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The Wit and Humor of America, Volume IV. (of X.)

Page 6

by E. Oe. Somerville and Martin Ross



  Once on a Time there was a Man and his Wife who had Different Ideasconcerning Family Expenditures.

  The Man said: "I am Exceedingly Economical; although I spend Small Sumshere and there for Cigars, Wines, Theater Tickets, and Little Dinners,yet I do not buy me a Yacht or a Villa at Newport."

  But even with these Praiseworthy Principles, it soon Came About that theMan was Bankrupt.

  Whereupon he Reproached his Wife, who Answered his Accusations withSurprise.

  "Me! My dear!" she exclaimed. "Why, I am Exceedingly Economical. True, IOccasionally buy me a Set of Sables or a Diamond Tiara, but I amScrupulously Careful about Small Sums; I Diligently unknot all Stringsthat come around Parcels, and Save Them, and I use the Backs of oldEnvelopes for Scribbling-Paper. Yet, somehow, my Bank-Account is alsoExhausted."


  This Fable teaches to Takes Care of the Pence and the Pounds will TakeCare of Themselves, and that we Should Not Be Penny-Wise andPound-Foolish.


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