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Elemental Summoner 1

Page 22

by D. Levesque

  “We are here to get Elves, of course. Why are you following us with your slave?” he asks me.

  Suddenly another Fire Arrow goes into his other leg, and he screams in pain again. As his feet are underground, he can’t fall, so he ends up bending over in an awkward position.

  “Keep asking me questions, Tiggy. I have thirty-four Fire Arrows left,” I tell him, shaking my head. “Now, tell me how many Elves in total you have, and you’d better not lie to me.”

  “We have thirty of them. Five under the age of ten and the rest are adults. The old ones we killed off since they are useless,” he tells me, sounding as if he is reciting a grocery list.

  Leeha goes to hit him, but I hold my arm out and she stops. She is staring at him with death in her eyes. Tiggy looks at her oddly. I am sure he is confused by her manner, and the fact that she is not acting afraid of him. Then again, he is kind of tied up.

  “How many are you?” I ask him.

  He looks at me suspiciously but then says, “Why would I ans—” Another Fire Arrow flies right at him, and this time I aim for the same spot I hit in the first leg, making him squeal in pain. Maybe I should call him Piggy instead of Tiggy? That makes me chuckle.

  Once his crying is done and he is only moaning, with tears in his eyes and snot running down his face, I ask him, “Again, how many are you?”

  “There are seven of us. Me, Mig here,” he points down to the archer on the ground, “and five more.”

  “Any other mages?” I ask him.

  “Yes,” he says quickly. Good. He wants to avoid pain. “There are two Earth mages and two Fire mages. And one warrior.”

  “Good. How far ahead are they?” I ask him, pointing in the direction we had been heading before he stopped us.

  “About an hour. We always post someone behind to make sure we aren’t being followed.”

  “By the Elves?” I ask him, confused since they killed them all.

  “No, other slavers,” he growls this time.

  “Well, you don’t need to worry about that anymore, Tiggy. Trust me,” I tell him with a grin. Then, before he can ask what I mean, all thirty-two Fire Arrows slam into his body and kill him instantly.

  Leeha walks up to me and wraps her arms around my side. I look down at her and she says softly, “I could have done that for you, Alex. You told me you have never killed anyone before in your world, and now this is your second time killing since you’ve come to my world.”

  Sighing, I tell her, “I know.”

  She’s right. I have had to kill twice since coming to this world. I never even killed for hunting when I was on Earth. I mean, I have killed bugs, a rat or such, but a thinking person? This is my second time, and thinking about it? I have no guilt for it. And I know that when I kill these other six humans, I will not have any either. Speaking of.

  “Bridget,” I say softly.

  “Yes, Alex,” she says from next to me. She is back in her Elf form and she comes over and hugs me on my other side. I wrap my arm around her, so that I am embracing both girls. “Lower them both into the ground and cover them up.”

  “That one is still alive,” Bridget says quietly, pointing to the archer.

  “Sucks for him,” I tell her.

  Something tells me that I need to be hard for this world because if not, people will try to take advantage of me. I need to be tough not only for the Elves but for all the other races. And The humans are about to learn that being human doesn’t mean you can do whatever the fuck you want to the other races. They will need to learn to live with all the other races, or many people are going to get killed. At my hand. Was that why God sent me here or gave me the choice to come here, with the powers that I have?

  Doesn’t matter. The people of Boromour say every thousand years, an Elemental Summoner is born and destroys the world. Well, I am about to do exactly that, but not for power. For equality.

  I feel a hand on my chest and looking down, I see it’s Leeha’s. She is looking at me worriedly. “Alex. Do not let your heart harden so much that you don’t allow love in.”

  I put my hand on the back of her head and pull her towards me, kissing the top of her head. “Trust me, with you and Bridget around, I will never lack for love.”

  “You love me?” Bridget asks in a surprised voice.

  Looking down at her, I smile and say, “Yes, I do. I love you, and I love you as well, Leeha,” I say, turning back to her.

  Leeha smiles back up at me and says, “That’s the first time you have said you love me.”

  “It is?” I ask her, shocked. Really? But we are married, how can it be the first time?

  Leeha laughs. “Alex, your actions have shown, if nothing else, how much you love me.”

  “And the fact that you love me, an Elemental, says much of your character. You truly don’t command me as a true mage would. You respect me,” Bridget says softly, with a loving smile.

  “So Alex? Don’t ever change,” Leeha says passionately.

  “Then I won’t,” I tell them both and smile. Bending down, I kiss both of them deeply.

  Once I’m done, I look down, scowling at the archer, and say, “But I think we will need this one. I have an idea, but it means I need your help in this one, Bridget. I want to create a collar, but a special one.”

  “Oh?” Both girls say at the same time, looking at me.

  “The way you manipulated those vines gave me the idea. How far can you control something like that, and do you need to see it?”

  Bridget looks at me thoughtfully before she answers. “I would need to see it to interact with it the first time, but I don’t think so after that. As for distance, I am not sure. “

  “Well, this is what I want to do. I want to make a collar and put it around that man’s neck. But I want it so that if he doesn’t listen to me or if he tries to run away, I want it to explode with a Fire Ball and blow his head off.”

  “Fucking hell, Alex,” Leeha says, but it’s not horror on her face but admiration. “You want a collar to control him?”

  “Yeah, in my world we had stories that said if someone was wearing a collar like that and they went too far from where they were supposed to be, the collar would explode,” I tell her with a laugh. “But I doubt I can do that here, so I am curious if Bridget would be able to control it. But that means she would need to watch over him,” I say, pointing to the archer. “All the time.”

  “Not really,” Bridget says, shaking her head.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, with your magic you can create an Elemental to watch over it for you and give it commands.”

  “What?” I say, my mouth open in astonishment.

  “Well, I am the primary Elemental. There are still the five Elementals. I am one hundred percent positive one of them would love to do this for you. You would need to pick which Elemental would live inside the collar. I mean, you want Fire Ball, so I assume you want Fire to live in there? I can get Earth to make the collar.” She starts to get more excited as she talks, like she has a plan that is coming together.

  “Earth to make it?” I ask her, with a raised eyebrow.

  “Well, we want something nice, so I would make it from metal. Say, copper? You don’t want silver or gold, or someone would kill him to get it. But copper is cheap. Ooo, I want to see how it looks,” she says, clapping her hands. “Call up Earth,” she tells me.

  Laughing at her bossiness, I nod, put my hand out, and say, “Earth.”

  In my palm appears a female-shaped Earth Elemental, less than half a foot high and made of grass, dirt, and twigs. She waves at me. With my other hand, I wave back.

  “Hello there,” I tell her. “I need copper. Think you can get me some?”

  In my head, I don’t hear a voice, as much as I get a feeling of how much I do need.

  “Well,” I say, “I want to make a collar to go around that man on the ground. All the way around his neck, and about this wide,” I tell the Earth Elemental, measuring about half an i
nch with the fingers of my free hand. “I also want it thin but strong enough so that he won’t be able to break it off.”

  “Oh, don’t worry, Alex,” Bridget says. “We will make it strong with magic, so it can be very thin.”

  “Oh. What she said,” I tell the Earth Elemental, pointing to Bridget. The Earth Elemental nods and dives off my hand and into the ground as if she had just dived off a high board.

  Leeha is crouching next to the human archer. “What did you use to make him sleep?” she asks me, poking him with her finger.

  “I went with a Mind spell. I called it Sleeping Arrow.”

  “When will he wake up?” she asks, looking up at me.

  “Honestly,” I tell her, rubbing the back of my neck in embarrassment. “I have no clue.”

  “You didn’t set a timer on it?” she asks, suddenly getting up, and she has a water arrow aimed at the archer.

  “Does it matter?” I ask her worriedly.

  She nods. “Yes. Most spells have a timer component. He might even be awake and listening to us, waiting for a time to strike!” she says.

  “Bridget,” I cry. “Earth. Bind him!”

  Just as I cry out, the man, who I thought was asleep, tries to get up and run, but he gets pulled down when vines pop out of the ground and surround him. He struggles, but it’s in vain. He tries to shrug his shoulders, but the vines have wrapped around and have deposited him back on the ground, where he is sitting on his ass. He continues to try to fight it, even to the point that a vein shows up on his purple face. Finally, he stops and deflates, defeated.

  “You won’t get away with this,” he growls at me.

  Leeha squats in front of him and says with a grin, “Ah, but we already have.”

  Suddenly the man spits at her, but a wall of water intercepts it. Leeha sneers at him. “Nice try,” she says, and gets up and walks towards me with a skip in her step. She is loving this! I can’t blame her, really.

  Feeling a tugging on my pant leg, I look down and the Earth Elemental is back, with a nugget of what looks like copper.

  “Ah,” I say, bending down. I take the offered copper nugget, which is the size of a baseball. It’s so big that the Earth Elemental is holding it like a large beach ball, thanks to her size. “Thank you,” I tell her. She nods and waves. “Earth.”

  I get back up and hold the ball towards Bridget. “Shall we get started?” I ask her with a grin.

  “Yes!” she cries and reaches out for the ball of copper.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Holding the ball of copper up in her hand, Bridget looks at me with a grin and says, “Command me.”

  I rub my hands together and ask, “Which Elemental do you need to create the collar?”

  She gets a thoughtful look on her beautiful Elven face. “I would say Earth, Fire, and Water. Earth to create the collar, Fire for the Fire Ball effect and for the Elemental to reside inside it, and Water to cool it down quickly.”

  “Right,” I say, nodding. “Earth. Fire. Water. Create a collar of copper. Inside it, I want a Fire Elemental to watch over whoever is wearing it, and if they do not comply within a reasonable time, blow up using Fire Ball. If they attempt to run away, blow up using Fire Ball.”

  You have used a Complex Spell command. You have used 10,000 points of power.

  Suddenly a blinding headache brings me to my knees. In my peripheral vision, I notice that Bridget has turned into a Fire Elemental and is pulling at the copper ball like she would a ball of putty.

  “Alex!” Leeha screams in concern, and then she is next to me, with her hands on my shoulders. “What’s wrong?”

  “Just a massive pain in my head. It’s easing off, though. That spell I used was called a Complex Spell command, and it took a shit ton of power,” I tell her.

  “How much did it use?” she asks me hesitantly, rubbing my back now.

  “Well, imagine using the power of casting one thousand Water Arrows,” I tell her.

  “What!” she says in astonishment.

  “Yeah,” I tell her, sitting down on the ground, as I feel somewhat dizzy. “The normal spells for me are about ten in power usage, which is what you use, I assume?”

  “Sounds about right. As I said before, you learn your numbers quickly when you become a mage, as you need to be able to conserve your power,” Leeha confirms.

  “Well, a spell command like that hot tub one? It took 1,000 points of power. This one, the collar, took 10,000. I don’t understand why it was considered a Complex Spell command as the hot tub was bigger,” I tell her as she sits down next to me, taking my hand and rubbing it worriedly.

  “Bri—” I start to say, looking up at Bridget to ask her the question, but I stop before I get to finish and just stare at her in awe.

  She is standing there with her arms outstretched and the collar in her hands, but it’s what her body is doing that stops me. She looks like an Angel with wings made of flames. It’s almost like the collar is blowing a powerful wind in her direction, and it’s fanning the flames from her Fire Elemental’s body so that they flow behind her. Her eyes are glowing redder than the flames themselves.

  Suddenly, her body changes to her Water Elemental, and there is a hissing sound of steam coming from the collar, which is probably extremely hot. Her arms are shaking as if from strain, and I can see the strain on her Water Elemental face as well. Abruptly, she changes back into her Elf body, and she slumps down, exhausted.

  Congratulations. Achievement! Created new Item.

  You have received 1 Heavenly Token.

  Heavenly Tokens: 10 of 200.

  Power Remaining: 995,000

  At first, I am so worried for Bridget that I don’t pay attention to the messages that pop up in my head as I get off my ass quickly and run to her.

  “Are you all right?” I ask her worriedly. Leeha is right next to me, checking Bridget by running her hands all over her body. If I wasn’t so worried, I would find that hot.

  Bridget gives a tired smile. “Yes. It just took a lot more power than I expected.”

  “Yeah, about that,” I say to Bridget with a frown. “So, two things. Apparently that collar is a Complex Spell that uses a lot of my power. It gave me a massive pain in the head, which I am sure is near my first Chakra. My bigger worry is that just now, I had a message that seems to indicate that I have 5,000 points less of power,” I say, with some concern.

  “Really?” Bridget asks in surprise.

  I nod to her. “It says that now I have only 995,000 points.”

  “Hmm,” Leeha says softly, sounding perplexed. “Is that even a number?”

  I look at her to see if she is serious, and her face tells me she is. That’s right. They might not have learned to count that high here, unlike on Earth. I am sure in the 1600s on Earth a normal person would not count or need to count that high.

  “Yeah,” I tell her with a laugh. “I guess I will need to teach you how to count higher in English.”

  Bridget puts her hand on the top of my head, and I turn back towards her. She closes her eyes, but I can feel something moving between her and me. A trickle of power?

  “It’s changing,” she says in a confused voice, with a scowl on her face.

  “What’s changing?” I ask her. Oh shit, what is changing? My body?

  “Your power,” she says, her eyes still closed and her hand on me. “It’s changing to something I don’t understand and can’t even access. I see it there. It’s much smaller than your pool of power, but it’s like I am hitting a wall when I try to touch it.”

  “So,” I say slowly, “the power is changing? To what?”

  Bridget opens her eyes and looks at me, concerned. “I don’t know. As an Elemental, I understand power, and I understand energy for healing, but this is something I have never seen before, Alex.”

  “Alex, can you call on your God to ask?” Leeha asks me, now sounding worried as well.

  “I doubt it,” I say with a sigh. “I have tried calling him in m
y head many times, even out loud when you girls weren’t around, and nothing. I just wish I knew what the fuck was going on,” I say in frustration.

  “Can you think of anything at all that your God would have said to you to explain this?” Leeha asks, putting a hand on my chest to try to calm me down.

  Taking a deep breath, I think about what God said to me. He talked about giving me tools on this planet to survive, which honestly are pretty fucking amazing. Then he mentioned that my coming here was a one-way ticket and that my ‘timer’ for my date of death would be reset. Ah, and he did mention that I can never ask for help. Ever.

  Then the second time I saw him, when he came to see me, he mentioned that I was an experiment. Something about how Hell was getting full, and he wanted to try to use a game-type system with people being able to collect Blessing points as a way for folks to get into Heaven, or one of the Heaven Worlds. He never mentioned how it would fucking change them! He said once someone reaches 200 Blessing Tokens they get an automatic spot in Heaven if they die. But he mentioned nothing about hitting ten Tokens and losing power. But wait! At the end, he said that he needed someone to watch over a world of his one day.

  My mouth opens wide in shock. How the fuck did I forget something like that?

  “What?” Leeha asks me, concerned.

  “I think I know what is going on,” I tell her slowly, swallowing hard. Fucking hell.

  “What?” Leeha says, grabbing both my hands.

  “My God is changing me, not only to be powerful but to one day run a world,” I tell her with wide eyes.

  “What?” Leeha blurts out incredulously. “That’s not funny,” she says, slapping me on the arm as if I had made a joke.

  “Yeah,” I laugh, embarrassed. “It sounds as idiotic when I say it out loud as it sounds in my head.” Jesus, is that what is going on? Though Leeha thinks I am joking. I guess that makes sense, me telling her that I am being trained to be a God one day, or would that be an Angel? That must sound like a joke.

  “But I do wish I knew what this new power was? Like, does it have a name?” Just as I say that, I get a message.


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