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Diamond (The Heirs Series Book 2)

Page 7

by D. Camille

  Sean smiled. “I share your sentiments.”

  “I’d even take Lilac,” Xavier added.

  “She is dangerous…” Sean confirmed.

  Sitting back, Sean said, “I understand that Diamond was displaying the Black temperament yesterday after the meeting. Are you going to be able to deal with that and stay focused on the case?”

  Xavier smiled. “I’m accustomed to Diamond Black’s temperament. We met today and got things in perspective. I made it clear that she can’t go rogue and we have to be a team.”

  Sean shook his head. “She’s so much like her father.”

  “I know that she won’t let me get too deep,” Xavier commented. “She’ll check me real fast.”

  Sean agreed. “And she’ll have your back to the end…just like Jordan.”

  “I don’t know what all we’ll uncover, but I’ll make sure we all come back safe.” Xavier vowed.

  “One phone call, and we’re all there…understand?” Sean told him.

  Xavier smiled. “I know, but it’s our time.”

  Sean nodded, then repeated, “Like I said…one…phone…call.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You’re Heirs, but first and foremost…you’re our kids.” Sean explained. “If anything happened to one of you, all of your mothers will be ready to end the Black Diamonds.”

  “I understand, and we’ll handle it.”

  Sean stood and walked around the desk, while Xavier got to his feet. His father pulled him into an embrace. “You remember everything I’ve taught you?” Sean asked in his ear.

  “Yes, I remember.”

  “The first shot may be the only one you get…always make it count.” Sean counseled softly, looking into a face that he loved more than life.

  “It’s the only one I need.” Xavier told him.

  Xavier finished meeting with his father, then said his goodbyes before heading out to his truck. Driving home, he thought about the upcoming mission. With his sister, female cousins and Diamond all a part of the cover, he needed to be on top of his game.

  He didn’t trust the men traveling on the road with them and planned to keep the women as close as possible. Bringing in too many extra agents would draw too much attention, so the Heirs were basically responsible for one another.

  When he arrived home, he walked inside and headed to the kitchen. Turning on the light, he walked over to the picture that Diamond had been surprised to see hanging on his wall. When he’d visited his Aunt Sage’s gallery, to discreetly inquire about Diamond’s escapades overseas, he’d seen the photo and had remembered instantly, that day in Africa.

  Diamond had been dressed like a village princess in her native garb, and Xavier had been mesmerized by her glowing brown skin and bright brown eyes, in the colorful attire. They had played with the other children, and he’d stopped to write her name in the dark soil. She’d looked at it and smiled at him, before bad ass Justice had rushed over and smeared it away.

  He stood looking at the photo until his phone rang. Xavier smiled when he heard the ringtone he’d set. Pulling the device from his pocket, he answered.

  “Hello, Diamond.”

  Chapter 6

  Ray stood on the tarmac with his son and daughter, looking into identical brown eyes, and took a deep breath.

  “Protect the Goddesses,” he told Six.

  “Of course,” Six nodded.

  Ray placed a hand on Six’s shoulder. “And protect yourself…”

  Six smiled. “Dad, we’re fine. You’re sounding like Mom now…”

  Skye laughed. “Yes, I’m surprised we made it to the airport. She didn’t want to let us go.”

  “I know you’ve both been trained, and have worked a few other missions…but this one could really be dangerous,” Ray told them. “And you’re mine…so of course, I have my concerns.”

  He looked from one to the other. “Plus, my Moon will never forgive me if something went wrong.”

  Six put a hand on his father’s arm. “Nothing’s going to go wrong. I’ve been trained as the leader, by the best, and I have things under control.”

  Ray stared at him. “If you need me…”

  “Go home Dad,” Six said confidently. “I’m the Sun God.”

  “If you need me…” Ray repeated firmly.

  Six nodded. “Yes, if I need you…”

  Skye shook her head, then hugged her father and kissed his face. “We’ll be fine, Dad.”

  Ray touched her face. “Stay close to your brother.”

  “You trained me, too…” Skye reminded him.

  Sighing, Ray stepped back and looked at them both again. “Handle it.”

  He stood and watched as they climbed the stairs and entered the plane. The door closed behind them and Ray went to stand next to Sean and Jordan.

  “It’s their time,” Sean announced.

  Jordan nodded. “I might have to drug Sage, from her own bag, though…she’s losing her damn mind.”

  Ray looked at him. “Yeah, I might need some for Belle…”

  Sean stared at them, and shook his head.

  “Didn’t you two prepare them?” Sean asked as the plane’s engine started.

  “Hell, I’m not even prepared,” Jordan complained, turning to watch the aircraft.

  Ray sighed. “I’m with Jay, on this one.”

  Sean glanced at the plane then turned to the waiting car. “Come on, I have the taste for some soul food.”

  Jordan and Ray followed. “Remember when we thought this shit was fun?” Ray asked.

  “It was,” Jordan replied as they reached the car and climbed inside.

  “That was before we had wives and children,” Ray replied then turned to Sean.

  “Xavier’s got this, right?” he asked.

  Sean smiled. “Xavier was born for this...”


  Six sat across from Xavier as the plane leveled off in the air, en route to D.C. The two turned their attention to the computer built into the table.

  “I didn’t think that Uncle Ray was going to let you get on the plane,” Xavier teased him.

  Six shook his head. “I thought my Mom was bad…damn…”

  “Uncle Jordan almost cried,” Xavier said frowning.

  “You’d never believe those dudes formed the elite Black Diamonds.” Six commented.

  Xavier chuckled. “My Daddy was like…one…phone…call.” He smirked. “I’m like, I’m a top CIA Agent.”

  “Those dudes are something,”

  “And we want to be just like them,” Xavier agreed.

  Six laughed. “Which means we need this mission to be completed without any problems…”

  “I agree,” Xavier told him. “I’ve spoken with Diamond about the women staying with one of us at all times.”

  “I bet she liked that,” Six said, frowning. “I know my cousin.”

  “Yes, it took a minute for her to agree.”

  Six raised a brow. “You mean, she did?”

  “She understands the importance of us all working as a team,” Xavier explained.

  “Diamond Black?” Six inquired and Xavier laughed. “Daughter of Jordan and Sage Black, sister of Justice and Jade Black?”

  Xavier laughed. “Yes, Diamond Black.”

  Six turned his attention to the computer. “I’ll believe it when I see it.” He typed into the glass top keyboard.

  “Here’s the itinerary,” Six began. “We start in D.C. and we finish up in Detroit.”

  Xavier also studied the screen. “Did we get background information on all the performers?”

  Six nodded and touched the glass. “Here’s the list…”

  When the names popped up, along with pertinent information, Xavier studied the screen. “Anyone in particular we need to focus on?”

  “Let’s see, a bunch of disrespectful ass rappers looking to smash ass, get high and pop bottles?” Six questioned. “Take your pick.”

  “That doesn’t make them murderers.” Xavier
pointed out.

  “We’ll see.”

  Xavier went back to looking over the list, studying its contents as Six made some notes. They both looked up as Diamond joined them.

  “Hey,” she said, taking the seat next to Six…across from Xavier. “What are you guys working on?”

  Six pointed at the screen. “This is the list of performers on the tour.”

  She looked at the names and frowned. “Quite the bunch…”

  Looking up, her gaze connected with Xavier’s. “Now you see why I asked you to stay close?” he asked.

  “So this is the Sexy Girls Love Thugs Tour?” she asked, staring at him.

  “I didn’t name it.”

  Diamond turned to Six. “Stephen promotes this type of music?”

  “It’s not a Watson Entertainment tour,” Six explained. “He just used his contacts and got the X-Ception on the ticket as one of the opening acts.”

  “We’ll just call him Xavier,” Diamond told him.

  Six smiled. “Xavier will be one of three openers…”

  Diamond looked across the table. “You’re actually going to perform?”

  Xavier nodded. “I’m an entertainer…that’s what I’m supposed to do.”

  “Where did you get music and lyrics from?” Diamond questioned.

  “Steph took care of all of that.” Six told her.

  Diamond continued to stare at Xavier. “What if you get up there and freeze or something, and blow your cover?”

  Xavier frowned. “I’m not going to freeze. I’m a professional…”

  “Where have you entertained, Xavier?”

  He leaned forward. “Just because you haven’t seen me in action, doesn’t mean I don’t know how to get the job done.” Xavier locked his eyes with hers. “But if you’d like a private performance, I can arrange that…”

  Six looked from one to the other, then said, “Diamond, Xavier worked with Uncle Trent on his choreography, and Watson Entertainment’s staff on stage presence. He’s ready…”

  Holding Xavier’s stare, Diamond asked, “Are you ready?”

  “I’ve always been ready,” he answered. “Are you?”

  Tearing her gaze away, Diamond turned to Six. “What can I help with while we’re in the air?”

  Six replied, “Study the list of names that contains the staff who have worked on the past tours, so that when we meet them in person, you’ll be familiar with who they are.”

  She nodded. “There’s some type of party on the agenda tonight?” Diamond questioned.

  “Yeah, it’s for all the artists to meet one another and prep for the tour. I’m going to need you to take your role as PA seriously. Xavier is going to mingle and make friends, but I want everyone to know that you’re with him, so stay by his side.”

  “That reminds me,” Six said snapping his fingers. “I need my bag.”

  He waited until Diamond moved, then got up to retrieve his gear. Diamond took the seat next to Xavier and looked at him.

  “As much as I don’t like this, I have no doubt that you’re going to get the job done,” she told him softly.

  “Thank you.”

  She hugged herself. “This whole thing just gives me the creeps.”

  Xavier put an arm around her. “It’s going to be fine, don’t worry.”

  Six retuned and Xavier removed his arm, then turned his attention to the man across from them. Six sat a small dark velvet bag on the table, then Diamond and Xavier watched as he dug inside. Pulling out a diamond necklace with a small ‘x’ hanging from the end, he handed it to Diamond.

  “Everybody on the team has one of these.” Ray told her. “Keep it on at all times. I’ve put tracking and microphones inside of them.

  Diamond held the necklace up. “Really? We have to wear these?”

  Xavier gently took it from her hands and undid the clasp. “Turn around, Goddess.”

  Sighing, Diamond turned and lifted her hair. Six watched Xavier fasten the necklace around Diamond’s neck. When they both turned back to him, he studied them for a minute.

  “So, yeah…like I was saying, all the team will wear these. Xavier will wear his custom X which also contains a taping device, camera and few other things,” Six continued. “Jade and Alex will be in charge of tracking everyone’s whereabouts from the necklaces.”

  Diamond looked down at the ‘x’ resting above her breasts and Xavier’s gaze followed hers, before he looked back at Six.

  “I also have some other gadgets including the personal devices we’ll use,” Six informed them.

  “Thanks, Six.”

  He looked at the pair again. “No problem. We can go over them later.” Six stood to his feet with the bag. “I’m going to give these to Skye, Jade and Lilac.”

  Diamond smiled. “Thanks, Six.”

  He nodded and left the two in the office compartment of the plane. Diamond glanced down at the necklace around her neck.

  “The X-Ception, huh?”

  “To your every rule…” Xavier answered.

  She turned to him. “That’s the hook?”

  “It’s the truth.”

  Diamond smiled and shook her head. “What rule do you want me to break?” she asked, softly.

  “The one that makes you think there’s something wrong with us being together,” he answered.

  “I think you’ve already broken that one…”

  “I want to shatter it completely,”

  Her gaze strayed down to the screen still displaying the information that Six had pulled up. She touched the glass and highlighted the list of names.

  “I guess we’re going to hit the ground running,” Diamond commented.

  “We’ll land, check into the hotel and get ready for the welcome party,” Xavier informed her.

  She nodded. “I’ll make sure to keep up with who we meet tonight, if their names are on this list.”

  “We can also connect with some of the staff at the rehearsal tomorrow.”

  “I’m going to spend a lot of my time discretely gathering information and feeding it back to Jade.” Diamond looked at him.

  “And I’m going to connect with the other acts, to find out what they might know.”

  “It’s crazy to think that someone on this tour could be responsible for kidnapping, murder and trafficking.” Diamond whispered.

  “But they very well may be, so we need to be on guard…the entire time. Everyone is a suspect as far as I’m concerned.” Xavier said firmly.

  “I feel a rush,” Diamond confessed. “I bet this is how the Black Diamonds felt when they went on missions.”

  “My adrenaline always flows when the hunt begins,” Xavier told her, with a dangerous look in his dark eyes.

  She smiled. “I can’t wait for this…”


  Upon landing in D.C. the team exited the plane and climbed into a waiting car. Six looked at the group, all with their necklaces in full display.

  “We have four suites on the end of the floor at the hotel,” Six told them.

  Diamond frowned. “Why do the women have to share suites?”

  “If you’re together, then we don’t have to worry about monitoring all those separate areas,” Six replied. “Plus, you all have your own bedrooms.”

  “I’m not going to let you treat us like we’re sidekicks,” Diamond told him and Xavier shook his head.

  “Xavier and I are running this mission, Diamond.” Six reminded her.

  “I have no problem with that,” she replied. “Just remember that we’re just as capable as you are.”

  Jade and Lilac nodded in agreement. “Tell him, Diamond.” Jade supported, folding her arms.

  “Yes, because I know I’m dangerous,” Lilac added.

  Xavier turned to Diamond. “See what you’ve started?”

  Skye spoke up for her brother. “Six is looking out for all of us. Let’s not hinder his work.”

  “Listen, I know what everybody’s skillset is,” Six told them, and looked
at Diamond. “Although we’re here to catch some killers, my first directive is to keep the Goddesses safe and that’s what I’m going to do in this environment.”

  “That’s what we’re both going to do,” Xavier told them. “So let’s not waste time arguing about that.”

  He gave Diamond a look and she returned it. They all arrived at their hotel and were privately checked in and shown to their rooms. Six and Xavier, followed the women to their suites to wait until their bags were put inside. Six went with Skye and Diamond, while Xavier settled Lilac and Jade.

  Xavier tipped the attendant, then turned back to the women. “I’ll let you get ready for the party tonight.”

  Lilac walked over to her brother. “Hey, my warrior…are you good?”

  He smiled down at her. “Yes, dangerous Goddess. I’ll see you in a little while.”

  She hugged him and stepped back, before he looked over at Jade who was on her tablet. “See you later, Jade.”

  “Okay, Xavier.” Jade replied without looking up. “I’m studying the layout of the hotel again, just in case we need it to enter and exit discretely.”

  Xavier headed to Diamond and Skye’s room, where he ran into Six. “Lilac and Jade are all set. They’ll be ready when we need to head over to the party.”

  Six nodded. “I’m going to do a walk through around the hotel.”

  “You want me to come with you?”

  “No, as of now you’re the X-Ception. You can’t be just wandering around the hotel.” Six instructed. “We can debrief after the party.”

  “Okay,” Xavier agreed before the two men separated.

  At the suite door, Diamond answered and stared at Xavier. “Come in…”

  She stepped back and he walked inside. “I wanted to check in with you and Skye.”

  Diamond nodded, and he followed her to the living area, where Skye was unpacking clothing. She turned and smiled.

  “Xavier, I was just selecting an outfit for you, tonight,” Skye informed him. “Come over here and tell me what you like.”

  He moved to where she stood, followed by an inquisitive Diamond. They both watched as Skye delved into her world of fashion, lying clothes across the sofa.

  “I think you need to look extra sexy tonight,” Skye told him. “Since this is your formal debut,”

  Diamond glanced at him.


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