Book Read Free


Page 4

by Lita Bronwyn



  Once in her room, she closed the door and leaned up against it, just like in a cheesy movie. Sara was with Tommy on the weekends, so she had the place to herself. Good thing, she didn’t think she would be able to carry on much of a conversation after the evening she just had. Was this what being swept off your feet felt like? She wondered.


  She undressed, quickly showered and crawled into her bed. Hell knows why, she wasn’t gonna sleep tonight anyway, she thought as she noticed the bedside clock read 1:30am. Her phone vibrated. She leaned over to grab it, and saw a number she didn’t recognize. She answered it anyway.

  “Hello?” she said

  “Hi, um, it’s tomorrow now, am I calling too early?” Gabriel said

  “You’re right on time” she smiled into the phone

  “What are you doing?” he asked

  “Oh nothing, just showered and climbed into bed, but I have a feeling I’m not going to sleep”

  “Why is that?” he inquired

  “Oh, I’m just thinking about the fantastic time I had tonight.”

  “Same here.” he said

  “I was thinking,” she said “we really need to figure out the whole pink electricity thing.”

  “I agree. I’ve been a lot of places, seen a lot of things, and done more research than anyone I know, and I have never heard of anything like it.” he offered

  “We have the most comprehensive research department in the Northeast at The Fortress, maybe we could look for answers there.” she suggested

  “Sounds good, would it be okay if we got together a bit earlier, so we can stop by there?’ he asked

  “The Fortress is closed on Saturdays.” she informed him

  “Oh,” he said, sounding let down

  “So it’s a good thing I have a key.” she sang into the phone.

  “You are amazing.” he laughed

  “So what time are you gonna pick me up Sir?” she asked

  “I have a thought, how about brunch? Would you be up for that?” he asked

  “Totally, I know a great little place.” she said excitedly

  “So how about eleven? Is that too early, too late?” he asked

  “Eleven sounds great. Thanks again, for a wonderful night.”

  “The pleasure was all mine.” he said “Now get some sleep, eleven o’clock will come quickly.”

  Yeah, don’t I know it, you too.” she replied

  “Goodnight beautiful girl.”

  “Goodnight.” she sighed into the phone, before clicking it off

  A good night indeed she thought.

  Soon she drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the beach.


  He hung up the phone, and sat in silence for a moment. His heart was thrashing against his chest, he felt light headed, and the necklace threatened to burn a hole in his pocket. He took it out and held it for a brief moment before turning it over in his hand. The rainbows of color swirled on the stone’s surface like a hurricane. It was iridescent, almost glowing. He had never seen it do that, just like he had never felt it grow warm. This had to have something to do with Amelia. That was the only reasonable explanation.


  Just as Gabriel had predicted, eleven o’clock did come early, so did eight-thirty, which was what time she woke up. Nervous excitement she figured. She sat on her bed and lounged for a bit, catching up on emails, had a cup of coffee, and then got herself ready for the day. She wore pink capris with a white tee and a pair of silver sandals. She threw a hoodie in her bag, just as she heard a knock on her door.


  “Come on in” she called

  “Good morning beautiful girl.” he said as he walked into the room

  “Good morning to you.” she replied

  “How’d you know where my room was?” she questioned

  He’d simply followed her scent.

  “I asked a girl in the hall.” he stated

  “Oh, yeah, duh, couldn’t have been too hard.” she said, feeling silly for asking a question with such an obvious answer.

  “Nice room, lots of books.” he noted as he took a quick look around the space they stood in.

  “Always books.” she laughed

  “So, you all set to go?’ he asked

  “I am, let’s roll.”

  “After you” he motioned for her to walk through the doorway first.

  “Thank you kind sir.” she smiled as she walked past him.

  Downstairs, his car sat right in front of the doors to the lobby.

  “So, you just park her where ever you please huh?” she teased “you realize this is a no parking zone right?”

  “No, I hadn’t noticed.” he said mischievously

  They both laughed as he opened the car door for her.

  She slid into the leather seat, and it felt like home. She had only spent a brief amount of time in this spot, but somehow, it felt like it was hers. Her seat, her place beside him. It made her smile.


  They pulled up to MS. Muffit’s, and parked right in front. He got out and quickly made his way to the passenger side and opened her door for her.

  “Thank you” she said, as he took her hand and helped her out of the car. The pink spark happened once again, but they both just looked down at their hands and smiled.


  “I’ve had lunch here a few times.” he said, “really good food.”

  “I have lunch here at least three times a week” she admitted, “their Caesar salad is to die for.”

  “I’ll have to try that next time.” he said

  He opened the door to the café, but stood just close enough in the doorway, so she’d have to brush up against him to pass by. His heart would soon give out if it was going to behave this way every time he was near her.


  “Just have a seat anywhere you’d like” the waitress said “I’ll be right over to take your order.”

  They thanked her, and took a seat by the window, her favorite spot.

  The waitress came right over to take their orders.

  “I’m feeling like French Toast” she said “how bout you?”

  “Sounds delicious.“ he said “make it two please”

  “It’ll be right out.” the waitress smiled.


  “So, do you think we’ll find any answers at the Fortress?’ he asked

  “Maybe, it’s worth a shot. We have got so many books, and lots of them are ancient. We both seem to be pretty well read, and if there’s something neither of us know, that’s the best place to start.” she said

  “Okay, it’s a plan then.” he smiled


  They finished their brunch in record time, they were both anxious to get researching.

  Once in the car, he turned to her,

  “So I noticed that you called my car “Her” earlier.”

  “Yeah, what? It’s not a her?” she laughed

  “Of course she’s a her, I’ve just never heard a woman refer to one as such.”

  “Well like you said, I guess I appreciate American muscle. I always worked on my dad’s cars with him. I totally respect a quality vehicle, especially anything that has a serious motor in it.” she smiled

  “Well I guess you’re in the right place.” he grinned, as he shifted the car into gear and took off, putting them both in their seats.

  “So I suspect you’ve put a lot of work into her?” she asked

  “I did. I built her from the ground up. She was just a shell when I first bought her. I worked on her day and night for months. I’m happy with the way she turned out, and she’s never let me down.” he said with pride.



  They entered the uninhabited Fortress. It was eerily silent, even for a library.

  “I can see why it’s called The Fortress.” he said

  “Most folks in town have spent at least one night here during their lifetime. There’s a store room with t
ons of cots and blankets for such occasions.”

  “Or for people who get too wrapped up in their work?” he questioned

  “Yes, I admit, I have spent more than a few nights here myself.” she laughed


  They headed to research one. This was one of the largest collections of antique books anywhere on the East coast. They walked in and she swiped her security card, and flipped the lights on.

  “Oh my hell.” he said in astonishment.

  “Yeah, I know, right? It’s a lot.” she offered

  “Yeah it is, wow. Where do we even start?” he asked

  “Well, I was thinking, the whole thing seems kind of…magical maybe?” she asked

  “I agree.” he said “I have seen lots of different kinds of real, actual magic, and this electricity thing is right up there with enchantments and such.”

  “Okay, so I say we start with the oldest books first, we happen to have a rather extensive collection of books with no dates, copyright information, or authors listed anywhere in them.”

  That sounds like the perfect place to start.” he said

  He followed her to the back of the enormous room. It was probably almost the size of a Wal-Mart.

  “I guess we’ll just grab as many as we can carry and start going through them?” she asked

  “One foot in front of the other,” he replied

  There were research tables set up all along the aisles of books, about every ten rows, so at least they didn’t have to carry the heavy, ancient books too far.

  They had been looking through the tomes for about an hour, when she began to feel warmer than was normal, flustered almost. She looked up across the table, and he was just sitting there, book in hand, staring at her.

  “Gabriel, you ok? She asked

  “Oh, yeah, I’m fine

  “I guess I’ve suddenly become, easily distracted.” he grinned

  “I think I know the feeling.” she smiled back at him “Back to research mode, Sir.” she joked


  Hours passed, they were still pouring over piles of some of the oldest books known to man. Museum type books. They were lucky they were here instead of a museum.


  “I think I may have found something.” he said “Take a look at this.”

  “What is it?’ she asked

  “Well this book seems to be a journal of some kind, although there is no name listed as the writer or owner. It talks about Zeus and his lightning bolts, and something about the Oracles of Delphi prophesying the pink glow of the Fates intervening with Zeus’ wishes.” he explained

  “The Fates? As in, the spinner, measurer and cutter?” she asked

  “The very same.” he confirmed

  “Okay, does it say anything about what the glow is, or where it came from?” she asked

  “Well this second book about the Fates say that they are the creators, preservers and destroyers of all fates, of all humans, even the gods, except for Zeus.” he said

  “But what about them intervening with Zeus’ wishes? What could that be about? Do you think it’s even related? I mean, do you think this is the place we should start?’; she asked

  “Well, this is the first instance I have found any mention of a glow, especially a pink one. The fact that the pink glow was foreseen by the Oracles is interesting as well.” he answered.

  “Okay, I’ll find everything I can on Zeus, and the Fates, and we can go from there.” she said

  “Sounds good.” he agreed

  The researching went on into the evening, time sailing past them at an alarming rate. Until Amelia found something else.

   “Where should we look next?” Amelia asked

  “This may be a long shot.” he said, “but I’d like to look for anything mentioning jewelry, spelled maybe? Enchanted or something.”

  “Okay, but what does enchanted jewelry have to do with any of this?” she asked confused

  “Know what?, he said, it’s getting late. Should we pick this up again tomorrow maybe?”

  “That’s fine with me” she said “Wait, that will be three days in a row that we’re spending time together. Don’t you have other things to do?”

  “None of them as important, interesting, or as entertaining as being with you beautiful girl, I assure you.” He replied

  “Well then, that’s just fine with me.” She smiled


  They put away all the books that they had taken out, and left the Fortress just as they had found it. As they walked outside to get into his car, Amelia stopped and looked up at the sky, which had grown dark since they were inside researching. She noticed how the glow of the full moon radiated across the sky, creating the deepest, darkest of blues, until finally, the black of night took it back from her once again.


  “So,” Gabriel started, did you still want to go to the beach? Or are you wiped out from all that research?”

  “That was the most enjoyable research I have done in ages” she replied “and I am always ready for the beach. Especially with you.” She added quietly

  She felt that warmth radiate through her, that warmth that was beginning to become all too familiar.

  “And that was the best answer I have heard all day, let’s go.” He said

  The necklace in his pocket burned. His chest tightened and he felt warmth spread through his body. He smiled.



  They got into the car and sped off. All he wanted to do was get to that beach.

  They drove in silence for a time. Both windows were down and the radio was playing. It was a perfect spring night. Amelia hung her arm out the window with her hand open, as if it were riding the wind. She leaned her head back against the seat and looked over at Gabriel. He looked back at her and grinned his grin, the one that she felt she had seen so many times. The one that she knew was just for her.

  They pulled into the dirt lot at the same spot they had been to before. He cut the engine and got out. Instead of walking over to her side to let her out, he stopped at the trunk. Curious as to what he was doing, Amelia let herself out and walked around to the back of the car.

  She stood in amazement. In the trunk he had a cooler full of ice, a packed picnic basket and a blanket.

  “Wow, someone’s a boy scout.” She laughed

  “Boy scout?” he asked

  ‘Yeah, you know, always prepared.” She replied

  “Prepared? Maybe.” He said “planning an awesome evening with you? Without a doubt.” He smiled

  “Well everything looks great” she said as she peeked inside the basket

  “What can I carry?” she asked

  “You can take the blanket, I will carry the rest.”

  They walked across the sand until the got to a spot right in the middle of the beach

  “Looks like the perfect spot.” He said as he came to a stop

  “Okay, gimme a sec to get the blanket fixed.” She said

  Amelia straightened the blanket, and took her shoes off to use them to hold two of the corners down. She sat down as Gabriel placed the other items on the other corners.

  He sat beside her and took her hand in his. The pink electricity jumped between their hands.

  “Thank you for agreeing to come out here with me tonight Amelia.” He said

  “Thank you for inviting me.” She smiled “Hey guy, boots off, you know the rules.”

  “I know, I know.” He said as he removed them

  “As much as I don’t think I will ever get used to this craziness,” she said referring to the pink glow, “it feels so natural, so normal, in a way. Does it feel that way to you as well?” she asked him

  “It does.” He said thoughtfully “there’s so much that just seems so familiar. You, the glow, and the way I feel when I’m around you-“he stopped short

  “Why, how do you feel when you’re around me?” she asked

  “Maybe that’s a conversation for another time.” He suggeste

  “Oh no you don’t.” she teased “you brought it up. Spill.” She commanded playfully

  “I know that we both feel as though we have known each other.. Before, or for longer than we actually have, but I’m not sure if you’re feeling the same way, and that makes it sort of difficult to convey my feelings.” He admitted

  He felt the necklace in his pocket, and himself both growing warmer. His breath felt shallow.

  “Well Gabriel, only one way to find out. You can trust me. I promise you.” She professed

  Her heart was slamming against her chest, she started to feel warm despite the breeze coming in off the water.

  “Amelia, when I’m with you, I feel like, wow. This is harder than I thought it would be.” He paused, wondering why the hell he was even having this conversation in the first place.

  “First of all, you make me feel as though I am the only person in the world that you want to be with. I think that is one of the things I like most about you. You give me your undivided attention.

  “And I can say the same about you Gabriel.” She replied

  “But I feel as though it’s something deeper than that Amelia. I’m not talking about a whirlwind romance or anything like that. It’s deeper. I think it has to do with why we feel so familiar to one another and I think the glow is some type of indication of that connection.”

  Amelia just stared at him, his words swirling in her head. She did feel the connection. She wanted it to be real, but she didn’t realize how he was feeling it too. She tucked her windblown hair behind her ear, and turned to look out at the moonlight shimmering on the water.

  “I have kinda been thinking the same thing, but I wasn’t sure what you thought about it, so I didn’t say anything.” She admitted “

  “I really don’t see any other explanation at this point. Amelia, I haven’t felt connected to anyone in so long, that I forgot what it felt like, and I can assure you, I have never felt anything like this, like what I feel for you.”

  She turned her gaze from the water back to him, to his eyes. His irises were so dark they were almost black. She could see him struggling to find the words he thought most appropriate.

  “I have something to confess.” She said

  “Confess? You don’t owe me anything Amelia.” She replied

  “I wanna tell you just the same.” She responded “That night at Gold, the first time we saw each other, before we ever spoke, I felt something as soon as I looked at you.”

  “What did you feel? He asked, as he leaned toward her

  “I felt like I knew you. As soon as I saw you. I knew if we had ever met, I would have remembered, but there was still that feeling, that tugging coming from someplace deep inside. It felt wonderful, and scary, and foreign. I knew that I had to find you, to-“

  “To what?” he asked softly

  “I’m not sure. To find out who you were and why I felt like I did.” She replied

  “Can I tell you something?” he asked

  “Of course.”

  “I think we feel exactly the same way Amelia.”

  He took her hand in his and watched the pink arc move across their skin. They turned their hands to watch it move with them.

  “So what do we do now?” she asked

  “How about a glass of wine?” he grinned

  “You brought wine too?” she said surprised

  “I hope that’s okay, I thought it might be nice to share a glass together, under the moon, on such a beautiful evening.”

  “Yes, that’s okay.”

  He lifted her hand to his lips, and pressed them to her warm skin. The glow grew as he inhaled her scent. She smelled like happiness. Like home. He kept his lips pressed to her hand for a moment longer than he normally would, but he didn’t care. He loved drinking her in. When he looked up at her, she was smiling at him. He slowly lowered her hand, wondering if he could do it, if he could kiss her. Right here, right now. He was still afraid of scaring her, even though they had both admitted to their feelings of connection. As he looked into her smiling eyes he decided he would wait. Still. She was worth it.

  He poured them each wine, in a cup, not a glass of course, since they were on the beach.

  She now sat cross legged in front of him. Her hair loose around her, swaying in the breeze as she looked at him. She watched him take his jacket off and use it as a pillow for his elbow. He leaned across the blanket, more relaxed than she had ever seen him.


  “I just noticed something,” Gabriel started “your pinks look amazing in this light.”

  “Are you trying to flatter me Mr. Alexander?” she asked

  “Nope. Just speaking my mind.”

  “Well thank you.”


  “How about, all the time?” she asked

  “All the time what? Speak my mind?” she questioned

  “Yes. I hate not knowing what you’re thinking.”

  He laughed, a loud genuine belly laugh

  “You hate not knowing what I’m thinking? I hate not knowing what you’re thinking.” He exclaimed playfully

  “Okay, how about this? I propose that we both agree to always reveal what we are thinking, when asked by the other. Sound doable?” she asked

  “Yeah, sounds doable.” He agreed

  He reached over to her and rested his hand on her foot.

  “I noticed something else too.” He said

  “And what’s that?”

  “I think the pink is getting darker.”


  “Watch” he instructed, as he moved his hand across the top of her foot. The pink glow followed his fingertips and moved with him. “Does the color look darker to you?” he asked

  “Maybe a little, I’m not sure. I’m not even gonna wonder what that means.” she said

  “Well, it doesn’t seem to be affecting either of us negatively, so I don’t think it’s a bad thing.”

  “I brought some fruit and cheeses if you’re hungry.” He offered

  “Fruit, wine and cheese?” she marveled “you spoil me”

  “I’d love to.” He answered

  They paused and looked into each other’s eyes, they both felt that connection, they already knew all they really needed to know, but to say it aloud seemed ridiculous. Keeping their feelings in check would soon become too big of a chore. They would hold on until then.


  Two servings of fruit and a bottle of wine later, they decided to take a walk on the beach.

  It was high tide, and the water was washing away the footsteps they’d left behind them in the sand. The wet sand looked like glitter in the moonlight. They walked along, so close that not even the moonlight could come between them.


  “I wish I could understand why we feel this way” Amelia said “I mean, not enjoying each other’s company and feeling attracted to each other, but that force that I feel, it’s not only you pulling me toward you. It’s that something else, that is pushing me as well.”

  “I have a feeling that if we can find out more about the glow, we will learn more about this connection. But I have to be honest Amelia, I’m past the point of caring what is causing it.”

  “I feel like my most basic feelings for you are being magnified.” She stated

  “I know a thing or two about that. He replied

  They slowly wandered closer to the water and let it wash over their feet. Amelia shrieked when the chill first hit her. Gabriel laughed and took her hand.

  “Oh, come on beach girl, it’s only cold at first.” He teased as he pulled her further into the water. Now shin deep, they stood in silence looking out at the Atlantic.

  “Amelia, I have to say, I’m holding back some pretty strong feelings, and as much as I’d love to kiss you right now, I feel that I should wait. But I would love nothing more than to hold you for a moment.”

  She turned into him and he slowly put one arm around her, then the other, pulling her to him

  She rested her head on his chest, and they both released a huge sigh.

  He could feel her heart beating a mile a minute. He closed his eyes and breathed her in. Sunshine and comfort. Like he had never ever felt before.









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