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Daisy and the Dead (Book 5): Daisy and the Beginning

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by Bale, Sarah

  Daisy and the Beginning

  Copyright © 2019 by Sarah Bale

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover design by Michelle Fairbanks/ Fresh Design

  Edited by: Jodi Thompson

  First Printing: February 2019

  Daisy and the Beginning / Sarah Bale. -- 1st ed

  To JDM, who always inspires <3

  To Katherine L. Evans, who is one of my most favorite people in the world!

  To Jodi Thompson, who is simply the best!


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Also by Sarah Bale:

  About the Author



  Elijah cleared his throat. “All in favor of asking these guests to leave?”

  A few hands lifted and my stomach churned. We’d done all we could to help Dave, Elijah’s brother. It was up to our people to decide if we were going to help Dave’s group fight against the group who was hunting them. Nikki met my gaze and I gave her what I hoped was a reassuring smile.

  “All in favor of helping them, even if it means fighting with this other group?”

  The majority of the hands lifted this time and I exhaled. Our people didn’t have to agree to this. We’d finally gotten back on our feet, so it would be understandable if they didn’t want to take on another group. But, here they were, offering to fight for people they didn’t even know.

  Grey grinned. “Well shit. Would you look at that?”

  I was overcome with relief. We’d just met Dave, Nikki, Rocco, Jeff, Noah, and Harper, but they truly needed our help. And, whether Elijah would admit it or not, he didn’t want to turn his brother out when he’d just found him.

  Elijah said, “We need a plan. We won’t let this new group gain the upper hand on us.”

  I thought back to what Marshall had said while observing the group a few days ago. They were toying with Nikki and her friends. This was just a game, but maybe there was a chance we could reason with them.

  I replied, “You’re not going to like my idea. I think we need to send a messenger out there to make contact. And I’d like to volunteer.”

  Elijah’s expression was murderous. “Daisy-”

  “Elijah, I said I wanted to help them and I’m not afraid. This might be the only way to see what the other group wants.”

  Dave cleared his throat. “As much as I appreciate that, I can’t let you put yourself in danger. I’ll go out there and try to talk to them again.”

  This time it was Nikki who gasped. “Dave!”

  This was madness. If he went to talk to the other group, they would kill him. Elijah was frozen in place. I knew he didn’t want his brother to go beyond our gates, either.

  Grey said, “Maybe we should take some time and think this out. No sense in jumping the gun.”

  Everyone agreed. Elijah walked away and I followed. Reaching out, I grabbed his hand. He didn’t pull away. Instead, he hugged me to his side.

  We made our way to our room where we could talk privately.

  “Daisy, I can’t let him go out there.”

  “I know.”

  He sat on the end of the bed with a sigh. “I just found him.”

  Last night he’d told me all about his little brother, one I had no idea existed. They had grown apart as they grew older, largely in part because of the wedge their father put between them. But Elijah had never looked for Dave because he thought he was dead.

  He said, “There has to be another way.”

  “You know what this means. The other group is waiting for us to make a move. By doing nothing, we’re saying a lot.”

  “Putting our necks on the line by trying to talk to them is fucking insane.”

  He was right and I knew it. But that meant our only option was dangerous.

  “I know, Elijah.”

  He said, “I think there’s a solution to this. One the others might not like.”

  I met his gaze. “We’re going to have to fight them, aren’t we?”

  He nodded. “It’s the only way.”

  And it was. As I’d said before, we knew what could happen if we didn’t take care of a problem ourselves. There was a chance this other group would come back with bigger numbers and overtake us. I wouldn’t let it happen again. Neither would he. Not when we’d just gotten everything back.

  Elijah said, “We’re asking so much of the others.”

  “They voted to help, Elijah. We have to let them.”

  Leaning, I caught his lips in a kiss. His tongue fought against mine until we were both breathless. Without breaking contact, I climbed into his lap, rubbing myself against him.

  “Daisy,” he breathed out.

  “Elijah, I need you to make love to me.”

  It might be silly, but I needed that connection. There was no telling what we’d soon be facing and I needed to feel him. Reaching between us, he freed his cock. I stood and shoved my pants down before straddling him. He moaned when I took his cock deep inside of me. I’d been more sensitive lately and this made me moan in pleasure.

  Sighing, I said, “This is what I needed.”

  Holding onto my hips, he let me set the pace until we were both moaning.

  I kissed him again. “I love you. So much.”

  “I love you, too.”

  We moved together until I cried out in bliss. His orgasm quickly followed mine and he thrust, filling me with his seed.

  He caught my lips in a kiss. “God, you’re amazing.”

  I smiled against his lips. “Don’t ever forget about it.”

  His eyes searched mine and I knew there were a million things he wanted to say. I stood and went to the bathroom to clean up.

  There were some things I wasn’t ready to talk about. Not yet. I knew that if we did, things would change forever between us. My news might not even be news, so there wasn’t any sense in worrying him until I knew for sure.

  When I came out, he was dressed, too.

  “Let’s call the others and talk to them before we tell Dave our plan.”

  I took his hand in mine. “Sounds good.”

  We left our room and went back to the cafeteria. Cooper was sitting at a table talking to Amos. I was so glad they’d found each other. Both men deserved happiness.

  Amos jumped to his feet when we entered. “Everything okay?”

  Elijah nodded. “For now. Can you find Jo, Norman, Marshall, Grey, and Andrews? There are some things we need to talk about.”

  “Will do, Boss.”

  When he was gone, Elijah and I sat at the table with Cooper.

  Elijah said, “Sorry to interrupt your conversation.”

  A smile played at Cooper’s lips. “No worries.
I’m sure it’s something important.” He paused. “For the record, I’m glad we’re helping the new people. They seem nice.”

  With a wave, he went back to the kitchen to work on the next meal. We sat in silence, lost in our thoughts as we waited for the others.

  Grey and Kat were the first ones to arrive.

  Grey asked, “What’s up?”

  “You’re not going to like it,” Elijah replied.

  He grinned. “Never do, but you keep things interesting around here.”

  “This better not be bad, Boss,” Kat added with a sigh.

  I knew she viewed things differently after having baby Hilly. Before, she would be the first person to want to fight, but now she was more reserved. I couldn’t blame her, but some things were worth fighting for.

  Jo and Norman came in next.

  Jo asked, “Does this have to do with the new people?”

  I nodded and she frowned.

  Soon, Amos came back with Marshall and Andrews. They joined us at the table.

  Elijah said, “Been thinking about my brother’s problem with the other group. I don’t think we should send a peacemaker out there.”

  Marshall nodded. “That other group doesn’t seem like the type to talk things out.”

  He’d been watching them for us, so he would know.

  “What are you thinking then, if you’re not going to talk?” Andrews asked.

  I met Elijah’s gaze and nodded.

  He went on, “Daisy and I were talking. There’s only one way this is going to end. But I need each of you to be on board with us.”

  As he explained his thoughts, I saw varying expressions cross their faces. Grey, who was always up for a fight, looked excited. Kat didn’t. Marshall seemed cautious, while Amos appeared to be pumped. Jo and Norm both looked like they didn’t agree with our plan. Andrews was the only one I couldn’t read.

  When Elijah was finished speaking, I asked, “What are your thoughts?”

  Andrews spoke first. “I’m on the line. It’s one thing to try to talk to them. It’s another to go looking for a fight when we all know what happened last time.”

  Elijah nodded. “Yes. We do know what happened. And we can’t let it happen again.”

  “Then I say we need to take them out. Don’t leave any behind.” Andrews hit the table. “I won’t live in fear again.”

  Everyone seemed to agree.

  I said, “I’ll get Dave and the others. They should be here while we plan this.”

  When I knocked on the door, Nikki opened it, looking wary.

  “Elijah would like to talk to everyone. Now.”

  They exchanged glances, their fear obvious. I led the way back to the cafeteria. When they were seated at the table, I sat next to Elijah.

  He said, “This is Marshall, who leads a nearby group. Next to him is Amos, Andrews, Norman, Grey, Kat, Jo, and, of course, Daisy.”

  Dave asked, “Have you changed your minds?”

  I liked that he got right to the point. He was much like Elijah in that sense.

  “No.” Elijah shook his head. “We’ve been talking. This is only going to end one way.”

  Dave nodded “I agree. What’s your plan?”


  The energy in the room changed when Elijah said that word. We all knew what it meant. Loss. Heartache. Death.

  Dave said, “Thought as much.”

  Harper pushed a piece of his blonde hair from his face. “Too bad we don’t have supplies. If we had our military weapons, we might be able to outpower them.”

  Elijah’s eyes lit up. He turned to Dave. “When we came back from Texas we swung through Lawton.”

  Dave’s eyebrows lifted. “Was it still there?”

  “It’s been damaged, but you might be able to find things you can use.”

  Jeff asked, “Care to fill us in?”

  Dave grinned. “There’s a base in Lawton.”

  “It’s going to be dangerous. Especially since we don’t want them to know what we’re up to,” Elijah warned.

  Dave smiled. “We live for danger.”

  I shook my head. “Well, if it’s not one thing it’s another.”

  Grey glanced at Kat before saying, “I’m in.”

  Kat sighed. “I’m not happy about it, but I’m in, too.”

  “Thank you for doing this for us,” Nikki replied.

  I smiled at her. “That’s what family is for, Nikki.”

  Dave hugged her. “We’re going to get through this.”

  “Yes. We are. All of us, together,” Nikki answered back.

  Jo and Norm were still silent. I got Jo’s attention and got up from the table. She followed me across the room, so we could talk privately.

  “Are you okay? Y’all didn’t say much.”

  She frowned. “I don’t know if I’m going to fight.” She met my gaze. “I’m pregnant.”

  My chest fluttered. “How far along are you?”

  “Not too far. Maybe eight weeks.”

  My stomach fluttered at her news. “I understand not wanting to fight. No one would expect you to, either.”

  She said, “It’s not that I don’t want to help Elijah’s brother, but I need to look out for myself, you know?”

  “I know. And it’s okay, Jo.”

  She smiled. “Just don’t say anything. I don’t want to jinx this.”

  “I won’t.”

  I knew how important this was and how devastating it could be if she lost the baby.

  We went back to the others. Elijah gave me a look, but I simply smiled in return.

  Jo and Norm spoke to each other in low tones. When they were done, he said, “I’m in, but I’d rather stick close, if that’s okay.”

  Elijah replied, “It’s fine. We’ll need people here to keep things secure.”

  Dave asked, “When do we want to travel to Lawton?”

  I spoke up. “I think we’re going to have to trick the other group. Send two vehicles out at different times. One will go west, toward the old airport. The other will go south, toward Lawton.”

  Elijah added, “The road going south is totally clear. We’ll make good time. It’s just a matter of making sure they don’t know what we’re doing.”

  Amos asked, “Who’s going to drive west?”

  Everyone looked at Elijah.

  “Does anyone want to volunteer?”

  Being the decoy was dangerous. Anything could happen. I knew I wouldn’t be any help at the base. Elijah knew how to get there, and Dave would know where to find the weapons.

  I lifted my hand. “I’ll go to the airport.”

  Elijah’s eyes widened. “Daisy!”

  I shook my head. “It has to be me. I know the area pretty well.”

  And I wouldn’t ask our people to do something I wasn’t willing to do as well.

  Nikki said, “I’ll go with you.”

  Kat let out a laugh. “Let’s make this a girl’s trip. We’ll be the decoy while you men go to Lawton.” Her eyes narrowed. “Don’t fuck this up, boys.”

  Elijah, Dave, and Grey all looked like they wanted to protest, more than likely for the same reason.

  Marshall said, “My people can keep eyes on them. I don’t think the other group knows where we’re located, so they aren’t watching us.”

  The yet was unspoken.

  I knew this wasn’t what Elijah wanted, but I wouldn’t allow him to be the only one facing danger. We were in this together. And I wouldn’t ask our people to be the decoys. Not when I was perfectly capable of doing so.

  For the next few hours we made our plan. Tomorrow, everything would change. We were just finishing when Cooper came running into the room.

  “There’s a car with music blasting at the gates! The sound is drawing a horde!”

  We all stood, knowing this was a message from the other group.

  Elijah said, “Daisy, make sure everyone is aware of what’s happening. If things go bad, they know what to do.”

  My hea
rt pounded as he left, Dave and Grey on his heels.

  I rushed to the lobby, picking up the phone to talk over the speakers.

  “There’s something happening at the gates. Everyone, be alert.”

  I hung up the phone and went to the front door. Snow was still falling and there were several sets of footprints headed toward the gate. I started to go when Kat stopped me.

  “Daisy, you need to stay here.”

  She was right. I didn’t like it, but it’s what I had to do.

  And then there was the unmistakable sound of an explosion from the gates. I ran outside. None of this mattered if something happened to Elijah; he was my world and I couldn’t lose him now!



  I heard the music before I got to the gates. It was loud, obnoxious, and served one purpose – to draw the attention of a horde. We climbed the ladder to the watchtower. The floor was slick with snow and my boot slid. Shit. This wasn’t good. I grabbed the binoculars from one of the men and looked out.

  Grey said, “Those fuckers aren’t messing around. Look at that shit.”

  The car making all the noise was wrapped in barbed wire, making it impossible to open the doors. On the top was a slaughtered pig, which would get the Dead’s attention if the music didn’t. Blood dripped onto the white snow in a stark contrast of color. I cursed.

  “Where did they get the pig?”

  Grey met my gaze. There was only one other group who had pigs right now.

  He said, “We won’t know until Marshall gets back to his place.”

  I knew he was right, but I couldn’t shake the dread creeping across my mind. This other group seemed to know the area almost as well as us. Had they lived here before?

  Dave took the binoculars. “Noah, is there anything we can do about this?”

  Noah, who had a green tint to his face, looked out, too. “They’ve done this before. Look how precise everything is.” He paused. “Shooting the tires would be the easiest way to stop the car. Then, we can get up close and take a look. Figure out how to stop the music, then get rid of the car.”


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