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Blood Rising

Page 23

by A M Proctor

  Memories of a day when he showed me my own wings were a strong erogenous zone came flooding back. We’d taken a walk through the forest to a stream near the manor house. We teased each other on the way, cracking jokes at the other’s expense. He was wearing a low pony tail bun. When I noticed he had a scrunchy holding his loose white, blonde hair back, I reached up and pulled it loose.

  I fled quickly, unfurling my wings, intending to fly away, but he caught me at the stream and plucked the scrunchy out of my hand. I laughed at him for sporting a man bun and using a girls scrunchy to do it.

  The smirk on his face was delicious as he pulled me into his arms and slid his hands up my back, under my wings. His fingers grazed my wing where it joined my shoulder blade and I shuttered as my wings rose in response.

  He turned his mouth to my ear and whispered, “Oh? What’s this?”

  Those elegant fae fingers moved slightly, gently tickling and stroking the base of my wings until the tickle turned into something entirely different. My knees shook and grew weak as I clung to him in desperation. He continued to speak, breath fanning my ear with every sexy word he uttered.

  “Oh my. You like that, don’t you? Putty in my hands as you purr and gasp for me.”

  My wings were high and wide as they trembled delightfully. My brain fuzzy with emotion and confusion. “Ryzier?” My voice a bit higher than normal and definitely breathless.

  He purred, “Yes, little dove?”

  I shuttered as euphoria spread throughout me. My entire body stiffened and convulsed in orgasmic pleasure that had little to do with my pussy and everything to do with my wings. He held me up as I panted and moaned.

  He whispered one word. “Wing-gasm.”

  I wanted to share such a blissful experience with him, but he refused me. I chased him around the stream and even into the air, but he outmaneuvered me every time.

  We lay laughing in the cool grass afterwards and he revealed to me his trust issues with his wings. No one touched them. He guarded them as fiercely as he guarded his heart.

  And yet, here I was… stroking them as he lay beside me in demon form. It was in these moments I held hope for us. Hope that he’d drop his guard with me one day, forever. Hope that he was the glowing angel I caught glimpses of occasionally. His laughter was more beautiful to me than his sighs during sex. My heart begged for him to open up to me. My mind knew he may never let his guard down.

  His wing shuttered again, bringing me back to the here and now. My fingers traced the hollow bones in the membrane, towards the body it attached to. He sighed and relaxed, lifting his wing as I turned towards him. He was allowing me access inside those strong walls he’d built, and I loved him so much for trusting me.

  My hand found that spot that caused me to respond so euphorically. He moaned as his arms slid around me. He pulled my body against his and buried his face in my hair, making tiny gasps as his wings lifted and quaked. He sounded like he was in complete ecstasy.

  So vulnerable and open right now. I knew exactly how close he was when the tremors spread through his back and down his spine. His body stiffened just as mine had and he groaned as bliss washed throughout his body and slowly left him.

  One last shuttering breath and he relaxed completely again. We lay in silence. His face still buried in my neck, arms still holding me to him. He was a beautiful disaster, but then so was I.


  Plans to Move

  We’d built a bit of trust during the day, but Ryzier had a way of creating doubt and distance right after he’d been vulnerable. I was prepared for the pain, though. Normally he’d step inside my protective circle of love, embrace it and then give it a jab as he fled. Today he stayed the day with me. Sleeping soundly alongside me, still in his impressive demon form.

  The more I let myself love Ryzier, the worse that little jab felt before he vanished. As prickly as he was, I was a glutton for punishment. This darling demon wormed his way deeper inside my heart every time I saw him.

  I rolled over and met his gaze. I leaned in slowly, holding my breath, keenly aware that it was morning for both of us. He offered me his lips, but instead of kissing him, I flat licked his chiseled nose.

  He jerked back, scrunching up his face. “What the hell?”

  I smiled with satisfaction. “I licked it, so it’s mine now.”

  He let that sink in a moment and then busted out laughing so hard the bed shook. Finally he managed, “Oh baby… you’re too late… I’ve already been licked… all over.”

  Yeah, shit… sex demon. I pouted and rolled away. This only made him laugh harder. Finally he rolled over and tried to comfort me but busted out laughing again.

  That’s all right yuck, yuck. I’ll just have to get slightly darker with my claiming of you. Just so happens, I’m fully locked and loaded.

  He spooned me close as he finally quieted down. I pushed my butt back against him and tightened my abs. Now I’m a lady, and a vampire lady at that. But extreme times call for extreme measures and it just so happens that I had beans for dinner yesterday. Vampires don’t need to eat human food. I happen to love the act and taste of eating. I don’t like the consequences, but this just might prove entertaining.

  Riiip. Oh, that was a good one. It had volume and vibration. Hope it doesn’t smell like it sounds though. He froze as he tried to figure out if I actually just farted on his dick on purpose or was it an unfortunate accident? A slip on his lady’s tight sphincter muscle? He lifted his head and saw my huge smile.

  I said facetiously, “Bet no one’s ever done that before.”

  His voice was hesitant as he admitted, “Not on purpose.”

  I snorted. “Good. I farted on it first, now it’s mine.”

  He said with light reproach. “I’m not a recliner, Nevaeh.”

  I risked a glance at his face and lost my inner war with mirth. He grinned at my laughter but warned, “Paybacks a bitch.”

  I howled and hooted, and eventually he joined in.

  I think Ryzier is the only male I’d risk intentionally farting in front of, much less on. Our howls of laughter brought my two little monsters into the room with us.

  They didn’t even pause when Ryzier flashed into his fae form and added shorts to his attire magically. They just leaped upon the bed laughing with us. I received them with kisses, hugs and some well-placed mouth farts on soft giggling bellies.

  This caused Ryzier to laugh again. His laughter gained our attention. “Get him girls!”

  He giggled as we descended on him with mouth farts. When we lay exhausted, bellies hurting from laughter.

  Ryzier whispered, “I think I found my soul mate.”

  The sound of his rumbling ass tore through the silence and had us all tensing to prepare for the ominous smell. My girls screamed and fled as the noxious odor reached their tender little noses. Male demonic farts, need I say more?

  I pressed the covers to my nose and swore as he laughed.

  “Told you… Paybacks a bitch.”


  Jah seems to have warmed up to Ryzier over the past couple of months. Rah still watches the demon closely when he’s in the house. Like he will steal more than hearts here, the riffraff. Ryzier doesn’t seem to care if anyone likes him or not. Sometimes I envy him this indifference because I care about other people’s opinions more than I’d like.

  He’s leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen as I try to wrangle my two little beasties into sitting still and eating like ladies. Yeah, not gonna happen. I offered him a seat. Jah offered him some food and Rah scowled at him as she left the kitchen.

  Ryzier getting comfortable in such a domestic scene will not happen either. His arms cross over his chest. Ankles crossed too.

  His body language tells me he’s about to deliver his classic painful goodbye. What will it be this time? My fart offended him? I can never claim him? I don’t like you anymore? He inhales. Here it comes…

  “What are your plans?”

p; I don’t hide my shock at his unexpected question. “What?”

  He saunters over to the rustic kitchen table and pours himself a glass of water. “What are you plans for them?”

  He nods his head towards Leila and Inara. “They can’t stay in this realm.”

  I tense as I meet his gaze. Ah, you clever bastard. Hit me where it truly hurts. “I know.”

  He sits down at the table and looks up at me curiously, “So? What are your plans for your glorious return? Are you going to challenge Alexei to a dual for the throne?”

  I scowl down at him, fists going to my hips. “I don’t want the fucking throne.”

  He cocks his head and narrows his silver fae eyes with curiosity. “I thought you would change vampire society. If that was my goal, I’d start with controlling the crown. So that leads me to ask, what do you want, Nevaeh?”

  I sat down at the table and glanced at my children. “I want them to be safe and happy. I want them to have a normal childhood in the Human Realm where they belong.”

  I returned my gaze to him, “Is that too much to ask?”

  He shrugged. “You’re speaking as a mother right now. You had that, Nevaeh. Your girls were in the Human Realm, safe and growing up as normal as tiny little pre-transition vamps can. Yet you fled with them. Why?”

  I leaned back and regarded him suspiciously once more. “You know why. I would not be a sex slave prisoner and I wasn’t about to allow my girls the same fate.”

  The corner of one side of his lips turned up in a half smirk. “So you wanted your freedom. Did the luxurious married life Alexei provided you… not suit you?”

  I slammed my fists down on the table, causing Inara to jump. “Damn it, Ryzier…”

  I leaned forward and ran my hand through my messy hair and smiled at my little girl. “Sorry, Inara. Mommy’s just frustrated.”

  I scowled at Ryzier as I stood up. He smirked triumphantly as he rose to follow me into the sitting room. What did I want? I paced the room as I spoke. “I didn’t think things through when I left. I made mistakes. Someone I cared about died. Someone I trusted showed his true face and broke me down. I really didn’t have a choice.”

  He smirked. “That doesn’t answer my question. What… do you… want?”

  I whirled on him. “I don’t know! I don’t know what I want, Ryzier. I haven’t lived long enough to have any clue what I’m doing. I wanted to get a job, meet a man, get married and start a family. But sometimes, we don’t get what we want. At first I thought I had, but no what I got was heartbreak and horror. I got a life I have no idea how to navigate.”

  His expression didn’t change. “Are you finished bitching about the past?”

  I sat down in a chair across from him and put my head in my hands. “Are you even listening to me? I don’t know what I want anymore.”

  He scoffed. “Bullshit.”

  I looked up at him with utter loss and devastation. “All I ever wanted in life was to be loved for me. Not what I can do, who I can be or what my womb can produce. I just want to live my life in peace with someone who loves, respects and trusts me. Is that too much to ask?”

  His smile was genuine now. “For you? Yes.”

  He watched my face change and lifted his hands. “I’m not saying it’s not obtainable. I’m just saying it will not be easy because you're a female vampire and in your world females are property of the king. All of them, not just you.”

  Slowly I sat back in my chair and regarded him thoughtfully. “What do you suggest?”

  He leaned forward now. “You need to defeat Alexei, soon. He’s weak right now. It’s the perfect time to storm the castle.”

  I stared at him in disbelief. “I can’t fight Alexei. Sure, I got my wings and I’ve learned a few defense moves since I’ve been here. But I’ve only learned enough magic to blow out a candle by moving air, and even that’s unreliable. I can’t beat up a thousand year old original vampire king, even if he’s weak.”

  “Maybe you don’t want it bad enough.”

  My eyes widened as I tried to drive home my point. “I don’t want to fight my husband. I don’t want to fight anyone. I want him to realize that his way is wrong. I get his point of view, really I do. I understand the plight of our species, but women are not property. I thought we were on the same page with that when I married him. I thought he wanted to return to the old ways.”

  He interrupted, “You thought you’d have power.”

  “I don’t want power.”

  He smirked. “Sure you do.”

  “I want equality. Shit, human women have it now.”

  He laughed. “Human women fought for it for decades. They’re still fighting for it, Nevaeh. Don’t be naïve. If the human population was reduced to one woman for ten men, they’d lose everything they fought for in a heartbeat. Males are the stronger species.”

  My gaze narrowed again. “Physically maybe, but women are just as strong and stronger in other areas. If we could just learn to work together. Resolve issues like an evolved species, instead of caveman concepts. Take you and I for example. We compliment each other.”

  He snorted. “Why? Because we feed each other?”

  I bit back, ‘Because we love and respect one another.’

  He glanced away. “We’re not talking about us right now. We’re talking about your mate and the short time frame you have to get to him.”

  I didn’t want to talk about Alexei. I wanted to dive deeper into what Ryzier and I had. I wanted him to admit he loved me back, but pushing him right now would drive him away. He had a plan for me. He just wasn’t ready to share it yet.

  “You’re right. If Alexei is weak it’s the perfect time to drop in and have a chat with him.”

  His white blonde head turned back to me slowly. “Chat? You need to go in with a show of force. An army, maybe.”

  “Where would I get an army that vampires would fear and respect?”

  He smirked again. “My sister has an army of Dark Fae in the Fae Realm. She uses them to maintain order and peace.”

  I made a smirky face too. “Fae is food to my kind. So my army, if your sister is on board with your plan, will be like me bringing a buffet of sweets to a starving mass. It’s more my style if it didn’t involve the fae dying horrible deaths. You know that old vampires like to play with their food before they rip them to shreds. Right?”

  He lost his smirk. “I know all about the games they play at the Blood Court. Why just last week I watched your hated Narella organize quite the interesting little game that involved five human girls hunted by a horny Minotaur. The only winners were the male vampires watching the fun.”

  I lost my smirk too. My blood chilled as I leaned forward. “You were at the Blood Court last week?”

  He didn’t even have the courtesy to look ashamed. “Of course. I’m vampire too, remember? Say what you want about her, but Narella is quite the queen there. She struts about in fine dresses with a wolf shifter crow on a leash. The people respect her because she’s so vicious.”

  Fucking bitch turned that poor male shifter after forcing him to cheat on his mate and watching her death. Poor guy. “If being a vicious cunt gains respect, then… fuck it. She can have the throne. I will find the most remote place in the Human Realm and live a simple, quiet life. Where can I go where the sun shines all year long?”

  He laughed, and I snapped, “You still haven’t explained to me why you were at the Blood Court. You’re not a natural-born vampire, just a created mutant lab experiment. So why do they allow you access to their most coveted gathering?”

  He leaped up. Rage pouring off him. “Fuck you, bitch! I carry the genes of your mate within me. The king of vampires. I’m a respected member of the Blood Court.”

  He started towards the door. “What was I thinking? That you might be mature enough to use the inside information I had to form a plan to better your life? Sure, it was an honorable intention but wasted on an immature little girl who’s too weak and scared to do anything
but think of places to hide. Well, fuck this and fuck you.”

  “Ryzier!” I leapt up to stop him.

  “Goodbye Nevaeh. Have a nice life, alone. Because you will be alone if you stay here. Your daughters will perish without males to see them through their transformation and when they die in your arms, think of the opportunity you just tossed out the window today.”

  “I’m sorry. Ryzier! Don’t…” Yep, he was gone. I could only hope it wasn’t for good this time.



  I threw myself down on the couch and held my head in my hands as I fought the tears that threatened to fall.

  “Why does he have to be so damn complicated?”

  Rah sat down beside me and put an arm around me. She tilted her head causing her long green hair to frame her cheek and leaned forward to see my face. “And you wonder why I don’t like him. He makes you cry every time he leaves.”

  I pulled my hands away from my face. “I thought I’d prepared myself for his nasty parting comments this time. I wasn’t.”

  She winced slightly. “Don’t you dare let him build a fortress around your heart. His way isn’t the only way to gain a place in your world.”

  She pulled me into her arms and breathed. “Yes your vampire, but you're also a fae goddess. You’ve brought gods to their knees with your heart, made a gargoyle your friend, saved mine and Jah’s lives, and made a demon fall in love with you. You are a goddess queen, Nevaeh. What’s a vampire king to you?”

  “I just want to talk to Alexei. Maybe if he explained his dramatic change in his behavior. Maybe he knows something I don’t. If we could just communicate, I know we can find common ground. He loved me at one time. I know this for a fact.”

  She pulled back and smiled. “I do too. I was there, I saw him with my own eyes. He loved you and his daughters with his entire soul.”

  I worried my bottom lip a moment as I thought up a plan. “If I knew my girls were safe, I’d ask Ryzier to take me to the Blood Court.”

  Her brows rose. “After that goodbye? I’m not sure he’s coming back.”


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