbled. He grinned at her, his disheveled hair falling across his forehead.

  “How about I make us breakfast?” he asked.

  “There’s nothing here to make. I’ve been with Nathaniel and Abby.”

  “You don’t have anything?”

  “Cereal and almond milk.”

  He propped up on an elbow and looked down at her. “You are never again to make snide comments about my coffee. Cereal and almond milk? Seriously?”

  “We all can’t be gourmet chefs on the side like you.”

  “How do you milk an almond?”

  “How do you what?” Her brain obviously wasn’t working at full power yet.

  He reached under the covers and slapped her butt. “You get dressed. I’ll get the cereal and milk. We’ll eat.”

  It was only a playful slap, but his touch sent a spark of desire throughout her body. She suddenly wished she’d turned breakfast down and suggested they remain in bed. “And after we eat?” she whispered.

  He’d already sat up and moved to get out of bed. At her question, he turned and looked over his shoulder. “We’ll see.”

  Two words. That’s all he’d said. Two tiny words even. Yet those two small words echoed in her head during breakfast. We’ll see. They were back in Delaware, her father had been dealt with, his father’s business had been tied up, and they had agreed to start over.

  There was nothing holding them back.

  Fifteen minutes later, she looked across the table to where he sat eating as if it were any other day. As if he ate at her kitchen table regularly. God, he was such a man. He caught her staring at him and winked.

  Fucking winked.

  She crossed her legs and uncrossed them. Crossed them back the other way.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, spoon halfway to his mouth.

  “Yes. Fine.” She took a bite of her cereal to prove it.

  “I was thinking about last night,” he said, and her heart sped up. He put his spoon down. “How the evening would have gone if we hadn’t been interrupted.”

  “Me too.”

  “Then I suggest you hurry up and finish eating. We have unfinished business to take care of.”

  Her appetite was gone. Without a word, she pushed back from the table, walked to where he sat, and held out her hand.

  “Be sure,” he said.

  “I am,” she replied, and she knew truer words had never been spoken.

  He took her hand and led her down the hall. He turned to face her once he reached the middle of the bedroom. “Before we go any further, I have to make sure you know.” He lifted a hand to her throat and gently curled his fingers around it. “If I take you again, there’s no going back. You’ll be mine.”

  His touch felt warm and protective, but she hated the glimmer of doubt in his eyes. Hated that her past actions had put it there. If she had to, she would spend every day, every night erasing those doubts. “And you’re mine,” she whispered.

  The devilish grin she loved so much, the one he so rarely shared with anyone, teased the corners of his mouth. “Got that right.”

  She placed her hand over the one he still had around her neck. “There’s no place for doubts here today.”

  “And no room for guilt,” he softly commanded. “Or apologies.”

  He knew her so well. Knew her struggles and strengths. “I need to say one thing.” At his nod, she continued. “When you took your collar back, I said one day you’d beg me to wear it again—”


  She shushed him by placing a finger at his mouth. “I don’t need you to beg. Just knowing you want me back is enough.”

  “I’m all prepared to beg.”

  “I like it better when I’m the one begging.” She grinned. “Sir.”

  His eyes grew dark. “Like I said once before, when I have you beg, it won’t be about that.”

  It stung just a bit that he didn’t call her “Angel,” but she decided not to dwell on it. Technically, they weren’t in a scene and she wasn’t wearing his collar. There would come a time when he’d use the name again regularly. She was certain.

  She ran a hand down his chest. “Do you plan to make me beg for something else this morning?”

  “I have lots of plans for you. Of course, they all involve you being naked.” He unbuttoned the top of her shirt. “Let me fix that.”

  She closed her eyes to better concentrate on the feel of his hands on her again. His touch was sure and warm and made her entire body quake with need. The brush of his fingers against her while he worked on her shirt made every nerve she had tingle. No one else had the power to make her feel so much with such a small touch.

  He made quick work of the buttons, and when he finished, he dropped his head to place a kiss on her shoulder before slipping the shirt from her body. Then his hands were back on her, teasing her nipples with his thumbs.

  “Your body was made for mine,” he whispered coarsely in her ear. “The way we fit together.” He unhooked her bra and tossed it aside. “Watch,” he said, cupping her breasts. “See how perfectly you fit in my hands.”

  She pushed her chest out, giving him more room, all the while delighting in the rough feel of his touch.

  “I used to think we were too different to be good together.” He moved behind her and pressed her naked back against his chest. “Now I see it’s those differences that make us so right.”

  He was caressing her upper body while he talked, and she tried her best to listen to him. It was just so difficult when his hands felt so amazingly good. “How so? How do our differences make us right?”

  His lips nibbled their way across the nape of her neck. “You’re a submissive and I’m a Dominant, right?”

  “Mmm.” She tilted her head to give him better access.

  “Two completely different beings, but they fit together only because they’re opposite.” He undid the button on her jeans and unzipped them. “Should I keep going?”

  “Please.” His erection pressed against her butt, and she wiggled to get closer, pushing her jeans and panties down in the process. “Don’t stop.”

  “Turn around. Look at me.”

  She did, and as she watched, he slowly stripped his shirt off and stepped out of his jeans. He looked magnificent naked. Always had. His toned abs, strong arms, and sculpted calves spoke of a man who worked hard. The hint of a knowing smile on his face told her he knew exactly what to do with his body to make her feel good. Her gaze dipped lower. She licked her lips, remembering his taste.

  “Another example,” he said, stroking himself. “The sight of you standing there makes me so hard.” He reached out and trailed a finger along her waist. “Whereas you”—the finger slipped between her legs and traced her wetness—“are soft.”

  She shifted her leg, inviting him to go deeper. “Want you.”

  “Wait.” He took a step back from her. “Get on the bed. On your back.”

  She smiled. Even when they weren’t in a scene, he couldn’t help taking control during sex. That didn’t mean she couldn’t tease him a little.

  Once she got on top of the bed, she lifted an eyeb
row. “Like this?” She parted her legs. “Or like this?” She closed them again.

  He walked toward her looking exactly like a tiger on the prowl, or more aptly, one who wanted to play with his prey. “Keep them open.”

  His gaze was so intense and filled with desire, she didn’t want to disobey him. Without further argument or teasing, she let her knees fall so her legs were spread. He gave a low growl and joined her on the bed, near her feet.

  Taking her left leg in his hands, he kissed the inside of her knee. “Every part of you was made for me. Made for me to kiss, bite, lick, and love.”

  She buried her fingers in his hair. “When do I get to kiss, bite, lick, and love you?”

  “Later.” He kissed and nibbled his way up her thigh. With a heavy sigh, he laid his cheek against her upper leg. “You can’t leave me again, Angel. I need you.”


  Her heart skipped a beat, and tears formed at the corners of her eyes. She tugged at his shoulders until he moved and covered her body with his. Holding his face, she made sure he was looking at her when she spoke. “I’m not going anywhere you aren’t.” It was difficult to talk with the lump in her throat. “I’ve lived without you long enough to know I don’t want to do it again.”

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  Tears slipped from her eyes. “I’ve always loved you. Always will.”

  Their lips touched softly. Just barely brushing. She shivered under him, delighted to be with him like this again. For so long she’d thought it would never happen. And to hear him say those words. She trembled again.

  “Are you cold?” he asked, misjudging her shiver.

  “No.” She held tight to him. “Just blissfully happy.”

  He kissed her again, not as soft this time. His mouth grew demanding, and she opened herself up for him. She’d missed his taste. The feel of him over her, his weight pressing into her.

  She ran her nails across his back as his kiss grew more and more urgent. He moved his knee so it pressed between her legs. Her body throbbed with the need to have him claim her.

  He broke away from the kiss, breathing heavily. “I need to be inside you. Now.”

  She lifted her hips in invitation. “Please.”

  He shook his head. “I wanted to take my time. Enjoy your body. Tease you for hours.”

  “Later. There’s plenty of time for that later.”

  He pushed up on his hands, and she saw his body tremble. “I don’t think I can be gentle.”

  “I’ve never been a fan of gentle.” She dug her nails into his upper arm. “Take me. Use me hard.”

  He studied her face as if judging the truth of her words. He must have found what he was looking for because, without a word, he slipped a hand between their bodies and pushed two fingers inside her.

  “Yes.” She answered his unasked question with a half moan. “I’m ready for you.”

  His penetration was hard and fast, and she clung to him as he pounded into her over and over. He’d been correct. There was nothing gentle in his use of her. It was almost punishing, and she relished it. With each thrust, she felt her guilt falling away until it disappeared completely.

  She opened her eyes and found him watching her as he moved in and out of her body. She lifted a hand to cup his face and whispered, “Leave it.”

  Leave the past, all of our mistakes, our should-have-beens, and our what-ifs. Leave them behind so that only you and I remain. And we are forever changed, but never broken.

  “Leave it,” she repeated.

  His body stiffened and he came with a yell. He thrust once more deep inside her, and her own climax followed.

  Though he was still breathing heavily, he wrapped his arms around her, rolled them to their sides, and kissed her with an intensity that took what little breath she had away.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Three weeks later

  No one dared try to tell them they were moving too fast. The way Dena saw it, they’d been moving too slowly and they had to make up for lost time. Though she regretted the years spent apart, they both agreed they were stronger as a result of them.

  Tonight, though similar in many ways to that night so many years before, was different. She walked outside to where he waited under the maple trees in his backyard. Strings of lights were wrapped around the branches and provided just enough light for her to see him.

  They’d thought about inviting a few people to join them tonight. But after discussing it, they opted to keep this special moment private. Experiencing the way Jeff was looking at her, Dena was pleased with their choice. What they were doing and feeling was too intimate, and she wanted to keep it between the two of them.

  She knelt down at his feet on the soft plaid blanket he’d spread out, unable to suppress the sigh of contentment she found at doing so. He reached out and pulled his fingers through her hair. She closed her eyes. His touch was so gentle, so reverent. Again he stroked her hair, but then his hand slipped under her chin and lifted her head.

  His dark eyes seemed darker than normal, and they were filled with the intensity of emotion she knew he felt at that moment. “I love you, Angel.”

  Tears stung her eyes. No matter how often he said it, it always struck her body to the innermost depths. She parted her lips to tell him how much she loved him, but he stopped her by placing a finger over her mouth.

  “Not yet. Stand up for a minute, please.”

  She stood up, unsure of his intentions.

  He took her hands in his. “When I collared you six years ago, I did it because I wanted to claim you as my submissive. I don’t want that this time.”

  Her heart, already pounding, picked up speed. What?

  “I want more,” he said simply. “I want more than your body. I want your sharp mind, your passionate soul, and your beautiful heart. I want all of you, and I’ll give you all of me in return. Though, admittedly, I’m getting the better deal. I know the way I’m going about this is a bit unorthodox, but Dena, Angel.” He took something out of his pocket and dropped to one knee. “Marry me?”

  The something was a gorgeous diamond solitaire. She didn’t even have to think. The answer slipped effortlessly from her. “Yes.”

  He stood up, slid the ring on her finger, and leaned forward to kiss her. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back, suppressing a giggle. Only Jeff would propose during a collaring ceremony. She was his. Her arms tightened around him. His.


  He pulled back. “I have something else I want to offer you.” He bent down and opened a box at the corner of the blanket. A thinly braided black leather collar was in his hands when he made it back to her. Something in the collar glinted in the moonlight. She looked closer and saw silver entwined with the leather.

  “To remind us both,” he said, running his finger along the metal.

  “Remind us both of what?”

  “To treasure what we have and for that reminder to bind us together forever.”

  She couldn’t believe how perfect the collar was. “I love it.”

  “If you agree to wear this, it won’t be like last time. My collar is as binding as the ring I just gave you. I want you to wear it always.”

  “Nothing would make me happier.”

  He nodded. “Then take the dress off and kneel before me, please.”

  He’d told her to come outside wearing something she could easily remove. She’d remembered Julie and Daniel’s collaring ceremony and had known she wanted to wear a white dress like Julie’s. She loved its simplicity and what it symbolized. Even more, she loved standing in front of Jeff and taking it off.


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