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Ella and the Emperor (Alien Abduction #5)

Page 14

by Honey Phillips

“Of course.” A reminiscent smile crossed her face. “My… owners were quite devout. Momi had a small shrine in the house and she prayed every day. She told me often that I was a gift from Napisten.”

  “As are all that we take in to our lives,” he said solemnly, and bowed his head to her. Yes, she definitely liked this man, and now she understood why Karthajin had dismissed her question about his motives.

  The conversation turned to more general matters, and she concentrated on her food, content to listen. It wasn’t until the end of the meal that Orokoth became more personal.

  “I am, of course, delighted to join you, Karthajin, and your charming companion, but why am I here?”

  Karthajin hesitated, then sighed. “Because, cousin, someone has developed a weapon capable of destroying a planet. Originally, I thought it was an isolated act of selfish vengeance. Now I suspect that it may be more than that. And I know that there are other Kaisarians involved.”

  “You think this is part of a plot to overthrow the throne?”

  Karthajin shook his head. “I don’t know. It seems ridiculous, doesn’t it?”

  Orokoth took a sip of his tea, then said slowly. “Perhaps not. Your father’s death was… unexpected.”

  “It was hardly unexpected for him to be drunk.”

  “But so drunk he couldn’t control a lovast? I’ve seen him ride one of them when he could barely stand. And that fence that so conveniently gave way? I was never convinced that it was an accident.”

  Karthajin shook his head, but she thought it was more from shock than disbelief. “Why haven’t you said anything before?”

  Orokoth shrugged. “At first because I wasn’t sure if you were involved. Oh, not because you were eager to gain the throne. If you had done it, I was sure it was because you thought it was in the best interests of the Empire. When nothing else happened, I didn’t see any benefit in raising the matter. As Napisten says, do not trouble a sleeping tigren.”

  Karthajin was frowning at his plate. She knew he hadn’t liked his father, but it had to bother him to think he might have been murdered. Slipping out of her chair, she went to his side and put her hand on his arm. He covered it with his own, and she looked up to find Orokoth watching both them curiously.

  “Does this bother you?” she asked.

  “No. Why should it?”

  “Most of Popi’s friends were other Kaisarian scholars but some of them were priests. I was always sent to bed when they came over. I thought maybe they didn’t approve of humans.”

  He shook his head. “There is certainly a faction within the Church that are convinced that only Kaisarians have Napisten’s favor. However, I have studied his teachings my entire life and I believe that he values all races.”

  “My grandfather went to war in his name at least twice,” Karthajin said dryly.

  Orokoth shrugged. “Men choose to interpret the Gods in their own way. That does not mean they are always correct. And despite his faults, your grandfather established a long period of peace and prosperity.”

  “That is one tradition I hope to continue.”

  “Are you thinking of breaking other traditions?” Orokoth’s eyes darted from Karthajin’s face to hers, then back to where Karthajin’s hand still enclosed hers.

  “Yes,” he said firmly, and her heart gave a foolish little flutter. “Do you have any objections?”

  “Not at all. In fact, if you were to, um, produce a direct heir, then I would be free to commit my life to the Church.”

  Ella knew she was blushing, but the idea of a child with Karthajin filled her with joy. Stop it, she told herself firmly. But when she looked at him, Karthajin had the same longing in his eyes.

  “I will make one more suggestion before I leave,” Orokoth said quietly. “The Senate meets in just over a month. If you truly suspect that there is a plot against the Empire, you must consider the possibility that it comes from outside Kaisar. Perhaps it is time to reinstate the law of Sankin-Vetel while you investigate.”

  Ella gasped but Karthajin nodded slowly. “That’s a very interesting suggestion. Thank you, cousin.”

  “Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist you—and be assured that you have my loyalty.” With a graceful bow, he departed.

  “Karthajin, you can’t.” Tears sprang to her eyes. The law of Sankin-Vetel required that each member of the Senate spend a month in residence on Kaisar. In addition, they were required to bring their immediate family with them to the capital. The families would remain in residence until the emperor gave them leave to depart, in essence hostages to ensure that the Senators behaved appropriately when they returned to their home planets. The thought of families being separated was too close to her own ordeal.

  He cupped her face gently. “Kitten, do you trust me?”

  “Of course, I do,” she said immediately.

  “Then please trust me on this. If I choose to enforce the law, I promise that it will be for a good reason.”

  After a long moment, she nodded. He gave a sigh of relief and lifted her onto his lap. “Thank you, kitten. I feel like I’m playing a game of Jatek blindfolded against an unknown opponent. I have to be prepared to use every piece at my disposal. But I promise you, I’m an excellent player.”

  She reached up and cupped his cheek, stroking his short, silky beard, then grinned. “As it happens, so am I.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Karthajin studied the Jatek board, then tipped his kiral over in defeat. “Kitten, you never fail to surprise me. How did you learn to play?”

  “Books, of course. And Popi played with several of his friends. I watched their games.” She’d loved those evenings in his cozy study, curled in her chair, pretending not to watch as they played and talked, the smoky aroma of Popi’s weekly pipe filling the air.

  “He never played with you?”

  “No, he showed me the pieces once and told me little stories about them. But he would have been so dismayed if I actually wanted to learn to play.” That was the bitter edge to the sweet memory. “They were always so proud when I learned to do something, but only to a certain point. I still don’t understand it.”

  “It’s very easy to look at you and just see an innocent little girl, kitten, and forget all about that sharp little mind of yours.”

  She could feel her cheeks heating. No one ever praised her intelligence and it was both pleasing and oddly embarrassing. She rushed to change the subject.

  “Perhaps you would play better blindfolded?” She pulled out the silk sash she had taken from his vast wardrobe. His eyes heated and she felt a corresponding heat between her legs.

  “Oh, kitten, I can think of much better games to play with that.”

  “What type of games?” Her innocent look was failing her, her body already responding to the promise in his eyes.

  “Come over here and I’ll show you.”

  Trying not to appear too eager, she climbed slowly to her feet and went to him, standing in front of him as he reclined on the couch. He just studied her for a long moment, taking in her flushed cheeks and the taut little peaks thrusting against her thin silk dress.

  “What gave you this idea, pet?”

  Her cheeks were on fire now. “There was a book—ancient love poems from the First Empire—and some of them were quite… suggestive.”

  “I can see that I might have to expand your reading selections.” The red flames were dancing in his eyes and she could see his horns pulsing. “Take off your clothes, kitten.”

  After a quick glance around, she pulled the dress over her head. They were in the tea house in the garden and all of the walls were open to their surroundings. While she knew Karthajin had given orders that they were not to be interrupted, she felt much more exposed outside. Exposed and excited.

  “Mm. Very nice.” He leaned forward, but instead of pulling her into his arms, he traced a single finger delicately along her collarbone. The gentle touch left a fiery line of sensation behind it and she leaned
forward, wanting more.

  “No, kitten. Don’t move or I’ll stop.”

  She pouted at him but stood still. He resumed his journey, still just using one finger to slowly trail down her front, circling her nipple lightly until it was aching, then moving on, teasing the dimple of her belly button, before finally tracing ever so lightly over the bare skin of her mound and dipping between her legs.

  “You’re very wet, little girl.” He withdrew his wet finger and traced it over her lips, her tongue automatically following, the sweet taste of her arousal shocking, before placing it in his own mouth and sucking slowly. “Delicious.”

  “Karthajin,” she pleaded.

  He stood up, letting her feel the heat of his body, before he circled around behind her. Picking up the sash, he let it trail over her sensitized skin before bringing it up and wrapping it over her eyes. Darkness descended as the cool silk settled into place. The feeling of being exposed increased, but so did the sense of excitement.

  Karthajin whispered in her ear, his warm breath sending a shiver down her spine. “Do you like this, kitten?”

  “Yes,” she breathed. Her senses seemed magnified. She could hear a slight breeze ruffling the leaves on a nearby bush and caught the drifting sweetness of a flowering plant.

  His warmth disappeared from behind her, but before she had a chance to feel worried, he was back, closer now, and she could feel his naked body pressed up against hers. For a moment, he just stood there, the heat of his body at her back contrasting with the cool air wafting across her exposed front. Finally, he reached around to cup her breasts, not doing anything else but enclosing them in the heat of his big hands. She tried to lean forward, to press her aching nipples against his palms, and he pulled them away.

  “Behave, little girl. Stay still.”

  With a frustrated huff, she resumed her position.

  “Good girl.” She could feel the hard length of his cock flex against her back, pleased with her obedience. His hands came back, and this time she forced herself to remain still. He rewarded her by taking her aching nipples between his fingers and rolling them gently as she gasped with delight. One hand slipped lower, parting her lips, and sliding first one, then two thick fingers between them. Again, he didn’t make any further moves, just let them rest there. Her clit was throbbing so hard, she felt as if it was actually reaching for him. Her patience disappeared and she tried to subtly press forward. The fingers immediately disappeared, and she could have cried with frustration.

  “What a naughty little girl,” he whispered, and every part of her body was so alive with sensation that the touch of his breath was almost enough to bring her to completion.

  “I’m sorry. Please don’t stop.”

  With a sudden swoop, he lifted her into the air, then deposited her on the carpet. The embroidered silk was cool and slightly textured against her back, her front once more exposed to the open air.


  “I’m here, pet. Just admiring the view. You’re so beautiful. I love seeing you like this, so open to me.” His voice came closer until she could once again feel his warmth. He stroked down her arm then lifted it over her head, repeating the move with her other arm. “Can you keep your arms here?”

  “Yes,” she said breathlessly. She felt even more exposed like this, her breasts lifted toward the unseen sky.

  “If you move, I’ll stop.”

  “I won’t move.”

  “Good girl,” he said, and she caught the vibration of sound against her flesh before the sudden shocking wetness of his tongue across her nipple. It took all of her self-control not to arch into his touch. He hummed an approving murmur at her restraint. He sucked very gently on her nipples, teasing the throbbing peaks into tight little buds, moving back and forth between each breast, while she clenched her fists in a frantic effort not to move, then lifted his head.

  “More,” she demanded.

  “All in good time, pet. It’s like playing Jatek. You have to know when to strike.”

  “Now. Now would be good.”

  “I don’t think you’re quite ready yet.” He moved away again.

  A moment later, a cool trickle of liquid dripped across her swollen nipples, then trailed down across her stomach. He parted her thighs and the unknown fluid landed on her exposed clit, the coolness making her gasp.

  “What is that?”

  “Honey.” He took a long, slow lick across her nipple. “Sweet. But not as sweet as you.”

  He followed the line he’d made with the same slow pace. Her body tightened with anticipation. Every part of her body felt alive, open, and she wanted to move more than she’d ever wanted anything in her life. When he finally reached the swollen nub between her legs, a single lick across the oversensitive flesh was enough. Her back arched, and she exploded with a wordless cry as the sensation rushed over her.

  “You moved, pet.” The words were chiding but she could hear the pleased satisfaction in his voice.

  “You made me.”

  “I’m sure you can do better.” He dropped a quick kiss on her nose, then repeated the whole process. This time she managed to hold out until he closed his mouth around her clit, until he sucked with gentle urgency, until he sank one thick finger into her empty channel and sent her flying.

  “Shall we try again?” Even though she couldn’t see him, she could picture his teasing smile, and she was suddenly hungry for more than just teasing. She wanted to be surrounded by him.

  “Please, Karthajin. I need you.”

  The sweet plea went straight to Karthajin’s head. He’d been trying to ignore his pulsing horns, his throbbing cock, trying to concentrate on Ella’s pleasure in the new experience, but her words destroyed his restraint. With a muffled groan, he spread her legs further apart, his eager cock already sliding through her slick warmth. He nuzzled his oris against her clit, still pink and swollen from her earlier climaxes, before seeking the exquisite tightness of her perfect little cunt. As always, he had to work his way inside, forcing her body to soften and open, to accept his intrusion. Once he was buried as far as he could go, he paused to look at her. Her delicate labia stretched open around the dark red of his shaft, her creamy skin flushed pink, her nipples rosy, her mouth parted in ecstasy, the blindfold completing the erotic picture. But enticing as it was, he ripped it away, wanting to see her eyes, wanting to see them sparkling up at him with the love that was so much more arousing than mere eroticism.

  Her lashes fluttered up as he removed the sash, and her mouth curved. “Hello, my love.”

  He shuddered, and then he exploded, thrusting blindly as wave after wave of seed erupted from him, vaguely aware that her cunt was convulsing, her soft voice echoing his cry.

  When his brain cleared enough to think, he realized that most of his weight was on her, but she didn’t seem to mind, her slender arms and legs wrapped tightly around him. He lifted his head and smiled at her.

  “I think that was more fun than blindfolded Jatek.”

  “I agree.” Then her bottom lip poked out and she gave him an impish look from under her lashes. “But now I’m all dirty.”

  “Does my dirty little girl want a bath?”

  He felt her little cunt flutter around him at his words and she licked her lips. “Oh, yes, please.”

  His heart light, he gathered her up and carried her away.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Determined to proceed with his plan, Karthajin met with each of his three advisors the next morning about his intention to enforce the Sankin-Vetel law. He knew Ella was still troubled about the idea and didn’t allow her to attend.

  Tanaca rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “It’s an interesting idea, Sire. Although if there is, in fact, a plot against the throne, do you really think it’s coming from outside Kaisar? So far, only Kaisarians and Elginar seem to be involved.”

  “If Kaisarians are involved, then it would be beneficial to have support from the Senators.”

  “Do you think hol
ding their families hostage will cause them to support you?” Tanaca asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “No. I have something else in mind for that.”

  “May I ask what?”

  Karthajin studied the older man. “I believe in the Empire. There is a need for law and order across the galaxy, and someone has to be strong enough to enforce it.”

  “Agreed. However, I sense there is a caveat?”

  “Almost every position of authority within the Empire is held by a Kaisarian. I wonder if perhaps we have become too insular.”

  “That never seemed to trouble your grandfather.”

  “Perhaps not. And yet, he was the one to bring in Elginar scholars and to choose one as one of his senior advisors.”

  Tanaca nodded, conceding the point.

  “He also brought in the Bukharan as palace guards,” Karthajin added.

  “Because he didn’t trust his own people.”

  “Perhaps, but as a result, I was exposed to a wider range of races and I realized that one doesn’t have to be Kaisarian to have value.”

  “If you’ll forgive me, Sire, I suspect that it was your… exposure to one specific race which has made the most difference in your thinking.”

  He had to fight to suppress a smile. “Perhaps. However, I intend to open positions in the government to other races.”

  “Which will no doubt be supported by the Senators,” Tanaca said thoughtfully. “You’re playing the Royal House against the Senate. It’s a dangerous game.”

  “Do you doubt me?”

  Tanaca studied his face, then let his lips tip up.

  “No, Sire.”

  Lekasar, on the other hand, had no hesitation about his plan. “Excellent, Chosen One. It is long past time for you to assert your authority over the Senators, make sure they understand the proper order of things.”

  His eyebrows lifted. “The proper order?”

  “They will always fall beneath the feet of Napisten’s Chosen. He established the Kaisarians as the rightful rulers of the galaxy.” The priest’s eyes glowed with a fanatical light that Karthajin had never seen before.


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