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Logical Magic (Academy of Modern Magic Book 3)

Page 4

by Maggie Alabaster

  Before I could respond, Corinne spoke. "Enough of this, who are you and what do you want?"

  He sighed heavily. "Someone always has to spoil the fun, and they're usually wearing a Zeta uniform." He waved toward her, but looked at me. "Do you need me to get rid of her for you?"

  "No," I said quickly. "She's a friend. She does have good questions though. Who are you and what are you doing with that stone?"

  He scratched his head. "Those weren't her exact questions, darlin', but I'll humour you both." He placed a hand on his stomach and bowed. "My given name is Leopold Yarinov Donatello Fitzsimmons, the third. You can call me Leo."

  "That's a mouthful," I remarked.

  He frowned, but his eyes twinkled. "Leo?"

  "No, the rest of it. Can you spell it all?"

  He chuckled. "Most of it."

  I snorted. "What about the rest of our questions?"

  "Ah yes. I thought it wise to remove the stone from Zeta's hands. Thank you for helpin' with that, darlin'."

  "You're welcome. Why?" I cocked my head at him.

  "Why what?"

  "Why did you take the stone?" Corinne said impatiently.

  "Would you prefer they had it?" he asked.

  "I'd prefer I had it," she replied.

  "The woman in the Zeta uniform? I don't think so." He eyed her speculatively. "Although, you're not working for them, are you, Corinne?"

  She took a step back. "How did you know my name?"

  "Same way I know her name is Peyton." He nodded toward me. "The Demon Collective—"

  Corinne interrupted. "The collective is a myth."

  "Not so." He shook his head slowly.

  "Apart from sounding like a show I'd binge on, what the hells is the collective?" I asked.

  "The Demon Collective," Leo replied. "It's the demon equivalent of the Paranormal Council."

  "The council and Raven's Gate have been trying to make contact for years." Corinne glanced sideways at me.

  "By "make contact", she means eradicate," Leo said, a sardonic smile on his lips. "Rid the world of all things demonic."

  "Only the bad ones." Corinne's voice was tight. "Same with Zeta. There are some decent agents—"

  "Like you?" he asked challengingly.

  "I'm not—" She bit off her words. "I work for the council. They're not perfect either, but…"

  "As interesting as all of this is…" And it was. There was apparently a whole world out there I knew nothing about. I fixed my gaze on Leo. "Is there a point to this? You have a stone which could fuck up a lot of witches. What do you want in return for it? Money? Power?"

  "Goodwill?" he suggested. "Maybe I just want the council to back off from demonkind?"

  "Sounds reasonable." I turned to Corinne. "Doesn't it?"

  She replied through gritted teeth. "Demon Hunters recently thwarted a demon plot to murder all of humankind, normal and paranormal, and take over the world. It's those kinds of demons we can't have running around."

  "People still use the word thwarted?" Leo asked. He shook his head. "Yes, those kinds of demons we can do without. We're just as happy to…thwart those. What we'd like is for the council to work with the collective to minimise threats to all of us."

  "You want me to talk to the council on your behalf?" Corinne looked wary.

  "Oh gods no. I want to talk to them myself. I'm coming on this little road trip with you. I'm sure there's plenty more room in the back. Right, darlin'?" He winked at me.

  My silly heart fluttered. I couldn't deny he was charming and I had no illusions that he was dangerous. Any sensible girl would run in the other direction. Me, of course, found him sexy as hells.

  "You think I'm going to let you in our car?" Corinne asked.

  "I can help you find the hybrid you're looking for." He looked smug.

  "How did you know about that?" She shook her head. "Let me guess, the collective?"

  "That and he was a friend of mine." Leo's expression darkened. "His girlfriend was killed and he went off the rails. He won't listen to anyone now. So you see, you help me and I'll help you. Everyone wins."

  Corinne hesitated. "If I consider doing this, you'll be watched closely. One toe out of line and you will be dealt with."

  "Noted," he replied. "Although I would suggest you're in no position to make threats."

  "She might not be, but I am," I said. No matter how sexy he was, Corinne was right, we needed to keep an eye on him.

  He grinned. "The phoenix has claws." He chuckled.

  "And teeth." I bared mine, but he only laughed harder.

  I couldn't help it. Before I knew what I was doing, I was laughing too. For the first time since I discovered I could shift, I didn't hate it.

  Corinne, on the other hand, scowled. "He can sit next to you then."

  Leo stepped over to me and draped an arm over my shoulders. "Fine by me. How about you, darlin'?"

  "The closer you are, the easier it is to eat you," I replied.

  "Promises, promises. What about you?" He waved his hand toward Corinne. "The three of us could have some fun."

  She gave him a look which suggested she'd prefer to swallow a bag of nails and turned back toward the car.

  "I guess it's just you and me then, darlin'" He moved his hand to the back of my neck and rubbed lightly.

  "How about you prove you're on our side first?" I replied.

  "That goes both ways," he shot back.

  "Of course it does. We just met." I liked to think I was trustworthy, but if witches and shifters had been giving demons a hard time since the gods knew when, it would take time.

  "And yet, it seems as though I've known you for a long time." He toyed with the back of my hair.

  "It does," I agreed. "So…can I ask which is your real face?"

  "Which is yours?" he asked without answering.

  I frowned. "This one."

  "Are you sure?"

  "I was until now," I said uneasily. "I'm pretty sure. I didn't know the phoenix was there until the other day."

  He clicked his tongue. "Paranormal parents not being forthcoming with their offspring. That hasn't changed, I see."

  "Aren't you also a paranormal?"

  "In a manner of speaking," he agreed. "We prefer to hold ourselves apart though. No, wait, witches and shifters preferred to hold us apart. Bigots." He looked toward Corinne's back as if she was personally to blame.

  She stopped and turned around. "We could stand here and discuss the past, or we could work to move forward."

  Leo scratched his head. "I'll take option two."

  "Good, then let's focus on the present and future." She stalked away.

  "I'm starting to think she doesn't like me," he remarked. "Was it something I said?"

  "It might be the magic sucking stone in your pocket," I told him.

  "I'm just happy to see you." He grinned.

  I laughed. "Are you like this with all the girls?"

  "Only the cute paranormal ones who could rip my head off," he replied lightly.

  "You think I'm cute?" I raised an eyebrow at him until I spotted Dyson and Blake heading out of the cafe in the direction of the car, arms laden with food.

  "Let me guess, they do too?" Leo asked. He made no move to step away or remove his hand from my neck.

  "The feeling is mutual," I muttered.

  "With both of them?"

  "And three more." I blushed.

  "You're suddenly quite the bit more interesting than I suspected, darlin'," Leo said. "It seems I'll have to work harder to get your attention. I don't mind though, I'm sure you're worth it."

  "I don't know about that." I swallowed hard and moved away from him regretfully.

  "There you are," Dyson called out. His nostrils flared as he took in Leo. "Sorry, we only bought enough for four."

  I had no doubt he knew exactly what Leo was. I would have to ask him later how a demon smelled compared to other people, but that could wait.

  "Oh, I've just eaten." Leo assured him. "
Rest assured, I'll eat again later." He gave me a look which said he wasn't referring to food.

  Corinne said something which sounded like, "Cocky bastard," and drew Blake aside.

  While they talked, I sat beside Dyson and gobbled down my sandwich. I eyed Leo, who leaned against a nearby tree. In spite of his assurances, his possession of the stone made me uneasy. It made him a powerful ally, but it could make him a deadly enemy. I wanted to trust him, but for now I would watch him and make sure he didn't screw us over.

  "It's a short drive," Leo said after a few minutes. "To my friend the hybrid. We should go before he hurts someone else."

  I nodded and finished my sandwich. "I'm ready when you are."

  Leo wiggled his brows. "Not yet, but you will be."


  I jumped as a bird shot out of a tree beside me.

  "Shhh." Leo pressed a finger to his lips.

  "I'm trying." I dropped to a crouch between him and Blake. Corinne crouched on the other side of Blake. Dyson stayed behind us.

  "I didn't mean to step on that twig." The sound was probably tiny, but it sounded loud in the silence around us.

  "Are you sure this is the right address?" Blake whispered.

  "Yes." It was Corinne who replied. "According to the message from Zeta, this is the place."

  "It is," Leo replied. "He likes his privacy."

  The small house sat in the middle of a circle of grass. That, in turn, was surrounded by trees. The road beyond those was little more than a dirt track. The highway was several kilometres away. The perfect, isolated country retreat. Not my thing at all, but I appreciated the peace and quiet.

  "Peyton, Dyson, this as far as you go unless we come under attack," Corinne ordered.

  "Then we rush in and help?" Dyson asked.

  "No, you get in the car and get the hells away from here," Corinne replied. "Leave this to us."

  She rose and started forward. Blake walked a step behind, his expression anxious, but maybe a little excited.

  There was nothing like a good adrenaline rush on a Wednesday afternoon.

  Leo stood and followed.

  Corinne stopped and glanced over her shoulder. "What are you doing?"

  "I'm coming with you," Leo replied cheerfully.

  "The hells you are," she hissed.

  His eyes narrowed. "He's my mate, love."

  She gave him a look like she might deck him. Instead, she said, "Never call me love again."

  "Or what?" he asked, looking genuinely curious.

  She paused. "You don't want to know."

  He opened his mouth but closed it and shrugged. "I'm coming with you," he repeated. "You have no authority over me."

  "I'm going to be pissed off if you get us killed." Corinne scowled at him.

  "Me too, lov…boss." Leo gave her a half bow.

  She looked as though she wasn't sure being called boss was much better than love, but she turned away.

  Dyson moved over beside me. "I think I've changed my mind about what I want to do when I grow up."

  "Oh? You want to join Zeta?" It was meant as a joke, but I regretted it the moment I'd said it. Only a few months ago, I wondered if he actually was working with them. I knew now he wasn't, he was under the influence of a drug they created to control shifters.

  "I'm sorry," I muttered.

  He leaned over to kiss my mouth. "It's okay. I meant I wanted to be an action man like Blake, but a teacher is better. Safer."

  "It is somewhat," I agreed. "Well, depending on the students."

  "That's true," he agreed. "Maybe this is safer." He nodded to the others who were a few metres from the front door of the house.

  "If they get in trouble, I'm not going to run."

  He grinned. "I didn't think you would."

  "I might even fly." As much as I hated the idea, I wouldn't let anyone kill my friends.

  "I'll be right there with you." He bit the tip of his tongue before adding, "Have we waited back here for long enough yet?"

  "I think so." I stood and stepped out of the trees into the open.

  In the same moment, Leo pulled a pouch out of his pocket. He turned to me and smiled before he tipped the stone onto his palm.

  "Corinne, Blake!" I shouted. "Watch out, it's a trap—"

  Leo raised his hand.

  Corinne went for her gun.

  I braced for all my magic to be sucked away into the stone. I was ready to shift and tear him to pieces before his friend could leap out and act.

  Corinne raised the barrel of her gun.

  I held my breath.

  Nothing happened.

  "It's not aimed at you, darlin'," Leo called out. He glanced toward Corinne. "Bryan is a hybrid. Without his magic, he'll be easier to deal with."

  His words were punctuated with a crash as the door exploded into a thousand tiny pieces.

  I threw my arm over my eyes, but lowered it when Corinne gave a cry of alarm.

  "What the hells?"

  The creature that stalked out of the house was one of nightmares as well as mythology. Head of a lion, six legs which looked like they belonged on a bear, and a tail with a stinger on the tip like a scorpion.

  "Tarasque," Dyson supplied. "He probably has a shell as well."

  "I'm going to have bad dreams tonight," I murmured, but Bryan was living one. This form was hardly one he could go out in public with. Neither was mine, but a giant bird-like creature was slightly less mind-blowing than this.

  "There you go, boss." Leo took several steps back and slipped the stone back into the pouch. "You and my old mate Blake have Bryan's magic. That'll help a little." Evidently that was the extent of his assistance, because Leo backed away and came to stand beside Dyson and me.

  "Magnificent, isn't he?" Leo enthused.

  "That's one word," I agreed. "Have you tried to reason with him?"

  "In this form? No."

  Bryan took a swipe at Blake, who jumped back and pulled his own gun.

  "As you can see, he's not inclined to be friendly when he's like this. Best stay back." Leo shoved the pouch into his pocket. "I think I might wait in the car. The stone and my own awesomeness was my only defence."

  "I thought this guy was your friend," Dyson pointed out. "Shouldn't you try to talk to him or something?"

  "I might have exaggerated a little," Leo replied. "We're not really friends. I owe him money. Before you get pissy with me, he couldn't go around hurting more people, regardless."

  "Yeah." Dyson looked unconvinced. Something caught his eye and he looked away and pointed. "Looks like Corinne has something up her sleeve."

  She pulled her sleeve up and a shape formed in the space between her and Bryan. A moment later, a dragon with silver scales uncurled and launched itself at Bryan.

  Bryan roared. The sound made the ground shake beneath my feet. He swung his stinger and caught the dragon in the chest. If the creature had been real, it would have been impaled on the spike and died painfully. Since the dragon was made of magic, it simply evaporated.

  It was replaced a moment later by Blake's hawk. The small bird flew in rings around Bryan's head. Every now and again, it would dart in and snap at him with its beak. The hawk did no real damage, but it clearly angered Bryan further. The angrier he became, the more quickly he would tire.

  He seemed to realise the same thing. He took a step back and aimed a swipe at the hawk. This time he made contact and sent the bird into a spin before it disappeared.

  "What about a gargoyle?" Dyson gestured toward my arm.

  "Better that than a phoenix." Although I wondered how well one would work if I created one. The phoenix of a phoenix. I never tried before, although I made a pterodactyl and that was awesome. This was a problem to consider later. In the meantime, I raised my arm and a gargoyle leapt off and loped toward Bryan.

  For some reason, Bryan seemed confused by its presence. That only lasted until the gargoyle jumped and tried to pin him down to the ground. He flailed his bear-like limbs and gr
owled long and deep. Huge teeth snapped at the gargoyle and his stinger swiped but only found the air.

  "Give it up, Bryan," Corinne called out. "You're outnumbered and out… Out-magicked."

  Bryan growled in defiance. He rolled onto his side and dragged most of himself out from under the gargoyle.

  Corinne raised her arm and made another silver dragon. It stalked toward Bryan's exposed side as if wary after the last attempt. I knew the emotion came from Corinne, but it almost seemed as if the magical creature could think for itself.

  Leo yawned loudly.

  "Are we boring you?" I glanced over to him.

  He gave me a wink and a smile. "Naw, I just have other places to be. Like on a beach up north. Picture it; you and I skinny dipping in the ocean in the moonlight. All your other boyfriends can come too if they like. The more the merrier."

  "I can't believe you're talking about things like that right now," Dyson said.

  "Oh? Is that usually your thing," Leo asked, "talking about sexy times during a battle?"

  "Well, maybe not during," Dyson replied lightly.

  "Okay then." Leo nodded. "Where was I?"

  "Saving it until this is over?" I suggested. The gargoyle faded slightly, so I sent my tiger out to help.

  "You're a hard woman, darlin'," Leo sulked.

  "You have no idea."

  "I can't wait to learn."

  "Leo," Corinne shouted. "Get over here and talk to your friend."


  "Go on," I told him. "Serves you right for lying about it."

  "Ohhh, burn," Leo said playfully. He sighed loudly. "Fine, I'll put myself out there if it'll prove I'm not going to screw you over." He walked forward like a man going to his own execution.

  "He's dramatic," Dyson remarked.

  "Very," I agreed.

  "You think he's hot, don't you?"


  "It's okay, I do too," Dyson replied.

  I shot him a look of surprise.

  He shrugged. "The reason I wanted to take things slowly was because I needed to figure some things out. I've realised I like guys and girls." He looked at me apprehensively.

  "Cool," I said simply.

  "Cool?" he echoed.

  "Yeah, cool. Who am I to judge anyone else?" I was starting to lose count of my boyfriends and the guys I was attracted to. Well, not really, but it felt like it at times.


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