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Ella and the Emperor (Alien Abduction #5)

Page 7

by Honey Phillips

  “K-kitten,” she said, picking up the cub and holding it up next to her face. Fluffy grey fur and blonde curls mingled and they both looked at up him with the same wide-eyed expression.

  “I think you’re both kittens,” he laughed. He took a step closer and the tigren growled, her ruffled crest flaring around her neck. Vradaz came up behind him and chuckled. “That’s Slinka. She don’t like anybody. Barely even tolerates me. But she loves that little girl.”

  The other cubs nudged Ella, demanding to be petted, and she gave them all some attention but the first one hadn’t budged from her lap. An idea struck him.

  “Are they weaned?”

  Vradaz gave him a considering look. “Aye. If you’re thinking what I think you are, you might want to reconsider. They’re not exactly palace pets.”

  “They are if I say they are,” he said coldly. He wasn’t used to being questioned.

  “Hmph.” Vradaz scowled. “You gonna blame the girl when the cub tears up your curtains and pisses on your pillows?”

  A brief flare of anger was immediately succeeded by amusement. The man’s bluntness was almost refreshing in comparison to the usual insincere compliments and constant flattery that was showered upon him.

  He suspected Vradaz’s warning was correct; however, he bent down next to Ella, keeping a cautious eye on the tigren. “Pet, would you like to take the kitten back with you? To keep you company?”

  To his shock, she shook her head frantically.

  “Nnuh, Nnuh.” She thrust the cub back against the tigren and moved in front of them, spreading her arms wide and still shaking her head. He realized she was crying, her sobs increasing as she tried to force out more words. “M-muh, m-muhfer.”

  Disregarding his elaborate uniform, he dropped down in the straw next to her and lifted her into his lap. The tigren growled but he ignored her.

  “Ssh, pet. Tell me what’s wrong. Are you worried about them leaving their mother?”

  “M-muhfer.” She nodded her head and cried harder. He gave the stable master what he suspected was a helpless look.

  “Now, don’t you be carrying on like that, girl.” Vradaz joined them, kneeling with an unexpected grace for a man of his bulk. “I told you about this, remember? Slinka won’t put up with them for much longer. It’s time for them to be on their own.”

  “Ownn,” she echoed sadly and buried her head in his neck, but at least her sobs were dying down. It finally occurred to him that she was probably reacting to her own experience in being taken from her mother. Pity, and an unexpected feeling of anger, tore at him.

  “She won’t be on her own if you take her, pet. She’ll have you to take care of her.” His words seemed to penetrate and she looked up at him, blue eyes still drenched with tears, before clutching his tunic.


  “Yes, pet, she’ll have me, too.”

  Her bottom lip still trembled, but she sniffed and gave a firm little nod. “T-tkk care.”

  “I know you will, pet. You’ll take good care of her.”

  He looked up to find the stable master eying him thoughtfully, while his guards hastily wiped their faces of all expression and looked away. Ignoring them all, he rose to his feet with Ella in his arms, then gently put her down. The smallest cub, the one who had spent so long on her lap, tried to climb her pants. She laughed a little shakily and bent to pick her up.

  “Good choice, girl. She may be the smallest but she’s the fiercest. Do you want me to come and help you get her settled?”

  Ella gave him a hopeful look and he sighed. When he’d asked if she had a friend, he’d envisioned another shy little girl, not a stocky, bad-tempered stable master. With a resigned nod, he turned to lead the way back to his rooms, wondering what other surprises she had in store.

  Chapter Eleven

  One week later, Karthajin walked into his bedroom and smiled. A small lamp cast a gentle glow over the room, revealing blond curls nestled amongst the pillows. As usual, Ella was asleep in his bed and the sight never failed to please him. After their first night together, she had never slept anywhere else. The bed in the dressing room remained, although he doubted that either Saban or any of his other servants had the slightest belief that she slept there.

  A soft purr came from the basket at the end of the bed and he bent down to pick up the cub, now named Chika. After a tumultuous start to their relationship—during which the cub did just as Vradaz had predicted and climbed his curtains and pissed on his pillow, not to mention chewing his shoes, and stealing any sparkling object she could find—they had reached a state of detente, driven by their mutual lo… affection for Ella.

  He scratched Chika’s crest while she purred and stretched, responding to his touch as enthusiastically as Ella did. The thought had him searching out his female again, her small body barely visible under the covers. Despite her eagerness, he had been trying to take things slowly, to let her explore her sexuality without any demands from him. They kissed and petted, and he inevitably brought her to climax, but he hadn’t let her touch him since that first night. It was both delightful and frustrating and it felt like he was discovering sex along with her. But tonight he was about to introduce her to a new experience.

  Giving Chika a last little scratch, he set her back down in her basket, before climbing quietly into bed. Determined not to wake Ella yet, he carefully drew the covers down. She no longer bothered to wear any of the pretty little nightgowns that Kolga had designed and he couldn’t object, especially when it left her so delightfully exposed to him. Lying on her back, one hand flung carelessly over her head, her body glowed against the dark blue sheets he had chosen tonight to accent her beauty. He gently cupped her pert breasts, the small mounds barely filling his palms, but her nipples responded immediately, and she shifted restlessly in her sleep.

  His mouth watered for a taste of those small pink nipples, but he knew that would awaken her and he had a different plan in mind. Regretfully leaving the tempting peaks, he let his hands slide slowly down her sides. He could easily span her waist and the sight of his big, dark hand splayed across her creamy flesh gave him the usual rush of pleasure. He liked seeing how small and helpless she appeared, liked knowing that she was his. For how long? He dismissed the uneasy question and concentrated on his target, gently spreading her legs. She was just as beautiful here as she was everywhere else, small but perfectly formed, fine golden curls barely covering her delicate pink flesh.

  He stroked the inside of her thighs, then gently used his thumbs to part her lips, already flushed and beginning to glisten with arousal. Very gently, he licked the tiny entrance to her cunt, almost groaning with pleasure as her sweet taste exploded in his mouth. He probed very delicately at the small opening, barely able to slide his tongue inside at first but feeling her soften and begin to open as he repeated the gentle thrusts. Her legs shifted and he paused, but she didn’t move again. Once he was sure she was still sleeping, he returned to his explorations, licking his way up to the ripe little nub of her clit. It was already swollen, peeking through its hood, and he concentrated his attentions there, licking and sucking until it hardened, until her body tensed, until she came with a startled cry, jerking awake with the pleasure of her climax. As her body shuddered, he took another long, slow lick, delighting in the fresh flood of liquid that met his tongue.

  “M-more.” Ella’s hands curled in his hair, before finding his horns and giving an impatient tug. She had rapidly discovered just how sensitive they were, but he ignored the corresponding pulse in his shaft and raised his head to smile at her.

  “I’m sorry, kitten. Did I wake you?”

  She rolled her eyes and tugged on his horns again. His cock throbbed impatiently, and he decided that perhaps she was ready for a little bit more.

  Ella’s eyes widened as Karthajin stood up long enough to discard his sleep pants. Despite her best efforts, he refused to sleep naked and this was the first time she had seen all of him. Her eyes immediately traveled to his ma
nhood, his… cock. Even thinking the word made her blush but it didn’t prevent her from taking an eager look. Flushed a darker red than his skin, it stood proudly away from his body. The surface wasn’t smooth but dipped and bulged in an intriguing fashion before ending in his oris, the wide petalled tip that was still tightly furled. He stroked his hand along the length and when he reached the head, the petals opened, then closed around his thumb in a sucking movement and she remembered the first night. The memory sent a fresh surge of arousal through her body, even though she was still tingling from the explosive climax. She reached for him, but he shook his head.

  “No, kitten. You can look, but you can’t touch. Not yet.”

  The dark promise in his voice sent a little shiver up her spine. He climbed back on the bed and knelt over her thighs, keeping most of his weight off of her but trapping her between his legs. His hand went back to his cock and he started stroking again, long hard pulls which set up an answering pulse between her legs. She stirred restlessly, and he smiled at her through heavy lids.

  “You’re so beautiful, my Ella. From the top of your pretty little head to the tips of your tiny little feet. And now that I’ve discovered just how perfect your sweet little cunt is, I’m going to be spending a lot more time there.”

  He shifted his weight, allowing her legs to part, and slowly dragged his cock along her slit, his oris spreading her open and then closing down to leave little sucking kisses along the way. When it reached her clit, it closed around the sensitive flesh and she jerked at the unexpected sensation. He groaned and she looked up to see him focused on the sight, his hand starting to move faster, and pushing his oris more tightly against her. Her swollen nub was surrounded by a pulsing suction that had every part of her body tingling and straining toward her climax. Unable to resist, she reached down and tried to grasp his cock, to pull him even closer. Her fingers couldn’t close around him, but as soon as she touched him, he covered her hand with his own, and the pulsating increased until her whole clit was engulfed in sensation. Her body arched just as he exploded, hot jets of liquid hitting her clit with sparks of fiery pleasure while she convulsed with rapture, a strangled cry erupting from her lips.

  He collapsed down over her, his body covered with a fine sheen of sweat, and she hugged him and stoked his back as she waited for her own body to settle. As it did, she became aware of a slight ache remaining between her thighs, a feeling of emptiness. A feeling she suspected would remain unless he… entered her with his cock. The very thought made her shiver with excitement and he raised his head.

  “What’s the matter, kitten? Are you cold?”

  She smiled and shook her head. Even if she had been able to tell him what she wanted, she wasn’t sure that she would have the courage to disrupt what they already had between them. And she never wanted to lose this—this feeling of closeness, of happiness, when it was just the two of them together in his big bed.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up before you do get cold.” He sat up, then looked down with a rueful expression. “I didn’t intend to go this far tonight.”


  “I’m glad, too, but it’s still rushing things.”

  She rolled her eyes and he flicked her nose. “Don’t roll your eyes at me, little girl.”

  She crossed them instead and he laughed and went to get a warm cloth.

  The next morning, Ella rushed through her bath so she could accompany Karthajin to training. He was as disciplined about maintaining his routine as he was about everything else he did, although he usually concealed his dedication behind a mask of casual ease. She suspected that the only time he truly relaxed was when he was alone with her. Or occasionally with someone like Sendat, who he had apparently known most of his life. He was laughing now as he slipped inside the big man’s guard and touched him with the tip of his knife.

  The first time she had gone with him to a session, it had scared her, but there was a certain grace to it as well—a grace that was sadly missing from her own training sessions. After she had reluctantly agreed to give it a try, Karthajin had accompanied her to her first lesson. In his deep, reassuring voice, Sendat had explained what he was going to do. Checking at each step to make sure she wasn’t afraid, he had walked her through a move that ended with him dropping her, very carefully, to a mat.

  The swoop through the air had made her giggle, but she’d looked up to see Karthajin standing over her, his hand on his knife, growling at Sendat. That had been the last time he came with her.

  Now she watched them, studying their moves. Chika was curled in her lap and she petted her absently as she watched Sendat position himself. She had come across a book on Karthajin’s shelves outlining knife fighting techniques and she recognized the feint Sendat made with his left hand, as he brought his right around to touch Karthajin’s ribs. She laughed and clapped her hands.

  Both men looked at her, Karthajin raising an eyebrow.

  “You’re not supposed to celebrate my defeat, pet.”

  “C-chronor t-technn…” She gave up and waved a hand. The movement disturbed Chika who huffed and slipped off her lap to stretch out in front of the windows instead.

  “You’re quite right, Miss Ella.” Sendat nodded approvingly. “That is the Chronor Technique. Which you also should have recognized, Sire.”

  “I believe I’m outnumbered.” Karthajin laughed, then checked his wrist com. “I am also out of time. Do you want to take over for me, kitten?”

  Bouncing eagerly to her feet, she joined them on the mats. Karthajin looked from her to Sendat, towering over her, and shook his head. “At least wait until I leave, otherwise I suspect I will have my knife aimed at Sendat again.

  “F-fine,” she assured him.

  “I know you are.” He cupped her cheek and she nestled into his hand. “I’m traveling today but I’ll be back to join you and Nokatan this afternoon. And I thought tonight we could have dinner in the garden, just the two of us.” His eyes promised more than just food and her clit gave an eager little pulse, hoping that he intended to repeat last night’s actions.

  “N-no b-banquet?”

  “No. Or more precisely, there is a banquet, but I do not plan to attend.”

  “Is p-problem?” she asked worriedly.

  “No problem at all. I am the Emperor, remember?” He assumed his regal expression and she giggled. His face softened and he caught her up in his arms, kissing her until her head spun and Sendat coughed.

  “I’m going, Sendat.” He flicked the tip of her nose and departed.

  She watched him leave, then turned to Sendat eagerly. “S-show me.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “What the fuck? You drag me across the galaxy on urgent business and then you expect me to wait around until it’s fucking convenient?” The angry voice could be clearly heard from the outer office as Tanaca entered Karthajin’s office, closing the door discreetly behind him.

  “Your Imperial Majesty, please forgive the interruption but Captain Athtar is here per your request. He was somewhat… reluctant to come.” Tanaca’s voice was as composed as usual, even though they both heard the sound of something hitting the wall.

  Karthajin shook his head. “Perhaps you were not polite enough.”

  “Perhaps.” Tanaca’s lips quirked. “Do you wish to see him now?”

  There was another crash from the outer office, and he winced. “It would seem the wisest course of action if I want to have any palace left.”

  “I could have the guards restrain him,” Tanaca offered.

  “But that wouldn’t be very polite, would it? Send him in.”

  Tanaca bowed and opened the door and Captain Athtar appeared, scowling furiously.

  “Emperor Karthajin, Supreme Leader of the Kaisarian Empire, Defender of the Nine Gods, Chosen of Napisten, and Ruler of the Crystal Throne, will see you now,” Tanaca said smoothly, but Karthajin suspected he was enjoying the other man’s frustration.

  The captain gave a reluctant bow.
/>   “Your Imperial Majesty.”

  “Please come in, Captain Athtar. This is my senior advisor, S’chen Tanaca. He will be joining us.”

  The captain sneered at the other man. “He introduced himself when your fuc… when your battleship aimed its guns at my ship.”

  Tanaca raised a brow. “I wished to get your attention.”

  “You succeeded.”

  While the two men eyed each other, Karthajin observed the newcomer. His records indicated that the captain had Elginar blood, and it could be seen in the pale blue skin and white hair he shared with Tanaca. However, the resemblance ended there. Athtar was a head taller than Tanaca and massively built, his hair and beard in wild disarray despite the small braids holding it back. A tattered fur coat and worn leather pants were a far cry from Tanaca’s usual neat black attire.

  “Would you care to have a seat?” Karthajin asked, breaking the staring contest.

  “I’ll stand. What’s this about?” Athtar’s tone was just shy of insolent but he supposed he would have reacted the same way. Besides, the man was a close friend of one of his cousins. That earned him a little latitude. A little.

  “Sit down, Captain,” he ordered.

  Athtar masked a scowl, not very successfully, and flung himself into a chair that creaked rather alarmingly with the movement.

  “You provided us with some very useful information and the Empire is indebted to you for that.”

  “But?” Athtar asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “But we have not been able to utilize that information as well as we had hoped. We have tried the more subtle approach that King Rastrath suggested but we have not been able to uncover any additional information.”

  “So, what now? You going to send in the fuc… the troops?”

  “I would rather not. Which is where you come in.”

  “Sorry. Already told you everything I know.” Athtar shot a derisive glance at Tanaca. “Surprised your fuc… spymaster hasn’t been able to find out anything else.”


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