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Blood Rising

Page 15

by A M Proctor

  I pulled forward. “What’s happening to me?”

  He pulled me back against him and said in my ear. “My baby girl is getting her wings.”

  I elbowed him in the gut and jumped out of bed before he could recover. I turned in front of the floor length dressing mirror and Ryzier warned, “It’s not pretty.”

  It wasn’t pretty. I had two splits in my skin over each shoulder blade. My back was bruised black and seeping blood. “What the fuck? Is this normal?”

  He laughed, “Yeah. Standard issue first sprout. It’s bloody, painful, itchy and generally sucks the first time. Then it only hurts when you unleash them. Then they’re awkward and unpredictable. After a while, they become part of you.”

  I leaned into the mirror for a closer look at my wounds. There was something under my skin. I reached around to pick at it but couldn’t reach it. Ryzier called, “Come back to bed. I’ve got a balm I can rub into your wounds that will help with the itching. Then you need to feed.”

  He looked amazing in the moonlight, laying naked in my bed. Too good to deny, especially with an offer like the one he just threw me. I laid down on my stomach, and he opened a glass jar. He rubbed his hands together before touching my back and I moaned as he worked the oil in and around my wounds.

  “If I’d known how good you were with your hands, Ryzier…” I trailed off with a long moan.

  He snorted. “You only get freebies when you first sprout your wings. The next time you’ll owe me.”

  “God, I’d pay anything for this.”

  He warned, “Careful… because… anything means just that.”

  I grunted as he worked on a deliciously painful spot. “Careful… I’m liable to follow you around like a puppy for the rest of our existence.”.

  He snorted. “I hate dogs.”


  He laughed as I groaned again. “Stupid loyal animals. Doesn’t matter how shitty a person you are, they love you. Now cats on the other hand… smart, independent and judgmental. More my style.”

  I snorted. “Ryzier?”


  “Am I too disgusting to fuck right now?”

  He barked a laugh. “Yep.”

  I laughed too. “Did you notice if my gargoyle was where he’s supposed to be when you came in?”

  “What makes you think I used the front door?”

  I sighed and then told him about my little adventure with Mason. At first he laughed and then he went silent. “You’re lucky he didn’t rip you from limb to limb if he was in a rage.”

  I shrugged. “Mason would never hurt me.”

  He reminded me gently. “He was created to kill you, violently.”

  I yawned. “I’m worried about him.”

  He leaned forward and kissed my lower back. “Come here, little dove. It’s time to have a sip of sex demon.”

  It took two more days before my wings started to emerge. Ryzier was rubbing more oil into my back when he paused and picked at a particularly itchy spot.

  “What the fuck?”

  I stiffened. “What?”

  He sat me up close to the light and whispered, “Is that a feather?”

  I jumped up and ran to the mirror. “Am I supposed to have feathered wings?”

  This time he followed me to the mirror. “Nope.”

  I pushed my shoulder blade out. If I could just push them out more. Fuck this hurt, but it also felt good at the same time. Like taking a huge shit. It sucks until it all comes out at once. They did exactly that. They pushed out of me so hard I fell forward with a cry.

  Ryzier gave an appreciative, “Cool.”

  I braced my hands against the wood floor. Huge black feathery wings pooled around me. “They’re too heavy.”

  He laughed slightly. “They’re covered in bloody gore.”

  I groaned. “I can’t get up.”

  He sighed and offered me his hand. “Here comes the awkward stage.”

  I took his hand, and he pulled me up. My wings shifted back. The weight of them throwing me backwards. I grasp Ryzier with a cry and we both fell to the floor. “Ouch. They’re sore.”

  He laughed and pulled me back up, keeping his arms around my waist to steady me. “You must counter balance by leaning forward until you’re strong enough to lift and tuck them.”

  “I can’t even move them.”

  He chuckled. “It takes time to build the muscles you’ll need to move them. Now let’s clean up those feathers of yours and tuck you back into bed.”


  A Dangerous Spot

  Once my wings were out, they had no inclination of returning inside me. Ryzier assured me they would eventually behave as I got stronger. Until then, everything I did was a challenge. Even dressing because, wings.

  I ended up wearing a wrap that crisscrossed over and under my wings and covered my tits. Once I could lift my wings enough to keep them from dragging behind me, they allowed me out of the house.

  My first stop was to see Mason. He’d returned to his spot when I was sprouting my wings. I carefully turned my body to fit through the door and moved to the huge statue. “Mason. I’m so glad you're back. I’ve been so worried about you.”

  I pressed my forehead against his marble foreleg. “Guess who got her wings while you were gone?”

  I turned in front of him to show him even though he was still in statue form. “Feathers. Who’d have thunk it?”

  I turned back around and found his injured leg. “That was a bad bite. I hope it’s healing well.”

  I gazed up at his stone face. “I’d climb up and give you a kiss but… wings. Ryzier says I’m still in the awkward stage.”

  I pressed a kiss to his foreleg. “Don’t freeze me out for too long. I still love you, no matter what.”

  I turned to go in but paused at the door. When I glanced back at him, his face had turned towards me. I smiled at him. “I’ll be back soon. I’m still weak. Feathers are heavy.”

  When I slipped back in bed with Ryzier, he pulled me onto his chest and wrapped his arms around my waist. My wings draped over us as I kissed his chest. “Can we fuck now or are you still grossed out demon?”

  He snorted without opening his eyes. “It’s still daylight, wench. You’ve drunk half the blood in my body. I need to feed and you're still too weak.”

  I sighed. “Do you enjoy nymphs?”

  He opened one eye and peered at me. “Are you offering your nursemaids for me to feed from?”

  I smirked. “Nympho? They have plenty of love juice.”

  He snorted and closed his eyes. “I’ll pass. It takes more than two wood nymphs to satisfy me.”

  I asked, “So what are you going to do?”

  He smiled. “You will let me sleep so I can visit some dreams. As soon as darkness falls, I’ll be topped off. Then I will fuck the feathers out of you.”


  I laid my cheek against his bare chest and closed my eyes. Whatever he did in his sleep, it affected his physical form. His heart rate would increase periodically. He’d start taking long, deep inhales. His cock tented the sheets and then would lie down for a bit. All would be quiet until he fed again. I’d watch that cock rise. Listen to his heart rate increase. He’d start inhaling long deep breaths, and after a bit he’d relax. This went on all day long. He must have fed from hundreds of unsuspecting individuals.

  When it was dark and his cock rose again, I reached down and fisted it. He moaned in his sleep. It pulsed in my hand, every nodule jerking against my palm. I stroked him slowly. He inhaled deeply and moaned. I watched his face pinch as his cock throbbed. He inhaled again. I stroked him more. He jerked awake with a shout. “Fuck Nevaeh!”

  I grinned sheepishly. “What? It’s dark and that poor cock of yours has been tormented all day.”

  He closed his eyes and let his head fall back to the pillow. “You startled me.”

  I smirked. “Did you know that every time you dream feed from someone, your cock gets hard?�

  He opened one eye and peered at me. “No, it doesn’t.”

  I nodded slowly. “Yes, it does. It tents the sheets, you inhale a lot and then you both go back to sleep.”

  He opened his other eye and glared at me. “Bullshit. Now stop teasing me and mount my cock.”

  I grinned as I rose to mount him. My wings shifted, and he caught me before I fell off the side of the bed. He groaned, “It’s like fucking a baby angel. All knees and elbows.”

  He patted my ass. “Kneel up and spread your knees wide.”

  He scooted down the bed and pushed my knees wider until my pussy was hanging open right over his mouth. His hands slid up and down my thighs as he started to savor me.

  He murmured against my pussy. “Already soaked for me.”

  I moaned. “Of course. I’ve been horny for a week.”

  He inhaled and then licked my vulva in a long flat lick. “Damn you taste good. I won’t take much, I promise. I’ll merely sip you like an expensive whiskey, dove.”

  He laced just a touch of lusty magic through my body. I gasped, and he chuckled. “Want more?”

  I moaned. “Any more and I’ll cum all over your face.”

  His hands slipped up my stomach and over my breasts. “Cum all you want.”

  More magic slid into me and I groaned. “Fuck Ryzier.”

  He chuckled as his tongue slid through my folds and over my clit. My wings jerked up and wide as an orgasm hit me full force. He grabbed my waist and inhaled deeply as he continued to lick my clit. “Ryzier! Oh, gods! I’m cumming.”

  He growled, “I know.”

  My entire body jerked and shuttered as I fell forward onto my hands and knees. He just kept licking me until my wings shuttered to the bed on either side of me. Then he slid out from under me and rose up on his knees behind me. His cock pressed against my drenched flesh. Wide and firm, it stretched me as he forced it inside slowly. I groaned and trembled as my pussy surrendered to him.

  My body remembered him, welcomed him and made room as I came again. He groaned as he sank all the way into me. He paused deep, his pelvis against my ass, and then pulled out slowly. I thought he might stay slow like the last time. Boy, was I wrong.

  The first time we had sex had been a fluke. Ryzier didn’t make love. He fucked like a jackhammer. His cock demanded things from my body that left me reeling. He waged war on my pussy. And she waved the white flag in surrender immediately.

  “Cum for me.”

  And damned if my pussy didn’t flood his cock with love. She danced for him, took his abuse and begged for more. He fucked me like an animal and it felt amazing.

  When he moved his cock around, stroking his flare against that spot inside of me I stiffened. “Ryzier?”

  He growled. “Yes?”

  “That’s a dangerous spot.”

  He growled. “I know.”

  He reached around and played with my clit as he pounded me with his cock. He purred, “Cum for me, dove. Show me how hard you can cum.”

  Gods damn it. I screamed as my body ejaculated for him. I pressed my forehead to the pillow and sobbed. My body hadn’t done that since that first night with Luke. It hurt deeper than I realized.

  It had horrified me when Luke had done it but he was sweet about it and made me feel like I wasn’t some Betsy Wetsy, pees the bed weirdo. He’d held me and told me it was normal and natural. It was a good thing. It felt like our thing even though I made him promise never to do that again. Now I’d just pissed all over Ryzier and I felt exposed, raw and shamed.

  He inhaled and sipped my shame. He paused deep and pressed his head against my back. “Fuck… I’m sorry.”

  That was it. All my pain poured out of me. I went from having the most fun sex I’d ever had to ugly crying blood tears in my own puddle of whatever it was that came out of me. My wings retracted back into my body as I lost my shit. Ryzier stepped off the bed, and I heard the water running in the bathroom.

  His arms slipped around me, and he lifted me off the bed. “Come on. Let’s have a warm bath.”

  I hid my face as I heaved and wept. He stepped into the tub with me and arranged me as he had before. Between his legs and pulled back against his chest.

  “I’m sorry. I think squirting is fun. I didn’t realize you had so much emotion tied up with it.”

  My breath hitched, and I wailed. “I don’t.”

  He snorted softly in my ear. “Don’t lie to me. I tasted your pain. I’m sorry I opened old wounds. That high fae means a lot to you. And he should mean a lot to you. He’s still hung up on you too, you know?”

  I sniffed and turned to look at him. “He is?”

  “Yeah, sweetie. I’ve been working on a surprise for you but you tossed a wrench in my plans with your wing emergence.”

  He took a washcloth and gently wiped the blood tears from my face. “I was supposed to bring you to the Fae Realm for a visit with your fae when I came to see you.”

  “But I’m not allowed in the Fae Realm.”

  He winced. “I have a bit of pull there. It cost me dearly, but I cleared it with the King and Queen of the village Lukenon lives in.”

  I turned all the way around and leaned against the tub, facing him. “How much?”

  His face softened just a hair, but he simply gave me a faint smile. I asked again, “How much money did it cost you? I’ll pay you back.”

  He shook his head slowly. “You can’t pay me back.”

  I looked away and inhaled. He said, “You should know by now what kind of being I am.”

  I met his gaze. His face was closed as he continued. “No matter how your heart screams that I’ve got redeemable traits. That deep down inside me, I’m a good being. Don’t look for the angel inside me, Nevaeh, because you won’t find it. I’m rotten through and through.”

  He reached under the water and found my ankles. As he continued, he pulled me towards him. “I burned a contract binding three souls to me. Not because I felt pity for them. Because I grew bored with them. I’d played my game with them and the novelty of that win wore off decades ago.”

  He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me so I sat on his lap, my breasts against his chest. He leaned in close. “Don’t pretend that my gift is from a place of love either just because I won’t accept your offer of payment. I’m devoted to you because of my vampire enhancements. Because you're my queen. Because a piece of your mate floats around inside this body. Unlike your mate though, I won’t lie to you about what I am.”

  He lifted my butt and then lowered me onto his thick cock. “I’ll serve you and in turn you’ll feed me with more power than those whose contracts I burned.”

  His hands guided me up and down on his cock. “Every time you cum, I’ll sip you like fine wine. I don’t care if your cumming on my cock, or someone else’s cock. I just want to taste your joy, Nevaeh.”

  I leaned in as I rode his cock, pressing my forehead to his as I maintained eye contact with him. “Bullshit, Ryzier.”

  He gave a breathy laugh, his fangs making an appearance. I rode him faster, the water in the tub sloshing over the sides now. “You’re going to cum for me, Ryzier. You’re going to cum inside me. Right… now.”

  I moved my lips to his neck and tapped a shallow vein for my sweet bite. His orgasm rocked his entire body as I rode his demon cock, inching him over the edge and down the other side. He shuttered when I finally let him relax.

  I whispered in his ear. “That… is why you’re devoted to me.”

  He groaned. “Wench.”


  The Fae Realm

  He lounged in the tub as I dried off and dressed for the night. I was staring at my ruined bed when he came out wearing only a towel. He snorted as he waved a hand at the bed. The stain on the mattress dissolved. “Better?”

  I gave him a sideways glance, and he grinned at me as he waved a hand over his body and was magically dressed in black leather pants and a skin tight black shirt.

  He co
cked his head slightly as he regarded my clothing. I’d slipped on a t-shirt and jeans. He pursed his lips, put his hand to his chin a moment before waving it at me.

  The dress I wore now was a deep purple. The gauzy skirts stopped mid calf. Silver threads in the bodice glinted in the room's light. The back of my dress was open over my shoulder blades just in case my wings came out unexpectedly. The dress was simple yet elegant. Not too formal and yet nice enough to make me feel like a princess.

  He tilted his head the other way as he screwed a bit in thought. Then he waved his hand again. My hair pulled up in a high bun, curled with a few tendrils left down to frame my face. My hand touched the cool diamond necklace he’d conjured around my neck. A leather choker with stones embedded in it. I looked at it in the mirror. Black diamonds with a large ruby in the center.

  He was smiling behind me as I met his gaze in the mirror. He said a satisfied, “Better.”

  I looked down at my bare feet. “Forget something?”

  He smirked. “Nope.”

  I faced him fully, and he smirked. “Where we’re going, it’s all right for a queen to go barefoot.”

  He jerked his head towards the door. “Go tell your nursemaids we’ll be gone for a few hours.”

  He followed me as I found Jah and Rah in the kitchen with my girls. He jerked to a stop when he saw how big my girls had grown.

  “What the fuck?”

  I followed his gaze and said, “I know. They’re weaned now.”

  I turned to him. “I don’t have eleven years to change the way they treat females. They’re growing a month for every week we’re here.”

  He winced. “Fuck. They’ll transition in less than six years at that rate.”

  I winced now. “I know.”

  He turned away and left me with my girls. I found him staring at the small fire in the fireplace. When I entered the room he asked, “Ready to go?”

  I moved to the door. “Just a moment. I need to tell Mason or he’s liable to lose his shit when I leave this realm.”

  The statue was still looking at the doorway, exactly as he’d been when I left him several days ago. “Hey you.”


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