Book Read Free

Ben Y and the Ghost in the Machine

Page 16

by K. A. Holt



  SB10BEN: if players know there’s a way to beat the ghosts, it’ll be HUGE, grasshopper

  SB10BEN: think about it. if you know there’s a potion you can use so that your avatar will never die, wouldn—


  0BenwhY: But can you even DO that? It changes one of the . . . what are they? Fun-what rules?

  SB10BEN: Fundamental Rules of Sandbox. Yes. True. It changes a truth that ghosts don’t die.

  0BenwhY: well can you CHANGE that?

  SB10BEN: it’s MY game!

  0BenwhY: i thought you said the money guys make you do stuff you hate all the time? like making stupid chat i—


  0BenwhY: like making you invent THAT

  SB10BEN: i know, i know.

  SB10BEN: but what if this ghostkiller potion is my revenge?

  SB10BEN: what if the money guys don’t know about it and there’s a leak?

  0BenwhY: a leak?

  SB10BEN: like, what if SOMEONE tests it out in public?

  SB10BEN: just, you know, casually melts some ghosts?

  SB10BEN: In front of a lot of players?

  SB10BEN: On a public server?

  SB10BEN: with the handy ghostkiller avatar I created?

  SB10BEN: and what if people realize they don’t have to hide in the dark anymore?

  SB10BEN: they can play loud music

  SB10BEN: and build all night

  SB10BEN: and what if all that new knowledge goes viral?

  0BenwhY: that’s a lot of what-ifs.

  0BenwhY: *what if* YOU get in trouble?

  0BenwhY: when the money guys figure out you made this? and leaked it?

  0BenwhY: you said nothing is anonomous anymuos GAH anonymous on the internet.

  SB10BEN: honestly, i don’t really care. I want Sandbox to be fun again. for me.

  SB10BEN: and not just work

  SB10BEN: this seems like a good way to do that

  SB10BEN: so . . . wanna be my partner in crime?

  0BenwhY: UM DUH

  SB10BEN: haha.

  SB10BEN: ok, it’s your turn to make the potion. Remember the ingredients? All the steps?

  SB10BEN: you have to memorize it, ok? don’t ever write it down. No one else can know.

  SB10BEN: it’s something players will have to figure out on their own

  SB10BEN: they’ll have to . . . wait for it . . . co-llab-o-rate, and list-en

  0BenwhY: stop akjflhkgfdl i can hear you singing in my head. never do that again.

  0BenwhY: And yes, I remember the ingredients.


  SB10BEN: OK. Go harvest some fairy tears.

  SB10BEN: We’ll see how many tries it takes before you get it right.

  SB10BEN: . . .

  SB10BEN: Awwwwwwww shiitake mushrooms.

  SB10BEN: Can you hang on a second?

  SB10BEN: Or, actually, can you go gather up the ingredients while I do a quick work thing? I’ll be right ba—





  0BenwhY: i hate to say it, but . . .

  0BenwhY: i finally got your room

  0BenwhY: please don’t haunt me

  0BenwhY: MOM gave it to me, so you can haunt her if you want

  PlanetSafeAce: hello? oh good! you’re here.

  PlanetSafeAce: I wasn’t sure you’d be here. After . . .


  0BenwhY: of course I’m here. this is MY cabin.

  0BenwhY: i really need to change the password now

  PlanetSafeAce: I’m sorry I made you sad.

  PlanetSafeAce: Even though I’ve been telling you I wasn’t a ghost.

  0BenwhY: yeah you told me and told me

  0BenwhY: and I always knew you couldn’t be him

  0BenwhY: i’m not THAT dumb

  0BenwhY: but still

  0BenwhY: you kept using his avatar

  0BenwhY: *why* did you do that?

  PlanetSafeAce: I guess I didn’t think you’d think I was interesting or want to talk to me

  PlanetSafeAce: if I was *me* me and not me *him*

  PlanetSafeAce: and then, you were kind of right earlier . . . I wanted you to figure me out.

  PlanetSafeAce: I mean, not like a *game*, but just like you were really paying attention

  PlanetSafeAce: bleh. that thought made more sense in my brain . . .

  0BenwhY: how did you even get in the cabin in the first place?

  PlanetSafeAce: you were in the library after school one day

  PlanetSafeAce: I walked up behind you while you were on the computer

  PlanetSafeAce: you looked really busy so I didn’t say anything

  PlanetSafeAce: and I saw you signing into the cabin

  0BenwhY: THAT’S how you hacked in? You just saw me type the password? So low tech!

  PlanetSafeAce: Yeah, I’m not a computer genius or anything.

  PlanetSafeAce: you were, like, in the cabin chatting with yourself and that made me feel bad

  PlanetSafeAce: like no one would play Sandbox with you or something.

  0BenwhY: you low-tech hacked into my secret cabin because you felt SORRY for me???

  PlanetSafeAce: No!

  PlanetSafeAce: Well . . . kind of. Sorry.

  PlanetSafeAce: but then I didn’t think you liked me IRL

  PlanetSafeAce: especially after I tried to take one for the team

  PlanetSafeAce: that’s why I freaked out and didn’t want to use my own avatar

  PlanetSafeAce: in case you got mad about the low-tech hacking, too

  PlanetSafeAce: and also in case you didn’t want to talk to *me* me.

  PlanetSafeAce: anyway, i read a little over your shoulder

  PlanetSafeAce: that’s how I figured out you were (not) chatting with your brother

  PlanetSafeAce: then i did a little research and figured out who your brother was


  PlanetSafeAce: i know, i know. but i really, really wanted you to like me

  PlanetSafeAce: and i’m always saying dumb things and acting like a weirdo IRL

  PlanetSafeAce: and i wanted a way to sort of . . . *make* you want to talk to me

  PlanetSafeAce: especially after I messed everything up by trying to SAVE YOU!

  0BenwhY: save me?

  PlanetSafeAce: Well . . . you saved me from the poncho thing! And I was trying to return the favor. . . .

  PlanetSafeAce: . . . by saving you from the unauthorized Hart Times thing

  0BenwhY: how did you even know it was me? who made the unauthorized Hart Times?

  PlanetSafeAce: oh come on, how could I NOT know? You were smiling all day.

  PlanetSafeAce: Like I’d never seen before

  PlanetSafeAce: everyone else seemed so shocked about it, but you were just smiling and quiet

  PlanetSafeAce: anyway, you seemed to hate me after that.

  PlanetSafeAce: and i thought maybe i could get you to like me *before* you knew it was me

  PlanetSafeAce: and i totally see now how that makes no sense

  PlanetSafeAce: and how i’m pretty much the definition of an awful person

  0BenwhY: is that all?

  PlanetSafeAce: I’m not really sure what else you want me to say right now.

  PlanetSafeAce: but hopefully you can accept my apology


  0BenwhY: omg, now that I really think about it . . . you took the only place I’ve EVER felt safe

  0BenwhY: and you ruined it.

  0BenwhY: AND you tried to take credit for my awesome unauthorized Hart Times


  PlanetSafeAce: sorry. continue.

  0BenwhY: i haven�
��t slept well in days. did you know that?

  0BenwhY: you know what you *actually* accomplished?

  0BenwhY: you managed to revive my Old Sad, create a New Sad, and mix the two up into a Now Sad.

  0BenwhY: and for what?

  0BenwhY: did your plan work?

  0BenwhY: does it feel like we’re friends now?

  0BenwhY: does it feel like I think you’re cool now?

  0BenwhY: DOES IT?



  I don’t know how I knew

  but I knew

  even though Jordan

  wasn’t on the bus,

  he’d be waiting for me

  in room 113

  under the stairs

  before school.

  As soon as he sees me,

  he crashes into me

  like a much bigger Ben Hur,

  and we hug it out

  and neither one of us says anything

  because we don’t need to

  and WHEW

  I feel so much better

  I might puke.

  I’m so glad—

  and so lucky—

  to feel so




  Once we say bye,

  I fly

  to my locker

  faster than ever

  so I can try

  really hard

  this one time

  to not be late

  to class,



  the locker next to me

  closes to reveal

  Ace’s face,

  blocking my way

  of escape.

  I’m really really really sorry,

  Ace says.

  I sidestep,

  start moving,

  taking a different,

  longer route

  to class.

  Ace jogs after me.

  I pick up the pace.

  I know you’re sorry,

  I finally say

  to the air in front of me,

  but I need

  some Safe Space from Ace

  for a little while,


  Ace catches up,

  walking fast

  next to me now.


  Just please don’t hate me, Ben Y.

  You can be mad all you want.

  But please, please don’t hate me.

  Ace’s face is round,


  maybe even scared.

  I can’t have another Me hate me.

  The bell rings.

  We are officially late to class.


  I stop walking.

  Ace stops walking.

  I face Ace.

  Ace faces me.

  I kind of want to hate you,

  but I don’t hate you.

  I’m MAD at you, but . . .

  I could never hate you.

  And mad is different than hate.

  Plus, you’re a Me.

  And I’m a You.

  And that means

  this tiny group

  of you and me

  is the first We

  of yous and mes

  I’ve ever been

  part of.

  Ace smiles,

  a lopsided

  shy type of smile,


  than the usual


  sparkle smile

  that comes with a wink

  for free.

  This is an under-the-mask smile,

  a secret grin

  from the kid

  who cosplays

  real life.

  I bump Ace’s shoulder.

  So, yeah.

  I don’t hate you, Ace.

  I could never hate you.

  But I might need a minute

  before we can be friends again.

  The sparkle smile is back

  as Ace exclaims



  and we both laugh

  and it’s kind of loud

  and I should’ve known

  to never stop moving

  in the halls

  after the bell

  because . . .

  to borrow a favorite quote from Jordan:

  [fart noise].


  The throat-clearing

  is behind us.

  Ace and I turn around slowly,

  like every person

  in every horror movie

  before they get eaten

  by a giant slime blob

  or hacked up by a chainsaw.

  It’s even worse

  than a giant slime blob

  or an out-of-control chainsaw though:

  It’s Mr. Mann,

  slapping his pad of detention slips

  whack whack whack


  against his palm.

  Well, WELL.

  Nice to see you AGAIN,

  MX. Ybarra.


  Would you two like to BLAST OFF with me?

  To . . . my OFFICE?

  Ace shrugs and says,


  Rhetorical question, ACE.

  Mr. Mann smiles big and bright.

  Fire up your ENGINES, you two.

  And set a course for . . .

  my OFFICE.

  He said my office twice

  and ruined his whole bit.

  Ace’s fresh-mint whisper

  tickles my ear,

  and I have to bite my cheek

  not to laugh.


  We need to talk about

  a certain . . .



  anonymous FLYER

  that has been the TALK

  of the SCHOOL.

  He crosses his arms,

  looks down his nose,

  at both of us.

  You KNOW

  bullying is in FACT

  a vicious ACT

  that can happen


  as well as






  His lips squinch

  into the exact shape

  of a cat butt

  (just like on the flyer!!!)

  before he gives us


  by smiling

  big and bright

  and saying:

  But FIRST!

  Might as well DRESS CODE you BOTH while you’re HERE!

  HAVE a seat.

  Mr. Mann cheerfully grabs a pen,

  gazing at the detention slips

  like they’re reflections of himself,

  then he looks at me

  up and down

  in a way

  that would get anyone my age

  punched directly

  in the face.

  Stand UP.

  I frown.

  But you just said to—

  My cheeks burn

  as I stand.

  Hands DOWN.

  Fingers STRAIGHT.

  He makes a

  tsk tsk noise

  and shakes his head.

  Short shorts, AGAIN?

  I mean . . .

  they’re just shorts?

  My legs are long.

  I’m tall.

  It’s Florida.

  It’s hot all the time forever.

  I’m never going to wear jeans.

  I don’t say any of that, though.

  I stay quiet.

  I realize YOU think

  your clothes CANNOT

  literally HURT anyone,

  MX. Ybarra,

  but they ARE


  against district

  so I guess that means

  WEARING them

  DOES literally

  hurt YOU.


  I take the detention slip.

  I don’t say anything.

  Now Mr. Mann looks Ace

  up and down

  and down and up

  and his lip curls in a way

  that I bet he doesn’t even notice

  because it’s just a thing

  his face does

  all the time

  when he sees anyone

  like us.

  I just don’t know where to start!

  His mouth opens

  like he knows exactly

  where to start,

  but he doesn’t get a chance

  to start anything

  because his office door

  slams open

  with a bang.

  Before my head swings

  even halfway around,

  I hear Ms. J.

  THERE you both are!

  I TOLD you not to forget these,

  but you were so intent

  on running that errand for me,

  you didn’t hear me.

  I might be a terrible reader,

  but there’s one thing I can read,

  and that’s Ms. J’s face.

  She’s looking down at us both

  and her eyebrows say,


  I grab Ace’s hand,

  grab the two hall passes

  from Ms. J’s hand,

  and together


  Because we are the dumbest kids

  in the history

  of dumb kids,

  we don’t actually leave

  the front office.

  We pretend we’re looking . . .

  for something . . .

  very important . . .

  that Ms. J needs . . .

  in the office . . .

  and while we look for nothing,

  we try our very very best

  to hear everything

  Ms. J and Mr. Mann

  are saying.

  Turns out,

  we don’t need

  to try to hear anything,


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