Diamond (The Heirs Series Book 2)
Page 31
Diamond lifted passion filled brown eyes to him. “You could just read my mind.”
“I could read your mind…” Xavier said, kissing her mouth. “But when these lips speak to me, I hear your heart.”
Chapter 25
Xavier arrived at the Black Diamond Building the following week to pick up his brother. Riding up in the private elevator, he first stopped at his father’s office. The assistant smiled as he approached.
“Hello Xavier,”
“Good afternoon, is my father available?”
She nodded. “Your mother is here, too.”
He smiled again. “Thanks.”
Walking to the door, he knocked and waited for his father’s voice. When he heard his call, he entered the room.
“Xavier!” Lily said, leaving her husband’s lap and greeting her son.
“Hello, Goddess. I didn’t know you’d be here.” Xavier said, hugging her close.
Lily’s dimples showed as she smiled. “That handsome warrior took me to lunch today.”
Sean stood next to them and hugged his son. “How are you?”
“I’m very good,” Xavier said smiling.
“Things are going well with you and Diamond?” Lily inquired.
He nodded. “Yes, very well.”
“Have a seat,” Sean told Xavier. “Talk with us for a moment.”
“Of course,” Xavier replied, taking one of the chairs in the office across from his parents on the sofa.
Xavier looked at the people he loved. “How are things with Uncle Jordan?” he asked his father.
“Jordan’s fine.” Sean said, shaking his head. “He’s grumbling about a wedding.”
Lily grinned. “As soon as you and Diamond tell me and Sage there’s an engagement, we start planning parties and weddings.”
Xavier sighed. “You all aren’t going to let us take our time, huh?”
“An engagement doesn’t mean a quick wedding, Xavier.” Lily explained.
He nodded. “I’m on it. In fact, I already had things in motion.”
“I understand there was a scare last week,” Sean told Xavier.
“Yes, Diamond took a hit, but she was wearing a vest.” He told them, and Lily put a hand to her chest.
She reached over and took Xavier’s hand. “I agreed to have my children do this work, because you all promised that you’d be safe.”
Xavier squeezed her hand, before kissing it gently. “We will, Momma. Diamond has to work on her team skills a little more.”
Sean shook his head. “She’s her father.”
“She’s skilled enough to protect herself, and because she’s skilled…she takes chances.” Xavier relayed. “I’m working on that…”
Lily removed her hand from his. “Diamond has always been fearless,” she commented.
“That’s why I love her.” Xavier said softly.
“I think that’s why she loves you, too.” Lily told him with a soft smile. “We’re happy for you both.”
“Thank you,” Xavier replied. “I knew it would happen one day, but I didn’t imagine it would feel this way.”
Sean looked at Lily. “I know exactly how you feel.”
“I hope to love my Goddess as long, and as deeply as you have loved my mother,” Xavier told Sean.
Sean smiled at his son. “Stop her from taking chances…”
“I’ve discovered how to calm her some.” Xavier relayed softly.
Lily grinned. “I’m sure you have, my warrior.”
Xavier looked at his watch. “Alex and I have Heirs business today, so I need to get going.”
His parents stood and they all embraced for a moment.
“Be safe,” Lily told him.
He nodded. “I promise…”
Leaving his father’s office, Xavier went to get his twin. He got to his office and heard him on the phone. Alex looked up and waved Xavier inside, where he took a seat and listened.
“Dinner, tonight?” Alex said into the phone. “Uh…no I can’t.”
Xavier shook his head as the conversation continued.
“Because I said, that I can’t…” Alex repeated to the woman on the other end. “And I don’t have to explain it…”
Xavier grimaced.
“I made no promises…” Alex went on, then looked at his brother, shaking his head.
“Look, I have work to do,” he told the woman. “No, I don’t know when I’ll be free.”
Xavier could hear the woman get louder through the speakerphone as Alex sat the device on his desk and began clearing his desk.
“If you don’t want to see me, then say that Alex!” she yelled.
“If that were the case, I would certainly do that.” He told her.
Xavier sat back and waited.
“You know what, I don’t have to deal with this!” she argued.
“You are absolutely correct.”
“I’m done!” She said finally.
Alex paused and looked at the phone. “Okay, I’ll talk to you next week.”
He ended the call and got to his feet.
“Are you ready?” he asked Xavier.
“What was that?” Xavier questioned.
Alex shook his head. “I should have fallen in love with one woman a long time ago, then I wouldn’t have all these damn problems.”
They headed out the door to the elevators.
“I still don’t understand how you juggle them all.” Xavier told him. “It stresses me out, and I’m not even the one seeing them.”
Alex smiled. “Once you get the hang of it…”
Xavier followed him out of the elevator into the lobby. As they walked through, he watched Alex return more than a few glances in their direction.
“Next time, drive yourself…” Xavier told him.
“I wanted to see my twin,” Alex replied. “Since his mind and body have been snatched by a Lioness, he’s not in tune…”
Xavier grinned. “Yes, they have been snatched.”
They entered Xavier’s truck outside, then Alex turned to his brother. “I can tell things are good.”
“Yes, things are good.” Xavier said, driving to their destination.
“Diamond’s okay after last week’s incident?”
Xavier sighed. “She’s fine and we’ve discussed her impulsiveness…”
Alex laughed. “That’s just Diamond…you’d better stay close to her side.”
“I plan to.”
Alex sat back. “I can also tell that you’ve been partaking of the joys of physical love.”
Xavier looked at him and Alex smiled.
“Well, I had enough visions of my own in addition to the wild shit that goes on in your head,” Xavier said, concentrating on the road.
“Have you tried any of it?” Alex asked. “Let me think of one really good one right now.”
Xavier frowned. “Stop. I don’t need any help.”
Alex sighed. “You only have to satisfy one woman. That’s child’s play…”
Xavier glanced at him. “Are we twins?”
“Yes, we are. You got Benjamin Rucker from Daddy and I got Momma’s esoteric, sensual side.” Alex explained.
“Don’t try to put this on Momma.” Xavier frowned.
Alex looked at him. “Every time we see Momma, she’s in Daddy’s arms or on his lap…or waking up from a nap. She’s passionate…so am I.”
Xavier smirked. “I think there’s another word for it, in your case.”
Alex laughed. “A lover?”
“Not quite…” Xavier shook his head.
“Well that’s my term.” Alex told him, then looked in his direction. “Was it worth the wait?”
Xavier nodded. “I can’t imagine experiencing that with another woman. I am Diamond’s gift and everything belongs to her.”
They arrived at their destination and waited to be let inside the gate of Whitlock Studios.
“Six is already here, since his family is connected to Rameses and Tasha Whitlo
ck. He came over early.” Xavier explained. “Diamond and Justice will be here soon.”
“Steph is meeting with us too?” Alex questioned.
“Yes, and Six had him invite the key people on that list to join us.” Xavier said parking the car and adding his diamond ‘X’ necklace.
Alex looked at him. “Has Diamond grown fonder of the X-Ception?”
“My sexy girl loves her thug.”
“Let’s go.” Alex said, shaking his head.
Inside, they were shown to the owner’s office and introduced to Mr. and Mrs. Whitlock by Six.
“Alex and Xavier, this is Uncle Marc’s sister and brother-in-law.”
Tasha smiled at the twins. “Wow! I don’t think I’ve seen you two since you were boys visiting at Marc at Isis’ home.”
Both men greeted her then turned to Rameses.
“Thank you for meeting with us today,” Xavier told him.
Rameses nodded. “When Six told me what was going on, I was appalled.” He told them. “I want to get to the bottom of this, too.”
Everyone took a seat until a few minutes later when Steph arrived. He greeted Tasha and Rameses with a familiarity.
“Steph, it’s always good to see you.” Rameses said, shaking his hand. “You’re doing great work over at Watson Entertainment. We’ve received some great talent from you.”
Steph smiled behind his glasses. “Thank you Rameses. Whitlock Studios has also been doing some big things with the Black Historical and Black Romantic movies.”
Tasha smiled. “Hollywood said that Black Love doesn’t sell, so we proved them wrong.”
“Well my wife and I really enjoy them,” Steph replied.
Justice and Diamond arrived shortly after, and Xavier went to kiss her face.
“Hello, Diamond.”
She smiled. “Hello, Xavier.”
They stared at one another until Justice said, “Yeah…hello Xavier.”
Xavier turned to him. “Hello, Justice. Thank you for bringing Diamond.”
“You’re welcome.” Justice moved away to take a chair.
When they were all seated, Six began.
“So we’ve discovered that this tour was basically a front for all kinds of illegal activity behind the scenes.” He informed Steph, Tasha and Rameses. “There are a lot of people involved in the various criminal enterprises.”
Tasha looked angry. “Someone connected to our Studio is involved in this?”
Six nodded. “Unfortunately, yes. Your Studio, Watson Entertainment and several other companies.”
“What do we need to do?” Rameses asked. “Because this is our kids’ legacy and we aren’t going to have it ruined.”
“Steph has invited a few of our key suspects to this meeting under the pretense of a joint venture between Watson Entertainment and Whitlock Studios. You’ll need locations and talent, so you wanted to put some feelers out.” Six relayed.
“These individuals are accustomed to working with your staff at both of your respective companies, so this doesn’t seem out of place to them. Today, Justice and Alex are representing Black Diamond Holdings’ interest. Xavier is the X-Ception, who is going to be a big part of this project and we’re his team. That’s the cover…and that’s how you all will introduce us.” He finished.
They all looked at the Heirs then agreed. Knowing their fathers, they weren’t about to question this young group, who looked ready to handle business.
Rameses got a call on his desk. Pressing a button, he said, “Yes…”
“Your visitors are settled in the conference room,” his assistant announced.
“Thank you.”
He looked across the room. “We’re set,” Rameses said, getting to his feet and assisting his wife.
The group made their way to where the suspects waited. Entering the room, one woman instantly recognized Alex and Xavier and got to her feet.
“You’re the X-Ception!” she said, with icy blue eyes. “One of you…”
They both smiled, and Xavier stepped forward looking down at the ‘X’ on his chest. “That would be me.”
Diamond looked at the woman. “You keep up with rap tours?” she asked.
“No, I organize them.”
“You must be Olympia Haley,” Diamond commented.
The woman looked over Diamond. “Yes, and you?”
Alex looked at Xavier when they both picked up on the woman’s thoughts at Diamond’s next words.
“I’m Diamond, the X-Ception’s personal assistant.” Diamond held out her hand and saw the woman pause, before placing her cold hand in Diamond’s.
“I’ve heard about the X-Ception’s team.” Olympia said looking at the others in the room. “Nice to meet you…”
“We’ll see…” Diamond told her.
Rameses asked everyone to take a seat and waited until everyone sat by the name plates on the table. Six had organized the seating to the Heirs advantage over the subjects, with the subjects all sitting between two Heirs.
“Thank you all for coming today,” Rameses announced before turning it over to Steph.
“Yes, thank you for coming. Watson Entertainment and Whitlock Studios are working on a joint venture project. For this endeavor, we’re going to need several locations, musical acts, and actors. It’s our understanding from our staff that you all are the movers and shakers in these areas.”
“Will this be East Coast or West?” Olympia asked.
Steph paused. “Does it matter?”
She sat back. “No, I have connections all over. I was just inquiring…”
Diamond looked across the table at Xavier and he gave her a subtle nod. She looked around the table at the four subjects in the room and waited.
Steph caught Six’s look, then asked the group to each explain what they did and how they could assist the project.
Olympia went first and they all listened. “I have years of experience setting up and promoting tours. I’ve worked with a few of the people at this table and we’ve been very successful in our endeavors.” She looked at Steph. “I put together the Sexy Girls Love Thugs Tour, that the X-Ception just successfully completed.”
Xavier watched as Olympia discretely glanced at one of the men across the table. The man remained neutral and turned to Xavier’s stare.
When it was the man’s turn to speak, he introduced himself. “I’m Jack Aspen. I own several businesses that provide services to the entertainment industry. I can be instrumental in getting everything that you need.”
The other two subjects in the room took their turns then Xavier leaned over to Steph and quietly said something.
Steph nodded. “Well thank you all for coming, the X-Ception has other meetings to attend, but Olympia and Jack, can you stay for a few minutes longer to speak with me and the Whitlocks? I have a few more questions.”
They both smiled and nodded. “Of course…”
Rameses showed the other two subjects to the door. Closing the solid wood, he then turned to see Xavier and Diamond jump to their feet, with their weapons out.
“Shit!” Steph said, getting to his feet, while Rameses ran to grab his wife.
Justice, Alex and Six followed suit with their weapons waiting to find out what was going on.
Xavier held his gun to Jack’s head. “Don’t move!” he ordered.
While Diamond had her gun on Olympia. “You heard what he said,” Diamond told the woman.
“What is going on here?” Jack demanded. “Mr. and Mrs. Whitlock?”
Rameses and Tasha looked at the people with the guns.
“Is this who you’re looking for?” Tasha asked.
Xavier nodded. “Yes, we’ve located our Snowman.”
Steph, Rameses and Tasha looked at Jack, who now sat stone-faced.
“Jack isn’t good at hiding his thoughts…” Xavier explained. “I knew he recognized Diamond when she came in the room. He remembered her from the venue on the tour, when he was there meeting with Jason Stewart and Jeff, t
he equipment guy.”
Jack remained silent while Xavier continued, “He managed to slip away, but Diamond remembered his voice.”
Jack glared at Diamond. “Jason is still in traction because of you…”
“Don’t worry about Jason. He’ll be in no pain, very soon.” Diamond told him.
“Why am I here, if he’s this…Snowman you’re looking for?” Olympia asked.
The three business CEO’s stood silently watching this ordeal, as Diamond looked down at the woman.
“I should have known that a woman was pulling these strings. Only a woman could manage so many men, so well…” Diamond told her.
Olympia froze. “What are you talking about?”
“The gig is up, Snowman,” Diamond told her. “You had Jack over there, as your cover, making the moves so that everyone thought the Snowman was actually a man.” Shaking her head, Diamond shook her head. “But you know what, you see that handsome guy over there with the gun to Jack’s head…he’s a genius…as well as a rapper, slash singer, slash entertainer.”
Diamond smiled at Xavier, then turned back to Olympia. “You probably thought you were clever as hell, Olympia S. Haley.”
Tasha, Rameses and Steph all looked confused and Xavier explained it to them.
“The Snowman was running everything from behind the scenes. A persona was created that this was a guy, high up in the industry and basically untouchable. Jack was the point…he was the face that everyone saw and he funneled the myth, even using the name Jack Aspen, to throw people off the trail. Olympia simply sat back and moved the pieces on the chess board.” Xavier told them.
“I can see why no one has made the connection before, but to me it was fairly obvious when I looked over the list of names again. Olympia S. is for Olympia Snowe, and Olympia Snowe is the name of the largest snowman ever recorded,” he concluded.
Diamond added, “And there we have our…Snowman.”
Xavier, Diamond, Justice, Alex and Six took Jack and Olympia to a warehouse their fathers’ set up years ago, and the remaining Heirs met them. The building was renovated and now contained more modern accommodations, equipped to house captives, when necessary. Unfortunately, their two captives were worth more alive than dead right now. Dead, their operations might continue under the radar. Alive, they would get information, to shut down additional parts of the enterprise.