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Extinction Level Event (Book 1): Extinction

Page 20

by Newman, AJ

  They walked along the raised walkway for several hundred yards, with Jill searching the area around them with her binoculars. Jon saw some buildings up ahead, and then Jill said, “Stop. I see smoke in the distance.”

  Jon pushed Jill behind some bushes, and they scanned the sky to get a fix on the location of the smoke. Jill said, “It looks like it’s about a half-mile past this cluster of buildings up ahead. That doesn’t make sense. Why wouldn’t she hold up in one of the buildings for shelter?”

  “I don’t know, but she’s a smart lady. We need to steer clear of the buildings for now.”

  Jill chuckled, and Jon asked, “What’s so damned funny?”

  “I just wondered why we think Barbara is the one with the fire. Have you heard about the word assume?”

  “Yep, it makes an ass out of you and me when we assume. Good point. We keep our guard up and kill anyone trying to harm us. SSDD.”

  “Do what?”

  Jon laughed, “Same shit, different day.”

  They slowly moved through the bushes and heard several people talking a couple of times. Once they heard a man yell for help. They moved closer, and fear gripped them. There were half a dozen people with homemade spears pushing a man away from them. He had a dozen cuts from the dull spears, but what scared them was the blood trickling down his face from his eyes and nose. The people kept moving the man using the spears to guide him when a woman appeared with a bow and shot an arrow deep into the man’s chest. He fell backward into a fire pit. They threw dead branches on top of him and lit a fire as though this was a daily event.

  Jill and Jon walked on around them, and when they were at a safe distance, Jon said, “I don’t see how there are still infected people still living on the planet.”

  Jill shook her head. “You got me. That’s one for Barbara, our little Miss Scientist. I’m just a beat cop.”

  Jon ignored the statement and picked up the pace toward where they thought the smoke had come from. They came to a clearing and hid in the bushes, watching for danger. They saw two guards armed with sidearms and spears. Jon guessed the spears were used to herd and to kill the infected people, so gunfire wouldn’t draw attention to their group.

  Jon saw something that piqued his interest. “Look past the edge of that tent into the red tent. It’s full of boxes. I can make out a couple of words. ‘Spam’ on the top boxes and ‘Hormel Canned Ham’ on the bottom boxes.”

  Jill said, “Damn, there are a dozen stacks of boxes against the second building. They’re hard to see in the shade.”

  “I’ll bet they scavenged those shipping containers,” Jon said.

  “I’m a bit worried. We haven’t seen Barbara yet.”

  Jon had to get it off his chest. “You don’t seem to like Barbara. You’re not interested in me, but at times you appear to be jealous of my friendship with the redhead.”

  Jon waited for an answer, and no answer came. He said, “Sorry if I struck a nerve, but this is a weird situation.”

  He turned to face Jill, whose face looked like an overripe tomato. She said, “Did you stop and think that you have a girlfriend wandering around somewhere on the planet, and need to make sure she’s alive before you start screwing around with other women?”

  Now, Jon’s face showed his embarrassment. “I’m sorry. I guess I wasn’t in love with her as much as she was with me. She and Mom had big plans for a wedding while I had a big case of cold feet. I was trying to build up the courage to break it off with her when I got home from Oregon. Being alone with you and Barbara made me very aware that I didn’t love Cindy enough. I’m sorry for putting you on the spot.”

  Jill extended her hand, “Friends?”

  He shook her hand and said, “Friends,” but was more confused than ever. He then said, “Let’s go save ‘Little Miss Scientist.’”

  Chapter 26

  Anclote Keys, off the Florida coast– August 2038

  The petite red-haired beauty sat on a log, watching the beach and wondering if she’d ever see her friends again. The storm threatened to overturn or swamp the boat several times. She and Bo rode it out, and finally, the worst of the storm was over. The boat had stayed on course, and they arrived at the island in a thunderstorm. Bo saw the beach and jumped into the water. He hit the sand on the run, and she hadn't seen him since. She guessed the storm scared the poor mutt half to death. She woke the next morning surrounded by shipping containers and boxes floating all around her. She had plenty of food and started preparing to live on the island alone for the rest of her life when she found herself surrounded by the others.

  She was deep in thought, but Barbara saw the man first. She put her mask and gloves on before she grabbed her spear. She held the man at spear’s length but knew she couldn’t let the man grab the end of the spear. The infected man tried to spit on Barbara but was too far away, thanks to the spear. She feinted the spear to the left, and when the man reached for the spear, she stabbed him in the ribs drawing blood, but the spearhead didn’t go past the bones. The man screamed and took off, running with blood running from his side, eyes, and nose. Barbara saw the women with spears charging toward her and took off after the infected man. Barbara had run track in high school and college, so she stayed ahead of the women and quickly caught up with the man.


  “Look, Barbara’s running with a spear. She just crossed the path up ahead.”

  “I missed her. Let’s … Oh shit, there’s a bunch of half-dressed women chasing her with spears. We have to help her!”

  They ran as fast as they could, but their short cut through the woods only slowed them down and resulted in them suffering scratches on their arms and faces. They heard a woman scream and then a blood curdling squeal just as they ran out of the underbrush. In front of them was Barbara ramming a spear into a man on the ground and a half dozen dirty and nearly naked women with spears pointed at Barbara. The women looked fierce and deadly.

  Jon had already drawn his pistol. “Drop the spears or die, bitches.”

  Jill was beside him and said, “Barbara, come over here where they can’t harm you.”

  The women turned to face Jon and Jill while Barbara used her foot to hold the man’s body still while she pulled her spear from the dead man.

  Barbara said, “Hold on and lower your guns. These are my friends. Jill, Jon, come over here and meet my new friends. They saved my life.”

  Stunned, Jon said, “Tell them to drop their spears, and we’ll join you.”

  The women dropped their spears, and Barbara ran over to Jon and hugged him. She said, “I thought you were dead. I was afraid I wouldn’t have anyone to argue with.”

  “You can’t get rid of me that easily. A little storm is nothing to fear.”

  She chuckled, “But yet you ditched me for Jill.”

  Barbara broke away from Jon and hugged Jill. “Ladies, these are the friends that were with me before the storm. Jill, Jon, these women saved my life, and we have a constant battle to keep outsiders from infecting our people. They began coming here after the storm to search the shipping containers for food. Not all are infected, but most are bad men who think they can kidnap our ladies.”

  Jon gazed at the women, and under the sweat beads and dirt were some well-tanned women of all ages. All wore swimsuits, and the younger women wore very skimpy bikinis, which didn’t go unnoticed by Jon. Barbara introduced everyone, and immediately, one of the women stepped forward with hand extended.

  “Hello, I’m Gina, and I’m in charge of this ragtag group. Pardon our appearance. We’d stopped for our midmorning swim when this bloody mess from the mainland and two of his friends tried to take three of our young women. The penalty for kidnapping is death on this island. The assholes had the virus to boot and didn’t even know they were dying.”

  Barbara said, “It looks like there is a new strain, which can take a month or more to kill the infected. The big issue is they are contagious after a seven-day incubation period. Many of these survivors hid
in the swamps and bayous and have just now surfaced. They catch the new disease and keep spreading it to other survivors. These women were stranded on a yacht and had to swim to the island months ago. They’ve fought off all intruders so far. These are good people.”

  Jill asked, “What happened to all of the men on the yacht?”

  The women heard the remark, and Jon heard several giggles, and their leader Gina, a tall blonde-haired woman in her early thirties, laughed. Then, Gina replied, “I’m Gina Leland. We floated offshore to hide until the virus ran its course when we heard the plague hit Clear Water and the rest of Florida. The yacht was fully stocked, and we actually had a good time until a damned hurricane blew through the area. When it finally passed by, the boat was sinking and in ruins. We lost three good women that day. There was one of those large ridged rubber boats, and the men made us all get on it and head to shore. The woman who brought us here went back to get them and never came back. We don’t have a clue what happened to them. We were in our swimsuits when the storm hit, and thus the skimpy clothing. We keep searching those damned containers for clothes, but no luck so far.”

  Jon said, “That’s quite a story. I guess Barbara has told you our tale of woe.”

  Barbara was beside Jon and had her arm across his back. “Yes, it’s scary out there, not knowing if you’re going to die from the plague. Ladies, if you don’t mind, I want to show my friends around and have some private time with them.”

  Barbara ushered them down to their old boat and filled them in on what had happened since the storm. She told them about each of the women, and then they traded stories and were thankful they had all survived. Barbara clung to Jon the entire time they talked. He couldn’t help seeing that Jill was upset but trying to hide her emotions. He couldn’t figure out what was going on in her head but remembered no man in history had ever been able to figure out women.

  Before they left, Barbara checked the locker under the bow and fetched her transfusion kit. “Guys, I hate to bring this up, but we need to finish the transfusions to make me immune. I’d understand if you’ve changed your minds.”

  Jon patted her on the back and said, “I’m in. I don’t want to be the last person on Earth. Jill?”

  Jill smiled, “Of course I’m in, but I do have one request, though. I think you’ll agree. Eventually, we’re going to add some people to our group. Will we be able to give them immunity?”

  Barbara thought for a minute, “Yes, we can, but we need to be careful letting anyone know it can be done, or we risk the same situation we just escaped from. We can only do about one or two adults in a month without harming ourselves. The good news is that approximately a few weeks after we finish my transfusions, I can also give blood. The more people we add, the more blood we have to give to the next folks. I do need to find more transfusion equipment and antibiotics. We have to make damned sure the equipment is sanitized between uses. Just normal protocol.”

  Jon said. “No kidding. We can start helping mankind recover one transfusion at a time. That’s the best news I’ve heard in a long time. The problem is how to select the right people and how to keep it secret while we build up our numbers.”

  Jill said, “I guess we start with your folks, then Barbara’s, and finally mine. I know that means extra traveling and danger, but it’s the right thing to do.”

  Thinking of making his parents immune made Jon ecstatic. In his enthusiasm, he picked Barbara up in the air and swung her around before kissing her. She didn’t back away and returned the kiss. When they parted, they stared at each other for a minute. Jon had never seen anything so beautiful as her deep green eyes. He was mesmerized by them and only stopped staring into her eyes when Jill cleared her throat.

  “You two finished yet? We need to get up to Barbara’s place to give her transfusion before the others suspect we’re up to something.”

  Jon was happy until he remembered Bo. He felt bad about not thinking about Bo. “I guess Bo didn’t make it.”

  Barbara smiled, “I’m sorry. He’s tied up over at the camp. The little rat broke into our smokehouse and ate several pounds of smoked fish yesterday. We’ll go see him after we catch up on old times.”

  An hour later, they had finished the transfusion at Barbara’s place, and Barbara led them back to the group’s compound at the Anclote Key Preserve State Park. Gina grabbed Jill while Barbara took Jon to see Bo. They arrived at a building that had been a tourist bathroom and heard howls coming from the building. Barbara went in, and Bo came bounding out, knocking Jon to the ground. After thoroughly washing Jon’s face with his rough tongue, Bo laid his head on Jon’s lap.

  Barbra said, “He’s happy to see you. Jon, I’m happy to see you also. I was afraid we’d never see each other again.”

  She sat on the ground next to Jon and held on to him for a minute then said, “What gives with Jill? She was staring holes in me. Did you two hook up while I was gone?”

  Jon didn’t lie but didn’t tell her the entire story. “No, we didn’t. I was tempted several times, but she likes me for a friend, not in a romantic way. She said I’d have to get over my girlfriend before I needed to be chasing other women. I think she’s jealous of you and me.”

  Barbara said, “I don’t know how to take that. I thought after a rough start, we liked each other and just needed time to see where things went. Jill was always getting in the way flirting with you.”

  “Look, I’m not a saint, and I’ve done some stupid things in my life. I met Jill first and was attracted to her, but she kept putting me off. Then I met you, and when things started to heat up, Jill kept getting between us. She confuses me, but I swear I’m not with her or ever going to be,” Jon said as he moved closer to Barbara.

  Barbara said, “I like you a lot. You may be rough around the edges, but you have a good heart and treat me like a lady. You also appreciate my brain as much as my body. Most men can’t get their eyes up to my face. You always look me in the eyes …” She laughed. “Well, most of the time, when you talk to me. My boobs don’t have ears, but you wouldn’t know that with most men.”

  Jon laughed and said, “You have boobs? I didn’t notice.”


  Jon drew her close, kissed her, and then chuckled. “You remind me of my other girlfriend, Samantha.”

  “I remind you of a truck?”

  “No, but you are just as sassy as she is.”

  Bo laid on the floor, watching them up on the bed and only looked up when one of them said something. He scratched his muzzle with his hind paw and yawned. He was content to be with Jon and watch for bad people.

  Several days passed as they all tried to learn more about each other and figure out a long term plan for survival. Jon wanted them all to travel to his parents down in the keys. He didn’t want to tell them about the transfusions or immunity. They balked at leaving the relative safety of the island.

  Bo heard Jill and Gina talking while walking through the woods toward Barbara’s room. Bo growled to alert Jon to the strangers. Barbara and Jon dressed quickly and stood in the door, waiting with guns in hand. They were pleasantly surprised when they heard Jill’s voice through the brush. The voices stopped, and Jon could see them through the bushes. Gina had her arms around Jill, and they kissed passionately.

  Jon was in shock when Barbara said, “I don’t get it. She was always getting between us.”

  “Oh, shit, it was in front of us all along. Jill didn’t want me. She didn’t want me to have you because she wanted you to herself.”

  Barbara said, “Yuck. I have several gay men and women friends, but it’s not for me. Now, be nice. We don’t want her embarrassed or think we don’t approve.”

  “Hey, not a problem for me, but wouldn’t it have been a bummer if I’d been the last man on Earth and could only find a gay cop woman,” Jon said.

  The women walked up to the building, and Gina said hi and left them alone. Jill looked uncomfortable and brought up several meaningless topics while Barbara and
Jon waited. Jill appeared to have trouble saying what she had to say. Barbara got up and held Jill’s hand.

  “Jill, we’ve all come to be very close, and I never wanted to hurt you, but Jon and I have become a couple. I know you care for both of us, and neither of us wants to hurt you, but that’s where we’re at now.”

  Jill gave Barbara a hug, and Barbara sat in Jon’s lap. Jon said, “You’ve been trying to say something.”

  Jill had been trying to find the words, but just blurted out what she had to say. “I’m gay. I hope you don’t have any problems with that. It’s who I am and like it or not, that’s me. I know things were strained at times. I really care for both of you and never wanted to hurt you.”

  Jon reached out, pulled her onto his other knee, and kissed her on the cheek. “I should have known any woman that could resist my charms had to be gay.”

  Jill laughed, “Barbara, I feel sorry for you. He’s a legend in his own mind. So, we’re still friends?”

  Jon said, “You’ve become my best friend, and I count on your friendship and keeping me out of trouble.”

  Tears came to Jill’s eyes. “I might be staying here. All of those beautiful women you were lusting for earlier have a lot in common with me.”

  Barbara snorted, laughing so hard. “That’s just too funny. Sorry, but Jon’s eyes bugged out at all of the bikinis. Please stay with us. Your friends can come with us too.”

  Jon said, “Why not? There have to be some large sailboats along the coast. We can stock up and go find my parents. Then after I know they’re safe, we can go find your folks.”

  Barbara took Jon’s chin in her hand and twisted it toward her. “What about your girlfriend, Cindy?”

  “My ex-girlfriend. That’s over. I’ll deal with her if she’s still alive. We’ll check out the powerboat, and if we can get it running, we’ll zip over to Clear Water and borrow a big-ass sailboat.”

  Tears flowed down Jill’s cheeks. “I’ve been worried about this ever since I met Jon. I was afraid he’d ditch me when he found out who I was. Sorry, but I flirted with you to help keep you from finding out about me.”


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