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Ella and the Emperor (Alien Abduction #5)

Page 5

by Honey Phillips

  “Ella? What’s the matter, pet?” Karthajin wrapped his arms around her and she nestled against him, letting his comforting musky scent soothe her. “What the fuck did you do to her, Nokatan?”

  “I’m sorry, Karthajin.” Nokatan sighed. “I was trying to get rid of her before you returned. I’m sure—”

  “You were trying to get rid of her?” Karthajin’s voice was so cold she shivered, but she couldn’t resist peeking back at the recipient of his anger.

  “Of course. I naturally assumed…” Nokatan looked from Karthajin’s face, eyes sparking red, to his arms, wrapped so tightly around her. “However, I see that I was mistaken. My deepest apologies, Your Imperial Majesty.”

  “Ella is my guest and she is to be treated with every courtesy. Is that clear?” He didn’t wait for an answer, but looked down at her and smiled, the flames dying down in his eyes. “Are you all right, pet?”

  She nodded, fighting back the urge to fling her arms around his neck and kiss him. The very thought made her lick her lips, remembering how delicious he had tasted. His eyes followed the movement, and she was suddenly conscious of his body responding where she was pressed against him, but before she could decide how to react, he set her gently away from him.

  “I’m going to change. Ella doesn’t speak, Nokatan, but you’ll find that she has an extensive knowledge of Kaisarian history.” Karthajin turned toward the dressing room, then stopped as he noticed the torn book. “What happened?”

  “An accident, Sire,” Nokatan said quietly, and she shot him a surprised, grateful look. “I’ll have it repaired.”

  “An accident?” Karthajin looked at her and she couldn’t lie to him. She started to shake her head and he held up a hand. “Let’s leave it at that, pet. I’m sure it was an accident.”

  He disappeared, and she and Nokatan stared at each other as his hair flipped back and forth.

  “So you don’t speak?”

  She shook her head, not about to attempt it in front of him.

  “But you can read?” he asked, his voice skeptical. She nodded, glaring at him and he laughed.

  “If you can read, can you also write?”

  Once again, she nodded.

  “Hmm.” He dug around in the rather bedraggled black robe he was wearing, pulling out a geode, two books, and what looked like a sandwich, before emerging with a tablet. “Let’s see what you can do.”

  Leading her to the couch, he handed her the tablet and a stylus, ignoring her disgruntled expression. “What is your name?”


  “Very good.” He nodded, the patronizing expression on his face reminding her of all the times Popi had showed off her skills the same way. “How old are you?”


  “Really? I would have thought you were younger, but I was correct that you’re closer to the emperor’s age than his usual um, guests.”

  Ignoring the pang that went through her at his words, she wrote quickly. How old?

  “How old is he? Let’s see. Twenty-three. He’ll be twenty-four next month and there will be a huge celebration and he will hate every minute of it.”


  He shot her a look and shook his head. “Never mind. So you have an extensive knowledge of Kaisarian history?”

  She shrugged.

  “I don’t appreciate false modesty, Ella. Either you do or you don’t. Who were the opponents in the First Battle of Carthalon?”

  It wasn’t a difficult question, although she would never have answered it for one of Popi’s friends. Still, she wanted to wipe the mocking smile off his face.

  Romalan and Remotan at the beginning. She hesitated, then added, Casican entered late in the day and saved the Romalans

  “Very good.” He shot her a surprised look, his hair fluttering. “Let’s try a more challenging question. What were the basic tenets of the Convention of Lords?”

  There were ten of them, all lengthy. She sighed and began writing, but he stopped her after the first three.

  “Never mind. I’m convinced you know them. What about—”

  Before he could continue, Karthajin reappeared. He had changed into loose pants and an open robe which showed a wide expanse of muscled chest, with a thin trail of dark hair that led down beneath his waistband. Her mouth went dry. He looked at her expression and his eyes flared. For a moment, they were the only two people in the room, then Nokatan coughed.

  “I believe you may be correct, Sire. We’ve only covered a few questions, but her knowledge appears to be quite comprehensive.”

  “Questions?” He saw the tablet. “Of course, why didn’t I think of that?”

  Ella couldn’t resist. Didn’t think I could write?

  “Oh, no, pet.” He laughed. “I’m not falling into that trap. I’m sure you’re quite capable of a number of things.”

  “I know we were going to discuss the history of Ceekat trading policies today, Sire, but if you’ll permit me, I would like to discover the extent of Ella’s knowledge.”

  “Ceekat trading policies can wait. Go ahead.” He seated himself next to her on the couch. She was so conscious of his big, warm body that she missed Nokatan’s next question.

  “Pay attention, girl.”

  Flustered, she gave Karthajin a helpless look, but he only nodded encouragingly. Overwhelmingly aware of his presence, she debated missing some of the questions deliberately. She couldn’t bear it if his expression dimmed and he took on the worried look that Popi always got when she revealed something she wasn’t supposed to know. In the end, she answered truthfully and was rewarded by a warm look of approval. Settling back against the cushions, she prepared to enjoy the challenge.

  Karthajin watched approvingly as Ella answered Nokatan’s questions. He rapidly realized that her knowledge of Kaisarian history was as extensive as his own, although it ended about the time his grandfather had ascended to the throne. Nokatan started branching out into other subjects and he found that his little female was an intriguing combination of knowledge and ignorance. Her math skills were quite basic, and her scientific knowledge abysmal. However, she could name and describe a number of animals and had a passable understanding of botany.

  Nokatan appeared equally as fascinated and would have continued the questioning if Karthajin hadn’t noticed that her little shoulders were drooping and her hand was beginning to shake.

  “I think that’s enough, Nokatan. Tired, pet?”

  She gave him a grateful look and leaned into him. He put his arm around her and let her snuggle against him, ignoring Nokatan’s expression.

  “Shall we resume our discussions on trade next week?”

  “Yes, Sire.” Nokatan hesitated. “I was wondering if perhaps Ella would like some additional lessons.”

  “Would you like that, pet?”

  Despite her drooping eyelids, she nodded eagerly.

  “Very well. Tomorrow, at the same time?”

  “Yes, Sire. I’ll see you tomorrow, Ella.”

  She gave him a sleepy smile and Karthajin found to his surprise that he didn’t like her bestowing that soft, contented look on anyone else. Ignoring Nokatan’s departure, he put his hand on her cheek so that she looked up at him instead, the contented look turning into something a lot more expectant. His horns gave a gentle throb and she saw the movement. She reached up curiously and ran a finger slowly around the base of his right horn, his cock immediately responding to the touch.

  Reluctantly, he pulled her hand away, tucking it against his chest instead. However, she took advantage of his gesture to stroke his chest, in a soft, almost innocent touch. He relaxed and let her small fingers stroke him, enjoying the petting until her hand drifted lower and she began following the line of hair running down his lower stomach. He snatched her hand away and sat up quickly. Her eyes widened with dismay and she reached for the tablet Nokatan had left behind.

  What’s wrong?

  “Nothing’s wrong, pet. It’s just not… appropriate for you to touch me that way.

  You don’t like me?

  “I like you very much.” Too much. “But you’re very young—”

  She scribbled quickly and thrust the tablet in his face. Not that young

  “Young enough,” he said firmly, and changed the subject. “Now, let’s have something to eat before I have to get ready for the banquet. I heard you didn’t eat much lunch. Wasn’t it to your liking?”

  She gave him a cautious glance, then shrugged a shoulder.


  “You don’t like eating by yourself?”

  A vigorous head shake.

  “Well, you won’t be alone this time. So I expect you to eat every bite.”

  A happy smile lit up her face. Before he could stop her, she reached forward and hugged him. She drew back almost immediately, dropping a quick kiss on his cheek along the way, but as he went to summon Saban, he could still feel the sweet press of her body against his.

  Chapter Eight

  Tired and annoyed, Karthajin stepped into his rooms. The banquet had dragged on interminably. A princess of one the lower Houses had somehow managed to bribe or seduce her way into being seated next to him. Her efforts to exert those same seductive charms on him had been neither appreciated nor accepted. He found himself comparing her unfavorably to Ella and wondering if bringing his little human along would have deterred her. The thought made him frown. He’d been to one too many banquets where his mother had been forced to watch as women threw themselves at his father—and he’d responded.

  As usual, Saban was waiting up for him.

  “Good evening, Your Imperial Majesty.”

  “Good evening, Saban.” He headed for his wardrobe, already removing the uncomfortable ceremonial outfit. Fortunately, it was far easier to get it off than to put it on, since he no longer cared about the arrangement of his laces. He sighed as the weight slipped from his shoulders. The heavily embroidered pants were next, replaced by light silk sleep pants.

  “Would you care for any entertainment this evening, Sire? Perhaps the trio of harfa musicians?”

  “I don’t think so. I’ve had enough noise for one evening.”

  Saban hesitated, an odd expression on his face. “Shall I send for Majarri?”

  For a moment, he was almost tempted. Despite the annoying princess, his body still hummed with arousal from his earlier encounter with Ella. While he tried not to favor any of the courtesans who visited him, knowing only too well how quickly they would try and exert their influence, he did enjoy Majarri’s company. She was several years older than he, with a lush body but perhaps more importantly, a cynical wit that had always amused him. But then he thought of his innocent Ella sleeping nearby and found he had no desire to bring another woman into his rooms.

  “No, Saban. That will be all.”

  “Yes, Sire. Pleasant dreams.” Saban bowed and padded noiselessly away.

  Giving in to temptation, Karthajin went to check on Ella. After their earlier meal, served informally on the table in front of the couch, Saban had found a moment to speak to him alone. With the faintest hint of disapproval underlying his usual deference, he had enquired as to what sleeping arrangements he should make for Miss Ella. Since his father had eliminated the First Consort’s suite, there were no other bedrooms within the private quarters.

  The thought of her in his bed was undeniably tempting, but Saban’s disapproval notwithstanding, the closer he let her get, the harder it would be to let her go. After a brief discussion, they decided to set up a bed in the smaller dressing room that led to the baths. It had a big window overlooking a private courtyard and it was next to his bedroom so he could hear her if she got frightened during the night.

  Now, he left his bedroom lights dimmed as he passed through. The dressing room was also in shadow, and he slipped silently inside the door. It wasn’t until he was close enough to see in the dim light that he realized she wasn’t sleeping peacefully in her bed. The coverlet was pulled back, the pillows were missing, and so was she.

  Fear raced through him as he remembered their first encounter, her tiny body at the mercy of his guards. Anger followed just as swiftly, exacerbated by his concern. She had promised not to leave. Already debating the wisdom of looking for her himself versus having his guards search, he headed back through his bedroom, only to be caught up by the sight of a small bundle of pillows and furs on the floor next to the bed. Ella was curled in their midst, her blond curls in wild disarray and her cheeks pink from sleep, looking as innocent as the child she was not.

  The anger rushed out of him as quickly as it had entered, replaced by relief that she was here and safe. Although... He frowned down at the small figure. Why would she have left her comfortable bed and come out here? But then he remembered her unhappiness when he left. Perhaps this was her way of trying to be close to him. Surprisingly gratified at the thought, he debated his options. If he returned her to her bed, he suspected she wouldn’t stay there, and he wasn’t about to let her sleep on the floor.

  With a resigned sigh, and a quickly suppressed feeling of satisfaction, he bent down to pick her up and place her in his bed. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled sleepily up at him, her heavy lids and flushed cheeks unexpectedly seductive. Would she look like that after she came? His horns pulsed at the thought and his cock stirred but he ignored them.

  “Go back to sleep, pet. I’m here.”

  “Mmm,” she whispered, but her eyes were already closing. He tucked her in on one side of the bed, trying not to notice how the fine silk of her nightgown clung to her body, showing each enticing little dip and valley. Even her small pink nipples were visible through the thin material. Once she sighed and settled down, he moved, somewhat regretfully, to the other side of the bed. The mattress was so large there was no danger of them touching accidentally but he could hear the soft sound of her breathing and catch the faintest hint of her sweet scent. His mind kept flashing back to the sight of her body in the thin nightgown and his cock stiffened, throbbing insistently.

  He rarely masturbated. If he had the urge, there was always someone easily available, although since he had become emperor, he only occasionally indulged. Even now, he could have someone sent to him, but he suspected that anyone would be a poor substitute for the person he really wanted, the girl sleeping on the other side of the big bed. It would be so easy to roll over and take her in his arms, to kiss those perfect little breasts, and slide deep inside what he had no doubt would be the sweetest, tightest cunt he’d ever experienced. He hardened even more at the thought.

  After checking to make sure her breathing was still even, he slipped off his sleep pants and grasped his erection. The hard flesh felt hot against his hand as he took a long slow stroke. He repeated the motion, then slid his thumb across the head, the petals of his oris already opening, the exquisite sensation making him shudder. He repeated his strokes, keeping his movements slow and steady, but imagining her waking, imagining her turning to him and using her small soft fingers to repeat his actions, imagining her eager little tongue exploring his cock as thoroughly as she’d explored his mouth. His body tensed with anticipation… and then he heard her give a soft cry. Still caught in his fantasies, he turned eagerly in her direction. And realized she was crying.

  Ella was dreaming. Part of her knew it was a dream, but she was trapped inside it, forced to relive the night when her life had changed completely. Her parents had gone out for the evening and Faith was babysitting. Faith was their neighbors’ daughter and had just returned from college with something her parents had called double doctorates. Ella didn’t care, she loved Faith. Faith was tall and brown-haired and clumsy, but she told the most wonderful stories and she knew absolutely everything.

  That night they had gone out to look at the stars. Faith was pointing out the constellations and telling her their stories when two shadows appeared behind them. Just as she realized they were not shadows but strange looking men, something pricked her neck and the world went dark.

she woke up, she and Faith were in a cage and there were tall, blue not-men bustling around. The trip had been long and terrifying, but she had Faith. Faith was always so brave and she still told Ella stories and comforted her and wouldn’t let any of the blue men near her until the very last day. The day when they pricked her neck again and she woke up with Momi and Popi smiling at her. The day when they very kindly, but quite implacably, told her that she belonged to them now.

  She’d been so scared of the strange aliens who looked like devils, but they’d petted and hugged her and been so very nice. They’d given her little treats and brushed her hair and beamed when she used the bathroom. She was ten years old, she wasn’t a baby, but it was so much easier to do the things that pleased them, to let herself be comforted by them. Her memories of the horrible trip, of her real mother and father, were weirdly foggy and uncertain, and she’d pushed aside what little remained so the she could exist in this strange, new world. Even now, the memories were slipping away again with the dream, leaving her with wet cheeks and an aching sorrow she didn’t understand.

  “Ssh, pet. I’m here.”

  The words gradually penetrated and she realized that she was being held against a very hard, warm body. His subtle musky scent penetrated, and she realized it was Karthajin. With a muffled cry, she threw her arms around his neck and clung to him, relieved not be alone. He stroked her back, holding her tightly against him. As her sorrow eased, she became aware that there was something hard trapped between their bodies. The realization that it must be his manhood sent an odd little thrill through her body.

  Once again, her nipples tingled, and she felt that strangle ache between her thighs. Curious, she wiggled her hips a little, delighted when he groaned and put one big warm hand across her bottom to hold her in place. By trying to prevent her from moving, he had also trapped her more tightly against him. His manhood was a big, hard ridge between her legs but despite the size, she didn’t feel the least bit scared. Instead, she tried to wiggle closer and his hand clamped down even harder. The pressure made her legs part and she could feel every inch of him against her private place, as if she had… opened around him, the sensation sending an electric thrill through her body.


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